Lies and Deceit!

images (1)I think it our society today, politicians and even BIG corporations have glorified their skills with lies and deceit. We watch many of these individuals make speeches with hardly any truth to them, but yet many people believe each and every lie they hear! For the life of me I can’t understand why so-called smart people can actually fall for the blatant lies even when there is solid evidence of the lies that were spoken. 

The truth will always come out and the liars will be revealed for what they truly are. It download-1-1.jpgseems that those that believe the lies they hear from, let’s say politicians, often think it is perfectly acceptable to do the same and only speak lies themselves. Of course there is a slight possibility those that constantly tell lies actually believe what they are saying to be true, but it is also possible they just get some kind of insane thrill when they tell lies, which is really sad! 

lies and deceit 1I do believe people can change, BUT only if they can admit to themselves what they are doing wrong and work to correct their unacceptable behaviors. None of us are perfect, but most of us do learn from our mistakes and do our very best to not make the same mistakes again! 

We live and learn to become better, not worse. Our lives should be about finding ways totime-will-inevitably-uncover-dishonesty-and-lies-history-has-no-place-for-them-f3ae1e880f2fbb24bd5e1e51d026a4ad not only better who we are, but to also progress into something more than we were. It does seem like SO many people choose to digress, which really doesn’t do much for them or anyone around them.

Is anyone else just completely sick and tired of hearing nothing but lies daily?? I think I have heard more than I can take and am choosing to eliminate anything to do with lies from my life. I guess this means I can’t watch the news or read images (2)about it anymore, not that I intentionally watched the news before, but my husband does and tells me what is happening! If someone can’t be completely transparent and truly honest with me, I just don’t have room in my life or tolerance for it anymore! The only thing that lies accomplish is hurt and disappointment. Even holding onto these words, “Enjoy the good times, but always expect the bad to return,” isn’t helping anymore!!

Please forgive me for yet again another rant, but seriously downloadwriting is the only thing that helps ease my troubled mind. I do appreciate you taking the time to read this post and I am looking forward to reading your comments! I hope you have had a lovely and relaxing weekend and of course feeling the best you possibly can! Never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Truths of stress!

the-biggest-killer-in-this-world-is-stress-and-the-14748167.pngHave you ever asked your self what exactly stress is and what the heck causes it? I know I have more times than I can count, using all ten fingers and toes! Do you know what stress can actually do to you both physically and mentally? It is a difficult thing to control and even harder to eliminate it from our daily lives.

Stress can feel like a reoccurring nightmare that you just can’t wake up from and it can happen anytime. Often you might feel you have it under control because you think you have identified and solved what was causing your stress, but it always seems to return with an evil vengeance! It can actually make you feel like you are drowning in the darkest and deepest ocean without a life vest available.2stress_jokes_600x4502-600x400

Stress can make us feel overloaded and leave us wondering how we will ever cope with the stress that was put on us. This issue can change our views and perspectives on life and it isn’t ever for the better, or at least it never is for myself. I am sure you have heard before that stress is a killer, well sadly there are many reasons this is very true!! There is absolutely NO logical reason why I can’t stop feeling like this more often than not!

stress 2Y’all probably already know the difference between stress and stressors, but I just want to clarify this a little more. A stressor is the agent actually causing the feelings of stress. These are things we respond to in our environment and can range drastically! Stress is the numerous feelings we have when faced with pressures!

I know how incredibly difficult and painful it is to live with stress. Even though I am stress-illustrationfully aware of the dangers, I continue to battle with this. Personally, I have battled stress for 37 years and tend to worry about anything and everything! I think it is highly likely I was even a stress case while my mother was pregnant with me! Damn, I imagine I was a difficult child and probably worried if my dolls and other toys were happy. Can you even imagine dealing with a toddler that has these feelings? I think my mother probably does!

There are many emotional and physical disorders that are linked to stress. A few of these disorders include: depression, anxiety, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension (high blood pressure), stress-info.pngimmune system disturbances that increase susceptibility to infections, common colds and so much more. Now for those of us living with an already weak immune system, it really should be a no brainer stop stressing, if only it was that easy!

There are many signs and symptoms attached to stress, but I am only going to list a few so this  isn’t an insanely long post. Many of these I was fully aware of, like headaches, pain and panic attacks, but there are also some I wasn’t aware of. Just a few of these signs and symptoms I may have symptoms of stressknown about, but never associated them with stress are dizziness, fainting, dry mouth, ringing sounds and cold/sweaty hands/feet.

My doctor and Nurse Practitioner (NP) have been telling me for decades that stress can and will cause my health to deteriorate, but I never listened to them because I don’t know how to not worry. I mean, how crazy is it to tell a person that already becomes stressed easily something that would cause anyone to worry? One of usatcollege-CollegeUSAT-567808-stressthe last times I saw the NP she told me I shouldn’t write on my blog much because it would cause me to feel anxious. Even though I do value her opinions because she did work closely with my first specialist, I told her she couldn’t be more wrong. Writing has always provided me the absolute best form of therapy and relaxation!

As I wrap this post up, let me as y’all a few questions. Do you face a lot of stress in yourLoyola-why-is-nursing-school-so-stressful-4-stressors life? Obviously I know living with a chronic illness does cause unwanted feelings of stress, but how do you handle these feelings in  a healthy and beneficial way? Knowing how incredible each of you are, I will value and appreciate learning how you combat these feelings.

Thank y’all so much for stopping by my site today! Of course y’all already know that I do encourage your comments, but I also will never pressure you to do this. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and you are able to do what brings you the most joy because that is what you deserve! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


Pick-Me-Up Thursday!

Quotes-_-When-Ya-Just-Need-That-Pick-Me-Up-e1533242488825Good morning y’all! I hope you have had a great week and you are looking forward to the weekend that is SO close, I know I sure am! It’s rather nice not really having any plans and even better to know I will not hear an annoying alarm go off early in the morning! Y’all know I am still getting use to my new job and I do have a lot to learn, so I have not been able to blog as much as I would like. I am often so tired when I get home and it is just too difficult to get on a computer again. I would like to catch up on reading all of  your amazing blogs this weekend, but we will see how that goes!Enjoy-Your-Thursday-Pink-Graphic

I missed my Pick-Me-Up Thursday last week, but didn’t want miss it again this week! The quote I want to share with you today means a lot too me and it’s because of my previous post this past Tuesday. I believe that if we can all join together there is a chance we can have even more success! The is power in numbers and we all understand each other very well! I really hope you find this quote as powerful as I do!strength in numbers

I often feel that living with a chronic illness can and does make life pretty difficult, especially when many are against providing us with protection with health insurance. It shouldn’t be like this, but unfortunately it seems to be, especially in the United States strengthwhere pharmaceutical companies run the thoughts of the weak-minded, again no names being mentioned! It you read my post from Tuesday, you will know why I am pushing standing together through the hard times we can possibly face!

I want to thank y’all for stopping by my site today and I really hope y’all have a fantastic day! I do always encourage you to leave a comment, which I will respond to as quickly as I can because I        ❤ love reading your brilliant thoughts! Please never forget for a second that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


IMG_0579I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday because it certainly feels we should be much closer to the weekend. It is crazy how fast the short weekends go by and then how LONG the work weeks are. I am thankful I found a job that is close to home and all, but strongly believe 40 hours a week is too much for anyone to dedicate to a job! I think it is even more outrageous that here in the United States we are often forced to wait 90 days before we can even get insurance, not to mention the fact it is INSANELY expensive! I mean, if I were to get insurance for myself and my husband the cost per pay check would be more than a quarter of my paycheck!

I know I have written about this before, but now it is getting painfully more real! The obamacare-pre-existing-conditionsnews I heard, after a long day at work, was so disturbing and caused me so much ANGER, as it would anyone with a heart and any empathy for others! For someone during their campaign they ran to become president, no names being mentioned of course, saying they wouldn’t do anything negative to those of us with pre-existing conditions, to now doing the EXACT OPPOSITE and trying to eliminate protection for pre-existing conditions! I know this person in the white house has some of-nonelderly-adults-with-a-pre-existing-condition-twitter-v1crazy issues with the former president,  but to banish the good things that were done is very wrong. How anyone could still support this person is beyond me because I sure as hell couldn’t and never would! There are millions of people in the United States that will be affected by this and many could even lose their lives if anything happens to their health insurance. 

I try my best to keep my blog encouraging and never talk politics because we are all understandingtheacaentitled to our opinions, but when something can change my own life for the negative, I can’t help but to share my thoughts on the matter! I have been trying to tell myself that no one would ever think about doing something so awful and ruin lives for so many, but it just may happen! Striking down the Affordable Care Act, as has been put on the table, is wrong on so many levels, no matter what your political views are! I wish there was something more I could do to stop anything like this from happening, but I do not even know what that would be! Of course I can write about it, but I don’t know how much that will really change the issues! I do understand there is a chance that nothing being proposed will pass, but what if it does? How can anyone afford the medications they need to live their lives? I know there is absolutely NO way I could ever afford the medications I take to slow the progression of my Multiple benefits-affordable-care-actSclerosis down without insurance. Where would this leave people battling with a chronic illness and does anyone in power really care??

I am sorry for my second rant in a matter of days, but I am hoping we could some how all join together and find a way to help make things better for millions of people! We all deserve WAY better than this and it is shameful we are facing this fear now! I have always heard that there is strength in numbers, so all I can do is hope for better times!

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading this rant! My frustrations are sky-high and the only thing I know to do is write about them! This helps me calm my nerves and ease my stress some! I hope y’all have a pleasant and relaxing evening. I always encourage your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can! Please know that even though I am a little high-strung right now about all this, I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


Motivational Monday!

monday_motivationGood morning y’all! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are ready to tackle a new week! I am still working on adjusting to working full-time again, but hopefully it won’t take me too long! I missed sharing a pick-me-up Thursday last week and didn’t want to miss Motivational Monday! I hope you will find the quote I am sharing both inspiring and encouraging, I know I sure do!!life is a circle

With as life becoming difficult at times, it helps to know good times can be just around the next corner leaving those hard times in your rear view mirror! 

I hope you have a great start to the week and you are feeling the best you possibly can! I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on this quote and will respond as quickly as I am able to. Please know that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

The rant about healthcare & insurance!

charlie-ergen-quote-to-use-a-poker-analogy-if-the-deck-is-a-bitHave y’all ever felt like the cards were stacked up against you? Living with a chronic illness already gives the house a much better hand, but I will always refuse to fold! We have all learned various ways to cope with what we live with and to keep up a good fight despite any additional struggles we are forced to face. I learned many years ago that the storms of life will only gain more strength, but weathering these storms can and will be done.

I do think the unexpected issues that arise can be the most problematic and perplexing ones. Losing my job for absolutely no reasonable or seasonable reason really did send my mind into a downward spiral. I have tried my best to stay positive dda6dd8c8211c5c345ce66f0f5558197--quotes-about-worrying-quotes-about-stressthrough the time I was without a job, but the continued nagging fear of being without insurance while living with a chronic illness is beyond terrifying. It almost feels like being on a roller coaster without a safety belt on and this feeling gets the best of me more than I like to admit. I know I have complained before, which isn’t helpful at all, about how crummy and expensive insurance is, but being without it with Multiple Sclerosis or any chronic illness is very unpleasant. Medications and doctor’s visit are expensive with insurance and I hate that I know how much these things are without insurance. Thankfully I have only been forced to go to one doctor’s visit without insurance which was very expensive and I found that does help reduce the price of medications! Even though I have found ways around the doctor’s visits, I am still always in a constant fear of what will happen if I have a relapse or if these corrupt idiots corruption-power-quotes-01.jpgrunning this country mess with pre-existing conditions because this could happen. I do know that thinking about these things is nothing but stressful and will only create additional health issues, but it is impossible for me to let go of these thoughts and feelings.

Y’all already know that I have been battling with a crazy stomach issue for over a month and I am avoiding seeking medical attention until I have insurance again. I mean who stomach issuescan really afford these various appointments and all the tests doctors think they need to run on their patients? I am not, never have been and never will be in the tax bracket that can afford this. What kind of person can look at someone with an illness of any kind and only see dollar signs? To me, that is not a good or compassionate person, but they are the ones on top. It is really unfortunate that some can be as evil and corrupt as they possibly can be, but not ever face the consequences for their bad behaviors.

gilenyaThe Gilenya I take daily to keep my Multiple Sclerosis under some kind of control costs $8,500 per month without insurance. This is completely absurd and absolutely ludicrous! Unfortunately, GoodRx isn’t able to assist with this medication. I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell can’t afford these high costs. I have been going through an amazing program called Gilenya Go Program since being on this medication and my cost has always been $0. I don’t even want to think about what I would have gilenya-go-programdone if this program didn’t exist. Considering I do not have insurance at the moment and only have about one month left on hand of this medication, I did panic. I have spoken with an amazing representative for the Gilenya Go Program and she told me all I would need to do is call them when I am down to one week left and they will send this medication to me free of charge and can do this for about 2 months. By the time they aren’t able to assist me any longer, I will have insurance again, so thankfully I will not go without. This is just me, but Gilenya has been helping keep me semi free of relapse and further progression.

GLN01260I also take Neurontin, three times a day. This is another medication that is a little expensive, but nowhere near the crazy cost of Gilenya. A one month supply of Neurontin with insurance was only $10, which is very affordable. Now without insurance this will end up costing me close to $300 per month! If I do go through the GoodRx,com website, I might be able to get this medication for around $47 per month which is still high but a lot more feasible than $300!

Now there are a few other medications I do take daily that are rather expensive, but the GoodRx website has been very helpful with these. How is it that the United States of othercountrieshealthcarecs.jpgAmerica is the ONLY developed country that doesn’t offer free healthcare? An even better question is why are the American people so scared of having free healthcare? My guess is, these people are blindly listening to the ones in power that say this will never be a good option and much more negative lies about it. Free healthcare has been great for all the other developed countries with the citizens only saying great things about their free healthcare! In my personal opinion, those that say nothing good about free healthcare need to dig a little deeper and far beyond what American leaders say, until they can think for common sensethemselves with a clear mind and actual logic!

I want to thank you for visiting my site today and reading my rant about how awful healthcare is in the United States. In all honesty I do not like to complain because it doesn’t fix the issue, but I needed to get my thoughts out and really want to know your thoughts on this! I hope you have a lovely and peaceful Sunday. I feel that the weekend went by way too fast and I have to get up early again and back to work tomorrow. I mean seriously, where did the weekend go? Is it really too much to ask to have our weekends be a little longer? I promise to respond to all your comments as quickly as I can and considering it is Sunday, I should be able to do this! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

New job and LOTS of fatigue!

butterfliesGood afternoon y’all! I hope you had a good week and you are enjoying this beautiful weekend! It is finally trying to warm up where I live and no rain at the moment. Rain can be relaxing when I am at home and even though it does increase my pain, it also provides a calming sound. I definitely prefer to not be out or at work when it is raining only because it makes me even more tired than normal.

I am sorry that I didn’t share a pick-me-up Thursday this week, but I was way too tired totired-cat do much of anything after being at work in front of a computer for 8 hours. The new job is an actual full-time thing and it is pretty exhausting. I know my previous job was also full-time, but I was salary and it wasn’t actually 40 hours. My energy level has been rather low as I am getting adjusted to this, but hopefully I will get there soon and be able to be active with my blog way more than I was this week.

saltines-and-ginger-aleNot only did I start this new job, but I am also still battling with some kind of stomach issue that has been here well over a month now! Considering I do not have insurance yet, I can’t really afford to go to a doctor that will only want to run a ton of tests on me. I knew I would have to deal with my chronic illness without insurance for 90 days, but this stomach issue I wasn’t expecting. Currently there are only a few things I am able to eat, so my diet at the moment is crackers and ginger ale, not very exciting I know!

The people I am going to be working with seem rather nice and laid back, but we will see how long that lasts. I have gotten to know one girl and we like the same kind of music, sowallpaper-full-hd-x-smartphone-music-pic-mch0111838.jpg that is always a good talking point. The person that hired me understands what MS is because his sister battles with this as well. He has actually been great and told me to take breaks when I needed to. Typically breaks are every 2 hours, so  at least I know I can do them more frequently if needed. 

I am very behind with reading and commenting on all of your incredible posts, but I will try to catch up this weekend. I am not going to make any promises though because I am not sure how much I will be able to catch up on or what I am going to be capable of moving forward, but I will tell you I will do my positive-energy-feat-740x494best. I always enjoy being able to blog because it really is the best therapy ever!!

Thank y’all for taking the time to visit my site today and I do appreciate your understanding during my adjustment period. I hope y’all have a fabulous weekend and you are able to do what brings you the most joy! Please remember, even though I am dealing with an adjustment at the moment, I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤ love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

good-morning.jpgGood morning y’all! I hope you had a wonderful weekend doing whatever makes you the happiest! I did spend my weekend mentally preparing myself to start my new job today and I also rested up so I wouldn’t be to rundown. I do think it was the best way for me to spend the weekend because not only will I be working full-time again, but I am still fighting the nasty stomach issue I have had for way too long! I do hope whatever is going on with my stomach will end soon because this got really old weeks ago!

Are you ready to tackle a new week that may hold much promise for better times? I good things comethink I am as ready as I am going to be. Starting a new job where I know absolutely no one might seem a little nerve-wrecking, but I think there is a reason for everything in life and it all works out the way it is meant to!

With all the changes in my own life, I definitely think a motivating quote is necessary! Once you read the quote I am sharing with y’all, you will see why I love this one as much as I do and I do hope you find it motivating!everyday

I do look forward to reading your thoughts on this quote and I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. It might take me time to adjust to actually having a schedule again, but Igreat day to be amazing will learn and still make time to do what I enjoy!

I want to thank you for stopping by my site today and let you know how much I appreciate all the kind words you have shared with me. I hope your week starts off great and of course you are feeling the best you possibly can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Beautiful Sunday!

hqdefault-1.jpgGood evening y’all! I hope your weekend has been well spent and you enjoyed every moment of it! Sadly, today is my last day of freedom before returning to the working world. Of course I have my reservations about this, but I am also a little excited about my new journey. I did feel rather lost not having a job and that is because I have honestly worked since I was 15 years old, plus living with a chronic illness that acts up randomly without insurance has been insanely stressful! I think the fear about insurance has been weighing on my mind and probably the reason I have had terrible stomach issues for over about one month! 

The only bad thing I know so far about my new job is, I will still not have insurance for 90 days. Seriously, in a matter of 3 months a lot can happen that insurance wouldhealthinsurance-1516718194 probably be very helpful. Logically, I know thinking about this and allowing for it to cause me stress isn’t going to help matters at all and will more than likely cause me many unwanted issues. Unfortunately,  I am not sure how to let these feelings go and just stay calm when MS has a mind of its own and acts a little crazy sometimes. 

One really awful thing about not having insurance at the moment is, I am afraid I will run out of my Gilenya before I have insurance again. I do plan on calling the Gilenya Go gilenya-oral-pill-msProgram at some point on Monday and just pray they will have an option for me because I can’t just stop this medication. As much as I have fought medications over the years, Gilenya has helped keep my Multiple Sclerosis under control to a point. Currently I do have enough of this medicine to get me through a month and a half. Please wish me luck that I can figure something outhope-quotes-wallpaper with the Gilenya!!

Y’all already know and have sent me many encouraging and supportive words for this new job. I do not have a clue how difficult this job is going to be or if it is going to be stressful, but I am going to still blog when I am able. Please forgive me if it takes me a little longer to respond and or read your amazing posts. Working full-time again is going to take me some time to adjust and figure things out, but I know I can do it! There is a chance I could read posts on a lunch break, but I think I am only going to get 30 minutes, so I am not sure how that would work. 

download (6)I hope you have a lovely evening and you are  feeling well. I always appreciate you visiting my site and love the comments you share! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time not only to stop by, but also for how much you have all given me so much hope in humanity and in myself as well! Please know I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always , Alyssa❤

Benefits to finishing!

happy fridayHappy Friday y’all! It’s crazy how fast the week went by, but at least we made it through. My week was full of much anticipation for a new journey I will be starting down on Monday. Y’all can join my count down as I are currently at 2.5 days before starting a new full-time job again.  I do plan to go into this new job with a minimal amount of expectations and an open mind. I know this doesn’t need to be a permanent job, it’s just a means of getting insurance and making a little bit of money to pay bills with. 

20190314_130644Y’all know I have been finding a lot of comfort and relaxation with crocheting. I shared with you already the two blankets I made for our living room, but I just finished another blanket for our spare bedroom. I love the colors in this blanket and think it looks pretty darn nice on the bed, but let’s see what you think! I do think that submerging myself into creating 20190314_130652something beautiful helped get me through a difficult time in life. 

Now that this blanket has been completed, I had to start another blanket. This new blanket is going to have four colors and these are the favorite colors of husband, his grandparents and myself. The colors include dark gray, pink, light gray and purple. I guess I felt like this would pay tribute to the loving people my husband’s grandparents were! So far, I think it is looking very nice and the colors work well with each other! I promise to share pictures as the new blanket grows!

Now that I am starting a new job on Monday, I will probably not be writing as much as I would like, at least not until I get through training and get adjusted to having an actual schedule again. I do still plan on doing Motivational Monday and Pick-Me-Up Thursday because I find them very helpful! I do still have many fellow bloggers that I want to recognize, as they are just amazing people who I cherish! There are also a fewmultiple_sclerosis_ms_hope_1_postcard-rf4358a5de94a4cb4a8713cdf21813817_vgbaq_8byvr_307.jpg more things I want to share in honor of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness month because I think this is very important and  should not be overlooked!

I know I will get adjusted to this new job pretty fast and do not think it is going to be stressful at all. There are two great things about where I am going to be working. One great part of this new company is, it is only 2 miles from my house! Considering I really do not enjoy driving, this works very well for me. The Best-is-yetother benefit is, I will not have to be on my feet all day. There were a few other interviews I went on, but most of them I would have been on my feet for 8 hours a day. I think I am being logical and know that being on my feet for long periods of time would only cause me more even pain issues and my goodness I didn’t want that. It wasn’t easy for me to admit this because I am pretty stubborn, but I had to be realistic with my own abilities and health. I do not like admitting I can’t do something and will fight against this will everything I have!

Thank you so much for stopping by my site today! I am looking forward to reading what you think about the blanket I just finished! I hope your weekend is filled with nothing but happiness and joy! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of        love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤