Mental Health Awareness Month Part 1

Letting Go

Sunday Thoughts

Let It Go Friday

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you had a wonderful week and, you are looking forward to enjoying the weekend! The weekend means you do not have to make any plans or have any must-do tasks, and you can relax, and recuperate from the week. Of course, you can have plans, but only if that is what you want to do. The workweeks always feel long, and then the weekends feel super short, and probably because they are. We have two carefree days, which is why I always think Friday is the perfect day to let go of any negativity the week may have created!

For those of you that have been following my blog for any time, you know I try to share a quote to help you let go of anything causing you stress or negative feelings. There is no reason to carry any negativity into a weekend that is already short, and we should be able to enjoy the weekend to the fullest. I hope you will find the quote I am sharing helpful, and you can see how meaningful it is. I understand how challenging it can be to not worry, but there are some things we have no control over, and no amount of worrying will change the outcome. Anger is one of those emotions I always to avoid, as it causes me too much anxiety, and no one needs that! Honestly and kindness are easy for me to do because I do not like dishonesty or meanness, so why would I be either of these?

We survived another week and are getting ready for the weekend😊! Do you have any plans? The only things I want to do this weekend are repotting a few plants and keeping a close eye on our cat. Our oldest cat, Sundance, has asthma and appears to not be feeling well☹. He has gone through this type of thing before and has always gotten better, but I cannot help but worry about him. Sundance has the most loving, and kind heart, and soul. The reason it is so hard for me when he is not feeling well is you can see it in his big blue eyes, and it brings back painful memories for me when our cat, Chloe, passed away. It is like PTSD, but I am trying to stay calm, and rational, and I already sent his doctor’s office!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed this post and that you have a wonderful day. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please do me one small favor, and keep my sweet cat, Sundance in your thoughts. He is a good baby boy, and we would be lost if anything ever happens to him. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Keeping Pets Calm during the 4th of July

The 4th of July can be exciting and much fun for us, but traumatic for the pets that we love. Many animals do not enjoy loud noise, but it can cause them fear and anxiety. As loving and caring pet owners, it is our responsibility to make the 4th of July holiday as stress-free as possible. You are probably aware I have three of the best cats in the world, but I am partial and think they can do no wrong. All three of our cats are frightened by the fireworks and even a lawn mower outside. I believe the reason they are like this is because we maintain a calm and quiet home. In this post, I am going to share some tips to keep your pets, both cats and dogs calm during the festivities that will be taking place tonight.

Of course, as a cat owner, I know they can be feisty and fearless, except for one thing, which is loud noise. It seems any loud noises can startle cats, causing them to jump, run, and hide. The following tips may be beneficial to keep your cuddly and precious kitty calmer during the fireworks and any other loud noises.

It is best to refrain from scolding any of your pets. Remember, our sweet pets do not understand what is going on outside of their homes, or why it is so loud. Only about 34% of cats are terrified of fireworks, and your cat may or may not be part of this 34%. With loud noises, they might become scared and act out (more than normal😊). If you get upset with your cat due to their behavior, understand they are anxious and are unable to verbalize how they are feeling. Scolding or disciplining your cat will make matters much worse and should be avoided, as this will only terrorize them further. Keep calm, and remember your cat feels they need to defend themselves and are in survival mode.

We should offer our kitties a hiding place. We all know our cats’ behaviors, and they all have their “secret” hiding places. Cats tend to take refuge in dark places when they are scared, as this makes them feel safer. Some cats may remain out in the open but curl up beside you or on your lap when they are scared. Others will prefer to hide when they feel stressed pr threatened, and it is best to allow them to do so. It is important to NOT force them out of their safe space and handling them during their stressful time as this can cause more stress.

It may seem like a reasonable thing to do to close your cat into one part of your home when they are stressed, but we should never confirm our cats. One of the worse things to do is to leave your cat alone when they are stressed and scared, as this can do more harm than good. Allowing your cat free access to the house allows them to roam around and go wherever they feel safest and most comfortable.

I understand becoming upset and stressed when we know our pets are in distress, but we need to remain calm. If we act overly concerned or show our cats too much attention, it may cause them to think there is something they should fear. Cats are very intelligent and can sense our emotions. Acting casually around the house as we normally would show your cat there is nothing to be feared, and they are safe. It is common for cats to be scared until the noise stops, but if you are calm, it will help them to not panic more than they already are.

Provide your cat with the comfort they want, and need during the times when they are scared. It is possible that your cat does not hide when they hear the fireworks and instead, follow you and cling to you. Maybe they will climb into your lap or bury their little head in your neck as this makes them feel safe and content. Other cats might not want to be touched, but they also want to remain close to you. Just let your cat set the pace, and gently, and slowly pet them.

No matter their size, dogs are also afraid of fireworks for two main reasons. The first reason is the most obvious, they are loud. Dogs have extraordinary hearing. They can hear twice as many frequencies as humans. With their hearing being so outstanding, the second reason dogs fear fireworks are they are unpredictable and random. The randomness and unpredictability make a dog hide, run away, or possibly become aggressive.

All dog owners understand the behaviors of their dogs, but should still know when they are in fear, they can be unpredictable, just like humans. The following tips may help your effort to calm your dog during tonight’s festivities.

1. Regardless of whether you keep your dog inside or outside, during the 4th of July holiday, it would be ideal to keep them inside, especially at night.

2. Offer your beloved dog a safe and comfortable space, preferably away from windows. An ideal place would be in a basement if you have one as this would be away from windows and the sounds would not be as loud.

3. Of course, dogs need to be walked for exercise and to use the bathroom. It would be best to walk your dog before the sunsets, and the fireworks begin.

4. Provide your dog with love and comfort. This could mean petting them with long, and firm strokes, or however, they prefer for you to pet them.

5. Another way to comfort your dog during the 4th of July festivities is to play white noise, such as a TV or a radio to mask the loud fireworks.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope the information that I shared will help you and your pets to enjoy the 4th of July a little easier and with much less stress. I know my neighbors have been setting fireworks off since last Friday, and they are terrorizing our cats, but we are doing the best we can to keep them calm and know they are not in any danger. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Happy Friday Eve

Happy Friday Eve, y’all! I hope you are having a good week, and you are looking forward to the weekend! I think I am always looking forward to the weekend starting on Sunday evening😊! My reason for looking forward to the weekend before the week begins has nothing to do with not enjoying my job because I have a good job and great co-workers. I just enjoy the weekend because I do not have to get up nearly as early! Unfortunately, even when I do not have to get up early, I am always up early.

Many of us probably have random doctor’s appointments, which are NEVER exciting. One of the worst things about dealing with appointments is the medical jargon and trying to understand what is going on. People who work in the medical field understand things much better than those of us not in that field, but most of them are not good at explaining things. Of course, if you read about test results online and come across something that you do not understand and decide to look it up on Google, things go from bad to worse!

Recently, I went to the OBGYN for the first time in many years. This is not the type of doctor I look forward to going to because it is a very uncomfortable type of appointment. I know it was not a good idea to postpone for as long as I did, but I do have my reasons, even though they might not be logical. Tuesday afternoon, my test results came through in my email saying they were available to view in My Chart. Much of what I read was confusing, so I decided to look up the terms. Probably one of the worst decisions ever because it was at 9:00 at night, and of course, the doctors were not in the office. I cried because in the one paragraph explaining what I did not understand, the only word I saw was “cancer”.

After I explained to my husband why I was upset, he told me not to worry, or get upset until I spoke with the doctor’s office. He also said if it was serious, I would get a call from the physician. I know he was just trying to help and make me feel better, but he is a man and does not understand. I tried putting it out of my head last night, and of course, the doctor’s office called me. Instead of giving me good news to relieve my anxiety, she told me that I was going to need further testing. Things that I was unaware of is that cancer does run in my family, on my mother’s side. So now I just must wait for another appointment.

I want to try to end this post on a positive note. After I talked to a very wise woman about my stress about the test results, she gave me some great advice, and it is something I have said to many others before. She told me to think positive thoughts and positive things will happen! It is not easy to remember things like this when you are in a landslide of stress and fear, but it is good advice. I hope you will find the quote that I am sharing helpful and that it offers you a sense of positivity!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that you have a wonderful day. I would love the chance to read your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Rights To A Safe Life

The world seems to be filled with hatred and chaos. There once was a time when my husband and I looked forward to going to concerts because we enjoyed live music, but due to several years of COVID, it has been years since we were able to enjoy this. Is there anything that brought you joy that has been sitting on the backburn for numerous years? If so, what are these things that you enjoyed doing and are you planning to start back up again?

There are many concerts over the next few months that I really want to go to, but I asked my husband what I think is a very valid question, is it safe? We have all heard about the daily acts of violence in the United States, so who is to say it is even safe anymore? There appear to be shootings happening nearly daily at different places, from schools to restaurants to malls and in the streets. Even though I do understand we are all going to die someday, I would much prefer to not die at the hands of a mentally unstable person who thinks they have a right to own a gun.

In the United States and anywhere else around the world, we all have a right to a happy and safe life, which means there must be better control and understanding of ownership of a firearm. I think people think that guns are interesting and fun, which I am sure they can be, but there needs to be an understanding of safety. There is much more involved to the meaning of the 2nd Amendment right or at least there should be. Regardless of if the 2nd Amendment needs to be amended or not, it is also crucial for people to understand we all also have a right to not live in fear!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have been able to enjoy your weekend to the fullest. For the past two days, I have been feeling very fatigued and therefore did not have much energy. Last week did a number on me, and I needed this time to do nothing. I do understand there will be some people that disagree with what I have shared in this post, but that is your right, and I respect your opinion. I hope you can respect my opinion as well that I believe everyone around the world has a right to live life without fear. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Grudges and Forgiveness

Letting go of anger, bitterness, resentment, and grudges is easier said than done, especially when you have been holding onto it for too long. Unfortunately, many of us have been hurt by the words or actions of another during our lives. Maybe this was inflicted by a parent who disappointed or criticized you multiple times or a friend or partner that deceived you, or possibly you encountered a traumatic experience, such as a form of abuse during your life. Deep wounds from the past can create these negative emotions and so much more, but we do not have to be held prisoner by them.

The fact is that holding onto and dwelling on the pain will only cause you more heartache. When you can embrace forgiveness, you will feel peace and less pain. Embracing forgiveness may lead you to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What does forgiveness mean? The actions that caused you emotional pain may always stay with you, but forgiveness can release and reduce the grip the resentment has on your heart and soul. Forgiveness can give you freedom from the control of the one that hurt you, In time, forgiveness may even provide you with a sense of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the person that hurt you.

When we are hurt by a person that we love and trust, it can be easy to hold a grudge. The feelings that are involved with this grudge can steam from anger, sadness, confusion, resentment, and hostility. Allowing these negative emotions to take hold and derail the positive thoughts can cause you to become overwhelmed with bitterness.

Holding onto a grudge can be toxic and have several negative effects on our lives. A few negative effects a grudge can impact our lives with may include:

~Carry anger and bitterness into new relationships

~You may become so consumed with your anger, you are unable to enjoy your life

~You may experience depression, irritability, and anxiety

~You forfeit valuable and rewarding connections with others

Letting go of a grudge you have carried and moving into a state of forgiveness is a commitment that takes practice and time but may offer you several benefits. Forgiving someone for their wrongdoings does not excuse their behaviors nor does it mean you will forget what happened, but this is necessary for your mental well-being.

A few benefits to forgiveness may include:

1. Building and maintaining healthier relationships

2. Improve our overall mental health

3. Reduce anxiety, stress, and hostility

4. Lessen symptoms of depression

5. Lower blood pressure

6. Maintain a strong immune system

7. Enhance self-esteem

8. Improve heart health

I hope you found this post helpful. I do try to not hold onto grudges, but there have been several times when I have failed miserably. It is not healthy and will only hinder you in life holding onto grudges and resentment whereas letting go and allowing for forgiveness will only free you from the negativity. I do not think it would cause anything negative if we try forgiving those that have wronged us. Again, this does not mean we will forget what happened, but it can allow us to be less burdened with negative emotions!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend doing what brings you the most joy and peace. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. There are many people that I can forgive for what they did wrong, but there is only ONE person that no matter how hard I try, I will NEVER forgive. Even though I am unable to find forgiveness in my heart, I do not allow this person’s wrongdoings to prevent my happiness. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Dentist experience update

We survived this week and can now enjoy the weekend! How was your week? Mine was spent dealing with my least favorite kind of doctor, the dentist. I went to one earlier in the week because she was right around the corner, but she was anything but helpful. Not only was she not helpful, but she also lied. First, she told me that she was unable to pull my tooth and she needed to send me to an oral surgeon, and she also said the tooth was not infected. None of this made sense to me because my husband had a tooth pulled that was even worse than mine.

Considering I was desperate to get this tooth taken care of before we went on our vacation to celebrate my husband’s birthday, I called my original dentist. The only reason I did not go to her in the first place is that she is a little further away and I was trying to get things done during a long lunch break at work. I ended up calling my normal dentist and having the x-ray sent to her and she said she could pull the tooth for me.

I left work at lunch yesterday and went to the dentist to have her pull my tooth. I was a nervous wreck because I have never had a tooth pulled before and I am already terrified of all dentists. For someone who hates all dentists and fears them to an irrational level, I do like the dentist. It helped that she let me have her little dog on my lap while she pulled my tooth. The little dog was so sweet and just laid on my lap and offered a lot of comforts. The entire process was not too bad, but it was not fun either. Of course, when they did the shots to numb my mouth it hurt, but not for too long. The cracking sounds when she was pulling the tooth were a little uncomfortable.

Once the numbing medication wore off, I was in pain last night. I was only able to eat soft foods but could not eat much because I was very nauseous, which was probably because of the infection the first dentist said I did not have. Things were better today, but I was still not feeling 100%, but I did work today. Thankfully, work has been very slow, so I did not have to do too much. Overall, I highly recommend therapy dogs be at doctor’s and dentist’s offices because they make the experience much better.

Thank you for visiting my site today. The reason I have been absent from blogging is because of the tooth pain, but now that is all taken care of, and I am thankful the weekend is here because I need to rest. After the traumatic experience of having my tooth pulled and fearing the dentist, I think I could sleep for an entire day! I hope you have had a good week and you are able to enjoy your weekend. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa