Tuesday Thoughts

Monday and long weekend

Life should be viewed as a journey and never as a race. Why is it that when we were children, all we wanted was to be grown, but once we are an adult with many responsibilities, we wish we could be a carefree child again? Most of us thought when we were young children that life would be better once we were an adult because we thought adults made all the rules, and as children, we did not want to listen. I wonder how many of us now, as adults and with everything we know or think we know if, we would rethink how fast we tried to grow up.

What advice would you love to offer to your younger self? I believe I would tell my younger self to slow down and learn to enjoy life more because it could be over at any moment. I would remind my younger self to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and to try to stop being overly critical of everything I do. It is not good to put yourself down with almost everything you do, and we should be able to see our self-worth. Unfortunately, there will always be too many others that want to criticize who we are and what we do, so we should not add to that negativity.

As we grow older, we will start to notice more and more how short life is, especially when we start losing family and friends. There is nothing guaranteed in life except death. Our lives and those we know, and care about can lose their life without notice, so it is important to appreciate life more. Sadly, I think many people take life for granted and only end this negative cycle when it is too late. I try to remember this daily, and whenever I leave the house, I tell my husband that I love him. I also try to never go to bed angry because what would happen if another person does not wake up? Life is fragile!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have been able to enjoy the long weekend, and we do still have the rest of today before the workweek begins again. Long weekends are great, and it is a good feeling when you wake up on Monday morning to realize that you do not have to work! Have you ever wondered why even a three-day weekend is never long enough? I hope you enjoyed your long weekend, and you were able to get caught up on the rest you might have missed. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday

Today is the halfway point of this week! What this means is, we have already made it through half of the week, and only have the final half to survive. I think this should be much easier because the first part of the week is always the hardest! How was the beginning of your week? Monday was definitely busy, but yesterday was much easier, so I am looking forward to the rest of the week. Who am I kidding? I am only looking forward to Friday because that will mean the week is over! There was a reason why Monday was slightly more challenging, but I am going to leave that for another post because there is a lot to explain!

It is wonderful that we are halfway through the week, but I think there is a chance we could all use a little inspiration. The weeks are long, and even though half the week is over, we have a few more days left. No matter what anyone says, life is challenging, and we all endure a lot of stress. It is easy to feel like we are broken, but we can heal these broken pieces and put them back together again. We can be hurt, physically and emotionally, we are strong, and we can heal. Never allow anyone to bring you down and dull your shine because come rain or shine, remember how amazing YOU are!

I was chatting with one of my co-workers yesterday, and over time she has become a good friend. I have not met her in person, which does not matter because we have bonded over time, and learned that we have a lot in common. Unfortunately, my friend was very upset because people were putting her down on Facebook, which seems this is a platform where people feel emboldened to be mean, and hurt others. I tried to turn things around for her and allowed her to vent without feeling judged or shamed. I took time to tell her to ignore people like the person that was insulting her because that person is simply unhappy with herself, and she should not waste her precious time on people like that because she deserves so much more.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you were able to enjoy what I have shared and the quote provided you with a little inspiration. The week will be over soon, and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. No, I do not have anything planned, but I will not be working or staring at a monitor for eight hours a day, and that sounds amazing. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday

Guess what y’all, it is finally Friday!! I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way, but this week felt SO LONG! I know it was the same five days that each week is, but it felt much longer. Of course, it does not help that I was ready for Friday on Monday morning😊! The weather where I live was very messy yesterday. It rained all day, which made it appear darker than normal and a little chilly. Thankfully, I think the weekend is going to be a little nicer and hopefully, there will not be any rain! Even though the rain makes me hurt much worse, I would almost prefer it to rain on my days off because it gives me a reason to just stay nice and cozy on the couch with the cats!

After a week that felt super long, I think today will be the perfect day to try letting go of any negative feelings the week created. Our weekends are too short to bring any negativity in and much better left in the past. There are times in our lives when we have been disappointed by another too much and none of us deserve this. Walking away from those who have caused us so much pain from disappointments can be necessary for our own well-being. It is not easy, but often VERY much required because we all deserve happiness. It might be friends or family or just acquittances, it is okay to walk away from them! Please never feel guilty to walk away from someone in your life that caused you any kind of pain!

Now that the weekend is almost here, do you have anything planned for these next two days? Just because it is the weekend, it does not mean we have to have plans, it is completely okay to want to rest and recuperate from the week. I would like to work on what I am doing for the writing competition, catch up on some reading, and most of all catch up on sleep!! Of course, my cats do not understand this and will more than likely want me to get up at the same time so they can have their Fancy Feast treats. We will see though, I am just happy to not have to work and be forced to listen to people complain and make unreasonable demands!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and you found the quote helpful in letting go and walking away from the unnecessary upset. Hopefully, you will do something that makes you happy this weekend and whatever you do, you do so safely! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I possibly can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

My Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday, y’all! I hope you have had an enjoyable and relaxing week. Unfortunately, the weekend is nearing its end and it will be time to prepare for the new week soon. Why does it feel like it was Friday only 30 minutes ago, and we were excited about the week? The workweeks can be painfully long, and the weekends are always way too short, which seems unfair. I wish there was a way to flip-flop how the weeks were and we had at least four days off in a row and work the other three days but no more than 6 hours. Every company always “preaches” how they believe in providing work-life balance for their employees, but I am not sure how anyone is getting work-life balance when we are working more than when we are home with family.

How does it affect you when a friend goes through an extremely difficult situation, especially when the situation is something you also experienced? I know I did a post about my experience with being laid off when it happened. It has been a few years now, but the emotions surrounding this are still raw. Anytime I get worried about work being very slow, I start to panic because I fear I will go through another layoff. Of course, the company that laid me off was in the mortgage industry and the company I am at now is different and has ZERO to do with mortgages, but it was expected due to the economy. Anyways, I friend I made while working with mortgages sent me a text on Saturday letting me know she had been laid off.

When I am friends with someone, even if I have never met the person face to face, but you worked closely with them via emails and phone calls, I care about the person. It seems like I can feel their pain and it is even more intense when a friend goes through something I went through. Going through a layoff can have a strong and negative impact on your life. It feels like the rug was pulled from beneath you and you land on your rear end. When someone gets laid off, there is immediate stress felt deeply for how they will be able to care for themselves and their family. Something that has this strong of an impact on your life can stay with you for years. I think I might have a mild case of PTSD because of what I went through and knowing someone else went through this breaks my heart.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and you have had a great weekend! Sadly, tomorrow is Monday again and we are in for another 5 days of working 8-hour days. On Tuesday, I have my routine follow-up appointment with my pain doctor, and these appointments always go the same way. The only bad part of these appointments is having to drive on what I think is the worst road in the world, but maybe it will not be too bad. Yeah right, who am I kidding? There is so much road construction, which causes many delays I doubt anything will be any different from the last time I had one of these follow-up appointments. I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa