Final Day of the Quote Challenge

last dayGood morning Y’allβ˜€! Sadly, today is my final day of the quote challenge. I just want to thank DMC fromΒ for including me on this exciting challenge. DMC has an amazing blog and shares great information, so I strongly encourage y’all to check her site out, I promise you will never be disappointed!

❇Of course with everything in life there are rules, so here are the rules for this fun challenge! I really hope y’all enjoy this challenge!!❇

Thank the person who nominated you🌻

Post a quote for three consecutive days🌸

Nominate three bloggers each dayπŸ’

My incredible nominees for this challenge are: TomπŸ€ Beckie🌼 Bella🌷

The quote I would like to share with you on my last day is another one I find truly inspirational as there is SO much meaning to it. I really hope you find this quote as encouraging as I do! Dwelling on what happened in the past will only hinder your success and living in the future halts your present, so it is best to live in the moment!Don't dwellI hope y’all have a great day and I do look forward to your comments on this quote! I really do LOVE encouraging quotes and always share one with y’all on Monday morning!! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of❀ love and comfort!

My signature heart

❀Always, Alyssa❀

3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge, Day 2

day-2Good morning Y’allβ˜€! Thank you again DMC for nominating me to participate in this extremely fun challenge! For all those reading this, I strongly encourage you to check out DMC’s amazing site, she is beyond fantasticΒ!

❇There are always rules to everything in life, so here are the rules for this challenge!❇

Thank the person who nominated you🌸

Post a quote for three consecutive days🌼

Nominate three bloggers each day🌻

❇My incredible nominees for this challenge are:❇  Wrae 🏡 Wendi🌷 AlixπŸ’

My quote for day 2 of this challenge is another one that I find so much meaning to and I hope y’all enjoy it as well! We all deal with so many struggles in life and although they are difficult they also make us so much stronger!bryant-mcgill-your-struggle-strengthI hope y’all have a great day and I look forward to reading your comments on this quote! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❀love and comfort!

My signature heart

❀Always, Alyssa❀

3 Day 3 Quotes Challenge Day 1

3-Days-3-Quotes-ChallengeGood morning Y’all🌀! I am so excited to have been nominated by the fabulous ❀DMCΒ  fromΒ Β to participate in the 3 days 3 quote challenge. Y’all probably already know this, but I ❀LOVE great quotes and find them to be very inspiring. Thank you so much for nominating me to participate DMC, you are doing amazing work with your own blog and I definitely encourage anyone that has not already visited her site to do so, I think you will enjoy what she writes as much as I do!

✳You know there are always rules, so here are the rules!

Thank the person who nominated you🌸

Post a quote for three consecutive days🌻

Nominate three bloggers each dayπŸ’ž

I hope you find great meaning in my first quote on the first day of this challenge! I certainly find extremely great meaning to this quote!determined

My amazing nominees for this challenge are: Stephanie❀ Hailey❀ Suki❀

I hope if you choose to participate in this challenge you will enjoy it! I really do love and appreciate great quotes! Thank you again DMC for nominating me for this fun challenge! I hope y’all have a great Sunday!

My signature heart

❀Always, Alyssa❀

3 Day Quote Challenge

3-Days-3-Quotes-ChallengeHappy Friday Eve Y’all! I hope you have had a wonderful day! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, it has been a pretty long week!

Sadly, today is the last day of my 3 day quote challenge. I would like to thank theΒ Β fabulous Heather and DizzyΒ https://dinosaursdonkeysandms.comΒ and alsoΒΒ for asking me to participate in this challenge. This challenge has been so much fun for me and I hope y’all have enjoyed the quotes I have shared.Β 

willienelson1My final quote for this challenge is “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” Willie Nelson. I love this quote because I am all about positive thinking and do strongly believe it will result in wonderful things!Β 


The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.

On my final day of this challenge, I would like to nominate a few ladies that have great insight and are just all around amazing people! I am really looking forward to reading the quotes y’all have, but please know there is no pressure to participate. I do hope y’all enjoy this challenge as much as I have and find it uplifting! Bojana Grace Joanna

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and I hope you enjoyed the previous quotes I shared. I hope you have a great evening and I hope your weekend will start off great! As always I am sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa


The 3 Day Quote Challenge Day #2

3-day-quote-challenge-22Happy Wednesday! I hope y’all are having a great day! Thankfully we have almost made it through the week!

Today is my second day of the Quote Challenge and I would like to take this opportunity to thankΒ https://dinosaursdonkeysandms.comΒ Heather and Dizzy andΒ ΒΒ Β for asking me to participate in this fun quote challenge. I am actually really enjoying this challenge because I really do love a variety of quotes and they all have special meeting to me.Β 

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.

careerlesson_starslandamongToday’s quote is “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll still land among the stars.” Les Brown. My grandfather actually said this too me a long time ago before I went to a National Pageant where I was Miss Vermont Teen. This quote has stayed with me all these years later as it is encouraging to never give up, which y’all know I never will give up on anything in life.Β 



My fabulous nominees for today are: Bethy Hillary Kim

I hope today’s nominees enjoy this challenge as much as I am enjoying it, but please know there is absolutely no pressure, I would just love to read some of the quotes that you love because I already know they will be amazing! I hope y’all have a great evening and I hope the rest of your week is fantastic!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

3 Day Quote Challenge

3 Day Quote Challenge Day #1

I would like to thankΒΒ Heather and Dizzy andΒ https://unbreakableyetfragile.comΒ Β for asking me to join this fun challenge. For anyone that has not visited these blogs, they are definitely worth checking out because they are both fantastic! I love quotes and feel there is so much meaning behind many of them, so I am excited to be participating in this challenge!

life-isnt-about-waiting-for-the-storm-to-pass-it-about-learning-to-dance-in-the-rain-870x714For day one my quote is “Life Isn’t About Waiting For The Storm To Pass, It’s Learning To Dance In The Rain.”

To be completely honest, I have absolutely no idea who came up with this, I just saw it in a while ago and it stuck with me! This quote means something to me because living everyday with Multiple Sclerosis has it’s fair share of challenges, but I have had to learn how to still carry on with my life and enjoy it as much as possible. Y’all know that I am not one that gives up and will never allow this illness to defeat me !

The Rules for the challenge are:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.

My Lovely and Amazing Nominees Are: Toni Alex Angela

I hope my nominees will enjoy this fun little challenge. It is something a little different from the normal day-to-day thoughts! I look forward to seeing what quotes stand out to you and the reasons behind them as I am sure they are just as wonderful as each of you!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa