Liebster Award!


I would like to sincerely thank Kranti for nominating me for this amazing award! I feel so honored to be nominated by a fellow blogger that is as phenomenal as she is! I absolutely LOVE❤ being able to follow her blog as she is so incredibly positive and inspiring! She always puts out great articles with so much emotion❤ and they never fail to make me smile! Anyone that is reading this and has not yet had the chance to view Kranti’s site, please check her out as you will never be disappointed with her posts, Thank you again Kranti❤, I really appreciate you nominating me for this award and also thank you for putting out so many fantastic and fabulous posts!

This version of the Liebster Award comes with six rules. They are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you❤.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself🌸.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you🌻.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers who deserve the award🌹.
  5. Create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer🏵.
  6. Let them know they’ve been nominated🌟.

11 Possibly Fun Facts about me Are:

  1. I have been with my ❤wonderful husband almost 14 years and married 7 of those years!
  2. I technically grew up most of my young life in the north, but I am definitely a southern and beach girl at heart!
  3. I really want to travel the world someday. There are so many beautiful places that I would love to visit first hand instead of dreaming about them🏝.
  4. I have two of the best cats in the entire world!
  5. I have always been a very emotional and sensitive 💞person, almost to a fault!
  6. Positive people give me hope ❤and encouragement, whereas all the negative in the world is extremely draining😿!
  7. I believe that having hope is a magical and wonderful thing in life and so important to hold onto!
  8. The only place out of the US I have been able to travel to was🌴 Jamaica on my honeymoon!
  9. I always wanted to be able to swim with the dolphins as I find them to be so incredible and I was finally able to do this on my honeymoon!!download (1)
  10. I have am completely and totally obsessed with butterflies! I think butterflies have a certain magic to them and I just LOVE them!
  11. I love to read a good book 📚and also to write as much as possible!

Answers to Kranti’s Fantastic questions

  1. One dream you are chasing to fulfill?

My biggest dream in life that I will always be chasing is to write a book someday!!!

  1. Beach or Mountain?

I absolutely LOVE the beach

  1. What is the inspiration behind your blogging?

My inspiration behind blogging is that I really want to help others overcome any issues they may be facing with living with a Chronic Illness. Living life with a chronic illness is NOT easy and it helps to have others around you that truly understand! It is great to be able to reach out to another person that can relate and even offer advice on what we are dealing with at any moment. I know that 18 years ago when the doctor told me that I had Multiple Sclerosis, I was so young and completely shell-shocked. I wish there was blogs back then that I actually knew about because it would have been SO helpful to help me process the diagnosis. I want to be able to be that person others can rely on in dealing with issues like this.

  1. What is your biggest fear?

If I am being totally honest, I would say my biggest fear is the unknown of MS. It is not really knowing if I am going to lose the ability to do all the things I can do now and possibly be confined to a wheelchair. I am so stubborn and like to do everything for myself and my family, so losing the ability to walk would scare the hell out of me!

  1. One thing you admire in yourself?

I think what I actually admire most about myself is my determination. This can be a good thing and a bad thing, but I do admire my determination to never give up on my life!

  1. One thing you wish you can change in yourself regarding your behavior?

The thing I really wish I could change about myself is my inability to stop stressing and worrying about everyone and everything in life. I know it is not healthy, but after 36 years of it I can not seem to stop that quality about myself!

  1. What would you love to watch night sky or waves in the ocean?

This is a fantastic question! I would love to watch the ocean waves over the night sky! It is a beautiful image and site to see!

  1. Which Kind of movie would you prefer to watch horror, romantic or action?

Funny question with a funny answer! Considering I am a girly girl to the tee, I would actually prefer an action movie! Romantic movies tend to make me cry and horror movies honestly make me laugh because they are too much the same!

  1. Anything which makes you happy when you are sad and nervous?

My cats playing with each other always can make me smile. Those two babies have such an amusing love hate relationship!

  1. Your favorite month and color?

My favorite month is October because most of the time it is just the right temperature! My favorite color is purple, which is probably obvious to anyone that reads my posts!!

  1. What would you prefer street food or fine dining?

I am a pretty low-key kind of girl, so I would say street food is what I would prefer. Fine dining is a little too uptight for me!

❤My 11 Fabulous Nominees Are❤:

First let me say, I do not want you to feel any kind of obligation to participate with this award. I know we are all very busy and the last thing I want to do is add any extra stress to your life. I have nominated you simply because I think y’all are outstanding people who I felt strongly deserved recognition for how amazing each of you are! If you choose to participate, I look forward to reading your answers, but if you opt to not participate, I completely understand!!! Just please know, no matter how you choose to move forward, y’all are out of this world amazing!!!! Paige Bethy  DMC Tasha Claire Melinda Amy Christy  Krysta Caz 

My Questions for my amazing Nominees are:

  1. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is the most amazing place you have been able to visit?
  4. If you could go anywhere in the entire world, where would you go?
  5. What has been the best day of your life?
  6. Even though I already think you are amazing, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be?
  7. Who is your biggest inspiration in life?
  8. We all have bad days in life, how do you make it through those days?
  9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  10. What type of book do you prefer to read and who is your favorite author, if you have one?
  11. What was your absolute favorite movie that you can never get enough of?

Thank y’all for visiting my site today! I appreciate all of your support and encouragement more than I can even begin to describe! I have met so many astonishing bloggers along my journey and I am so honored that I have had the opportunity to get to know each of you! Of course I always love to read your comments and you already know that I respond to each one as quickly as I possibly can! I hope you had an amazing Friday Eve and are as ready as I am for the long holiday weekend! If only we could have long weekends more often! I wish y’all a nice and relaxing evening. I am always sending y’all LOTS of love💞 and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


Liebster Award Nomination 2018

Liebster Award

Thank you so much Kim, Kim91 for nominating me for this wonderful award. Kim’s blog always has amazing posts that are filled with so much emotion and tenderness. Like myself, Kim has a passion to raise awareness for MS and also help those that are battling this illness. I feel so honored and blessed to have come across Kim’s blog and been able to build a strong connection with her! I made the decision to create my blog for a few reasons; one is that I really want to be able to inspire others that have to live with an invisible and chronic illness. It is not easy to accept and move forward, but through a positive mindset it is definitely possible. I wanted to be able to share my story to really show that it is possible to continue to live a perfectly normal life with maybe a few adjustments, but live a happy life! Not only am I very passionate about helping others, but I truly love writing. I have found writing to be very therapeutic. The awards that I have received have given me hope that my writing is also helping others, which was my goal!

Rules For Accepting It:
• Write about it on your blog and thank the person who nominated you. Write about her blog too.
• Display the award on your blog.
• Nominate 5 or 10 blogs which you feel deserve it.
• Let the nominees know that you nominated them.
“Don’t forget to create 10 questions for them to answer. Notify your nominees and provide a link to your post so that they’ll know what to do. Once you’re done, come back here and comment with the link to your post so I can check out your answers.”

My answer’s for Kim’s 10 questions

  • Why do you blog?

I have a few reasons for blogging. My main reason is because I want to be able to help others. But another reason is my love of writing. Blogging allows for me to do 2 things I am incredibly passionate about helping others and writing!

  • Who or what is you motivation?

I find so many of my fellow bloggers very motivating because of their perseverance. We all have something we are dealing with and it amazes me to see how others handle their challenges.

  • Do you believe in Love at first sight?

I believe to really truly love someone, you have to be able to know that person.

  • What is your ultimate goal in life?

My ultimate goal in life is to someday write a book.

  • If you could recommend one thing, could be anything to someone what would it be?

Never let go of your dreams because you can make your dreams become reality!

  • What or where is your happy place?

My happy place is without a doubt the beach

  • What’s your favorite thing to watch on T.V (assuming you watch tv)

I love watching crime shows like Law & Order SVU. It sounds a little crazy but I like being able to see justice for the victims of the crimes

  • Would you rather watch a movie or read the book?

If it is a movie that was made into a book, I prefer to read the book because they are more descriptive.

  • What is your favorite colour?

My favorite color is purple!

  • If you could be any animal/mammal what would you be and why?

I would love to be a dolphin because they are able to swim freely, for the most part, in the beautiful ocean.

My answer’s for Kim’s 10 questions

  • Why do you blog?

I have a few reasons for blogging. My main reason is because I want to be able to help others. But another reason is my love of writing. Blogging allows for me to do 2 things I am incredibly passionate about helping others and writing!

  • Who or what is you motivation?

I find so many of my fellow bloggers very motivating because of their perseverance. We all have something we are dealing with and it amazes me to see how others handle their challenges.

  • Do you believe in Love at first sight?

I believe to really truly love someone, you have to be able to know that person.

  • What is your ultimate goal in life?

My ultimate goal in life is to someday write a book.

  • If you could recommend one thing, could be anything to someone what would it be?

Never let go of your dreams because you can make your dreams become reality!

  • What or where is your happy place?

My happy place is without a doubt the beach!

  • What’s your favorite thing to watch on T.V (assuming you watch tv)

I love watching crime shows like Law & Order SVU. It sounds a little crazy, but I like being able to see justice for the victims of the crimes considering I do not think justice is always served properly.

  • Would you rather watch a movie or read the book?

If it is a movie that was made into a book, I prefer to read the book because they are more descriptive.

  • What is your favorite colour?

My favorite color is purple!

  • If you could be any animal/mammal what would you be and why?

I would love to be a dolphin because they are able to swim freely, for the most part, in the beautiful ocean. I find the ocean very calmly and amazing!

My amazing Nominees are:

  • Mswithmsalex
  • Ipunablack
  • QueerlyTexan
  • Trippingthroughtreacle
  • A Creative Newmie
  • msgracefulnot
  • Waytoomuchtosay

10 Questions for my amazing nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  3. What inspires you in life?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. If you had a magic wand what are 3 things you would do?
  6. What did you want to be as a child?
  7. What is your favorite animal? It can be exotic or typical animal!
  8. What is your favorite part of blogging?
  9. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 10 year old self?
  10. Do you believe in karma and why?

I am so excited to read your answers to my questions. All of you deserve this recognition because y’all are absolutely amazing! I have enjoyed getting to know you and building such a great connection!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa


Liebster Award Nomination

WOW, this was an amazing thing to see on a Sunday morning! Thank you so much Toni, from myMSrollercoasterride, for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I have really enjoyed being able to ride along with you through reading your posts and I am sincerely grateful that you have enjoyed my posts enough to nominate me for an award! Being a part of this blog and getting to know so many people all over the world has been a the absolute best experience for me! Thank you again Toni for nominating me for this award!

Liebster Award

“Originating in Germany in 2011, the Liebster Award 2017 is an online award that is given to bloggers by other bloggers. Liebster translates to sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. The Liebster Award recognizes new and upcoming bloggers that have the potential to grow and become successful influencer’s within the blogosphere.”

My Amazing and Wonderful Nominees:






Rules for nominees:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
– Upload the award to your blog. It can be done as a blog or on the sidebar.
– Answer the same questions I have above or share 10 facts about yourself.
– Nominate 5 blogs who you believe deserve to receive the award.
– Notify the nominated bloggers so that they can accept the award.

Nominees – Please feel free to answer the questions below or to reveal 10 facts about yourself, which is what I chosen. Please do not feel any pressure for this, I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading your blog and getting to know you! The instructions are below! 


Does blogging replace or enhance keeping a journal?

Do you think education, as it is today, does justice to life and learning?

When do you find time to blog?

What is the one post made by you that you like the most and why?

What is your favourite book or series?

Would you rather explore the deep ocean or outer space?

How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

T-Rex or dragon?

If you would be a character in someone’s book, who would you get to write it?

Have you ever visited a place just because you saw it in a book/series/animation/movie? What was that place?

How has writing/blogging affected your life?

Ten facts about myself!

Rules for nominees:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
– Upload the award to your blog. It can be done as a blog or on the sidebar.
– Answer the same questions I have above or share 10 facts about yourself.
– Nominate 5 blogs who you believe deserve to receive the award.
– Notify the nominated bloggers so that they can accept the award.

10 Facts about myself

My amazing husband proposed to me in the most amazing way I have ever heard. It was the day after my 30th birthday and we went to see one of our favorite bands, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. My husband ended up having great conversation with the singer of the band, Ronnie Winter, and it was arranged for my husband to be able to propose ON STAGE with the band before what ended up being our first day, “Your Guardian Angel”.

I have the two sweetest and loving cats. It is always so wonderful to be greeted by them after a long day at work. They know absolutely no hate and evil which is so comforting.

I love music. I must have music in my ears all day at work to make it through the day!

My husband and I go snowboarding in the winter and I established last year that I was a “semi pro” in my own division. My own division only includes me but I thought I was doing amazing!

My happy place involves the ocean, sand and sun! I would be so happy at any beach!

I love to write and one of my goals in life is to be able to write and publish a book! I even already have a start to an outline for my book!

Back in my younger days, I was Miss VT Teen! This was my very young days, I was only 13 years old and wanted nothing more than to be a model.

I find butterflies to be absolutely magical. I have always believed they can be a sign of what is right in life or a sign from a loved one that was lost.

My #1 hero from my life was and always will be my beloved Grandfather.

My favorite color is purple and if it was up to me I would paint rooms in my house purple!!

Thank you again Toni for nominating me for such a sweet award! I really do appreciate you and your writing as it is truly amazing! 

I hope y’all enjoyed reading this post about my nomination for an award for my hard work and emotion with writing! I always value all of your support and comments! I hope y’all had a great weekend! Stay strong and positive!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa