Continued Gun Violence

We are only 25 days into 2023 and as of yesterday, there have already been 39 mass shootings in the United States that have caused 70 innocent people to lose their lives. These tragedies do NOT occur in any other developed country because other countries have found a way to prevent unnecessary gun violence. These continued acts of hatred do not make any sense to me, and I have many questions that I am not sure anyone can answer. The first question is why can the United States not find a rational solution and end gun violence? How many more people will need to die before changes will be made? The 2nd Amendment was written in 1791, but did they mean they thought everyone should carry a weapon? I think we need to face the fact; the 2nd Amendment needs to be updated so that the mass population stops misinterpreting it.

As I have already stated, the 2nd Amendment was written in 1791 and reads, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Right in the first sentence, Militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population, to supplement a regular army in an emergency. What does this mean to you? To me, this should mean guns are for our military to use in an emergency, such as war, and or to defend our country. With that said, guns must be regulated better and more efficiently. Anytime I have tried talking to other Americans about control, they try to hold on tight to what they think the 2nd Amendment means, but I do not think they read it and understood it correctly!

I do not think that guns belong on the streets or in homes because they are unsafe when people are not trained. A couple of weeks ago, a 6-year-old child brought a gun to school with him and shot his 1st-grade teacher. This was not a mass shooting, but it did cause harm to an innocent teacher and that child should have never had access to it or even known where it was in the home. The devastation of gun violence upsets me deeply and the fact we already had so many mass shootings early in the year, scares me to see what the remainder of the year will hold. Changes with gun policies have needed to change for a long time and I only hope the change will happen sooner rather than later.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I know many people will not agree with me on this topic, but I do still look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope you are having a good week and you are staying safe. We have made it through the first part of the week, so hopefully, the last part of the week will be easy and go well. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Opinion overload

Politics has been and always will remain a HOT topic. Political conversations can fuel passionate discussions that can lead to vehemently fierce arguments. Disagreements involving politics have destroyed and dismantled relationships of all types. I do understand that everyone has an opinion, which is their right, but I do not think it should create as much hostility and friction as it does. Unfortunately, the truth is none of us have any control over what happens in the political world. I may not be correct, but I do believe the only consistency with most politicians is they all have a difficult time understanding what the truth means.

Many people have their views and thoughts on certain topics engrained in them. I do not mean these thoughts were built into them from birth because as we grow, we determine our world views. My personal views on many of the HOT topics, we have all been told not to discuss with family and friends are very different from my mother who raised me. Honestly, the reason for my political views is that I am a true believer in equality, and I do not judge people based on anything besides their treatment of others.

November is the mid-term election, so there is a lot of talk going on regarding this now. The one that is standing out in my mind currently is the candidates in Georgia. The person that is running for the US Senator on the Republican side, Herschel Walker, makes my blood boil. The things that have come out of his mouth have been clean and bald-faced lies and he is against everything that I believe in. I do not understand how a so-called “man” that has paid for a woman to have an abortion can now be against it, even in cases of rape and incest. The man is a hypocrite and a disgrace to humanity.

Most of the politicians in the United States after from a much older generation and are stuck in the past. They have not evolved to the level the country requires. Once these politicians get to a certain again, they should be forced to retire and allow the younger generation an opportunity. Of course, certain people are still in office as senators or governors that I strongly dislike because their views are still from another time, and I think they are not only disrespectful but extremely offensive. The United States is “supposed” to be a free and welcoming place, but in my opinion, is anything but what it “claims” to stand for.

It breaks my heart to see on the news the constant and unnecessary violence. There is NO logical or rational reason for people to fear going to public places because of random shootings. I was ignorant of the level of hatred in the country I live in for most of my life, but now I see that it has always been an issue. It seems like the problems we are suffering from have a band-aid put on them, but they are just a temporary fix and NOT an actual solution.

Situations regarding abortion and gay marriage are topics that enrage me. The abortion law was put into place 50 years ago and it made sense. This gave a woman the right to her body without a government dictating what was allowed. Of course, this law was overturned this year and was the WRONG decision. I strongly believe that it is a woman’s body, and no one has a right to decide what happens in her body. Even though people allow their religious views to influence how they feel about abortion, that should not force a victim of rape to have to carry a reminder of the worst day of their life for nine months.

Gay marriage became legal in 2015. This is not causing anyone any harm and is simply about love between two people. Just because we do not understand, or something makes someone uncomfortable does not mean it should not be allowed. Love is love and not something criminal. I do believe people are either born gay or not and it is not something they wake up one morning and decide to be.

It seems that the world is on opinion overload, and many do not try to understand the way others think. We do not have to agree with others on everything, but we do need to be respectful of their thoughts. If you know you disagree with another person on something, it is best to evade that topic and avoid unnecessary arguments. We already know that people have strong opinions on topics such as politics, religion, abortion, and sexual preferences, so these should be avoided at all costs.

Thank goodness it is Saturday, and we can rest or do whatever else we choose. How was your week? For some reason, last week felt insanely long and I was exhausted by the end of the day yesterday. Do you have anything special planned for the weekend or will you just do your best to recover from the week? My plans are the latter and recuperate from the week.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and I do apologize if anything I mentioned was offensive because that was never my intention. I would love to read your thoughts and I will respond to your comments as quickly as possible. I hope you enjoy your weekend and stay as safe as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Random acts of violence

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to hear about violence taking place in the United States. Anytime we turn on the TV there is at least one, if not more awful things happening. We are constantly hearing about mass shootings, cops killing unarmed people (most often black men), or other acts of violence where innocent people are dying Some people have become desensitized to the various amount of hate-filled violence that occurs, which these acts cause others vast levels of distress and despair.

When you combine isolation due to COVID and feelings of despair from the violence taking place, the emotional impact can be extremely intense. Of course, working from home is great, but I do feel very isolated and like I am on house arrest a lot. Situations like what happened with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and countless others murdered by those that are “supposed” to protect and serve, the police cause me to feel anxious and angry and I am not an angry person. The case against Derek Chauvin, the police officer who murdered George Floyd in Minneapolis had me on edge. When I watched the verdict being read it did give me a glimmer of hope, but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

The recent and senseless mass shootings that have occurred in the United States are heart-wrenching. The one on March 16, in Atlanta GA at 3 spas left 8 people dead, 6 of which were women of Asian descent. It has been stated this murder rampage was due to anti-Asian racism, which does not make any sense to me. These women were innocent and simply doing their job to take care of their families. Atlanta, GA is only about two and a half hours from where I live, but these acts can happen anywhere because the levels of hate and racist behavior are exceedingly high. I do not understand why some many Americans have any issue with people of Asian descent because these people are NOT doing anything wrong or causing any harm to anyone else.

Only six days later, on March 22 in Boulder, CO another gunman went on a shooting rampage at a supermarket. This incident left 10 innocent people who were at a grocery store picking up items needed dead. People that knew this 21-year-old gunman said he was prone to anger problems and his arrest record showed where he assaulted a classmate in 2017. It was obvious this person had issues, so why was something not done to help him?

Less than a month later on April 15 in Indianapolis, IN at a FedEx facility a gunman started shooting people in the parking lot before he continued his shooting spree inside the building. This mass shooting left 8 innocent people dead before the gunman turned the gun onto himself. Not to sound insensitive, but if the end result was taking his own life, why did he not just do that in the beginning and leave the innocent people he killed alive?

There are no motives to make sense of these tragic deaths or to make it easier for the 26 families that lost a loved one. Even though there is not anything we can do for those affected by these events, there are ways we can help ourselves to cope better.

We have all been dealing with the pandemic for over a year now, often fearing for our safety, as well as for those we love because this virus is deadly. Then adding mass amounts of violence can shake communities to their foundations. Whether you live in the United States or another country, how do these situations make you feel? Some of us may feel like we are in danger if we just go to the grocery store or other normal activities outside the home. Other common reactions may include numbness and shock, difficulty making decisions, anger, inability to turn off the images seen on the news, tension, anxiety, loss of appetite, headaches, disturbed sleep and bad dreams, and or worry about future mass violence events.

Just knowing about these traumatic situations can be emotionally draining and cause you to feel unstable with typical life challenges. Issues with work, ongoing issues with the pandemic, financial struggles, or just staying on top of our daily activities can feel overwhelming and stressful. Try being kinder, patient, and more understanding with yourself because you are not alone.

Urgent do not forget to take care of yourself. Everyone reacts to these situations differently. It does not matter if an act of violence occurred where you live or on the other side of the world because our mind and body can react as if it were much closer. The following eight tips are ways we can practice self-care.

1. Safeguard your body’s needs by focusing on eating healthy, get proper amounts of sleep, and spending time outdoors.

2. Stay active in ways you are comfortable with. There is no need to push yourself too far and causing any extra stress on your body.

3. Embrace relaxation exercises such as meditation and relaxing breathing techniques.

4. Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to help you relax at night.

5. Collect information regarding the available mental health services and support.

6. Avoid using alcohol and drugs to help you cope.

7. Take the necessary breaks from watching the news on TV and or social media.

8. Give your attention to things you enjoy such as listening to music, walking, writing, other types of arts and crafts.

I know this post was not very uplifting or positive, but these are real issues the world is facing, and they are upsetting me tremendously. I do not like being negative or angry but wanted to bring these issues to everyone’s attention. This was not to upset anyone or ruin your day, so please forgive me.

I want to thank you for visiting my site today and reading this post. I hope you are having a good week and continuing to stay safe! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa