Motivational Monday

Let It Go Friday

Inspirational Wednesday

Hello, y’all! The good news about today is we are officially halfway through the week! That means we are much closer to the weekend than we were yesterday!! How has your week been up until now? I hope you are having a great week and things are going as good as they can for you. I am, of course, ready for the weekend on Sunday evening, but this has nothing to do with my job. I am just ready to be able to “try” to sleep a little later. The way the weather has been, which is WAY too HOT, makes me feel terrible and causes much more fatigue. I am not sure if it has more to do with the nasty humidity or the temperatures being in the HIGH 90s, but either way, I am ready for it to STOP!

We are at the halfway point of the week, and I think today is a good day for a little extra inspiration. If anyone has ever said that life is easy, they were not being honest because life is a struggle for most people in this world. It is important to be kind to others and help people when it is possible. I found this quote I shared very inspiring and gives a little insight into life. I think it can be easy for kind people who love without hesitation to be used and even abused by others. It is not easy to trust for some because once that trust is broken, it is challenging to earn. We should always listen to others when they speak, but they need to give us that same respect and listen to what we have to say.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and the quote resonates with you, but also inspires you! Always look on the bright side of things, or at least try to because the week is close to being over. I always look forward to reading your comments because all of you are brilliant and have great insight. I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Tuesday is NOT so bad!

Another Monday has come and gone, and we managed to survive it😊! Has your week started well? Somethings do not change, and the days keep going by. Of course, there might always be some stress, but I hope it is a limited amount and it does not become too overwhelming. Most of the time, the things we think are stressful and upsetting are not as bad as we think. I know it does not seem like that at the time, but if you think about each situation with a clear and rational mind, you will see “most” things are not that terrible. I guess I try to view things with the respect that someone else is always going through something much worse. Of course, this was one of many valuable lessons that I learned from my late grandfather.

Although we have made it through what some think is the hardest day of the week, we do have a few more days until we reach the weekend. My week is going to be a little shorter because I am working a half day on Thursday, and I am off on Friday for another doctor’s appointment. This appointment is just a follow-up with my pain doctor, and all these appointments go the same way. The most challenging part is the drive because the interstate is a mess. On Thursday, we are going to see the band that might husband proposed on stage with, in concert, and I have been looking forward to this for several months.

We must find ways to stay positive and calm through anything we might experience during the week. I have always believed that there is real strength in the power of the mind. If one can try to believe things are going to go well, good things may happen more frequently. Unfortunately, we have the power to think negative outcomes into our reality, and we will experience more negativity in life. But, on the opposite side, we can believe in positive outcomes in this reality and live fulfilled and favorable lives. I know things are not always going to be positive and bad things can and will happen, but if we can try to lean heavier on the positive things, maybe they will happen more often! It cannot hurt to at least try😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found enjoyment in what I have shared, and the quote provided you with some peace, and strength. I know life is not always going to be perfect, and go the way we want, but having an optimistic outlook can go a long way. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Hello, and welcome back to Monday! I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and yes, I know it was a little too short, but it always is! Regardless of the way you feel about Monday morning, it is super important to look at the new week as another opportunity and not as a punishment. If we always go into the new week with a negative mindset because we do not enjoy Monday morning, think about the real reason behind that thought. Is it Monday morning you dread or is it you just wanted the weekend to not end so soon? I can say that it is not Monday mornings that I dread, and I would prefer to have the weekend continue, but even if it was a three-day weekend, it never feels long enough.

The only way to begin a new week is with optimism and a motivated mindset and to look forward to all the new things that may happen. We should not doubt our abilities because we are powerful. One of my biggest problems in this life is I never think I am doing things well enough. I constantly doubt what I do and what I can do. Do you remember the writing competition I could not decide if I was good enough to enter? I did not want to regret not entering the competition because I knew I would always wonder what could have happened. The young lady I wrote the article about and who inspired me to do so, read my article, and she loved it. She does not know me or anything about me, but she permitted me to write about her journey and then to read my article. This gave me SO much HOPE and inspiration.

Last week was very stressful for me, but it was because I allowed myself to get in my head about a doctor’s appointment. I am sure I am not the only female that does not enjoy going to the OBGYN, but there are further reasons why I have tried avoiding them for so long. One test came did not come back 100% normal and I decided to Google what was said. Biggest mistake ever because Google was not 100% correct. The reason the test did not come back great had nothing to do with cancer or anything else, but everything to do with my immune system. I know my immune system is not the best, but that is because of Multiple Sclerosis and the medication I must take. My follow-up appointment went very well, and the doctor is not concerned! I spend three weeks thinking negatively and for NOTHING!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today and your week starts well. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please try your best to not doubt what you can do because most of us have already overcome and accomplished so much in life already, and forget what we have done in life. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday

We have made it through half of this week, so we only have the second half of the week to go, which should be much easier! How has your week been so far? To be honest, this week has been very busy, and I prefer it to be that way. Think about how long your workday would be if you were slow, it would make the day feel like days instead of hours. Another thing I enjoy during my workdays is being able to help others as much as possible. It does not matter how busy I am, I will always find the time to help others because that is how we should be. I refer to this way of thinking as kindness, and I would hope if I ever needed help others would be willing to help me!

Now that we are officially halfway through the week, what keeps you going? Yes, times can get challenging, and we must force ourselves, but I think it also takes determination and inspiration. Many times, we might have to force a smile, but does that not make you feel just a little better? I always feel happier when I see others smiling, and it brings one to my face as well. The reason I am sharing this quote with you today is because I think it has a lot of meaning. We all go through challenges in life, but if we can give those challenges as accomplishments, it should make us proud. This week has been hard because I am a little nervous about a doctor’s appointment I have tomorrow, but I know if I push myself to think positively, nothing too terrible will happen, or at least that is what I am hoping for.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found the quote I shared inspirational and it helps you through the rest of the week. Regardless, of anything you might be going through, remember to keep your head held high and always find the positive in your life. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

It Is Going To Be A Good Day

Happy Tuesday, y’all! What is something good about Tuesday? It means we made it through the first day of the week, so it cannot be that bad! I know we are only one day into the week, but how is your week going so far? Something that I have noticed is, some too many people complain. In the bigger picture, the things they are complaining about do not matter. Nothing good comes from complaining, so why do people do it? I might be wrong, but I think some people are begging for attention, which does not make sense to me. The only attention people will get, if any, is negative attention.

During the days, we may experience negative and upsetting things, but we have the power to overcome them. At the end of the day, what truly matters to you? Whatever you experience during your day that gets you down, remember everything that matters the most. Of course, we have all gone through painful losses, but our loved ones will always live on in our hearts, and we should continue doing what they would want us to. It is so important to hold onto your values and never forget them.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and that the quote resonates with you. I believe strongly in those four words, and will continue keeping them in my mind during this week, and after. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Hello, and welcome back to Monday! How was your weekend? I hope you had a chance to relax and recuperate from last week, but the new week has started, and it is going to be filled with many good things. I believe if we tell ourselves this enough, we will hope it into existence. To be honest with you because I think that is the only way to be, but my weekend was anything but ideal. The darn neuropathy as getting the best of me and was pushing me to stop fighting against it, and accept the reality of the pain. HECK NO! I will never break the promise I made to by late grandfather, and I will NEVER surrender to anything with Multiple Sclerosis.

The beginning of each week is a chance to accomplish new goals and a time to be motivated for success. As y’all know, I try to find good quotes that can help to keep us motivated. I hope you will enjoy the quote I am sharing today, and it helps begin your week in the best mindset. One thing I find important is we must focus on one task at a time to avoid becoming overly stressed because stress will defeat any motivation we have. I do have a few goals for this week, one being to try doing one post each day, and the other is to not allow myself to get too stressed about an appointment that I have on Thursday afternoon.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I shared with you today, and the quote offers you motivation and encouragement. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as soon as I can. I hope you will view Monday morning as more than the end of the weekend, and just another day, as I think it is a new start, and nothing to want to avoid. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Neuropathy Triggers

Multiple Sclerosis is a nuisance, painful, troublesome, and unpredictable, which makes for a miserable combination of frustration and anger. Those of us that are trying to get through the days with what feels like a rain cloud over our heads and never leaves can understand that we cannot predict how the days will flow, but we sure as hell figure out things to avoid. I know science has come a long way, even since I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, but something must change with the symptoms related to this disease as they are extremely annoying and daunting.

Of course, there is an overwhelming amount of information online, and there are many great neurologists that have studied this disease, but they might not be living with it personally, and everyone experiences things differently. I could ask 100 people living with this disease what the worse part about Multiple Sclerosis is, and I am sure that I would get 100 different answers. This does not mean that each person does not experience similar issues, but they will NOT be felt the same way. I guess I finally understand why Multiple Sclerosis is often referred to as “snowflake disease” because no two snowflakes are identical, no two MS cases are either.

As I am writing this post, it is 2:00 in the morning. Everyone in the house is sleeping, and I am awake unable to sleep because of the neuropathy pain in my feet and legs. They have not been feeling well all day, which I chalked up to the rainy weather, but then I made the mistake of having something with too much dairy for dinner. I know how much the weather affects my legs and realize it is unavoidable, but I am wise enough to know that dairy increases neuropathy issues but did it anyway. After living with Multiple Sclerosis for more than half of my life, I know the triggers, and try to avoid them. I have no excuse for why knowing the triggers I ignore some, such as dairy and stress.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Last night was very brutal, but I am trying to stay hopeful the neuropathy will subside and stop causing so much pain. As you can tell, I did not post this at 2:00 AM when I was unable to sleep, but wanted to get this out there and hope it helps someone else not feel alone. I hope you have been able to enjoy your weekend, but the good news is, it is not over yet and we still have several hours left of the weekend before we begin a new week. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Happy Friday Eve

Happy Friday Eve, y’all! I hope your week has gone well, and you are getting ready for the weekend😊! It has been a HOT week, and I hope you are doing all you can to stay cool and hydrated. I know it is summer, but my goodness, it has been too darn hot. I hate to complain about the heat when other states, and the one I used to live in, are experiencing dangerous flooding. I think part of me is still in shock at what Vermont is going through currently. I lived there for much of my childhood and had never seen anything as tragic as they are now. I have not been back to the state of Vermont in around 25 years, and even though it is a pretty state, I do not plan to go back, which some of that is due to personal reasons.

The past several days have been incredibly stressful for me, as I have been worried about our older cat, Sundance. He has asthma and has not felt well since Thursday evening. He has always been so great at taking the medication he must but has been refusing to lately. Thankfully, as of yesterday, he started to be more like himself😊. There are so many joys of having pets because they are more like family than just pets. The happiness and love they offer are amazing and something I will be forever thankful for. I will admit that I am the type of person that is susceptible to being overly emotional and a bit of a stress case, but it is because I care deeply about others, especially our cats. I will even cry when I know someone else’s pet is sick or worse has passed away because it is heartbreaking.

What has been the highlight of your week? Yes, I know the weeks can feel long and grueling, but there is always something good that happens, and the week cannot be all bad! I must say the highlight of my entire week has been Sundance starting to improve and be his normal and loving little self. The hardest thing about having pets is when they are sick because you want to do everything in your power to make them well, but we can only do so much. I like to be able to fix things for my sweet cats and those I care about, and it is upsetting when I must admit and realize that I cannot fix everything. I guess you could say I am a bit of a control freak! I hope that does not make me sound like a terrible person😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared with you, and that your week has been great. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as possible. I know the weekend will be here soon, but please remember you only must do what makes you happy, and not what others expect you to do. I think that is the problem with many people, including myself, and we try to do what everyone else expects. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa