~How to handle holiday financial stress~

Slowly we are getting much closer to being able to celebrate and enjoy the holidays, as we did before the pandemic. Thankfully, vaccines and boosters are readily available for everyone over age 5 years old and they are free of charge. Currently, 42.7% of people worldwide have been fully vaccinated. In the United States, where I live 59.6 of the population have been fully vaccinated. I know many that have reservations of the vaccine, but how many people have died from the vaccine compared to those that died due to the virus? Maybe there have been some that died after getting the vaccine, but would they have died regardless of the vaccine?

Last year most of us were not able to celebrate holidays or even visit family because of the COVID fears. Hopefully, you were able to spend the recent holiday, Thanksgiving with your family and be thankful for the day! While we were able to enjoy the day, we have many more days ahead of us, especially if we can keep the virus under control. Of course, no one has answers to if we will face lockdowns again and fear for our lives, but we can at least try remaining hopeful.

There have been various challenges we have faced during the eighteen months of the pandemic. Unfortunately, some lost their jobs, which created financial stresses. Holidays can always come with more financial stress, but with the right amount of thought, logic, and planning, it does not have to. To help you reduce your holiday finance stress, I am going to share a few tips that might help.

Take time to give some thought to gifts. Our family and friends have different desires and wants to consider. Instead of going to the stores or shopping online mindlessly, think about each person individually. Does the person have any hobbies? Does the person enjoy personalized gifts from the heart? Does the person enjoy gifts that have other meanings? Children are typically easy to please and just enjoy a physical item they can open. Children also tend to want the newest toy available but might also enjoy arts and crafts. Therefore, a coloring book, crayons, colorful paper, and markers may keep they entertained and happy for hours!

You may also be able to divide people into different categories. This can help prioritize who you are buying for and the costs of what is purchased. With this shopping will become more about giving something meaningful, instead of just buying random items.

Create a list that you can follow. This is like going grocery shopping, which some of you might not make a list before you go grocery shopping. Do you find having something in your hand to shop with is helpful? So, you do not forget things you need or buy things that are not necessary? Creating a holiday shopping list will prevent you from impulse buying. It can be easy to start shopping for family and find something you want, that is on sale.

Creating a list that does not include yourself and stay concentrated solely on your list can help maintain your financial focus. Once you decide who you want to buy for and have an idea what the person would like, you can check things off along the way, which can provide you satisfaction for staying on task and completing an important task.

Understand your reason for holiday shopping. Once you get started with your holiday shopping, you might start feeling overwhelmed. Thoughts such as what and who you should do for, and feelings of stress being to build up inside. When you feel this start, take a step back from the situation and remember why you are holiday shopping. Also try to connect with the moment and pace yourself. Mindful breathing and meditation might help you to stay calm.

After you connect and check in with your body, ask you’re a few simple questions. Why is this important to you? Who and why are you trying to impress someone? Do you think anyone will be disappointed with your gift or are they expecting something different? Understanding the source of your stress may help you to keep it from getting too out of control.

Obviously, no one wants to disappoint someone else, but most of the time your family is not going to be disappointed. Our family just wants the chance to spend time together and creating new memories. Truthfully, it would only be a shallow type of person that would be disappointed with what we give them. Although we do all know someone that would be that shallow and they might be one of our family members, try to not allow yourself to fall into that mindset. Just remember, holidays are not about what you get or how much you spend, it is about being surrounded by loved ones!

I hope what I have shared will help reduce your stress around the holidays. It is supposed to be a time of joy, not unnecessary additional stress. Life is already difficult enough and we deal with other stresses that we cannot avoid. I do look forward to reading what you thought about what I shared. Stress has been said to be a silent killer and I believe this is true. Nothing good comes from stress, but there is a lot of things to enjoy in this short life!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site today. I hope your weekend begins great and only brings you more joy. The weekends are so short, so they are best spent doing what makes us happy. Even with that said, whatever you do this weekend, please do so in the safest way possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday!

~Be Inspired, Stay Inspired & Inspire Others~

Happy Wednesday y’all! The good news about today is, we are halfway through the week and so much closer to the weekend! How is your week going so far? I think it is safe to say that every day has been pretty similar to Monday, which is not really a bad thing. I am still VERY ready for the weekend because I am tired of getting up early and dealing with the stresses of work. Even saying that, if overtime is offered this weekend, I will more than likely do it. Crazy, right?

It is easy to just go along with how things are in the world, but where is the inspiration in our world today? Exactly, it is missing. With this said, we must find our inspiration and try to always inspire those we are around. My hope is you are going to find some kind of inspiration in the quote I am sharing with y’all today. For most days, if we think about the great opportunities tomorrow offers us, instead of all the stresses and issues from yesterday, we are going to be much more successful and happy! But, what do you think? I would love to know and promise to respond to your comments as quickly as I can!

Our week is getting closer to the end and I know we all typically look forward to a carefree weekend but do you have any plans? As Christmas is getting closer and I know we all probably have Christmas wish lists we want to fulfill, but please do so in the safest way your possibly can. This is a time that online shopping is ideal because it is safe. Something on all our Christmas wish lists is probably that COVID will go away, but unfortunately, that wish might not happen this year. So what I am begging y’all to do, if you must leave the safety of your home, please do so in the safest way possible which means follow the guidelines we have been told by experts. Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands, and even wear gloves!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have a great and safe day! Remember, I do not constantly remind y’all about being safe because I want to be a nag, I save the nagging for my husband, I am telling y’all this because I do not want anything awful to happen to you. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

‘Tis the season to be jolly!

Holiday-shopping-safetyI still can’t believe it is already that time of year again! You know when stores are crazy busy and crowded with holiday shoppers and traffic is horrendous? Finding a parking space is almost as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack! It seems that many people lose their common sense with driving and getting around town is like a war zone!

Trying to find the “perfect” gift for someone becomes more a frustrating chore instead of a good enjoyable time! This time of year really should be more than what’s sparkle.jpgunderneath the Christmas tree and more about spending time with our loved ones. In an effort to lessen your stresses about shopping in the overly busy stores, I am going to share a few great ideas for gifts that can just be delivered to you at home!

  1. Ring-video doorbell with HD video and motion activation alert! How great would this be to not even have to get up to see who is at the door? This fabulous doorbell connects with Alexa allowing for you to not only see the person, but you can speak to them and hear them as well. Your home will be monitored in 1080p video with infrared night vision. I think it would be rather interesting to be able to check on the home anytime with live video on demand!
  2. Canary Indoor Security Camera 1080p HD, with a wide-angle lens. This camera is motion activated, has full color, night vision with image pan and zoom. You can see what is going on inside your home anytime and anywhere you are. Who needs a nanny cam if you have this great camera? The camera come in black, white and black graphite. Connects with Alexa, iOS, Android and Google. There is even one touch emergency services that will alert police, fire and EMT.
  3. Instant Pot Duo can work as a pressure cooker, slow-cooker, rice cooker, steam vegetables, saute foods, warm food and you can even make your own yogurt! This contains the ability  to monitor pressure, temperature, keeps time and adjusts heating intensity and duration. This just blows my mind because it cooks fast and saves you time. After a long day at work, this machine with little effort on your part will have dinner ready in no time!
  4. Super Deal Pro Digital Swing Away Heat Press, Heat Transfer SublimationMachine. Have you ever thought about using your creativity to make gifts for others and even great things for yourself? All you would need is letters, numbers and images to create t-shirts, garment bags, mouse pads, jigsaw puzzles, ceramic tiles, plates and really anything that is flat. A digital LCD time lets you set the desired time and an audible alarm will let you know when the item is complete. I think this machine could be so much fun and using our creativity would show off our talents!
  5. Lighted Makeup Mirror is great for those of us that need extra light to get ourselves ready. I have noticed sometimes it is rather challenging to see when I am applying my makeup in the mornings due to low light. This very affordable light offers LED natural white and is double sided. It even comes with a stand to make things even easier!

These are just a few ideas that someone you know may enjoy! I am still looking for more iideasdeas that could be affordable and a great gift! This is just my first post with gift ideas and there will be more to follow. Please let me know what you thought about these ideas because I would love to know your opinion! 

I appreciate you stopping by today and hope your week is going well. This is my last week until starting my new job on Monday. I am doing all I can to enjoy not working and not having a schedule, but at the same time do look forward to having a set schedule. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤