Long and Stressful Week

Time To Move On

Midweek Thoughts

Motivational Monday

Taking Chances

Spread positivity, more than negativity

The world we are living in, and sharing, is a beautiful place, or at least it should be. Take a moment and recall all the spectacular sites you have seen, smelled, tasted, and touched. Regardless of if the sky has many fluffy or dark clouds, or if it is a clear blue sky, it appears to go on endlessly. Surrounding the land, we can see, smell, taste, touch, and admire the ocean. These are just two magnificent things we should appreciate. Where do you see the most beauty in this world? Many people want to complain and be upset about humans destroying the planet, but then no one does anything to correct the damage.

How is it possible for us to have many incredibly astonishing things around us, but they are unable to be appreciated, and instead, humans try to demolish everything with unique qualities? The world was created for us to live in together, but we need to learn to accept others for who they are, and not who we think others should be. Unfortunately, it appears that people generally insult and try to break others down, mostly with selfish motives. I do not understand why humans think they are entitled to talk negatively to others, but this is only causing mental harm to others.

Social media is where much of this begins, but why does this happen? So many try to portray a perfect life on social media, but most of this is false. For some reason, people feel empowered when they can hide behind their keyboard and their monitor. Negative comments hurt others, and these wounds do not heal easily. It would be much healthier for everyone when posting on social media, would all remain honest. Everyone has struggles, and no one’s life is perfect. If everyone on social media could be honest, it might help another person that is battling with a similar struggle.

For anyone that posts things on social media, start today being 100% honest, we may have the power to make changes in this world. Nothing is going to happen overnight, but ending the negative comments and lies could make a huge difference in someone else’s life. The mean and negative comments are causing too many issues for too many people that do not deserve this treatment. I do understand, some of this was incited by political leaders, of which I will not mention any names. The name-calling and shame are awful and heartbreaking. Some of this has caused innocent people to decide that suicide is their only option, but this should never be a person’s only option.

Young people are very impressionable, but we can provide a better impression and be better role models for the youth. How many young people must die before the adults in this world behave better? Destroying another person’s self-esteem and views must end. We can make better choices and help inspire others. I do believe social media can be an amazing thing, but only when there is truth. It is hard to know that there is so much hate continuing to build around the world. Negativity can be contagious, but so can positivity😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope what I have shared today resonates with you. Even though the weekend is almost over, we do have a chance to enjoy several more hours, and I hope you do exactly that. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Finally took a chance

I am not sure about y’all, but I am beyond thankful for the weekend. Last week was a little stressful for me due to having to make the drive to my follow-up doctor’s appointment on one of the most terrible roads I have ever driven on, but also because of my back and forth with myself regarding the writing competition. I know without asking anyone what the biggest issue for me was about this, and it was my complete lack of self-confidence. I was so worried that the judges would think the article was not good enough to enter any writing competition, but also because I am planning on sharing this article with the young lady I wrote about. I am not sure if I was more worried about what the judges would think or the person that I wrote about.

What I can say is, I put a lot of thought, soul, and heart into this article. I decided, win, or lose, it would be worth it because I did enjoy the research I did, and putting the article together was also exciting. After causing myself too much stress, and worrying too much about it, I finally submitted the article to the competition last night. I know how my mind works, and if I decided against this competition, I would have always wondered what would have happened and regretted not participating in the competition. I did not do this article or decide on the topic that I would do to become a famous writer, but I did want to try to do something with my writing.

Since I was a young child, I always enjoyed writing and even wanted to be a journalist. Of course, life did have other plans for me, and I must accept life for what it is. I could spend the rest of my life with regrets, that I did not pursue my dreams of being a journalist, but what would that do for me? Nothing! For the time being, I am thankful for the opportunity to write what I want to write on my blog. Maybe, and that is a BIG maybe, I will write the book that I have dreamed of writing. Until and if that day comes, I am going to continue to enjoy my blog and participate in writing competitions when they are available. Life is short, and dreams can come true, but dreams can also change.

Thank you for visiting my site today and continuing to support my writing. I meant to do this post earlier in the day, but I was too exhausted, and needed to rest, and not think too much. I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and doing something that brings you the most joy. We work hard all week, and even if you love your job, it is important to have some downtime away from work and all we must do. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa