Drum Roll, Please

Homelessness In the United States

Unfortunately, homelessness has been an enormous issue in the United States for many years. This issue is only progressively getting worse, and nothing is being done about it. It is ludicrous for this to be happening, considering the United States is the wealthiest developed country in the world. Why do the wealthy continuously get wealthier, and the middle and lower classes continue to try staying afloat? Well-known names such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos have more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes and could afford to help those less fortunate and still be able to live their upscale and luxurious lifestyle.

Currently, 582,462 homeless individuals are trying to survive in the United States. The number of homeless Americans has increased by 2,000 since the last census conducted in 2020. Homelessness has remained a consistent and prevalent issue that affects every state in the United States. The states with the highest number of homeless individuals are California at 161,548, New York at 91,271, Florida at 27,487, and Texas with 27,229 homeless. The two states with the lowest number of homeless are North Dakota with 610, and Wyoming with 648 homeless.

As human beings, we are all imperfect, and we make many mistakes during our journey through life. Unfortunately, many people tend to pass judgment on others and situations they do not understand. Unless we are around someone whom we communicate with regularly and have a close relationship with, we do not know what random struggles they may be enduring. When someone is going through a challenging and painful time, the last thing they need is to be mistreated or chastised. Poor treatment may cause more harm than good, and no one wants to be responsible for another person’s distress.

Homelessness is a devastating circumstance, and those inflicted by this tragic hardship are heartbreaking. We may not understand why or whom someone became homeless or why they cannot make changes to overcome their struggles and get off the streets, but we can be sympathetic. We must understand anyone can fall victim to the homelessness trap as this negative situation does not discriminate and can invade anyone’s life.

Some people will see a homeless person and immediately assume the person is nothing more than an alcoholic or a drug addict and dismiss them. Everyone needs to look past immediate and ignorant assumptions and be kind, compassionate, empathetic, and understanding because even though addiction is a common cause of homelessness, there are other reasons. In the rest of this post, I am going to explain some reasons for homelessness, and even though we cannot fix the issues, there are some simple ways we can help those in need.

1. Although this is not the only reason people are homeless, it is the #1 reason, which is addiction. It has been reported 68% of United States cities say addiction is the single largest cause of their homeless population. Sadly, addiction can overpower logic for housing to be their priority in life.

2. Mental health illnesses are another massive issue creating problems in our society. The disgusting lack of treatment services for people suffering from mental health illness and or struggling with addiction are far too few and offer only hopelessness and despair.

3. We are more than halfway through 2023, and I find it to be appalling to know inequality continues to be an issue flooding the country. Sadly, racial minorities experience homelessness at a much higher rate than the white population. Another related issue is, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Black Americans are three times more like than other races to lose their home.

4. This next fact will tug at your heartstrings, or at least it did mine. Domestic violence can lead to women and children becoming homeless, which is at NO fault of their own. Nationwide 50% of homeless women and children are due to an emergency need to flee from an abusive environment. Many times, women will feel it is an urgent matter to escape and leave without a solid plan. The women understand it is risky to leave but can admit staying can be even more risky and possibly the difference between life and death. Considering she may have left with tremendous urgency and no plan, she and her children may not have a place to stay, so they will end up trying to survive living in a car, shelter, or worst-case scenario, on the streets.

5. Family disagreements, which in a sense can be closely related to domestic violence. These disagreements occur often in the LGBTQ+ community. Sadly, coming out and being honest about oneself can be perilous. Some families will throw an individual out of their home or create a hazardous, and hostile environment. According to the True Colors Fund, 1.6 million youth from the LGBTQ+ community end up homeless annually.

6. A systematic breakdown can transpire due to an individual or family’s circumstances, which should never be dismissed. Homelessness can occur when our society neglects to recognize and support those at the highest risk of becoming without a home. The most common areas of failure are correctional services, healthcare services, and child welfare. Our society commonly neglects to address racial inequalities, increase wages, and provide affordable housing, which are contributing factors to the homelessness rate.

How can anyone expect changes in the homeless community when there is NOT adequate help? Why would we expect another person’s circumstances to improve or be the same as ours when we are all different? The United States is the wealthiest country in the world, but we are leaving these human beings alone. The unfortunate situation the homeless are in leaves them to be a victim of being condemned and without hope for their future.

We might not be able to fix everything for those who are homeless, but there are always simple things we can do to offer some assistance. The following are just a few ways we can all help the homeless community.

Donate Basic Items:

Many shelters and organizations will appreciate money, groceries, and clothing, but we can reach out to them first, and ask what they need the most. If you are planning to donate clothing, consider the time of year. During the summer and warmer months, customize what you donate to warm weather clothing. The same would apply to the winter and colder months, and you would want to donate clothing to help people stay warm. While I know we all want to help as much as we can, we should refrain from donating items that may not be as useful. You can also consider donating toiletries and personal items such as underwear, bras, and socks.

Help prepare and serve a meal:

At most shelters and organizations, you can volunteer to cook a meal for homeless guests, but you may want to speak with the organizer at the facility you want to help. Offering your time to help prepare and serve meals will mean a lot to anyone staying at the shelter. This provides the guest at the shelter with your compassion and shows that you care, which may offer them the home the need during their challenging time. A little kindness, love, and compassion can go a long way, especially when people are struggling.

Contribute your skills:

We all have talents and skills we can share with those struggling in life. Service providers, including plumbing, carpentry, accounting, childcare, tutoring, and mentoring skills are beneficial. The sky is the limit of how we can help others.

Offer a sincere smile:

Maintaining eye contact and speaking with kind words when speaking with the guests. Offering a smile shows respect for the guest’s humanity during a time when the person is struggling with the feeling of hopelessness and has lost hope for their future. This moment of your life will only take a short time but will have a HUGE, positive, and lasting impact on another person’s life.

Engage in conversations:

You can talk to the guests, as you are assisting in serving their meals about hobbies. Speak with the person living at the shelter with respect and friendliness. You can talk to them the same as you would anyone else, and this may encourage the guest and help them feel life is worth living, and there is hope for them.

I know this post was longer than normal, but I thought this information was important, and more people need to be aware of the struggles some endure. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my site and to read what I have shared. I hope this provided you with some insight into what some people are facing in the United States. Our lives may be challenging with what we may face, but homeless people are struggling and might be in danger. There are not nearly enough homeless shelters to manage to care for all the homeless, and many will go without food and shelter.

Always, Alyssa

What happened to Humanity?

Sadly, there have been too many random acts of violence in the United States, and I cannot understand this. What happened to humanity, or have too many people forgotten the meaning? I know many of us have seen how some of our political leaders behave, or maybe I should phrase this as how they misbehave. Just because we witness how a political leader acts, it does not mean it is the way we should act. We all have different beliefs and there is not anything wrong with this. It is important to realize we are all in this world together, and we must start learning ways to accept these differences. There is no right or wrong way to live, and it is only wrong to mistreat or be unkind to others. If someone is not causing harm to others, what does it matter? No one should fear living their life the way they want to and the ways that make them happy.

I am sure most of us know what the meaning of humanity is, but I do believe we may need to help remind others of the meaning. The exact meaning of humanity is simple, it is the quality or state of being humane. This is just being compassionate, sympathetic, and or having a generous behavior or disposition. In the rest of this post, I am going to share several ways to demonstrate humanity, and I am sure there are many other ways.

1. Although it may be different to find with some, we should try looking for the good in people. It is similar to there being two sides to every story, everyone has their good and bad sides. It is possible for those who made many bad decisions to have good qualities, they might not be as easy to identify. Even with this said, try to not be so quick to make a judgment because we may not know the whole story. Criticizing and condemning others is NOT a good quality to have, but being sympathetic and compassionate is. It may require a little more work, but no matter how bad a person appears, we should try to see their good side.

2. Understand that everyone has potential. It does not matter how low someone has fallen due to bad luck or bad decisions; everyone holds the potential to pick themselves back up. Instead of putting people down with snide comments, we should try helping them to realize what they are capable of and encourage them. Once someone has hit a low point in their life, putting them down will not accomplish anything positive because they may already feel helpless and hopeless.

3. Choose love and refrain from hate. We all need love in this world. Without love, where is the humanity that is necessary? The way things have been in recent times is a prime example of where humanity is because there has been more hate and less love. The examples are numerous and include random acts of violence that leave people fighting for their lives or losing their lives, and this is NOT fair.

4.It is obvious that many people do not view this the same way that I do, but we should treat everyone equally. Equality is one thing that is important to fight for and what so many have already been forced to do. We all exist underneath the same exact sky and live on the same planet. Does anyone know how many people have already had to fight for equality that they may never win? I am not even going to try to guess the number, but I do know that there are too many. Why are people still, in 2023, being treated indifferently? If more people could treat everyone as if they are equal because they are, the world would be a much better place!

5.Forgiveness can be very difficult to do because of the pain a betrayal caused, but it is important to do. It can be forgiving a family member, a friend, or even a stranger, the best way to show love is through forgiveness. We all make mistakes, and we should learn from these mistakes, but we all deserve a second chance. Of course, it can be after we have already given many chances to another person, it gets even more difficult, but we can be the bigger and better person and try to forgive again. We should learn to try to forgive and just accept the shortcomings of others because we might need the same kind of forgiveness someday.

6.The last thing I am going to mention for now is to show compassion. The definition of compassion is defined as sympathetic pity for the misfortunes, and sufferings of others. If we really want to show our passion and love for humanity, we can start by caring about what other people are going through in their lives. Many of us cannot go far without seeing a homeless person on the streets. Instead of looking away and pretending you did not see them, try to understand how they became homeless. We do not know what they went through or how they landed on the streets, so we cannot assume the reason. They are a victim of circumstances beyond their control, and they need help. I am not saying we should give them our next paycheck, but we might have the ability to buy them dinner. 

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found what I have shared interesting or it has at least made you think. I am not saying that anyone reading this has forgotten what humanity is or you do not practice it daily because I am sure you do! I hope you had a good week and you are looking forward to the weekend. I have been looking forward to the weekend since Sunday night, so you can guess, I have had a long week! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

First Post of 2023

Another year has come to an end and the new year has begun. During the past several years, we have all experienced many challenges and 2022 was no different or an exception to the vast amounts of challenges. There is no point in dwelling on the things that went wrong or could have and should have gone better, instead, we must remember the valuable lessons that were learned. Now is a time to think about what we want this new year to contain and how we are going to make changes happen to make 2023 a great year. We must consider ways to make the changes that are needed in life and understand the reasons why change is necessary.

We have, unfortunately, all seen many negative things take place over the past several years and none of them helped us to evolve. Too many people have spent many years devolving to levels they are shameful. I cannot understand why so many are living as we did in the early 1900s when people were not treated equally and there were ignorant judgments about the way people lived their life. I will never understand why people are so scared of what they do not understand and banish the ways others are living when it is not causing anyone any harm.

There were many years when anytime we turned on the news, we saw political leaders criticizing others and spreading hatred as far as they could. The ones that valued these political leaders’ opinions and thoughts carried on with so much hate in their hearts. Why is it so difficult for people to think for themselves and stand alone if they disagree with others? I would rather stand alone in the middle of an empty space if it meant I was standing up for what I believed in and had a strong hold on my morals.

I have mentioned before that I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions but would prefer to make good new habits. I think it is so important to treat others with kindness and respect. It does not matter if I understand how they are living their life because it does not cause me any harm. I have noticed during the past few years that honesty and love are not practiced or known. I feel that honesty and love almost go hand in hand because you cannot love if you are not being honest. How can anyone say they love another person if they are not being truthful with that person?

For 2023, I want to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and begin to trust my instincts. I want to find ways to remove the people that have a habit of disappointing me or causing me emotional pain because life is too short to deal with constant disappointments. I also want to continue treating others with kindness and respect and hopefully help others to do the same. I do know it is impossible to change others, but I do have the power to change how I allow the negativity to affect my mental health.

Did you do anything special to celebrate the New Year? My husband and I normally just spend the New Year at home because it is safer, which is what we did last night as well. Unfortunately, we were both still not feeling well because of the 2nd COVID booster we got on Friday morning. I remember after the 1st COVID booster I felt awful for several days, so I did expect the same with the 2nd booster. Is it not crazy to get something for protection against a deadly virus, but it makes you feel terrible for days? I would rather feel awful for a few days at home than be in a hospital fighting for my life. I am hoping today will be the last day of feeling bad, but we will see😊!

Now that we are in 2023, do you have any goals for the new year? How do you plan to accomplish your goals? I hope you know that you do have the strength and power to reach any of your goals! Was there anything in 2022 that you wish never happened, but did the experiences teach you any important lessons? How can you use these lessons to better your life and the new year?

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading my first post for 2023. I hope your New Year’s celebration was wonderful and safe! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Last Monday of 2022

How has your year been and is there anything you wish you could have changed? I have many questions that may not have answers, but I am going to ask anyways. Why are so many so quick to make a judgment? Why do some people think it is acceptable and humane to not be kind to others? Do people really think their way of life and how they behave is much superior to everyone else in the world? I am starting to believe that I might have missed something when I was younger because I was not ever taught that any one person is better than anyone else as I was taught, we are ALL EQUAL no matter where we are from or anything else people think it is acceptable to judge others for.

Why are so many people afraid of what they do not understand and automatically think the way others are choosing to live THEIR life is not the way they should be living? Who can say there is only one way to live? I guess I was under the impression that the United States is a FREE country and therefore people can live how they want to live. As I am sure you can tell by several of my posts, this is something that bothers me tremendously.

Over the past several years, it has seemed like there has been a vast amount of people devolving instead of evolving. A lot of this might be a result of our political leaders’ comments which might have made it seem like it was okay. Too many have glamourized racism and hate because of what they were feeling inside their heart, which to me is cold and dark. It is almost 2023 and we need to get back on track with evolving with the times.

Why should anyone care who someone else loves? I mean love is love, right? Does this affect their lives in any way shape or form? Who really cares about the color of someone’s skin, where they are from, or who they worship? They cannot control or change it and it does not cause issues in anyone’s life. The things that do matter are the way we treat others because that is something we do have control over. Superficial nonsense is not things that matter in the bigger picture of this life.

2022 is almost over and 2023 will begin soon, so I think we need to begin the new year with a better and kinder outlook on life. We need to start being more accepting and compassionate towards others that live differently than we do. I think learning about others’ way of life is fascinating. Different cultures are something we should all want to learn about because no individual is the same in this HUGE world and there is nothing wrong with that. Think about it, if we were all the same, would the world not be boring?

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today, and it resonated with how you feel about the world we share. I believe we should all learn new ways to think and start treating everyone equally and with respect. The only time an individual does not deserve our respect is when they disrespect us personally or someone else, but even then, it is best to not sink down to their ignorant way to behaving. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Saturday Thoughts

Today is Saturday, which I have been waiting for since Monday. How was your week? My week was rather long, and I am still adjusting to the cooler temperatures. Last week, I was unable to do a post on Monday due to the leftover migraine issues from Sunday and I also did not do a post yesterday, which was due to my lack of energy. I have had several ideas in mind of things I want to write about, and I am hoping to be able to do so this weekend as I do not have anything else pressing that I need to do besides laundry😊!

How do you enjoy spending your weekend after a long week? I would have preferred to sleep in longer this morning, but our older cat, Sundance had a different plan. Sundance did not think it was a good plan to let me fall asleep last night and kept walking on me and from what I guess trying to play. He drove me crazy for over an hour last night when I was trying to sleep, which almost caused me to just get up at 2:00 AM☹. He started again at 6:30 AM with the same shenanigans. I think overall, last night I think I was able to sleep for about five hours! It is a good thing I love our cats 😊as much as I do, or I would have been much more frustrated.

Next week is Thanksgiving (which I will talk about in another post), so I will only have to work four days, instead of five. I always say this and stand by it, but the shorter weeks always seem much longer. Honestly, last week things were a little slower at work so it is possible next week will be the same. I tried last week to help a newer person understand the work more clearly, which was honestly a little frustrating because I do not understand her miscomprehension. There are things about this person that I do not like, which is mostly due to her political views and something she said to me about it, but I was trying to ignore all of that. I know how unprofessional it is to discuss politics at work and tried to change the subject when she brought it up.

Over the years, I have realized how much common sense is lacking at least in the United States. It seems many do not know what common sense is anymore and it is not something that can be taught. I do not understand where it went or if people ever had common sense, to begin with, but it is easy to understand if people could just try! Common sense is simply just a practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by most people. Sounds easy, right? I think politics has made people lose their ability to think for themselves and have even a smaller amount of common sense!

Are there certain things that you hold onto because you believe strongly in them? Do you find that people that disagree with you will try to change the way you feel? The most important thing that I hold dear is treating people fairly. I do not care about unimportant things, such as the color of someone’s skin, who they love, where a person is from, or anything else that is superficial and does not matter. I think that a person shows their true colors in their treatment of other living human beings! I think that letting go of anger and resentment over things you never had any control over is very important in life because when we hate, it only diminishes the light in our lives. Why let another person have that much hold over you in your life when you cannot change anything that has happened? I have a lot more to say about this, but it will be in another post as this one is getting a little too long.

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading this post. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and doing things that bring you joy! I know there are things in this post that many will disagree with, and that is completely understandable, and your personal right. Regardless of if you agree or disagree with things I have said in this post, I would love to read your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Toxicity in The United States

The United States has been suffering from mass levels of toxicity for decades. Unfortunately, there have been and continue to be numerous issues that are engulfing most of us living in the United States. These toxic behaviors and thoughts are seeping into the rest of the world daily. The catastrophic events and issues Americans have faced end up being shown on the news for the entire world to view, which is shameful and a complete disgrace. It is tragic as an American to know about the devastations we are enduring, mostly due to those with bad intentions that are full of anger and hatred. Sadly, many have become desensitized, and the pain others are experiencing does not cause them any distress☹.

One issue that appears much worst in the United States than in any other country is gun violence. In other countries, when there was one case of gun violence, the country took the proper measures and banned guns for everyone. In the United States, you are unable to watch the news or read articles on any news outlets without seeing about shootings with or without casualties. There have been numerous school shootings in the United States and this needs to stop. Children and teens should never have easy access to a gun of any kind. If a parent or another adult in the household chooses to have a gun, they should take necessary safety measures.

Many Americans seem to believe because it is the 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms that everyone deserves to own a gun, but there need to be more laws that are followed. We do not have to be in war times with each other or anyone else. There also needs to be more education involved regarding the purchase of a gun and gun ownership. An individual who has mental health issues and is a threat to themselves or others or has a criminal record should not be able to own a weapon, which I know is already a law, but it needs to be enforced much better. I do know of at least one person that has a criminal record of violence and the person was able to not only purchase a gun but was also given a concealed weapon permit.

Another major issue that seems to be much worst in the United States is the opioid crisis. I have wondered why this seems to be the case and what I have discovered was not too surprising. The people that are to blame for this crisis are the greedy pharmaceutical companies pushing the dangerous and addictive medications, the doctors who are overprescribing these drugs, and the drug dealers who are selling fentanyl. Of course, many people are suffering from chronic pain due to illnesses or are gravely ill due to cancer. Unfortunately, some are addicts and careless. The overdose death rate in the United States is twice as much as in any other country in the world. Preventable opioid deaths are occurring among individuals between the age of 25 to 54. The overdose deaths of those older than 55 are increasing rapidly. The drug dealers that are pushing the extremely deadly drug fentanyl are out of control which has been the cause of 80% of the overdose deaths in 2022.

A very controversial issue in the United States is abortion. This was a legal action for women for almost 50 years. I am not saying that I am pro or against abortion, but I am pro-freedom. This includes for a woman to have the freedom to decide what she does with her own body. You can probably say that I am pro-choice! If a woman gets pregnant after unprotected and consensual sex and can admit she does not have the means to provide for a child or she is raped and decides she cannot carry her rapist’s child, it is her body and her choice to terminate the pregnancy. If the United States wants to continue saying we are a free country, then a woman should be free to her body. Doctors and the government should not be in control of a woman’s body in a free country!

Mental health has been a critical issue in the United States for many decades. There is a very negative stigma that surrounds mental health causing people to feel shame and afraid to try getting help. Even when a person decides they want help, there are limited resources for them to do so. Once they can locate a facility that offers the help they desperately need, the wait list is so long, and the expenses are too high causing them to give up. We need more places to be readily available and affordable to help those who are suffering silently from mental health issues. We need to find ways to remove the negative stigma and be more open to anyone with mental instabilities. This could be a solution that may prevent mass shootings and suicide.

The United States is the only developed country that does not offer free healthcare, but instead, the cost is on a steady and consistent rise. The increase in the cost of healthcare in 2022 was 6% and is expected to increase another 5%. This is ludicrous and unacceptable! The United States is the wealthiest country in the world by a long shot. With this fact, why can healthcare not be a free right for everyone? So many people cannot afford healthcare in America and therefore are left to suffer from ailments and diseases. Even those with expensive healthcare still nearly can go bankrupt due to all the other costs. In a country with outlandish wealth, no human being should ever have to suffer from illness or disease without affordable healthcare.

In my entire 41 years in the world, I have only lived in the United States. I have lived in the northern and southern states, so I do not know if equality is an issue in other countries but do know it is a major issue in the United States. People are judged and treated differently based on where they are from, the color of their skin, religious beliefs, political following, and who they love. None of this makes sense to me and never will. We are all human beings and while I do have my strong views on certain things, I do not judge or think negatively about how others view things or how they live their lives. I only judge and feel a certain way about others based on how they treat other people. I wish everyone from sea to shining sea could learn ways to express love and acceptance more because hate is only going to destroy the planet, we are sharing.

As broken as the country and system appear, there must still be hope for it to be better. The good and honest men that fought for this country many years ago should not have risked their lives in vain. Mine and my husband’s late Grandfathers were a couple of these amazing, strong, and kindhearted men who fought for this country. Their risks along with countless others should be remembered and we should be doing better for people like them and stop the evil hatred the world is conflicted with. Hatred and misery will never do anything positive for anyone, but they will damage the people we love.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Even though what I have shared was emotional and safe, I do hope you found it interesting. I am aware not everyone is going to agree with every word of this post, but this is how I feel about things in the country I live in, and it breaks my heart. I wish the world could be filled with love and compassion, but I do not have any control over how others behave and can only control myself. We do not have to agree with our family or friends, but we need to be respectful of their feelings. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Human Rights

Abortion has been a controversial issue for decades and long before anyone had heard about Roe. Since June 24, 2022, when Roe vs Wade was overturned, abortion has become an even more heated topic. The views and beliefs of people around the world are plentiful and remain extremely controversial. I understand some of these views fall in line with religious beliefs, which is their right and no one can alter their beliefs. Row vs Wade was a ruling made almost 50 years ago in January of 1973, during a time before things were more progressive. In the past, nearly 50 years have we progressed at all? Are we trying to evolve or are we only consistently devolving?

I am very aware that there will be numerous people that are going to disagree with my thoughts, but I am going to share them anyway. This issue has caused me a lot of frustration and anger, and this post has taken me over a week to finish. First, let me start by saying that I do not agree with using abortion as a form of birth control. There are risks a woman may experience from having an abortion, which may include pain and cramping, plus some intense mental health struggles, and social and financial burdens. There is already a negative stigma surrounding abortion, so I do not believe any woman is going to choose to have an abortion if it is not truly necessary.

People do need to be responsible and practice safe sex, but unforeseen things can happen. When a woman decides for whatever reason that she wants to have an abortion, there are safe ways to have this procedure completed. According to the World Health Organization, about 45% of all abortions are unsafe of which 97% occur in developing countries. Unfortunately, unsafe abortions are a leading avoidable cause of maternal deaths. If women lose the ability to get a safe abortion where the dangers decrease, the problem will be more unsafe abortions and an increased number of women dying unnecessarily.

Another HUGE problem I have with banning abortions is it is taking away a woman’s right to decide what she can do with HER body. The United States “claims” to be a “free” country”, right? Please explain how taking away a woman’s right to her body is freedom because this does not sound like what I consider freedom.

If a woman is raped, how can anyone force her to keep her rapist’s baby? That baby will be a constant reminder of the worst day in her life, which is NOT fair. If a woman gets pregnant and can be mature enough to admit that she does not have the means to provide a safe and happy life for that child, WHY should she be forced to? She was trying to put that child’s needs first and not bring it into a world where it would not have what it needs to flourish.

Please take a look at the states that have already banned abortion. Do you see a common denominator to these states? The first two states to put an abortion ban were Indiana and West Virginia. I am not surprised about Indiana, but I have been to West Virginia and have seen what people are like there, so I am shocked they were the 2nd state to ban abortion. I do not mean to bring politics into this as that is another hot topic and causes more arguments, but most of the states that have banned abortion are Republican leading with the voting poles. This is not an opinion, but a fact!

Regardless of an individual’s political or religious ideology, what gives anyone the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with HER body? In a “free” country, how can a government dictate law for a human body? Why should a woman that is raped be forced to carry her rapist’s baby for nine months? I have heard the argument that she can give the baby up for adoption, but nine months is a long time to carry a baby and endure childbirth all because a man did not listen to the simple two letters word “NO”.

Again, I understand that many people reading this post will have opposite views that I do and that is your right. I am not trying to take anyone’s rights away from them, like so many states are doing to women. Like I have already said, I do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but that is not my right to decide for another woman, it is hers and hers ONLY! I believe in a woman’s right to decide if she can take care of another human life and if she knows she can’t, I do not think she should be forced to. More than anything else, I do not think any woman should be told she must carry her rapist’s baby because this was no fault of hers.

I am sorry if this post has offended anyone but am not sorry for the way I see things. I am not sorry that I think a woman is the only person that can decide what happens to her body. I am not sorry that I do not agree a woman should never have to carry a baby from rape or incest. I am not sorry that I do not agree with what is going on in the United States. I am not sorry that I view freedom differently than some do. I am not sorry that I feel a woman has the right to decide!

Thank you for visiting my site today. Although I do know many will disagree with everything I stated, I do hope it provides you with an understanding as to why I view things the way I do. When I find something extremely disturbing and when something upset me, I feel the need to write about it because it helps me to accept things and let the anger go. I hope you are having a nice and safe weekend. I do encourage you to leave a comment and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes. 

Always, Alyssa

Can you tell me why?

People throughout the United States enjoy celebrating the 4th of July. There are parades, fireworks, cookouts, and more that people “should” be able to enjoy. Why was this such an issue over the long weekend everyone was looking forward to? Why can people not enjoy life without fears of mass shootings? Why do some people not leave their homes because they worry about what could happen in society? Why is it so difficult for people to practice kindness and compassion for others, instead of the sick need to shoot innocent people? Why is there so much hatred filling the world? Why can all the people in one country not get along?

The questions I have asked are what evade my mind constantly. There are NO answers that will make sense to me because I feel the need to treat everyone equally. Yes, this might be something that makes me different from many other Americans and that is why I prefer to NEVER be like everyone else. When we desire to get along just to get along and not stand up for our beliefs, it does not ever fix anything! I would like to suggest you listen to this song and please tell me how it makes you feel!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc

When I was growing up, I was taught that the United States is a “free” and “welcoming” country, but this is far from the truth! No one is completely free, especially women as they no longer have control over what happens to their bodies. If everyone is not uniform, behaving, looking, believing, and speaking alike, they are too different and must be stopped. Why else would so many innocent people trying to enjoy the long weekend, going out to dinner, a movie, the grocery store, or anywhere else not in their homes be shot and killed?

For years now, my husband and I have stayed home safely. We never wanted to get COVID, especially due to my weak immune system, and we have been successful. We do not want to go out to dinner to celebrate or have a date night and not make it home because of the insanity in the country, again, we have been successful. I understand how short life is, but we do not want it to be made shorter because of something we have no control over. I know it seems like we are trying to live in a bubble, and this might be true, but there needs to be a massive change in the United States.

Have you ever wondered what other countries think when they see what is going on in this country? I do not have to wonder because I am told by people, I work with that live in Canada. They see the news here in the United States and shake their heads in utter disbelief as to how it could be true. The mass shootings, lies within our government, taking away a woman’s rights to her body, hatred filling our streets, and much more that should never happen! NO country is perfect, but most other countries do not have the damage as the United States does.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I know there are going to be many people that disagree with everything I have said and that is okay because you have a right to your opinion. I would love to read your comments and I will respect whatever you have to stay. I hope your long weekend has been safe and relaxing! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Is a perfect world possible?

What would it mean to have peace in our world and is this something that could be possible? Should it be so difficult to have everyone be happy, free, fair, equal, and forgiving? Unfortunately, for centuries this does not seem to have been the case. Through war, people have tried to gain more control and the desire to force everyone to think the same way. War does not do anything but get too many people killed. Attempts to overthrow other countries, killing and destroying the lives of innocent people is complete nonsense in my eyes. 

The amount of hate that erupts between people due to differences that cannot be changed is not solving any issues and only creates more problems. Why should anyone be allowed to judge someone based on the color of their skin, race, national origin, sexual preference, religious and or political following? Who can say the way another person is living, is not the right way to live? I strongly believe if we were all the same, the world would be an incredibly boring place to live. The past several years has shined new light on the way people think because it was made to seem normal and acceptable. These behaviors only spark hate and violence. Why are so many people unable to think for themselves and simply follow others like they are sheep? Why are so many unable to love and treat others with respect? It is 2022 and we all need to start evolving and being much better than we have been.

Do we even understand what peace means? I almost doubt it anymore because it is not something we have seen much of or seen at all. Peace is societal friendship and harmony, in the absence of hostility and violence. There is NO conflict or fear from impending war. We are all human, but no one is perfect so we SHOULD be able to get along. We may not have a lot in common, but we do all have a beating heart and feelings.

If you were able to make changes to the world for the better, what would your perfect world look like? What changes would you to accomplish this? Even though there is no such thing as perfect, changes could be put in place to make the entire world happier.

One MAJOR issue is corrupt politicians need to be replaced and bring in honest people that care about the safety and happiness of the world. People from every country need to rally together and become stronger. If we could support one another with love, compassion, and empathy, HUGE and AMAZING things could begin. Even people within the same country should start understanding each other.

Why does it matter where someone is from? Why does it matter what kind of job someone holds? Why does it matter who another person loves? None of these things should matter to anyone. The reasons people feel hatred in their hearts are unacceptable because most of them are meaningless. Unless someone does something to mentally, emotionally, or physically harm someone, there should not be any animosity. One person is not able to fix the issues we see, but if there was a big enough following and joining together, change is possible, and we could all live in peace!

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading this post. I know some people will not agree with a single word in this post, which is okay because these are my feelings. I will respect how you feel but expect the same in return. I would love to read your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa