Last day of March!

MS AwarenessAs you already know today is the last day of March and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Has it been a pretty good month for y’all or have things been like a carbon copy of February? I feel like things are about the same with most things in life. The political world seems like it is still a bit of a mess with a little too much drama for me! Too many grown men acting like children in a playground! We can continue to hope for better times though and even if everyone around us continues to act the same, we can all just stay optimistic and happy with what we have been blessed with in life!

I can say that I have learned so much about how to handle doctor’s appointments better! I use to go into the appointments with many things I wanted to discuss, but then always would get distracted and feel rushed normally by the doctors actions. It never failed, I would leave the appointment and remember things I needed to get answers to and be angry with myself for forgetting. This last appointment I had everything I had questions about written down, which was wonderful because at the end of the appointment I looked at my notes and almost forgot one important question! As y’all know I have another appointment on Thursday and I know already I need to be very prepared and honestly keep my expectations low just so I will not be upset afterwards. I feel my upcoming appointment is pretty important because I am going in fighting for myself and my well-being!

At the end of MS Awareness month, I want to say I hope those that were not familiar with MS learned a lot and those battling MS gained even more knowledge. MS is definitely not the easiest illness to live with, not that any really are easy, but at the same time we all handle it as well as we can! It is a very unpredictable and at times extremely painful illness to live with, but MS Warrior 2there is no use dwelling on that. Dwelling on what we have to live with only causes more issues in the long run. It is extremely important to do our best to remain positive and stand strong to how we manage our illness. Giving up on our hopes for a cure will not make it happen any faster and will not help us living today! I feel very strongly that we all, no matter what our struggles are must live in the now. Living in the past will not change anything, but it might hinder our present times! We all should have already learned from our past experiences and therefore let it all go and moved on!

I hope y’all are enjoying your weekend! Hopefully the weather is beautiful for you and you are able to get a little sunshine! A little bit of sunshine can do wonders for our mind and spirit! I hope y’all are feeling well and of course staying as positive as you can. I appreciate you stopping by my site today and I will of course respond to any comments you might have as quickly as I can! As always I am sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

First time for Everything!

be-thankful-to-your-bad-days_516Today was my appointment with my MS Specialist and it went very well! The Nurse Practitioner I saw actually took the time to listen to my concerns and did not dismiss any of my fears. To be perfectly honest, I went into this appointment with low expectations to protect myself from disappointment and frustration. I am so happy to say that even though this appointment lasted a longtime; I left the doctor’s office feeling much better about the issues I have been struggling with. The NP took time to actually talk to me about the headaches I have had for so long and come up with ideas to hopefully eliminate them. We talked about the pain issues that have increased over the past few months and she had some very valid thoughts about why that was happening. She helped relieve the stress I was putting on myself about my illness progressing by reassuring me I am doing everything I can and feels that I am controlling it the best I can. She told me to not over think what could happen and just live in the moment. I thought that was great advice because I do tend to think everything and go to worse case scenarios all the time, which really is not helpful to me or my mental state. Moving forward I am going to stay on the Gilenya because it is the best choice for me and did control my illness for 6 years before I decided to try something new. I was thinking the Gilenya was causing my headaches, but the NP today pointed out that I had headaches way before Gilenya was a factor.  My appointment today was by far the best and most enlightening appointment I expectationshave had in a long time and gave me a new perspective on things!

As I already said, I went into my appointment today with very low expectation, which was helpful overall! I have found over the years if you set your expectations for others too high there will always be a high probability of disappointment. Therefore, if you just keep your expectations lower you will never be disappointed because you are not presuming anything! This may seem like a pessimistic way to live, but it saves a lot of heartache and frustration. In our hearts we know who we can count on in life and who we question counting on. Others must prove to us that we can rely on them and live up to the standards we have. I do believe we all need at least one person that we can truly count on and that person will never let us down. There is always at least one person you confide in and know they will always be there to support you, no matter what! Trust is a very delicate thing that can be destroyed quickly and take a very long time to rebuild, if it is even possible.

Of course I am delighted my appointment went as well as it did today, but now I am hoping the appointment I have next Thursday will go just as well. I will go into the 2-quote-about-no-matter-how-impossible-unattainable-or-unim-image-background-imageappointment next week just as prepared as I was today, but also go in with no expectations at all. I believe that being prepared and having notes with you can be extremely beneficial because it is easy to forget important details. I think being in the exam room can be a little stressful which makes it easy to lose track of what you want to discuss. Doctors have busy schedules and have a limited amount of time allotted to each patient. So I found having set topics you need to talk about ready will make the appointment much more useful to you and not waste any time! I know that if I did not prepare last night for this appointment and have my topics written down, I would have missed a lot of important information. 

I hope y’all had a great Friday Eve and I hope y’all are feeling well! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my site today and I look forward to reading your comments! All of your comments are very meaningful to me and I will respond as quickly as I can. I hope y’all have a lovely evening!! I am always sending each of you lots of love and comfort! 

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

The Wolf You Feed

the-wolf-you-feed-3-2015-blog (1)Good evening Y’all! I hope your week is going well so far! Y’all already know that I strongly believe that positive thoughts will provide positive times into our lives. I also believe that it takes a lot more energy to hold onto negative thoughts! How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

I know everyone has probably already seen this before”The Wolf You Feed”, but I find this extremely powerful. When you read this, what does it mean to you or does it mean anything at all? I know sometimes I do over think things because I am a pretty emotional person. The reason I find this so powerful is because we all tend to feed one more than the other. Personally I try to feed the good wolf more because it is more my personality and I just do not have the ability or power to feed the evil. Of course I have my bad days when I get angry and have a hard time letting go of those feeling. But, I also think it is very destructive to hold onto anger and resentment.

I received some very valuable advice from a fellow blogger today about making a doctor’s appointment really count. I hope I add this the right way, but Caz’s site Invisibly Me had some fabulous advice If you have not already checked out Caz’s site, it is definitely worth checking out! Thank you again Caz for this great advice!!

I hope y’all have a lovely and relaxing evening! I always appreciate you visiting my site and I love your comments, which I do respond to just as quickly as I can. Sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Fight for your health!

fight for a cureI hope y’all have a lovely Monday! First day of a new week may bring some wonderful and positive changes to all of our lives! I really appreciate y’all visiting my site today and as always love to read your comments, which I do respond to as quickly as I can! Most of the time I like to write about the random things that are on my mind. This helps me to release all those emotions and then getting your feedback help tremendously, so thank you for all of your fantastic comments!

How do you fight for your health instead of fight against it? It is so important to be vocal with your doctor and never allow them to dismiss what you say or rush you out of the exam room. We all know our bodies and how we are feeling better than anyone, so that should be listened to. I think at times it is hard to admit what our body is telling us and our body feels as though it has to scream it at us, which may cause additional issues. I am one that will ignore issues that arise for as long as possible because I do not want to admit to the problems. Ignoring or neglecting our health will never result in anything beneficial. This is where fighting for our health becomes extremely important. If we ignore what our body is telling us we are actually fighting against our own health.

I am actually going to my MS Specialist on Thursday. I am going to my specialist partially because I am supposed to see her every 6 months and partially because I want to share with her my concerns. I already know going in that my issues with headaches will be dismissed because she seems to think that MS and headaches have no correlation, but I think it is still important to bring the topic up once again. I also want to discuss with her the fact that the issues that came with my relapse in October have not really gone away. I am fully aware that the body heals from each relapse differently, but I should have improved drastically by now and not continue to have pain that affects my ability to work full-time. I just really need answers to why I seem to be at a stand still in health. Do y’all have any suggestions to how to grab this doctor’s attention?

I hope y’all have a great and relaxing evening! As always I am sending y’all lots of love and comfort! Try to hold onto your positive thoughts because they will help in the long run and negative thoughts will only hold you back.

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Hiding behind a mask

maskDo you ever try to hide behind a mask of what you think you should be? Or hide behind the mask of what other’s think you should be? Sometimes admitting how you truly feel can be terrifying and almost make you feel weak. Periodically I think most of us try to be strong and act like everything is fine when it really isn’t. Always trying to be strong by not allowing anyone to see your pain and struggles becomes a normal way of life, but is that really the best way to live life?

Do you ever feel that you need to disguise your feelings? I can fully admit that I try to not allow my feelings to  come to surface when I think they will cause others additional stress. If I am being honest, I do worry about my Multiple Sclerosis and if things are progressing too fast, but it is not good to over think situations you have absolutely no fake our smilecontrol over. Holding on tight to positive thoughts can be very difficult, but can really change your life, whereas allowing negative thoughts in your mind can be pretty destructive. If I allow my mind to think that my MS is progressing it makes it a real thought opening doors that I prefer not walk through. Building a barrier between our thoughts and reality is sometimes possible if we try!

Stress is a silent killer that can impact all of our lives. So how in the world do you avoid it? Some stress is actually avoidable, but then some stress is completely impossible to avoid because it will come at you with full force. The ways we handle stress are really important! I have tried doing some research about how to avoid stress and found some tips that might be helpful. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. So many turn to alcohol when they become overwhelmed, but it is very well know that alcohol is a depressant so that will never be helpful in any way and could cause even more problems. Indulging in physical activity can be helpful for our health as well. Stressful situations increase the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in the body. So we might be able to take some of the adrenaline from stress and turn it into something positive. Lack of sleep is a significant cause of stress. Stress can interrupt our sleep because our minds are in a constant whirlwind of thoughts which stops us from relaxing enough to even fall asleep. If we are having a hard time falling asleep there are things to try like taking a warm bath or reading a book because these will calm the mind! Starting a stress diary where you can write out your feelings and keep track of your thoughts can be very helpful! Writing out your feelings can help you find ways to solve your problems and not have to worry about judgement from others; your journal will not talk back! These were just a few MS Hopeideas that stuck out to me, but I know there are so many other ways to handle stress! 

I have been very worried about health care in the United States. There have been so many changes that are not really for the positive. I think doctor’s schedules are so full it makes it hard for them to give each patient the attention they deserve and they may even confuse patients. With the doctor’s schedules being so incredibly full, I think sometimes their notes can be misleading and incorrect. I actually know this to be true because I recently had my doctor’s office give me a copy of the notes for the last few years.  I have also been very concerned about my MS because things have not gotten much better since the relapse I had in October. I do not know if this means the MS has progressed or if the additional non-stop pain is just here for the long haul. All illnesses are like uninvited guests that just will not leave and make messes during their stay.

I know the weather has been a little crazy all over the world, but I hope y’all had a great weekend! The snowstorms that have occurred at the end of March have been pretty unusual, but I hope if y’all have experienced this you were able to stay warm. I am hoping that this upcoming week will bring us all some pretty spring temperatures. Y’all have already read before that I am never fully ready for the new week to start because I would prefer to have another day of rest. Hopefully this new week will give us some real joy and comfort! I really appreciate y’all visiting my site today and I do look forward to all of your comments! I hope the remaining part of your weekend is absolutely fantastic and restful! I am always sending y’all much love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Where is Spring?

where-is-springOn March 20th, we should have been graced with spring weather, but it seems Mother Nature had a difference of opinion! The first day of spring was rather warm, but then the days that followed were very chilly and some even had snow! Spring time snow just does not seem right to me, but I guess we will never understand how nature works. Spring is “supposed” to bring on the blooming of the trees and blossoming of the flowers adding so much beauty to the world! New life is given to nature and new beginnings are created all around us. The amazing and various colors of flowers give an incredibly artistic sight for us to see. Even the trees, which most think are just green, have a variety of different greens brightening up our surroundings! Of course the days delay the darkness of night by having a few hours longer of daylight and sunshine!

The days ahead are finally showing some signs of spring like weather. I really do hope that spring will stick around a while before we are bombarded with the summer heat! Summer is great for going to the beach, but when you live hours from the beach it is not always so fantastic! When it is 100 degrees out with high humidity, you literally can not walk from an air conditioned building to your car without being drenched in sweat! With the way Mother Nature has been acting, it is hard to say what summer is going to be like. There were a few days in February when the temperatures were in the upper spring_flowers_2015_longwood_cr_LongwoodGardensLAlbee70’s, which is highly abnormal! I do not think it is healthy for temperatures to go from nearly 80 degrees to the next day being in the upper 40’s that is too drastic of a change.

How is your spring going so far? Are y’all having spring like weather or are you experiencing the tail end of winter still? I know I have said this before, but my body does not respond well to dramatic weather changes. I definitely do not handle chilly rainy days well at all. Do you feel like cold rainy days worsen how you feel? But in all honesty, we can not control the weather and just need to do what we can to keep living! Never allowing an illness that is strongly affected by weather is hard, but we are all so much stronger than that!

I recently did a post about pain management doctors and how I feel about them. I do understand there is a huge issue right now with people abusing pain medications and doctors do not seem to have the man power to know which of their patients are not just after some type of high, but actually just want to live a normal life without pain. I feel like there is a lot of judging going on right now with people who live in pain and go to pain management. These patients should not be labeled as an addict or anything else that is humble-and-kinddemeaning. No one in their right mind wants to go to the doctor for anything, but they surely do not want to sit in a doctor’s office while they are in pain and wait to be seen. These people would much rather be at home where they are comfortable. So those that go through the struggles of getting to the doctor’s office and wait are suffering and in need of relief. I do not want it to sound like I am placing all the blame for the opioid crisis on the doctors and government, but they both have a lot to do with the issues at hand. I will never think that those that have a legitimate reason for going to pain management because of an accident or illness should be punished further. It does not seem fair to add more pain and suffering to those already under much stress from the pains they go through every day! 

I always appreciate you stopping by my site and I love reading your comments, which I will respond to as quickly as I can. We are all entitled to our own opinions and they all matter! I hope your weekend is going well and you are able to enjoy every moment of it! Sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa


Purpose of Pain Management Doctors?

Pain management**Full disclosure, this gets a little political!**

I am starting to wonder why there are pain management doctors around and what good they actually do! Are these doctors supposed to be helping those who suffer with chronic pain or is there some other reasons for them I am not aware of? Why are patients that deal with a chronic illness that causes an incredible amount of pain expected to see the doctor that treats their illness, but also have to go to another doctor that is there to treat the pain caused from their illness? Why is the original specialist not capable enough to not just treat the illness, but also treat the pain symptoms that come along with it?

In the recent few months my pain management specialist has done absolutely nothing but give me the run around. This doctor that claims he wants to help him patients, has not only changed his story so many times, but also lied about what was said. What he has said to me during the appointments, verbally of course, were mildly different from what he put into his notes that I had never received until I finally demanded them. It does not seem to matter if you follow the directions of the doctor verbatim; they still find ways around doing what they took an oath for when they became a doctor. All physicians take what is called “Hippocratic Oath”, which forces them to uphold specific ethical standards, including medical confidentiality and Non-Maleficence, which means do no harm.

It is all over the news about what is called the “Opioid Epidemic” spreading around the country and also how the president says he wants to end the so-called “war on drugs”.  The president has claimed he wants to reduce opioid prescriptions by 1/3 of three years and the doctors are supposed to just fall in line with this insanity! The last time I DYrqFg6VwAAE4WPchecked, the president did not go to medical school and therefore does not know anything about medications and or illnesses that affect the people of the country he is supposed to care for! I do not think the doctors are going to fight for their patient’s well-being against the government and risk losing their medical licenses.

I can completely understand that there are people out there that abuse drugs of all different types. I do not think that those that need pain relief should be punished for another person’s abuse because the fault does not lie on the one in need; it lies on the one who has abused the drugs in the first place! If there is someone who has a true and well-documented reason from a medical professional for needing pain relief, they should not ever be scrutinized about this! Those living in pain never asked for this to happen to them and we all wish there was a different option, but we do what we have to do to continue living as normal of a life as we can. When a doctor tells a patient what is needed to continue care, the doctor should not change their minds multiple times and force the patient to go to other doctors and spend money they do not have, just to have the doctor say it isn’t good enough! In my opinion, they are failing drastically is the oath they took!

Looking at the big picture, I know that I really cannot blame the doctors completely because they are doing what they have to do in order to protect their jobs. They are following the laws that are put in place by the people who have absolutely no idea how to treat people! Doctors are listening to those in Washington DC that are on some kind of hne_pain_and_suffering_power trip, trying to fight a war that was created by the government! Logically, how else would all these drugs get onto the streets causing deaths across the nation? The people in this world who suffer are not being taken care of, but they are being mistreated and forced to handle the pain that is ruining their lives daily! A person that suffers from terrible pain has a hard enough time getting out of bed every day, so how can they be expected to do the normal daily things many can do without having any kind of relief from the pain they are inflicted with?

Thinking back about 10 years ago, my specialist who fully knew what I was dealing with was full capable to deal with my pain issues as well without sending me to another expensive doctor. What has changed and why did it change? It was not until recently, those at the top felt it was necessary to crack down on everyone. Pain apparently does not matter if a person is battling cancer, which is slowly killing them each day; they are going to have their pain medicine taken from them. Or what about those dealing with a chronic illness that is slowly taking away their mobility and affecting their day-to-day lives. Why should anyone that does not understand be able to be the judge on what is necessary for that person? Why should anyone be able to make a law that will take away a one-third of people’s rights to a pain-free life? How would the people making the laws, feel if they or someone they loved had to live in pain or would that just be different because it is closer to home for them?

As y’all can tell by this post, I have had a difficult couple days and I am beyond frustrated. My pain is at a high right now and is only getting higher when I have to deal with the doctors! Nothing is making sense to me right now, but I do see the changes being made at the top are doing nothing good for the country! It really makes me sad to see how only one single man can take a country to an extreme low!  I know some are going to disagree with me and that is okay, we are all entitled to our own opinions and I hope nothing I have said offended anyone.

I do really appreciate you taking the time to read this post and I look forward to your comments. I hope y’all have had a great week and the good news is it is almost Friday!  I hope y’all have a nice and relaxing evening. As always, I am sending all of you lots of love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Truly Thankful for You!

March is MS Awareness monthGood evening Y’all! I hope each of you had a fantastic Monday! As y’all know March has been Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and I wanted to do several posts that where about MS. The first post was explaining that it was MS Awareness Month and some important details about the illness. The second post was what the common triggers were for a MS flare up. The third post was explaining what the different types of MS were and the final post was about diagnosing this illness. After I read and reread the comments I received, I think that those posts were helpful for many, which was my ultimate goal. It seems to have given answers to those with questions and information those that did not have information they deserved. 

Considering there are a few more days left in March, are there any topics about MS you would like to read more about? Are there any questions you have that were not answered in any of  my posts? Are there any voices in your mind eager to know more? I am prepared and willing to meet you needs with anything you want to read about. You are welcomed to reach out through a comment or you can feel free to email me directly at I am looking forward to seeing what you would like to know more about!

Next month is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, so I will be doing weekly posts about thisparkinson ribbob illness. Parkinson is very sensitive topic for me as I have someone I care deeply for that suffers from this illness. My dear and sweet Step-Father has been battling Parkinson with a strong mind and heart for a while now. My goal for next month will be to raise much-needed awareness for Parkinson Disease. 

I always appreciate you stopping by my site and I do love reading your comments, I will respond to all of them as quickly as I can. I hope you have a nice and restful evening and I really hope y’all are feeling well! Sending y’all lots of love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

MS-whiteThe diagnosing of Multiple Sclerosis is an emotional and time-consuming process. People go to their doctor for issues they are dealing with and normally never expect the doctor to come back with a diagnosis of MS, but it happens. Once the doctor expects Multiple Sclerosis as a possibility there are a few tests that need to be done before making the diagnosis become real. The following are the tests that most patients will go through before they get a final diagnosis.

  • Blood tests: These simple tests just help rule out any other possible diseases.
  • Lumbar Puncture: This is a small sample of fluid that is removed from the spinal cord and used for laboratory analysis. This test will show any abnormalities in the antibodies that are associated with Multiple Sclerosis. This test also can rule out infections and other conditions with symptoms that are similar to Multiple Sclerosis. Headaches can occur after a lumbar puncture that can last a few hours or even up to a week. It is also possible to have back discomfort in the lower back which can radiate into your legs.
  • MRI: An MRI reveals areas of Multiple Sclerosis lesions on the brain and or spinal cord. During an MRI you will possibly receive an intravenous injection of contrast material to highlight lesions indicating disease in the active phase.

Early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis do vary, but a very common symptom is blurred vision or double vision. The main problem that led to my diagnosis was Optic Neuritis. Optic Neuritis in an inflammation that damages the optic nerve, which is a bundle of nerve fibers that transmit visual information from the eyes to the brain. This can be accompanied with Optic-Neuritis1pain and temporary vision loss in one or both eyes. Optic Neuritis does typically improve in time, but can possibly come back at any time. About 50% of people who experience Optic Neuritis develop Multiple Sclerosis. I am not saying that Optic Neuritis is the cause of MS, but it is one of the first symptoms that is experienced.

When I was first diagnosed, almost 17 years ago I immediately had a MRI. Once the results came in from the MRI, I was informed that I had profound MS lesions so I did not have to do the lumbar puncture. I was pretty scared when the doctor mentioned the lumbar puncture to me, so in a strange way I was relieved there were so many lesions to indicate I did have MS. Who would ever be happy they had so many lesions to prove that what they were experiencing was a lifelong illness?

The final diagnosis is not the end of what you go through. There are so many emotions to confront and process. I will say that a diagnosis of MS is not the end and life can still go on. It is so important to remember who you are because you are not just MS! You are still the person you were before you received the diagnosis, you just have a little more to accept and deal with. 

With March being Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month I had decided that I was going to do several posts about the illness. I think awareness is very important, especially because the amount of people dealing with the illness seems to be increasing. It may currently be MS Hopean incurable illness that we deal with for life, well until there is a cure, but we still have so much life to live! Informing others about what we deal with can be helpful for us and for those we inform because the more that understand, the more hope we have for a cure! I believe in staying positive and looking towards a brighter future!

I hope y’all had a lovely and relaxing weekend! The weekends always go by so fast and there is always so much we want to get accomplished, but often forget a few important things to accomplish, rest and allowing our body to heal! I only left my house once this weekend and the rest of the time stayed comfortable on the couch either reading or writing. I think this was very much-needed and I hope that will pay off for me this upcoming week! I do appreciate you visiting my site today and look forward to any comments you may have. I will respond to all of your fantastic comments as quickly as I can. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope y’all have an amazing week! As always, I am sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa


forgiveness 2Do y’all ever find it extremely difficult to forgive sometimes? Is it even harder to find the power to forgive someone, when you find that is all you do in the relationship? This relationship can be a friend, family member or significant other, but the facts remain the same forgiveness can be extremely complicated and even grueling over time!  

Forgiveness is an intentional and voluntary process in which a person undergoes a change of feelings and attitude regarding an event that occurred in life and works towards letting go of negative emotions. This process is not easy, but it does help us to not destroy our lives with anger, hurt, bitterness and numerous other toxic emotions. I do find it hard to forgive someone who has made the same error of judgement multiple times, but at some point it is not necessarily their fault, it is mine for allowing it to forgiveness-1024x683continue.

There are several reasons why forgiving someone is important! Not to sound selfish, but forgiveness is not always just for another person, it is for our own well-being! Having the ability to forgive allows for us to move on without any anger in our hearts. Clenching onto anger only hinders us from well-deserved happiness. Grasping onto anger that resulted from being mistreated and or taken advantage of does not affect the one who did the wrong, it affects the victim in the situation in a very negative light. I might not be right, but I think letting go of our anger and hurt will cause the one that did us wrong more confusion and result in a healing heart for the one wronged. Why allow for anger and hurt to negatively impact our lives for an extended period of time? In the grand scheme of things it probably is not that important and should not be hanging over our heads, we are worth more than that!

We have all been in a situation where we have to make a decision to forgive someone, how do you handle that? Do you have specific steps to make it a little easier to wrap your forget the mistakemind around what went wrong and why? Maybe write down the person’s name that you feel like you need to forgive, along with the reasons behind it will be helpful. This may allow you to be a little clearer about the situation. Clasping the extent of the violation that was done onto you is also pretty important. Addressing the emotions involved is crucial in letting go over the problem. 

I have always heard that forgiving and forgetting is what we are supposed to do, but why should we forget? I have the ability to forgive another, even if they do the same thing over and over again, but I do not have the capability to forget what happened! The wrongs that were done are burned into my mind and heart forever! Being wronged by someone you put your trust into is so painful and hard to move past, so what do you do in that situation? For the most part, those that have treated me in a terribleforgiveness 1 and unfair way have been removed from my life. I think it is possible to forgive someone for what they have done wrong, but not allow that person into your life is logical. I feel that it is just protecting yourself from further hurt and incredible pain, but maybe I am not dealing with things in the best way I can.  Sometimes I do believe it is best to love as much as you can when possible, but let go when that “love” causes you more pain that joy!

I hope y’all are having a lovely weekend! I really appreciate you visiting my site today and really look forward to any comments you have! All of us are strong and compassionate people who have a deep understanding of others emotions! I know sometimes I go off a little rants about topics I am very passionate about and your support and understanding is very appreciated! I hope y’all are feeling well and getting the rest you all deserve!

I hope y’all have a safe St. Patrick’s Day! As always, I am sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa