News from FMLA

1052674_good-evening-sunday-images-wallpapers-of-2015_1024x768_hGood evening y’all! I hope you had a great day and are feeling well. This will be a short post just to give you an update! I had shared with y’all on Friday about my FMLA drama, well I actually have some good news. I did of course have to make a few phone calls, but the end result was positive. Both parts of my FMLA request have been approved and will be good through the end of the year and part of January 2019!! So now if I have any relapses, I am covered by law and I was also approved to have my reduced hours, which of course I had already been doing since November of last year. Even though my nerves were completely shot late Friday afternoon, I guess I knew that things would work out the way they were supposed to. 

After that ordeal with FMLA was all taken care of I have moved onto another issue, dealing with the MRI assistance paperwork. I have completed the necessary paperwork and even typed up a letter addressing any financial questions they will probably have. I will get this paperwork emailed to the company tomorrow morning and then just hope for the best. I am going to look at this with an optimistic mind and believe that things will fall into place because I also know the MRI is needed. After the request is sent I willhope know I have done all I could do and hope they will approve my request for assistance. MRI’s  even with insurance in the United States are insanely expensive. I still wonder why in the world I pay so much for my medical insurance just to have to turn around any pay tons of money for doctor’s appointments and required procedures, it just really does not seem right to me! Maybe someday the US will follow suit with the other developed countries and offer “free” health insurance. I kind of think it would be insane to hold my breath because things have been this way for many years without anyone stepping in to make GOOD changes! 

Thank you so much for visiting my site this evening! I always appreciate you taking the time to read and love reading your comments. I hope y’all have a lovely and relaxing evening. Just think we are almost half way through the week! Remember I am always sending you LOTS❤ of love and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

My Friday FMLA Drama!!

fmlaLate in the day yesterday, I received an email from the company that handles my FMLA. To say the very least this email caught me off guard and took my anxiety to levels I did not know existed. In this email I notified that I had been “approved” for medical leave, basically when I have a relapse the days that I need off are within the guidelines. That part was a relief, but the part adjusting my hours at work to working six hours five days a week was “DENIED”. There were NO explanations as to why my adjusted hours that was authorized by my specialist was denied. I have been working this adjusted schedule, probably since November last year when I returned to work after my relapse. It was my manager, who is also the AVP that suggested this and approved it, so I just went with it!

The company that is dealing with FMLA is relatively new to my company and even though they should be aware of the policies, I am sure the company I work for does not have clue about the new policies that need to be implemented. Amidst my overwhelming anxiety I responded to the email immediately, but of course had no patience to wait for a response, so I called the company a few minutes after I sent the email! I was so thankful and a little surprised the woman I spoke to was understanding and very compete to help me. You all know customer service has been on a rapid decline especially with medical issues. She explained to me why my adjusted hours request was “denied” and what needs to fmla rejectedhappen next. First, the reason for the denial is a bit crazy, but it was due to an untimely manner of reporting the adjustment. This was really not my fault as I followed the instructions given to me from the HR department, which was probably my first mistake! I had been working these adjusted hours for a long time without any issues and now the new FMLA company wants to add specific procedures my manager was not aware of and neither was I! She told me she understood why I was so upset, but then also gave me steps to have the denial overturned. All I need to do is have my manager email or call the company explaining the reasons for my untimely manner of reporting this and it should be “approved”. Thankfully my manager is very understanding and I am sure he will be happy to email the company to have my denial overturned. We will see what happens next week when I explain this to my manager. I am sure there is going to be more phone calls from me to the FMLA company as it is apparent not many people care about what my rights are! Is it just me or do you agree that I should not have to jump through SO many hoops to have FMLA? It’s not like I asked for this illness! I already had to deal with my doctor several times so she would sign the paperwork and now they expect more from me! It seems SO wrong to add so much stress to my life!!

This not so pleasant Friday drama added to my pain level immensely!!!! I have honestly been having a lot of issues with my right side for a few weeks now. My right arm, from the shoulder to my fingertips has been in SO my pain. Although there is much more than the pain situation, but some burning and tingling as well. This has happened before so I am a little concerned there may be new lesions or lesions that were already present are acting up! I am going to have another MRI soon, but I am in the process of completing paperwork to FMLA family medical leave act ,FMLAhave MRI co-pay assistance, that in all these years I did not know existed. How is it possible that I have been living with MS for almost 18 years and I am just now hearing they do have co-pay assistance for MRI’s? I am not going to complain about this but I do feel someone should have shared this with me YEARS ago! The co-pay for MRI’s is about $600 and I have had SO MANY over the years, which gets so darn expensive$$$! With all that I have recently learned about co-pay assistance for MRI’s, I am going to urge y’all to check this out as well. I know everyone that has MS must get MRI’s at specific times, so maybe this would save you some money$$ if you could get co-pay assistance or you may have better insurance, especially if you do not live in the states!!! Insurance here in the states is really not what it should be and is probably going to get even worse in the near future! We already have to pay so much for the insurance, just to find out we have to pay ridiculous co-pays as well! I mean seriously, why pay a ton of money for insurance that does not help the way it should! I do feel that we should have free health care, but apparently those in charge disagree, y’all already know who that is! We are the only developed country in the world that does not offer free health care, which is really a shame! 

I hope y’all are having a great Saturday! The weather where I live is sunny and HOT, which I am pretty sure is going to be the case until October at the earliest! I really appreciate you visiting my site today and look forward to reading your comments. I promise to respond to all comments as soon as I possibly can! As always, I am sending y’all LOTS of ❤love and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤