Tranquil Tuesday

Pick-Me-Up Friday Eve

End Of The Weekend Thoughts

Thoughts in my mind

When I was younger, politics was never a topic I had any interest in following. It was not clear to me when and if any politician was being sincere, truthful, or had the best interests of anyone besides themselves in mind. As I have gotten older and slightly less blind or ignorant to the way our political system operates, the only thing that appears crystal clear is the vast majority of our political leaders have forgotten what it means to be honest. It does not matter what the party is, they all have one general thing in common, and it is not the best quality, as it is complete and utter dishonesty.

Political rhetoric has been an overwhelming and toxic predicament in the United States for far too long. These issues should never have escalated to the extreme levels it has over the last several years. It seems unheard, of that, anyone can either agree or at least agree to disagree on many of the HOT topics flooding the country. None of the differences of opinion should create turmoil and animosity, especially among family and friends. Life is too short, and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, so we should avoid disagreements that offer no resolutions and only endanger feelings.

We will always encounter people that have different opinions, and we should not feel like we cannot have a normal and civilized conversation with these people. Chances are, you are already aware of the opinions of your family, friends, and even though it may be forbidden to discuss at work, your co-workers as well. Understanding things like this in advance can help you avoid any topics where a potential debate is inevitable.

I think everyone must understand that there is nothing sinister about being friendly and accepting of those from an opposing political party. It is natural and normal to have beliefs, and even feel strongly about those beliefs. It will not be a surprise to anyone that has read my previous posts, I am not and never will be a supporter of Donald Trump. I do not agree with the way he behaves or his treatment of others, but that is who he is and who I am. I also do not care much for the current President. It is 2023 and we need to learn to be more accepting and not continue to behave the same as many did decades ago. With the years comes change and therefore, I believe we are in dire need of someone younger and more accepting of the changes.

To get away from politics, I have so many questions that I do not believe have answers. Why are people so scared of those that are different? Should people not be free to love, even if they love differently than others do? Why should a woman not be the ONLY one with rights to her body? Why should the government or state have control over a woman’s body? Why in the richest country in the world do we have so many that are homeless? Why in a country that believes they have rights over a woman’s reproductive system, are there so many children without a family, food, or everything else every child deserves? Why, in a country that says they have the best medical schools in the world, does mental health go unnoticed? Why is there limited help for those battling addiction and more opportunities to become addicted? Why in a country with supposedly the topic ranked scientists are cures for diseases not progressing?

I do understand that some people reading this post will not agree with me because of their beliefs, and I can accept that. I can respect others’ beliefs as long as they can respect mine. Even though I do understand, many disagree with abortion, I would like to understand why. If a woman is raped, why should she be forced to keep her rapist’s baby even though adoption can be an option, why should she be forced to carry the baby for 9 very long months? Why should anyone feel shamed for loving someone of the same sex? Who cares, love does not damage anyone else’s life. I have hoped for over 20 years for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis or cancers that have taken people I loved away from me.

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Yes, I already know how incredibly short it has been and it is slightly upsetting that the workweek will begin again tomorrow, but maybe the upcoming week will be promising. Next week is going to be a little longer because I have a follow-up appointment with my pain management doctor and I will be working longer days to make up the time I will miss, but I do hope it will be a good week.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I would still enjoy reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Today is another rainy day where I live, which always makes my pain my higher. Unfortunately, where I live it rains a lot and I know I just need to deal with it the best way that I can. I hope your last day of the weekend is enjoyable and relaxing. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Tranquil Tuesday

Happy Tuesday means that we somehow managed to survive Monday! I think that I survived yesterday by a miracle because things did not go the way I anticipated. I mentioned to y’all that there was a new process at my job, which I did not think was going to be a HUGE deal. I was wrong! Of course, it was not an absolute catastrophe, but it could have gone better. I am sure after a few days, things will be back to normal and everyone will calm down. There will always be little kinks that need to be worked out with any changes!

There are things happening in the United States today that are unprecedented and not common, the former president will be facing his arraignment. With that said, and even though I am not the former president’s biggest fan, I do hope there will not be any violence or anything similar to what occurred on January 6th. We do not all have to agree with what is happening, but we should all stand for justice because NO one is above the law, and everyone should face consequences for their crimes!

On a different note, I do have a quote that I would like to share with you today! This may be a little different than I would do regarding tranquility, but I do think it is on the same wavelength. We do not need to explain ourselves to anyone. We do not need approval from anyone or anything. As long as how we are living OUR lives is not against the law, it does not matter what anyone else thinks. We are not here on this earth to please anyone else and the only thing we should do is live the happiest life we can. It should not matter who you love, who you worship, where you are from, or anything else. 

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have a wonderful day and that you enjoyed what I have shared. We are not able to change the outcomes of what may or may not happened today, but we can stand up for justice and the fair treatment of everyone. I do look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Saturday Thoughts

Happy Saturday! Today is the first day of April and the weather is behaving in some strange ways. With the weather changes, I always have issues with headaches, and today is today’s #3 of a mean headache/migraine. This started while I was working on Thursday and has not left. This one seems like it is a mixture of sinus issues and a migraine. I am completely aware of the fact, that the Gilenya that I take for Multiple Sclerosis is known to cause sinus problems, but I would rather deal with that than what “could” happen if I was not on a medication that is meant to prevent this unpredictable disease from progressing. I cannot be the only one that thinks the side effects most medications create are infuriating.

Last week was a crazy week in the United States. It is not common for a former President to be indicted for numerous crimes and many of us have realized that the powerful people in this world do not face consequences for their distasteful behaviors. Of course, just because the former President was indicted does not mean he is going to face jail time, which in my opinion is what he deserves! If a normal citizen did even one of the crimes the former President is facing in the upcoming trial or trials, we would have already been put behind bars.

I know that politicians are not known for their honesty, and it does not matter which party they are in. Republicans and Democrats all just lie in different ways, and some get away with what they have done wrong. Anyone that is close to me and knows the way I think already knows my distaste for the former president, and I am hoping he is going to face consequences as if he were just a normal American citizen and that he does not get preferential treatment. The bottom line is no one is above the law!

I hope y’all are having a great weekend so far and you are doing what makes YOU happiest! I am working on recovering from what seems like a never-ending headache and hope it will go away sooner than later because I have had enough of it. As I know some people reading this may disagree with what I have said about the former president, but I am still looking forward to reading your comments. I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday, y’all! I hope you have been able to enjoy your weekend😊! It is so amazing how short the weekends are, but how quickly the months pass by. It feels like January just began and yet we are more than halfway through the month. Were you able to do anything you wanted to over the weekend? Honestly, I have tried spending the weekend doing nothing. Unfortunately, I have been experiencing the VERY unwelcome. MS Hug again. I am not sure why this MS Hug was not made aware of social distancing because it has gotten WAY too close for me. I have always been uncomfortable when people get too close to me because I appreciate my personal space. I know that it will pass, but it is not passing soon enough. A heating pad helps some and no number of tears make will it go away any faster☹.

Even though things did not go the way I would have hoped the first time I tried, I am considering doing another writing competition. The difference in the one I am thinking about doing is I have a choice to either do a personal essay or I can do an article based on something I have researched. I have always enjoyed researching and think this would be an exciting adventure. The bad part about trying this is that I have always questioned my abilities and never thought that I was good enough. Of course, I also think that if I do not at least try I will always wonder what could have been. Do any of you have any advice or suggestions?

For most people, Sunday is a day to rest and prepare for the week ahead of us. Normally, I try getting laundry done today and anything else I was not able to do during the week. Today, where I live is rainy with a slight chill in the air, but I will still finish the one load of laundry I did not get done yet and relax with the cats on the couch. I am also going to think about writing ideas for the competition that I may or may not participate in. Who am I kidding? I do fully plan to do the competition because if I do not, I will always wonder what might have happened.

What do you think about change? Do you think that in 2023, the world should be more accepting of others and the way they choose to live THEIR lives? Do you think we should have evolved much more than many have? I am not trying to push my views onto anyone else, but I do not think anything should trouble our lives unless it negatively affects our daily lives. It does not affect my life if two people get married out of love, even if they are of the same sex. Another thing that does not affect my daily life is transgender. The United States is SUPPOSED to be a free country and unless we have been lied to for decades, we can all live our lives the way we want, which means we are allowed to love who we love, be whoever we want to be, follow the religion we want and read the bible associated with that religion, and anything else as long as it does not harm another person!

Do you think that our governments tell us the truth? Would it be so hard to believe that we are not being told the truth about things in this world? Why are many of us not being treated fairly and able to have healthcare that is the best for us, which would be free or at least a lot more affordable? Why do so many have to suffer from an illness we are told there is no cure for? Would it be so hard to believe that there are cures for many of the diseases in the world, but only for an extremely HIGH amount? I do believe anything is possible!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that you are having a good weekend. I know some of what I have written can be a little controversial and some of you may disagree with me, which is completely within your rights. I would love the chance to read your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Appointment Update and other thoughts

I was unusually nervous about my appointment today with the Neurologist. I always worry they are going to give me the bad news and that the MS is progressing. It is always something that weighs on my mind and remains in the back of my mind. I know it is irrational, but it is a concern that I live with. Thankfully, the appointment went well, and the PA does not think the MS is progressing. She understands that the issues I am experiencing are worse than they have been, but it is something we will be working on. There is another medication she would like for me to try to help the neuropathy pain, but I am not sure I am completely comfortable with it. She also mentioned a therapy that might help with the increased dizziness I have been dealing with as well.

The medication the PA would like for me to try for Neuropathy issues is Lyrica. If anyone reading this has tried this medication, please let me know how it worked for you and if it is worth trying or if I should not bother. I am a little nervous to try different medications and other neurologists have recommended this before, but I refused. Yes, I know I am stubborn and sometimes we must take chances.  I would love to read your opinions on this!

I know the reason I did not sleep well last night is that my nerves were out of control. Crazy how being nervous about a simple appointment can keep you up at night or just not allow for a decent night’s sleep. Of course, I did wake up before the alarm went off, but I did wake up to good news! I do not live in the state of Georgia, but I was focused on the senate run-off election in the state. I was not and never will be a supporter of Herschel Walker because every word that came out of his mouth was a lie. Please excuse me for my next comment, but I did not think someone could lie more than the former President, but Herschel Walker proved me wrong on that!

I am not foolish enough to think any politician is honest, but to hear Herschel Walker speak his lies was offensive and a complete disgrace to the American people. I know how controversial abortion is and everyone has an opinion, but if you have already paid for several, you are obviously not against it. It is hard for me to support any politician because I think honesty is important, but it seems to be a lost personality trait in way too many people. Sometimes it might be hard to be truthful about things and it takes a strong person to overcome this, but it is critical to be truthful!

Is it just me or does it seem like people have lost the ability to be understanding and kind to others? This is something that bothers me tremendously because I feel that people should always be kind to one another. It does not matter if we agree with each other because we are never going to always agree with everything another person does. We are “supposed” to be living in a free country, which to me means we are entitled to our opinions. I know that I am firm in my beliefs and will not allow anyone to change my mind, but I also do not try to change how someone else feels.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared, and I do look forward to reading your comments. I will also appreciate any thoughts you may have about Lyrica. I hope you are having a good day and your afternoon is amazing! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Pick Me Up Thursday

~Our Week Is Finally Almost Over~

Happy Friday Eve y’all! How has your week been? It is so strange how some days go by really slow and others fly by, but those are normally the weekend days. Do you have any plans for the weekend? No one will be surprised when I tell you that I do not have much planned for the weekend. I will need to go through the drive-thru pharmacy, place an order for groceries, and hopefully clean the house because it really needs some TLC.

As we are nearing the end of the week, but still have one day to go, I think we could use a little pick me up! I really love the quote I am sharing with y’all today, but I hope it offers you the pick-me-up needed to get through one last day until the weekend! I will explain why I love this quote but would love to read your comments about it as well. No matter who they are, most people we come in contact with can offer us some knowledge from what they have learned. We do not have to agree with everyone we encounter, but we can help them just as much as they can help us, we just need to give them a chance!

Life is not easy in the United States right now because there are still so many obstacles we are facing. There are still many issues having to do with COVID, hatred, bias having to do with politics, unemployment, and much more. I do not think I will ever understand why people have an issue with anyone that is not like them because I enjoy meeting and talking with others that are opposite of me. I find some people of pretty interesting. I had to go after work today to the local piercing place because after taking my nose ring out for the MRI, I could not for the life of me get it back in. I met a couple really great people there and they were nothing like myself, which I enjoyed. I even offered my help to a lady there with getting a job with me!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed the quote I shared and what I in this post. We do not have far to go before we are able to enjoy the weekend, but please be sure you are staying safe because things are still unsafe due to COVID and the other variants. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. Please know that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a nice and safe weekend. I first want to thank y’all for your kind comments about our loss of Chloe. She was a precious and loving little soul, and she will always be missed and live on forever in our hearts. Last week, while going through the painful loss, I was not able to do any posts, but the one I did on Friday. Trying to adjust to our new little life without Chloe has been incredibly difficult, but I am going to try getting back to blogging this week.

As we begin a new week, it is crucial to try to see the best in our life and be understanding when dealing with others. The truth is, we will never know what another person is going through and they might not handle hard times the same way we would. Even though there were so many negative emotions in the United States regarding politics, that is all over now and we can start building on what humanity is meant to be. All the hatred that was incited by these issues needs to be left in the past and everyone can try to get along.

I have always thought a motivating quote at the beginning of the week can help begin the week in the right frame of mind. I am hoping the quote I am sharing today will start your week motivated and positive, but do look forward to reading your amazing and thought-provoking comments, which I promise to respond to as quickly as I can. I honestly feel like the entire world has been so full of anger and hatred for so long, we have all forgotten to look deeper and be true to ourselves. I think sometimes all it takes is a smile to make someone else’s day better. It takes a lot more energy to be angry and mean than to just be kind!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have a great and very safe week. Considering I was away for about a week, I have a lot to tell y’all. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa