Higher levels of consciousness

higher-level-of-consciousnessMost humans are unable to comprehend what higher consciousness is because they stay comfortable at a lower level of consciousness, where they are primarily concerned with themselves. They typically remain more concerned about their own well-being, survival, and success.

There are those unusual times when there aren’t any threats or demands and the body and passions are stagnant allowing for an opportunity to access a higher mind. Neuroscientists call what is experienced at this time our neocortex, which allows us to neocortex-2acknowledge our sensory function that includes imagination, empathy, and impartial judgments.

According to Mary O’Malley, a certified counselor and author of “Belonging to Life: The Journey of Awakening”, we have six levels of high consciousness. O’Malley also believes that getting to higher consciousness will require specific shifts in our perception, behavior, and awareness. These shifts are crucial to advance to the next levels.

The following are O’Malley’s six phases of higher consciousness:

  1. Life happens to you-

perspectiveYou realize that you are not a victim of life. It is understood the more unconscious we are, the more we feel like we are the victim. Feeling like life is happening to you, the more often you will view things as threats. Being in a victim mindset doesn’t do anything for learning to be open to the thoughts that life is in front of us.

  1. Life happens by you-

This is the first stage of higher consciousness, which many people find themselves to be stuck in. Even though we might feel powerless in this stage, we will begin to control everything about our life. We finally stop being a victim of life and begin to live life by our own intentions. We know we aren’t creating our own reality, but instead clearly view it as showing up to a reality that has already existed.

  1. Life happens to you-higher-consciousness-compressor-1152x603

Once we have quit trying to control our life, we learn something wonderful; life isn’t something that can be controlled and being open we know life occurs delightfully. It is in this phase of higher consciousness we being choosing ourselves. What this means is we focus on ourselves, not in the past or any person or things that have caused us hurt and or harm.

  1. Life happens for you-

This is the fourth and most difficult stage in higher consciousness. The reason this is the most difficult stage is that it is based on trust. We must let go of our control and believe EmilysQuotes.Com-initiate-habit-choosing-choice-thoughts-thinking-ideas-feeling-good-feelings-support-powerful-consciousness-amazing-great-wisdom-advice-inspirational-Wayne-Dyerthat everything has a purpose, meaning and it will lead us somewhere amazing. There is something incredible and soul-altering with learning how to let go and just let things be.

  1. Life happens through you-

At this point, we have overcome the life-altering stage of acceptance and now need to focus on feeling. This might be the most peaceful part of the discovery of higher consciousness because it is all about gratitude. During this stage, we notice our awakening to the acceptance of what we can’t control, which offers us peace and calmness.

  1. Life is you-0127relaxedrelationships-e1511970848168

Our excursion was all about questioning our existence, changes, and finally coming to terms with those changes. We are no longer a separate being, but we have merged into the creative flow of life and comprehend that everything and every-being are what they are and we are who we are.

The 7 step guide to achieving higher consciousness, according to O’Malley:

  1. Develop awareness-

Don’t just go through the normal motions; instead, expand on the awareness of what is Dvv__FNXcAA7ohogoing on around us. It is important to question everything while staying in the present internally and externally. By maintaining your awareness of everything inside and around us, our ability to react meaningfully to life will be much greater.

  1. Introspect-

We will not be able to attain our higher consciousness if we aren’t processing our internal struggles. We need to take time by ourselves, understand our thoughts, and determine the source of our struggles before we can begin reaching for higher consciousness.

  1. Control yourself-

We will be able to conquer our own reactions to our internal process and external circumstances of life once we allow our “observer self” to be released. Controlling one’s self is more than simply ending our impulses or delaying our reactions, but more about being accurate with them.19d203fc1da00ccd23768f834f6dd0ff

  1. Know and educate yourself-

Achieving higher consciousness requires a lot of awareness. Knowing who we are, what drives us, and what motivates us to take action. Self-knowledge is acknowledging our strengths, weaknesses, and negative human tendencies. The essential part of self-education is to consistently cleanse ourselves of bad habits while continuing to work on our virtues.

  1. Develop discipline-

Being disciplined means not letting our thoughts and or fears to control or silence ourselves or interfere with our journey to higher consciousness.

  1. Listen to your gut instincts-

quote-and-we-re-seeing-a-higher-level-of-consciousness-and-many-more-opportunities-for-people-neale-donald-walsch-30-62-13Many people believe that intuition is the highest form of intelligence. Intuition is quiet and less assertive than the intellect of the mind. Intuition is often ignored because it doesn’t put demands on us. It is vital to differentiate between good and misleading intuition because it can be easy to realize the difference if we are paying attention.

  1. Think first and speak later-

The majority of our issues in life are a result of our inability to think before we speak.D59WCDJU0AAoxT3

Do you know if you are changing to a higher level of consciousness? If you encounter any of the following signs you are more than likely changing to a higher level of consciousness and I do hope you will embrace this experience with open arms and enjoy it.

  1. You have softer energy-

While we are transitioning a higher level of consciousness, we will begin letting go of the anger and aggression we use to cling to. There’s no longer room for feelings that were generated by animosity while we are concentrating on our own inner workings.

  1. You take full responsibility for your life and where you currently are-

relaxWe have stopped trying to blame others and understand our past is a result of our experiences. We recognize we have learned from our past and embrace it.

  1. You own your emotions-

We do not rely on anyone else to bring us happiness because we know we have the power to create our own happiness. We no longer fear what might happen in life because we have prepared for any obstacles that might arise. We can even spend quiet time alone without feeling unproductive.

  1. You practice self-love-7e02134de77061ecee344d5e540ec1e9

We started taking care of our own needs before handling the needs of others, partially because we realize we won’t be able to help anyone else if we don’t take care of ourselves. We don’t expect perfection from ourselves and we now embrace our imperfections. We use our imperfections as a chance to grow into higher levels of consciousness. We value time alone to explore the inner workings of our mind.

  1. You are kind, loving, and compassionate-

We can forgive ourselves and others easier. We relish with helping others through their journey. We are constantly trying to improve ourselves and offer assistance to those CskKzCZWgAE6VNFaround us. Many people have noticed our new and standout kindness.

  1. You have a strong desire to change yourself-

There is something inside us encouraging us to make notable changes to our life. As we begin transitioning to a higher level of consciousness, there will be somethings that no longer fit in our life.

  1. You pull away from toxic people-

We are unable to deal with anyone that drains us of our positive energy. We will not welcome any drama into our life because it is full of negative energy and not worth the progress we have made in reaching a higher level of consciousness. We have determined that toxic energy only decelerates our transition.

  1. You have trouble sleeping-29a0550c907d31c872d07eb065f17fb5

It is not uncommon to struggle with sleep during your transition to a high conscious state. This may happen during those late nights or early mornings because our subconscious mind is sending messages to our conscious mind.

  1. You get rid of your destructive habits-

Whether we used to eat an unhealthy diet, drink alcohol, or smoke, don’t be shocked if we have no desire to partake in any of our previous bad habits. It has become clear to our long-term victories involve removing some indulgences in the short-term.

  1. You are more productive than you have ever been-

7cb1d4ef7f660f479fcc8df3b4ef2465We have the ability to work more accurately because we are in the present with everything we do. All of our priorities are clear, we do not surrender to distractions, and we do not waste any of our time. Our stress levels are lower because we can visualize the bigger picture and the ways everything fit together in the way we imagined it would.

  1. You no longer feel the need to compete-

We no longer feel the need to prove ourselves or compete with others because we are not comparing ourselves to anyone. We now realize that by helping others instead of competing with them, helps us to enhance our future.

  1. You have an immense sense of gratitude-af70c68ae852a3fc35e4b367ab5ebcf1

We value everything we currently have and what we will have in the future. We are grateful for the good we are able to see in the world. We are appreciative that even though there are still many things to be worked on, we will be a part of the solution as opposed to being the problem.

While we find our way to the discovery of a higher level of consciousness, we realize our entire life is improving. We recognize positive changes in comparison to that of the way we were in the past, that being infantile and self-centered.

Welcome the changes we have experienced and our natural capability to help others as the will to provide us with a higher level of fulfillment in our own life. The changes we 3772078-Wayne-W-Dyer-Quote-But-when-you-get-to-a-higher-level-ofhave made are good because it means we are becoming an even better person. Find peace in the changes made and respect the astounding person we were always meant to be.

Thank you for visiting my site 4ca53ff3c52d8dea919888a31a92c40atoday. I hope the information provided in this post was helpful for you in your life. As always I would love to read your thoughts on this post, but I am not pressuring you at all. I hope your weekend is going well and you are enjoying relaxing time in the safe and comfort of your home! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤