Saturday Thoughts

Sunday Thoughts

Pick-Me-Up Friday Eve

42 Years Of Lessons

Let It Go Friday

Let It Go Friday

Tuesday is NOT so bad!

Another Monday has come and gone, and we managed to survive it😊! Has your week started well? Somethings do not change, and the days keep going by. Of course, there might always be some stress, but I hope it is a limited amount and it does not become too overwhelming. Most of the time, the things we think are stressful and upsetting are not as bad as we think. I know it does not seem like that at the time, but if you think about each situation with a clear and rational mind, you will see “most” things are not that terrible. I guess I try to view things with the respect that someone else is always going through something much worse. Of course, this was one of many valuable lessons that I learned from my late grandfather.

Although we have made it through what some think is the hardest day of the week, we do have a few more days until we reach the weekend. My week is going to be a little shorter because I am working a half day on Thursday, and I am off on Friday for another doctor’s appointment. This appointment is just a follow-up with my pain doctor, and all these appointments go the same way. The most challenging part is the drive because the interstate is a mess. On Thursday, we are going to see the band that might husband proposed on stage with, in concert, and I have been looking forward to this for several months.

We must find ways to stay positive and calm through anything we might experience during the week. I have always believed that there is real strength in the power of the mind. If one can try to believe things are going to go well, good things may happen more frequently. Unfortunately, we have the power to think negative outcomes into our reality, and we will experience more negativity in life. But, on the opposite side, we can believe in positive outcomes in this reality and live fulfilled and favorable lives. I know things are not always going to be positive and bad things can and will happen, but if we can try to lean heavier on the positive things, maybe they will happen more often! It cannot hurt to at least try😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found enjoyment in what I have shared, and the quote provided you with some peace, and strength. I know life is not always going to be perfect, and go the way we want, but having an optimistic outlook can go a long way. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you have had a good week, and that you are looking forward to the weekend! I am sure most of you will agree with me that Fridays are one of the best and most anticipated days of the week. Of course, that can make for a long week, but once it has arrived it is a great and freeing feeling😊! This week has probably felt a little longer to me because I am dealing with getting an appointment scheduled that I am not looking forward to, but I am trying to be optimistic. Yes, I might be a little scared of the appointment that I have scheduled, but it does not mean I am going to get any bad news because I am choosing to believe that everything is going to be okay! It is all a matter of perspective!

I always think that Friday is a perfect day to let go of any negative feelings and start the weekend with a fresh and positive frame of mind! One thing that makes me so upset and frustrated is when people in our lives only pay attention or act like they care when something negative happens. It does not make sense to me because why not be part of someone’s life all the time, which means during good and bad times, not just the bad? I guess this is why I decided to share the quote that I am sharing with you today. When you love someone, and I mean truly love someone, you want to be there for them through anything they go through! I decided a long time ago that anyone in my life that is not part of my life through everything, does not need to be part of it at all! It was not easy, but I think after a while, it is their loss and not mine!

We have finally made it to the end of the week, and now we can enjoy the weekend. Yes, I do know the weekends are short, but at least we have one that we can enjoy. It is not necessary to dwell on how short the weekends are but to find ways to do what we enjoy the most. Life is short, and we should make the most of it while we are still here. Life is fragile, and nothing is guaranteed. I believe that it is a waste of time to worry about what might happen, but instead, focus on all the good in our lives😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that the quote resonated with you. It is not easy, but one thing that I am slowly learning in life is we must make our needs and wants a priority, and after that, we can start thinking about what other people want and need. I am a work in progress and have not mastered this lesson yet, but I am trying. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Saturday Thoughts

Happy Saturday! Today is the first day of April and the weather is behaving in some strange ways. With the weather changes, I always have issues with headaches, and today is today’s #3 of a mean headache/migraine. This started while I was working on Thursday and has not left. This one seems like it is a mixture of sinus issues and a migraine. I am completely aware of the fact, that the Gilenya that I take for Multiple Sclerosis is known to cause sinus problems, but I would rather deal with that than what “could” happen if I was not on a medication that is meant to prevent this unpredictable disease from progressing. I cannot be the only one that thinks the side effects most medications create are infuriating.

Last week was a crazy week in the United States. It is not common for a former President to be indicted for numerous crimes and many of us have realized that the powerful people in this world do not face consequences for their distasteful behaviors. Of course, just because the former President was indicted does not mean he is going to face jail time, which in my opinion is what he deserves! If a normal citizen did even one of the crimes the former President is facing in the upcoming trial or trials, we would have already been put behind bars.

I know that politicians are not known for their honesty, and it does not matter which party they are in. Republicans and Democrats all just lie in different ways, and some get away with what they have done wrong. Anyone that is close to me and knows the way I think already knows my distaste for the former president, and I am hoping he is going to face consequences as if he were just a normal American citizen and that he does not get preferential treatment. The bottom line is no one is above the law!

I hope y’all are having a great weekend so far and you are doing what makes YOU happiest! I am working on recovering from what seems like a never-ending headache and hope it will go away sooner than later because I have had enough of it. As I know some people reading this may disagree with what I have said about the former president, but I am still looking forward to reading your comments. I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Enjoy your Saturday

Happy Saturday, y’all😊! It is SO nice to have a weekend because as I said in my post yesterday, this week has been extremely grueling! I do believe some of the reasons the week felt so long is because of the headache I experienced for three days. Of course, this is nothing new as I have dealt with them since I was a small child. No matter how many years I have had mean headaches, they never get easier and I never get used to them. There is a small part of me that thinks the headaches continue to occur because my eyes are getting worse and I do have an eye appointment this afternoon, so hopefully, it is my eyes and nothing else.

Of all the issues I deal with living with Multiple Sclerosis, many of them are manageable. Just because they are manageable, does not mean that are easy or always tolerable. My legs end up bothering me more at night or when it rains. This just seems a common trend. There have been a few times when they bothered me bad enough to cause pain when sitting, needless to say much more painful than it is to stand or walk. Unfortunately, there is nothing that helps. I used to think the heating pad or a hot bath helped, but it makes it more intense. Since nothing helps, it certainly does NO good to dwell on it or even cry about it.

What is your favorite part of the weekend? I mean the obvious is there are no work or alarm clocks😊! I am just wondering if there are any other reasons why you love the weekend. Of course, the weekends are short, so it is important to make the most of every moment. Although I rarely sleep past my normal 7:00 AM time, I do still love knowing I do not have to get up and if I want, I can take a nap! I love knowing I have two days that I am able to do what I want, and I am not being forced to do something that I do not want to do.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I am sure you are just as happy as I am that the week is over and we can enjoy the weekend, but I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend! I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today and I look forward to reading your comments. I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa