Reasons Spending Time Alone Is Good For Us!

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, spending time alone can be beneficial to everyone. Of course, not everyone enjoys time alone because it might cause some to feel lonely, but in time the benefits will outweigh the negative. I am without a doubt an extrovert and do enjoy spending time around people and learning from what our differences might be. However, I also do enjoy spending time by myself. It is also true that surrounding ourselves with those that lift our spirits is helpful and often crucial, there are also several benefits to alone time. The following are just a few reasons solo time can be advantageous and valuable.

1. Time alone allows us to recharge. Trying to balance our daily obligations, family, and friends can be extremely challenging and energy draining. Allowing ourselves time to give ourselves our full attention to doing what we love and enjoy can be particularly useful. Taking time to recharge will not only help us, but it can benefit those around us as well because we will feel energized and happier.

2. Our lives can get chaotic because of our busy schedules. Spending time alone can provide us with time to contemplate what is going on currently, what has already happened, and even what may happen in upcoming events. Taking some time to take a break may help with social situations, where we are at in life, and the necessary time to reflect and grow as a person!

3. Spending time alone creates more independence. This is a start to relying on ourselves and trusting our abilities. Learning our abilities will provide us with a stronger sense of independence, which is a great feeling and an amazing accomplishment in life!

4. Trusting your thoughts and ideas will become easier. After you can find your independence, it is necessary to make decisions for yourself, instead of requiring others’ input and advice. It can be a little terrifying at certain times, but trusting your instincts and intuition is beneficial. Once you feel comfortable with your opinions and thoughts, it can help illuminate and clarify who you are and who you want to be in this life.

5. We have all heard that old saying “Too many cooks in the kitchen”, well the same logic applies in all aspects of life. Spending time alone can provide you with more productivity. Being alone, with only your thoughts allows you to create your ideas and execute them the way you want to without the input from anyone else. Alone time helps you develop and understand your strength and what you have to offer this world.

6. After having a little solo time, we can feel a deeper appreciation for others once spending time with friends, family, and even co-workers again. This can provide a strong impact on our emotions and be more energized and attentive when we spend time with others.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed this post and it provided you with some valuable information for your life. I hope you are having a great and safe weekend and doing what it is you enjoy the most. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Gratitude, Appreciation, & Love

76710407-always-be-thankful-hand-lettering-calligraphy-Unfortunately, it seems like far too many people are living in a perpetual state of always wanting more and it’s never good enough. Material things have become more important than just simply being thankful for what we do have. The never-ending desire for more only decreases happiness and never changes how satisfied with life someone is.

Most people think someone who is rich is happier because they have more money and xB255605all the things an outsider wants. The truth is, no amount of money can buy happiness. Just because someone has a large bank account doesn’t mean they are happy and satisfied with their life, we never know what goes on behind closed doors and fake smiles. These people end up spending less time doing enjoyable activities, less time with family and friends, and stay stressed because they still want MORE!

The way society is in 2020, I wonder does anyone know what gratitude and appreciation mean? The definition of gratitude is, “the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Gratitude has the ability to help people feel positive emotions, Seeing-The-World-With-Eyes-of-Gratitude-1enjoy life more, improve health, and have the ability to build strong and meaningful relationships.

People are satisfied with family and friend relationships more when they are grateful. The ability to be grateful actually can create more happiness, less stress, and less depression. This can also make people feel they have more control over their lives, have the ability to cope with difficult times, and have higher self-esteem.192360d23eb5e2295bc4fef40081ad65

For many of us, Monday through Friday is almost the same, with little to no change. It almost becomes the norm and we perform out of habit, assuming it will always be that way. But things can and do change without any warning.

unnamed (2)What do you do when in less than five minutes everything in life changes? It is a feeling of being lost in the darkest room when your entire world was turned upside down and shook vigorously. You are left to miss the normal mundane life that most probably would think is boring. It makes it much worse when there isn’t a logical reason for this change.

This post has been a little about gratitude and then random thoughts from something I recently went through. After this past Friday, I have not felt my normal self or even think my normal self is worth anything. It is upsetting, disturbing, and offensive when you feel that an illness you didn’t ask for creates even more problems with jobs. Honestly, it has felt like tumblr_lxnjfoOObg1qmdjeto1_500_largethis many times before, like everyone looks at you with pity. The people you work with think because you miss a day or two of work that it is going to be a common thing, but that isn’t true. I think if some of these hateful and judgmental people had to walk in my shoes for one hour, they would not be able to.

I have said this numerous times, but I am going to say it again, everything in life happens for a reason! Sometimes, the things we view initially as a punishment might actually be a reward. There are so many times we may unnamed (1)not fit in with the so-called normal people, but that is okay! Fitting in with people in a society as we have is not a good thing! Also, sometimes when one door closes another one will open, opening this door might lead to wonderful and amazing things!

First, I want to thank Bella at the amazing  blogging party she had this weekend! This was a wonderful opportunity to meet some pretty outstanding fellow bloggers! Second, thank y’all for stopping by my site today. Your never-ending kindness and support mean so much toimages (1) me! And finally, I hope y’all had a lovely weekend and you are feeling well. I do look forward to reading your comments for this post, no pressure though! Please never forget that no matter what I might be going through, I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤