Last Friday of the year

It is hard to believe that 2022 is almost over. Today is the final Friday of the year and the last day of the workweek of the year, so hopefully it will be a good one! I hope you have had a good week and you are looking forward to the weekend. Do you have any plans to celebrate the New Year? We do not have anything exciting planned to celebrate the New Year and will probably do the same thing we have done for many years, stay home and watch the ball drop from the warmth and comfort of our home with our sweet three fur babies! We are going this morning to get another COVID booster, so we can be protected from getting sick while we are on vacation celebrating my husband’s birthday.

This is going to be my last Friday post for the year and I wanted to share a quote that I found for the year almost being over. If you are anything like me, you are hard on yourself when something did not go the way you had planned, which is an awful way to be. Anytime I think I have done something wrong or not good enough, I will beat myself up for days, if not weeks. I fail to remember that tomorrow is another day, which is another chance to try again!

I hope you have had a nice week! I am planning to do another post later about the 2nd COVID booster experience, so please stay tuned! I remember the last time we got the booster, I felt awful all weekend and I am hoping this time will be different. In a way, I am glad I reacted to the last booster because it made me believe I was even more protected from getting COVID, but I am not looking forward to going through that again. I do understand people are still getting COVID, even once they are fully vaccinated, but it is preventing hospitalizations and the worst from happening. I know I mentioned a few weeks ago that both my mother and her husband got COVID and they were both fully vaccinated, and did recover quickly without ending up in the hospital.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have a wonderful day and a safe, and amazing weekend! I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and you found the quote to be as great as I did. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday

It is hard to believe, but today is the last Wednesday of 2022! It seems like the years are going by faster and faster or maybe it is because I am getting old! The next few weeks are going to be shorter work weeks for me because of the holidays and because of the vacation we are going on for my husband’s birthday. Shorter weeks can be nice, but also feel a little chaotic and stressful because the work can add up. I guess it is a good thing that work has been fairly slow the past few weeks😊.

Today is the halfway point of our week, so that means we only have the other half to get through. Considering there are only four days we have to work this week, I do not think it is going to be that bad. I do still feel we could all use a little motivation to help survive the last part of the week. I hope the quote I am sharing today will inspire you and help you think of changes that need to be made for the new year that is fast upon us all. It is crucial to think about the year that has past us and think of what could have been and should have been better. We need to face the fact that positive changes can be made, but we might need to put more effort in for the changes to happen. Yes, there may be things we need to consider stopping because it will make our lives even better and more fulfilling!

Now that there are only three days left of 2022, have you thought about any New Year’s Resolutions that you are going to make? There are many things I want to have changed for 2023, but they are not going to be my New Year’s Resolutions. I find making New Year’s Resolutions stressful and they tend to never stick, which only leads to disappointments. I would prefer to not disappoint myself because too many others already do that regularly. I know how negative that might sound, but humans are prone to disappoint people, but only if we allow them to. I find it much easier to have low expectations for people because then I am never disappointed too much and I will never have low expectations for myself. I might be a little too hard on myself!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and the quote provided you with a little motivated. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. I hope your week is going well and the rest of your week goes even better. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Tuesday after a holiday

The Tuesday after a long weekend and a holiday always seems like a Monday on a massive amount of steroids. Of course, work for me has not been all that busy, so I am sure today will not be too bad. The only hard part is going back to the same old work week. It never fails, even on weekends I still wake up at the same time, but at least when it is the weekend I do not have to sit in front of a computer for eight very long hours! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and you enjoyed yourself safely!

Lately, when I can do posts, I have been writing about things that are on my mind and troubling me. The quote I am sharing with you today is in a sense following the same kinds of things that I have written about. It does not matter which country we live in, we are all living in the same world. With that said, we should want a peaceful life without conflicts and violence. There is nothing positive that comes from hate, violence, and conflicts. It is important, to be honest, but it is also extremely important to realize how much our words and actions can harm another person. I have always believed that if I do not have anything nice to say, it is better to stay silent. We cannot take our hurtful words back or the harm we caused another person.

The weather has been slightly crazy and very unpredictable. The past few days have been super cold around the country, which over the holiday weekend caused many some additional challenges. Unfortunately, there were many that had to manage without power in the incredibly chilly temperatures. With as cold as it was, all I wanted was there to be snow. That is something I ALWAYS miss at Christmas because as a child I always had a white Christmas. How have you been dealing with the weather challenges?

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have a wonderful day😊! Try to remember that anything we cannot do tomorrow is another day to try again😊! Instead of thinking about how busy you are today and how much you were not at work, think about your amazing weekend, celebrating the holiday. I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Last Monday of 2022

How has your year been and is there anything you wish you could have changed? I have many questions that may not have answers, but I am going to ask anyways. Why are so many so quick to make a judgment? Why do some people think it is acceptable and humane to not be kind to others? Do people really think their way of life and how they behave is much superior to everyone else in the world? I am starting to believe that I might have missed something when I was younger because I was not ever taught that any one person is better than anyone else as I was taught, we are ALL EQUAL no matter where we are from or anything else people think it is acceptable to judge others for.

Why are so many people afraid of what they do not understand and automatically think the way others are choosing to live THEIR life is not the way they should be living? Who can say there is only one way to live? I guess I was under the impression that the United States is a FREE country and therefore people can live how they want to live. As I am sure you can tell by several of my posts, this is something that bothers me tremendously.

Over the past several years, it has seemed like there has been a vast amount of people devolving instead of evolving. A lot of this might be a result of our political leaders’ comments which might have made it seem like it was okay. Too many have glamourized racism and hate because of what they were feeling inside their heart, which to me is cold and dark. It is almost 2023 and we need to get back on track with evolving with the times.

Why should anyone care who someone else loves? I mean love is love, right? Does this affect their lives in any way shape or form? Who really cares about the color of someone’s skin, where they are from, or who they worship? They cannot control or change it and it does not cause issues in anyone’s life. The things that do matter are the way we treat others because that is something we do have control over. Superficial nonsense is not things that matter in the bigger picture of this life.

2022 is almost over and 2023 will begin soon, so I think we need to begin the new year with a better and kinder outlook on life. We need to start being more accepting and compassionate towards others that live differently than we do. I think learning about others’ way of life is fascinating. Different cultures are something we should all want to learn about because no individual is the same in this HUGE world and there is nothing wrong with that. Think about it, if we were all the same, would the world not be boring?

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today, and it resonated with how you feel about the world we share. I believe we should all learn new ways to think and start treating everyone equally and with respect. The only time an individual does not deserve our respect is when they disrespect us personally or someone else, but even then, it is best to not sink down to their ignorant way to behaving. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Merry Christmas to all

I have had a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit for over 20 years because I was accustomed to having a white Christmas. I will never forget my first Christmas in the south because it was so hard for me to celebrate the holidays without snow and family. I sprayed this snow-looking spray all the windows and bought fake snow to sprinkle around my apartment just so I could see something that looked like snow. I know people that live in the south would hate the fact that I always wish for snow because everyone hates snow in the south.

We have had a few Christmas that were not completely normal because of COVID and we are finally starting to be able to celebrate the holidays like normal. It is still a little uncomfortable because from what I have been told, COVID is miserable to deal with. I am not sure where you live, but it is incredibly cold where I am. I do not think I have dealt with temperatures this cold since living in the north or when my husband and I go snowboarding. The bitter temperatures have caused many people to lose power, which thankfully, we have not and hope we do not.

Thank you for visiting my site today and for all your continued support with the posts I have been able to do. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe Christmas. Christmas seems to have a new meaning to many and it is all about spending money, which is not the true meaning of Christmas. Let’s remember the loved ones that are not with us today and honor them always. Keep those who have recently lost a loved one in your thoughts because today might be a painful day for them. I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Christmas Eve 2022

Today is Christmas eve, but what does this mean to you? Do you have any traditions for this day and if so, what are they? It is the day before Christmas, so do you have all your Christmas shopping, holiday decorations, and everything prepared for tomorrow? For years, I did have specific traditions for both Christmas and Christmas eve, but they have changed for a few reasons. Unfortunately, one of the reasons is due to COVID, which we cannot change. The other reason is that my mother lives several states away, but I do think her move was a good move and I believe she is happy with her husband, which makes me happy😊!

During the holidays, I think we should try to be thankful for our lives. We should not have regrets and should try to focus on what we are grateful for. It is sad to think some so many people do not have a loving family, a roof over their heads, or food on the table. To know so many people are homeless, especially when the temperatures have taken a turn towards bitter cold. It is shocking how quickly the weather has changed and how insanely cold it has become, even in the south where I live. With how cold it is now, the only thing that would make sense is to have snow on the ground and give us a white Christmas!

Whether you are in the United States or another country, I hope your holiday weekend is wonderful and you stay safe because COVID is still around. Thankfully, things are much better with COVID than they have been in the past few years and most people are vaccinated. I may not have left the house much over the past few years, but I am glad that my husband and I have not had to deal with how awful COVID makes people feel. Some people might say that we have been overly cautious, but with a deadly virus infecting and killing so many I do not think you can ever be too cautious. We are planning a snowboarding trip for my husband’s birthday at the beginning of January, so we are planning to get the 2nd COVID booster next week to protect us from the virus.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and that you enjoy the weekend! I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. If you must drive far to visit with your family, please drive safely because I am sure traffic is going to be crazy. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Food For Thought

The holidays are “supposed” to be a time for joy and happiness, but it tends to make me feel sad. While I know how insane this may sound, I do have my reasons. I think about those who have lost loved ones both recently and not so recently. Unfortunately, most of us have lost someone we cared deeply for and the empty chair at the dinner table during the holidays is another reminder they are gone. It does not matter how long it has been, the loss of someone we loved is a pain that stays with us.

I feel heartbreak for people I have never met that I know who lost someone they loved. Recently, there was a tragic loss for a wife and her children, when Stephen Boss, also known as “Twitch,” took his own life. Another celebrity who recently lost her life was Sonya Eddy who played Epiphany Johnson in the soap opera, General Hospital, which I have watched since I was a child. I think about the families of these two people and how they will get through the holidays without them.

During the holidays, I also think about my late Grandfather and my husband’s late Grandparents. Even though my grandfather and I did not see each other as often as I would have liked because we lived several states away from each other, I do always miss the sound of his voice when we talked on Christmas Day. Since my husband and I have been together, which is now going on twenty years, we always used to spend Christmas Day at his Grandparent’s house before they passed away, which is the house we now live in. The one thing we will all always have, no matter how many years since our loved ones passed away, is amazing memories.

I cannot help but think about the many people across this world that will face the upcoming holidays for the first time without their loved ones. So many will deal with pain and sadness over the holidays, and it fills me with sadness. Maybe I am being overly emotional, but I also think about the millions of people that are homeless and do not have the opportunity to enjoy a hot family dinner surrounded by loved ones. Too many people are doing the best they can on the streets, trying to find shelter and food, which should never be the case, no matter why they are in the situations they find themselves in.

I might overthink things too much, but there are so many questions that keep running through my head. Why do some people have to struggle, especially in a country as wealthy as the United States? Why do the ones who are not struggling financially and would not miss a few dollars not offer to help the underprivileged more? There are so many struggling with mental instabilities that cannot find the help they need and why is this? Why do people have to suffer and starve? Why can the world not be fair and provide equal opportunities to everyone? If you saw a young man or woman on the street in the cold, would you try to help them or would you turn your head and walk away? It is not possible that I am the only person who has these thoughts and wants to help.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I know this post was not as uplifting as I normally try to be, but this is how I am feeling and needed to get these feelings out to others and give them something to think about. I feel that sometimes it only takes a few people to think about the bigger problems in life and make small strides to do something to help. I hope you are having a good week and there was something that I have shared in this post that resonated with you. I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Build Up to Holidays

The holidays for the past few years have been abnormal, to say the least. We had been forced to place family gatherings on hold, with no idea when to reschedule them for. COVID caused holiday celebrations to change drastically and add even more stress to an already stressful time of year. Although COVID is much better than it was a few years ago, the pandemic has not seen its final days yet. The good news is that travel restrictions have been lifted, which is helping make long-distance family gatherings more manageable. Everything seems as though there are promises life will see what we used to consider “normal” again soon.

Even though life is starting to become normal again and COVID stress is decreasing some may still feel increased stress as the holidays approach us. Many have adjusted increasingly well to being at home and isolated from the outside world. Of course, for anyone who naturally enjoys socializing, the ability to interact with others, and to have mindless conversations, the holidays will be a breath of fresh air and excitement.

The low-key, mellow homebody type was thrilled to have a logical excuse to stay at home for the holiday of their dreams. Changing back to the spectacle of talkative relatives, rambunctious children, and loud noises may be a complete shock to their sheltered systems. Human beings do have the ability to acclimate to new environments quickly and adjust to change, which COVID pushed all of us to learn quickly.

Everyone needs to remember that the holidays do not mean we need to make up for all the holidays missed due to COVID in one day. We need to enjoy these times without feeling increased pressure. We can converse and interact with our family and friends, while still protecting our personal space.

For anyone that is an introvert and enjoys the comforts of their home, the following tips might be beneficial to read. I am sure there are many more ideas available, but these are just a few that I came across and wanted to share them.

Take Baby Steps:

Now is a time to take things slow and not push ourselves too far. Many of us might be tempted to try avoiding social gatherings and holiday parties, but we should try to at least make a conscious effort. Avoidance can potentially make things far worse than they truly are.

The best way to readjust and ease back into the “normal” holidays is to take it one manageable event at a time. Remember, to stay true to yourself, if large events and gatherings cause you too much stress and anxiety, choose to attend smaller gatherings until you begin to feel more comfortable and less anxious.

It is crucial to create and maintain time limits. If you know you can only tolerate an hour or two at a family dinner, let this be known so everyone is aware and understands. You could simply say, “I am so excited to celebrate the holiday with everyone, but unfortunately, I must leave by 9 PM.” If you are with your significant other or a friend, establish a code word to let that person know you are ready to head home, so you can begin saying your “goodbyes”.

Envision Success:

During the days leading up to your holiday gathering, try to self-talk. Do not tell yourself, it is going to be an uncomfortable and awful situation. Instead, remind yourself you are going to be surrounded by family who loves and accept you, and everything is going to be fine. The more you tell yourself this, the more that is what your brain will hold onto and remember.

Allow Yourself Breaks:

Whether the holiday gathering is with family or friends, keep your needs in mind. Stay aware of any indicators you are getting overwhelmed, your heart begins racing, you become overheated, etc. If your stress and uncomfortable feelings build up, simply politely excuse yourself to the restroom or step outside for some fresh air. A short and quiet break can help to calm yourself and be ready to socialize more.

The holidays do not need to be stressful, as they are meant to be enjoyable. We still have a few days left before Christmas Day, so try to keep yourself stress free and look forward to spending time with your loved ones. If you are not able to see everyone in your family due to distance, there is nothing wrong with picking up the phone to chat or even chatting on Zoom.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found the tips I have shared helpful, but if you have others, I will encourage you to share them. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope your week is going well and you have a good day! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday, y’all! I hope you are having a good and relaxing weekend! Can you believe that we only have two weeks left in 2022? It is amazing how quickly time goes by and how much we endure each week. Sometimes, it is hard to believe what we have survived and witnessed because some things are so incredibly unbelievable. No matter what tragic events we have dealt with, it is crucial to remember that each experience is another lesson that is going to help us become better. We need to not think of hard times as a punishment because none of them are, they each continue making us stronger and more resilient.

The past several years have been complicated, to say the least, but what have we learned over the past few years? We have seen so much violence, which “should” have taught us to be kinder and more understanding. But, honestly, has it? I ask this because violence and hatred continue to ravage the world daily. Why do people feel so much hatred? Why can we all not get along and be nice to one another? Is this something we are taught by watching the news, which has made hatred seem normal and okay?

As we approach the holidays, we need to keep a few things in mind. One is, we still need to be practicing safety protocols because COVID is still around. For anyone that is not vaccinated, it is well past time to get vaccinated. Being vaccinated against COVID can be a matter of life and death for ourselves and our families. The other thing we need to remember is, Christmas is NOT a time for receiving gifts, but it is a time to share the love with those around us and be better at practicing kindness and never forgetting what the Golden Rule means!

New Year is only two weeks away, so now is the time to recall the past year and think about what changes we want to make for the next year. Are there new things we want to learn or things we were taught years ago that we want to put back into play? Do we want to make a difference in the world and if so, what difference needs to be made? Do we want to make changes in our day-to-day lives, and if so, what changes do we want to make? I am not asking you to share this now, but I am asking you to put thought into this!

The weekend is nearing its end and I hope you had a nice weekend. Did you do anything special over the weekend? Are you looking forward to the week ahead of us and are you ready for it? We do still have several hours left of the weekend, so I would encourage you to make the best of it. The important things we always need to remember are what we are going to do this next week which is something we will be proud of!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared, and it gave you things to think about. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will be responding as quickly as possible. I am going to continue to try staying on a schedule with my posts, which gets harder once the work week begins, but I am going to try. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Cruel and beautiful world

This can be cruel, but also a beautiful world we are living in. Unfortunately, we will never know what demons another is battling against because people often hide them very well. This tends to be due to the negative stigma our society puts on mental health. It is terrible that so many feel they must distinguish their struggles with fake smiles, to avoid being labeled and shamed. It is not a weakness when someone admits they are struggling mentally and makes the decision to seek mental health help, but instead, I think it shows signs of strength and courage.

We need to keep in mind that we are all human and no matter how things may appear on the outside, no one in the world has a “perfect” life. Even celebrities seem to have what seems to be a perfect family, a beautiful home, and plenty of money to feed themselves, and their family and afford all the luxuries in life. No matter what amount of money a person has in their bank account, money CANNOT busy happiness.

Considering our society demonizes and stigmatizes people with mental health issues, it is causing people to commit suicide instead of admitting they are struggling. What kind of world would rather have people end their lives, instead of providing necessary help to those in crucial need? We cannot even watch the news without seeing another horrific act that has occurred in our country. There is far too much hate, narcissistic judgments, misery inflicting our lives, and unnecessary deaths daily, it is hard to see the silver lining any longer.

Celebrities many admire and children look up to have suffered from addiction, depression, and past issues conflicting with their lives, and many more that have committed suicide. The most recent was a brilliant dancer and DJ, Stephen Boss, better known as Twitch from So You Think You Can Dance, and the DJ on the Ellen DeGeneres show took his own life on Tuesday. Those who knew Twitch, including his wife who just celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary, did not know he was suffering with anything. Friends, family, and those who knew him well said he loved his family and what he was doing more than anything in the world, but now he is gone and those who loved him are left wondering why.

I do believe anyone should ever be judged or spoken negatively about because they are having troubles in life, but instead we should be trying to help people more. Why does anyone think they are better than another person that is having mental issues? Does anyone see what is going on in this world? Is there anyone that has a genuine smile or are they are just wearing a mask to hide the truth?

Thank you for visiting my site today. I wrote this post because what I see happening in the world is causing me so much sadness. I feel strongly that we should be lifting one another up and not tearing others down. We do not know what is going on in another person’s life and if we say something awful to them, it might be the last words they hear before making a terrible choice to end their lives. We can be kind and lift others up and we might end up making a HUGE difference that could save another person’s life. If you are struggling with something in life, please know that there is help and you are strong and courageous to admit the problems you are going through. I look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa