Pick-Me-Up Friday Eve!

My Weekend…..

I hope y’all are having a good weekend and you are staying safe. I know we all look forward to the weekend because it gives us time to rest and recuperate from a long week. How is your weekend going so far? Did you have a good week? I do hope last week went well for you and your weekend is everything you want it to be. Last week was a mixture of stress and more stress for me, but at least that is in the past now!

My day on Thursday was a little stressful because it started at a consult with the endodontist that will be doing my root canal next week. I did not like this doctor right away because he was a little rude and extremely offensive. His assistant was sweet and told me that doctor was a straight shooter, but there is a fine line between being honest and rude. I told him right away that I knew my mouth was a mess because of all the medications I have been on due to my MS, mainly steroids when I had a relapse, and I was only concerned with the two teeth that were in pain. Instead of addressing my reason for being there, he went onto telling me I needed a good dentist that was not going to be terrified when they looked in my mouth. For someone that has HIGH anxiety with the dentist, this was not a good start.

My weekend did not start in the best way because our older cat, Sundance was not acting right on Saturday morning. I think it is safe to say that y’all know how much I love my cats and that I would do anything in the world for any of them, so seeing him being lethargic was extremely. Every morning Sundance gets two medications for his asthma and he takes them in a pill pocket, which he never has a problem with because he thinks they are treats. He would not eat the pill pockets and would not even purr like he always does. While in complete panic, I called his doctor’s office. The veterinarian called me back about 15 minutes later and said there was a cancellation and to bring him in. Typically, Sundance fights me when I try getting him in the carrier, but he did not fight me at all. His doctor’s office is only 1-2 miles from our house, so it does not take but a few minutes to get there, but he cries the entire way. Today, he did not make a peep, but I made it in record time because I might have been speeding.

With COVID, owners are not able to go into the office. So, I texted the number when we got there and waited. The vet tech, Sarah, is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and she was there last week when Sundance had to go for his yearly check-up. She came out and with her kind and understanding personality said to him, “Sundance, you were just here baby, what is going on?” Through my tears and hysteria, I filled her in on what was going on. She told me they would take good care of him and that I did the right thing to bring him in. She told me that she understands worrying about my baby because she is the same way and that she has an older cat that is going through chemo. I cannot even imagine how stressful that must be, but I appreciated her kindness and empathy.

After waiting about 15 minutes, but it felt more like an hour, Sarah came back out to explain what was going on with Sundance. She said his heart and lungs sounded great, but he had an exceedingly high temperature of 104.9. Sundance has a UTI, which could have been caused either by the stress of the two new kittens or the car ride last week to get to the doctor’s office. As I said, he hates being in the car and hates going to the doctor and he is a baby about things, especially when I cannot be with him. They gave him an antibiotic by injection, so I would not have to give him more pills. The antibiotic will work for 2 weeks and he should start feeling better soon. They also gave him pain medication, just to keep him comfortable. The vet tech and doctor said he will be sluggish from the pain medication, especially because this is the first time, he has had one.

My poor baby feels yucky

Once I got Sundance home, he just laid around and looked very confused. He still would not eat or drink, but just wanted to sleep and rest. The new kittens, Willow and Penelope tried getting close to him because they seemed concerned, which was sweet to see. I have tried leaving him alone because I did not want to upset him, but I did put his water dish close to him so he could drink when he wanted to.

I have always taken great care of our cats and it was torture seeing him not feel well. I hated not being able to help him feel better. I have never felt so helpless because there is nothing, I can do to speed up Sundance’s healing. I am glad we never had two leg children because I think I would be in the ER every other day. Of course, Sundance is not able to tell me how he is feeling, but I can tell from the look out of his eyes that he does not feel well.

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading what I have written. Please keep Sundance in your thoughts and hope he feels better soon. I will keep an eye on him throughout the night and hope he is back to his normal self in the morning. Sundance has a huge personality and even though he is 10 years old, he still plays like a kitten. I think because of what we went through with Chloe in early February, I am overly cautious and on top of things. I have always been the type that worries, but our cats are like our children, so I worry even more. I will keep y’all updated on Sundance’s healing from his UTI and pray he gets better soon!

I hope the rest of your weekend goes well and you stay safe! I would love to know what you thought about this post and I will respond as quickly as I can. Considering I have been a ball of stress because of Sundance, the only way I can stay calm is to write about it. We all need an outlet in life, and this is mine! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes.

Always, Alyssa

How do you handle…

A Bad Day When You Work From home

Have you ever had one of those days when you found nearly everything extremely frustrating? How did you handle that intense amount of frustration? Normally, I am good at ignoring small issues that aren’t that important or can be dealt with calmly, but when numerous things occur at the same time, I allow all the little issues to upset me to an unreasonable extent. Sometimes all those small issues join together and feel like an enormous problem. This is the way my day was for the last part of the day yesterday.

So, let me explain a little better. First of all, let me say that I do love my job, but there are a few things that bother me more than they probably should. For starters, when I have a question that only someone in management can address, but I am left hanging for hours. Also, knowing full when this person is answering other questions only adds to my frustration. I mean, seriously, how do you handle things like this?

Second of all, I have always been the type of person that can and does get along with anyone. Even with this said, there is ONLY ONE person I work with that I struggle to tolerate. I know it isn’t just me that feels this way as this ONE person rubs most people the wrong way. Now, how do you endure a person that seems to have a negative attitude or is very unhappy with life? I have tried to kill this person with kindness, but it doesn’t work!

I am thankful to have my work from home job. This offers me a safe way to earn a decent monthly income, but this also means my home often feels like a prison where I never get away from work. I remember how work was before COVID-19. I can recall leaving my house and driving to work in the morning. Then I would work for only eight hours and LEAVE work to drive home! Leaving work for the day would be one of the best parts of my day because I had that distance from work, especially if I had a bad day at work. If you have a bad day at work and you work from home, how do you find that distance so desperately needed? I have tried, but I am clueless on how to do this. Please if you have any ideas, I am willing to try just about anything. Also, adding to the isolation and inability to find a way to escape work, COVID numbers in the state I live in are the highest they have been since the pandemic started so it isn’t like I can go to the mall and walk around.

I have always said that life is too short to not enjoy life to the fullest and not let things affect you negatively. The funny thing is my husband has heard me say this multiple times during our sixteen years together and when he saw how upset I got yesterday; he simply reminded me that I don’t get paid enough to get as upset as I did. I do understand that men and women think very differently, but his thoughts were extremely obvious. I knew he was right, but instead of calming down, it made me even more frustrated and angry. I also tend to cry when I get overly frustrated. It was an hour later I did end up calming down and admitted I need to learn how to let things go and remain calm.

After reading all of this, do y’all have any advice on how I can escape from work? Considering my husband and I both work from home, but at different hours we share a home office in the finished part of our basement. Logically, you would think just going upstairs would be at distance from work, but I still feel trapped at work.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I know I missed my normal Tranquil Tuesday and Inspirational Wednesday posts, but I have worked too many hours and have been exhausted so I wasn’t able to. I am planning to do better next week and work normal hours so I have time for things I enjoy, like writing, crocheting (not that the weather is cold), and reading! I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa