Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday, y’all! I hope you are having a good and relaxing weekend! Can you believe that we only have two weeks left in 2022? It is amazing how quickly time goes by and how much we endure each week. Sometimes, it is hard to believe what we have survived and witnessed because some things are so incredibly unbelievable. No matter what tragic events we have dealt with, it is crucial to remember that each experience is another lesson that is going to help us become better. We need to not think of hard times as a punishment because none of them are, they each continue making us stronger and more resilient.

The past several years have been complicated, to say the least, but what have we learned over the past few years? We have seen so much violence, which “should” have taught us to be kinder and more understanding. But, honestly, has it? I ask this because violence and hatred continue to ravage the world daily. Why do people feel so much hatred? Why can we all not get along and be nice to one another? Is this something we are taught by watching the news, which has made hatred seem normal and okay?

As we approach the holidays, we need to keep a few things in mind. One is, we still need to be practicing safety protocols because COVID is still around. For anyone that is not vaccinated, it is well past time to get vaccinated. Being vaccinated against COVID can be a matter of life and death for ourselves and our families. The other thing we need to remember is, Christmas is NOT a time for receiving gifts, but it is a time to share the love with those around us and be better at practicing kindness and never forgetting what the Golden Rule means!

New Year is only two weeks away, so now is the time to recall the past year and think about what changes we want to make for the next year. Are there new things we want to learn or things we were taught years ago that we want to put back into play? Do we want to make a difference in the world and if so, what difference needs to be made? Do we want to make changes in our day-to-day lives, and if so, what changes do we want to make? I am not asking you to share this now, but I am asking you to put thought into this!

The weekend is nearing its end and I hope you had a nice weekend. Did you do anything special over the weekend? Are you looking forward to the week ahead of us and are you ready for it? We do still have several hours left of the weekend, so I would encourage you to make the best of it. The important things we always need to remember are what we are going to do this next week which is something we will be proud of!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared, and it gave you things to think about. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will be responding as quickly as possible. I am going to continue to try staying on a schedule with my posts, which gets harder once the work week begins, but I am going to try. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

The importance of being Considerate

We are living in a chaotic and unpredictable world that has too much anger and hatred consuming the population in mass numbers. People have seemed to have forgotten how to or lost the ability to be understanding, kind, and considerate towards others, which is unfortunate and heartbreaking. We are not always going to agree on everything because we all have opinions, but we can disagree in better and more respectful ways. In this post, I am going to explain what consideration means and why it is an important practice to learn and include in our daily lives.

To be considerate means must be thoughtful or have sympathetic regard or respect and thoughtfulness for others. It is careful thoughts, normally over some time. This can be related to simply remembering the “Golden Rule”. We all know how we want to be treated and it should be easy to implement that same treatment toward others. I know everyone has an opinion, but I strongly believe it should not be difficult to be kind, understanding, and respectful to others.

There are many benefits to being considerate. This can simply mean we are being friendly and reliable, which should not be overly challenging. These behaviors can improve our reputation and invigorate aspects of culture making communities more cooperative and loving. The positive impacts can greatly affect our lives. When we are considerate it can increase levels of trust among others, which will make the people we interact with feel better and more secure.

Consideration of others can also be good for our overall health. The reason is it triggers the reward center of our brain, which elevates dopamine, a chemical that makes people feel good about themselves and their environment. The simple act of being considerate makes everyone involved feel good and happy, so it cannot be denied it is well worth it.

The reason that I am writing about this today is that I am tired of hearing about hate filling the world and think people need to wake up to reality. We are all human beings and most of us are trying to live a good life. There should never be anyone shamed for their life or the choices they have made because we all make mistakes. If we could all try to be nicer and more understanding towards others and help when we are able, the world would be a much better and happier place.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you are having a great and safe weekend. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I cannot speak for other countries, but there is too much hate in the United States and some of it stems from political views, which is crazy. The truth of the matter is no single person has the power to make the changes we think should happen, but we can rally together and try. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

The Golden Rule

I find all the violence and hate we witness daily extremely sad and disturbing. When is the last time you could watch the news or read an article about world news and not see or read about another act of violence? I try to avoid the news because it is very depressing, but I will click on news apps and constantly read about tragic violent acts that have occurred. I think I need to refrain from doing this from now on or at least until people can learn to be kind to one another.

Something I have always held close to my heart and mind is the meaning of the Golden Rule. The real and easy-to-understand meaning of the Golden Rule is it is the principle of treating others the way you want to be treated. This seems like it should be common and easy practice to follow. We all want to be treated with respect and kindness, right? So, with that said why would it be difficult to treat those we come in contact with in the same way?

The level of resentment continues to rise, while the level of contentment decreases rapidly. This is a massive issue in the United States. People are resorting to extreme measures and or name-calling. Of course, a lot of this tension stems from political and social differences. This trend is upsetting and counterproductive and only creates more anger and animosity.

It is completely understandable to have differences of opinion, but it is crucial to handle these peacefully and respectfully. We can voice our opinions without name-calling or violence and get much more accomplished. When things get too out of hand and there is no progress being made, sometimes it is just better to walk away and agree to disagree. I would much rather walk away from a discussion where neither people cannot agree, and neither will budge because it will only escalate and cause things to be much more intense than is necessary.

Those who have differences of opinion can both be correct in a sense. We do not all always have to agree on everything, but we also cannot change another person’s mind because we can all believe in what we believe in and need to remain respectful of the way another person chooses to believe and live their life. Regardless of who is trying to make changes or thinks their views are the right ones, we are still living in a free country.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I am sure everyone reading this post already knows what the Golden Rule is and follows this daily, but unfortunately, not everyone seems to be staying in line with this rule. It breaks my heart to see so much violence in the country I was born and raised in, and I do not understand the massive levels of hate there is. I have always believed that we were all created equally, and we all have a beating heart, so we should all be treated with kindness and respect. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared as this was just a condensed explanation of the Golden Rule! I do look forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa