Be Kind Tuesday

Midweek Thoughts

End Of The Weekend Thoughts

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope your week went well and that you are looking forward to the weekend😊! I missed doing a post yesterday because on Wednesday morning, while I was brushing my teeth like I always do, one of my front teeth broke☹. It was not the best way to start a day, but I called my dentist right away, and she was able to squeeze me in to be seen yesterday morning. I have never been a huge fan of any dentists because it seems like they chose a profession that allows them to legally cause people pain.

Anyways, I had a massive headache, which I assume was because of the broken tooth, and was not able to do my Friday Eve post. Even as I am writing this post, my head and mouth are still a little sore, and I am feeling nauseous, which is probably due to the numbing medication the dentist used. The good news is, my dentist was able to fix both of my front two teeth, and they look much better!! I think it is always important to find good in every situation we go through, and yes, sometimes it is harder than others.

Everyone that has been following my blog for any length of time knows that I think Friday is the perfect day to let go of any negative feelings created by the week. Weekends, no matter how long they may be, are too short to carry anything negative. Only certain things in life are a guarantee, and definitive, but no one should be forced to deal with anyone treating them unkind because we all deserve respect and kindness. I am sharing this quote with y’all today to serve as a reminder that we can decide who we allow to remain in our lives, and we can decide who we do not allow in our life.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I shared and that you found the quote helpful in your daily life! The weekend will be arriving soon, and I hope you can enjoy it to the fullest. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Resentment, Frustrations, & Pains

Happy Saturday! I hope you had a good week, but I also hope you can enjoy your weekend! Do you have anything planned for the weekend? One thing I know I must do for my sanity this weekend is to recover from the week and try to forget all the negativity that the week impacted me with. I also know Mother’s Day is tomorrow, so I hope everyone can enjoy celebrating all the mothers out there who gave selflessly and loved unconditionally. Of course, I will not be able to see my mother tomorrow, but I will be sure to remind her how much I appreciate her.

Last week was a little overwhelming and extremely exhausting. Unfortunately, I think many of us get so wrapped up in our everyday lives that we forget some of the simplest things in life. When we get frustrated, it can be easy to forget just how much words hurt. I have said this in another post, but the wounds will heal when we are bruised, but the wounds that words inflict are more powerful and long-lasting. When we forget the way another person feels about a particular situation, and the tears causing another person to shed, they are much more intense and hurtful than almost anything else. Simple apologies can become meaningless, and they do not fix the pain felt. This pain can escalate into increased negative emotions and resentment.

Holding onto feelings of resentment is very unhealthy and can lead to an inability to stop thinking about a specific event or situation. The reoccurring thoughts may linger for days, weeks, months, or even years, and eventually may take over your life. For some people, resentment can begin with disappointment or remorse for something or someone that was lost. Those that battle with resentment may harbor anger and seek revenge, or they might feel that justice was not served for something terrible that occurred. Regardless of why someone feels resentment, it only leads to bitterness and additional anger. These are feelings that do not have a positive outcome and may lead to irrefutable harm.

I know I have fallen into these same patterns in life and get frustrated, and then will say things that I do not mean. Of course, I try to not do things like this, but we are only human, and we make mistakes. I never want to cause anyone any harm with harsh and unkind comments because it will only make matters worse. Words and carelessness cause too much pain and it can be almost impossible to overcome them. The only thing I know to do is avoid talking in the heat of the moment or when I am already past the point of frustration and anger. Sometimes, silence is the best course of action.

How do you handle anger? What is your first reaction when you get upset? Do you find it easier to yell in a fit of rage, or do you walk away from the situation, and ignore how you are feeling? I feel it is better and easier to ignore things and walk away from the situation. I know many will not understand, and some professionals would say this is wrong, but I find it to be the best way for me to survive this insane world. Yes, this does mean that I tend to bottle up my feelings and it does cause something like a volcano eruption at times, but it is not often. I do not like confrontation, but even with that said, I will stand up for myself, those who cannot defend themselves, and for what I believe.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope that even if you do not agree with me, I hope you enjoy what I have shared. I am so thankful for the weekend, but after the past few weeks, I think a little more time to recuperate. If you have struggled with feelings of resentment, how did you overcome this? I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible! I hope you have a wonderful, and safe weekend! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Spread positivity, more than negativity

The world we are living in, and sharing, is a beautiful place, or at least it should be. Take a moment and recall all the spectacular sites you have seen, smelled, tasted, and touched. Regardless of if the sky has many fluffy or dark clouds, or if it is a clear blue sky, it appears to go on endlessly. Surrounding the land, we can see, smell, taste, touch, and admire the ocean. These are just two magnificent things we should appreciate. Where do you see the most beauty in this world? Many people want to complain and be upset about humans destroying the planet, but then no one does anything to correct the damage.

How is it possible for us to have many incredibly astonishing things around us, but they are unable to be appreciated, and instead, humans try to demolish everything with unique qualities? The world was created for us to live in together, but we need to learn to accept others for who they are, and not who we think others should be. Unfortunately, it appears that people generally insult and try to break others down, mostly with selfish motives. I do not understand why humans think they are entitled to talk negatively to others, but this is only causing mental harm to others.

Social media is where much of this begins, but why does this happen? So many try to portray a perfect life on social media, but most of this is false. For some reason, people feel empowered when they can hide behind their keyboard and their monitor. Negative comments hurt others, and these wounds do not heal easily. It would be much healthier for everyone when posting on social media, would all remain honest. Everyone has struggles, and no one’s life is perfect. If everyone on social media could be honest, it might help another person that is battling with a similar struggle.

For anyone that posts things on social media, start today being 100% honest, we may have the power to make changes in this world. Nothing is going to happen overnight, but ending the negative comments and lies could make a huge difference in someone else’s life. The mean and negative comments are causing too many issues for too many people that do not deserve this treatment. I do understand, some of this was incited by political leaders, of which I will not mention any names. The name-calling and shame are awful and heartbreaking. Some of this has caused innocent people to decide that suicide is their only option, but this should never be a person’s only option.

Young people are very impressionable, but we can provide a better impression and be better role models for the youth. How many young people must die before the adults in this world behave better? Destroying another person’s self-esteem and views must end. We can make better choices and help inspire others. I do believe social media can be an amazing thing, but only when there is truth. It is hard to know that there is so much hate continuing to build around the world. Negativity can be contagious, but so can positivity😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope what I have shared today resonates with you. Even though the weekend is almost over, we do have a chance to enjoy several more hours, and I hope you do exactly that. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Thoughts in my mind

When I was younger, politics was never a topic I had any interest in following. It was not clear to me when and if any politician was being sincere, truthful, or had the best interests of anyone besides themselves in mind. As I have gotten older and slightly less blind or ignorant to the way our political system operates, the only thing that appears crystal clear is the vast majority of our political leaders have forgotten what it means to be honest. It does not matter what the party is, they all have one general thing in common, and it is not the best quality, as it is complete and utter dishonesty.

Political rhetoric has been an overwhelming and toxic predicament in the United States for far too long. These issues should never have escalated to the extreme levels it has over the last several years. It seems unheard, of that, anyone can either agree or at least agree to disagree on many of the HOT topics flooding the country. None of the differences of opinion should create turmoil and animosity, especially among family and friends. Life is too short, and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, so we should avoid disagreements that offer no resolutions and only endanger feelings.

We will always encounter people that have different opinions, and we should not feel like we cannot have a normal and civilized conversation with these people. Chances are, you are already aware of the opinions of your family, friends, and even though it may be forbidden to discuss at work, your co-workers as well. Understanding things like this in advance can help you avoid any topics where a potential debate is inevitable.

I think everyone must understand that there is nothing sinister about being friendly and accepting of those from an opposing political party. It is natural and normal to have beliefs, and even feel strongly about those beliefs. It will not be a surprise to anyone that has read my previous posts, I am not and never will be a supporter of Donald Trump. I do not agree with the way he behaves or his treatment of others, but that is who he is and who I am. I also do not care much for the current President. It is 2023 and we need to learn to be more accepting and not continue to behave the same as many did decades ago. With the years comes change and therefore, I believe we are in dire need of someone younger and more accepting of the changes.

To get away from politics, I have so many questions that I do not believe have answers. Why are people so scared of those that are different? Should people not be free to love, even if they love differently than others do? Why should a woman not be the ONLY one with rights to her body? Why should the government or state have control over a woman’s body? Why in the richest country in the world do we have so many that are homeless? Why in a country that believes they have rights over a woman’s reproductive system, are there so many children without a family, food, or everything else every child deserves? Why, in a country that says they have the best medical schools in the world, does mental health go unnoticed? Why is there limited help for those battling addiction and more opportunities to become addicted? Why in a country with supposedly the topic ranked scientists are cures for diseases not progressing?

I do understand that some people reading this post will not agree with me because of their beliefs, and I can accept that. I can respect others’ beliefs as long as they can respect mine. Even though I do understand, many disagree with abortion, I would like to understand why. If a woman is raped, why should she be forced to keep her rapist’s baby even though adoption can be an option, why should she be forced to carry the baby for 9 very long months? Why should anyone feel shamed for loving someone of the same sex? Who cares, love does not damage anyone else’s life. I have hoped for over 20 years for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis or cancers that have taken people I loved away from me.

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Yes, I already know how incredibly short it has been and it is slightly upsetting that the workweek will begin again tomorrow, but maybe the upcoming week will be promising. Next week is going to be a little longer because I have a follow-up appointment with my pain management doctor and I will be working longer days to make up the time I will miss, but I do hope it will be a good week.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I would still enjoy reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Today is another rainy day where I live, which always makes my pain my higher. Unfortunately, where I live it rains a lot and I know I just need to deal with it the best way that I can. I hope your last day of the weekend is enjoyable and relaxing. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you had a good week, and you are looking forward to the weekend! I have been ready for the weekend since Monday morning, which has made the week feel so much longer. One thing that I do enjoy is getting to know new co-workers that come onto our team and welcoming them with kindness. I think this is important because we are all nervous when we are starting a new job, and it can be a more difficult transition when people are not kind, understanding, and welcoming. Do you remember the last time you started a new job? Were people welcoming and kind, or were they standoffish?

The one thing I do not appreciate is when people for whatever reason try to stir drama up. I do not understand this kind of behavior because we are all adults and therefore should behave as such. It almost seems like people are getting bored in their own lives and need something to make their life more exciting. Even when I was younger, I did my best to avoid nonsense, and insane drama because it is obnoxious and exhausting. I prefer to live a boring life without the annoyance of insanity. Heck, if we crave drama this much, it is easy to get a taste of it by watching the news or just following politics for a minute. Anyone that needs drama, one minute of politics will more than fulfill the need!

Where I work, things are getting busier, which I do prefer as it makes the days go by faster. I enjoy my job and tend to learn something new daily. Of course, part of what my job entails is the same daily, but it is when I get challenging customers that I feel I excel. It is trying to explain in simple terms what the process is and where they are at in this process, I enjoy it. I have never encountered any of my co-workers in person, but I have been able to build a strong connection with a few of them, and some I am thankful to have not met in person😊! Would you prefer to stay busy all day long or would you prefer to have more time when you are doing nothing but watching the clock when you are at work?

The United States seems to be in a constant state of chaos and disagreement, which I do not understand. I feel that everyone should be treated equally and with respect. Of course, respect is earned, but we can try giving people the benefit of the doubt, can’t we? Why should anyone feel like they need to hide who they are because they are different than others? Who cares who someone loves as long as they are caring and kind? It should not matter the color of someone’s skin or anything else about them if they are not adding more hate to a world already filled with too much hate! I wish more people in the world could learn to be more accepting and compassionate towards others because we are all here in this world together and need to start behaving like it!

Now that we have finally made it through the week, I think we need to try to let go of any negativity the week may have created. The weekends are already too short, and we should be able to enjoy it as much as we can without any negative emotions. I hope the quote that I am sharing today will help you to let go and just enjoy the weekend! I found this quote to be true and helpful, but I hope you do as well. Life is too short to live in the past or to hold onto negative emotions. We are all initialed to be able to enjoy our weekend, don’t you agree?!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and that you have a wonderful and safe weekend! This week has been long or at least it was for me, but I hope your weekend will be filled with nothing but joy, and relaxation. We do not need to do anything over the weekend unless it is something we want to do. I do look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

What a long week?

How do you enjoy spending the first day of the weekend? I prefer to use Saturday as a day to “TRY” to sleep in and get some much-needed rest after a painfully LONG week! I might try doing some cleaning today, but I might hold off until tomorrow. Even though between my sweet and loveable cats and my annoying habits of getting up at the same time daily, I will not sleep past my normal time. I do hope that I will be able to binge-watch one of my favorite shows, Law & Order Special Victims Unit, and considering I have seen every episode at least four times sleep on and off during the day. Many people do not understand why I love this show as much as I do because it is about sex crimes, but this shows is the only time I am able to see actual justice. Yes, I do know this show is not always based on actual events, there is justice for the victims!

After how long this past week felt, there is something that I cannot understand about people and their behaviors. Why is it so difficult for people to behave and treat others kindly and with respect? Also, why can people not think rationally, instead of 100% irrationally? It seems like everyone wants what they want and they want these things immediately! I understand that most people are impatient, but it is not too difficult to at least try to be reasonable. Unless I am missing something and there are people out there that can walk on water and perform miracles.

I cannot imagine I am the only person that believes in equality, right? Why should anyone be treated differently and with more respect than anyone else? I firmly believe we should all try building each other up and not tearing anyone down for any reason! If we could all try doing this once a day, once a week, or if it is too challenging for someone, once a month, I think this world would be much better and much happier! We have nothing to lose doing this, so why do more people not do so?

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope your week went well and you have a wonderful and safe weekend! This is your weekend and you do not have to do anything that you do not want to or anything that does not bring you joy! I hope you enjoyed what I have shared with you today and I look forward to reading your comments. I will respond to y’all as quickly as I can! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Kindness is the way of life

We have successfully made it through the first day of the week and I hope it was a good day for y’all. I am thankful for my job and the people I work with, especially during this slow time of year. It can be easy to get discouraged in this life, but it is wonderful to have family, friends, and co-workers to make it a little easier to tolerate. Even though work has been rather slow, I try to help my co-workers because I value them and want to help them keep things on track, and so they do not feel overwhelmed. It can be exhausting when things pile up due to meetings or training, and some people have children they need to tend to. I feel like taking a little off their full plates when I can help them not get too overwhelmed and frustrated.

We never know what another person is going through in their life. Many people will put on a fake smile to hide their pain because they do not want anyone to know they are going through something complicated and mentally draining. They hide their emotional pain by acting as though their life is happy and they are not suffering silently. Others that are going through something in their personal life that is problematic and troublesome might behave negatively with an abrupt tone because they are angry and or frustrated with something personal. Even though it is not easy, we need to not take their behavior personally.

Instead of reacting negatively to someone who says something harsh or behaves rudely, we should learn to take a step back and think about what that person may be going through. If this is someone that we know and understand their personality, we should be able to figure out if something is different. It should be easy to know if their behavior is normal or out of the ordinary. There is someone that I know that can be really kind and understanding most of the time, but every once in a while her demeanor changes drastically, and not for the better. I tend to ignore the negative behavior of this person because I do know she is battling with something on a personal level. Instead of reacting in the same way she is, I do the opposite and treat her kindly.

If we react with emotions every time someone acts negatively, we would constantly be dealing with hurt feelings. Then if we speak out of hurt feelings with a negative tone and say something that makes the other person feel even worse than they did before, we will never be able to erase those hurtful words. Too many people resort to suicide when they cannot handle life anymore and we would never want our mean words to be the last words another person hears. I am not saying it will change anything, but sometimes all a person needs to hear when they are struggling are kind, supportive, compassionate, and loving words.

I think if we could all just try being nicer and more understanding of others the world might be a happier and better place to live. Maybe if we all try spreading kindness, love, compassion, and understanding, it would catch on and spread as far as and beyond negativity. I believe we can all admit that negativity can spread like wildfire, so why can kindness and love not as well? None of this should take too much energy and should be rather easy😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and my words resonated with you. Many people reading this might be battling with a medical issue, which I do understand is not easy, so it should be so easy for us to be kind to others regardless of how they behave. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa