Inspirational Wednesday

Happy Midweek! Today is the third day of the week, but only the second workday due to the holiday on Monday! Of course, I enjoy a long weekend, but my goodness, the Tuesday following a long week was beyond insane! I knew it was going to be a busy day, so yesterday being super busy was not a surprise. What was surprising was how rude some people were. I guess maybe their long weekend was not all that great. How was your long weekend? Mine was pretty good. We were finally able to do some things around our house that make the house a little more homey. We now have flowers on our front porch, which I think makes the house look amazing, and we finally hung pictures!

Considering we were able to bypass Monday and skip ahead to Tuesday, we have already made it through half of this week! Even with that said, I do believe we could all benefit from a little inspiration to help us through the last part of the week. I do enjoy busy days, but even I could use some inspiration! I hope the quote I am sharing with you today, will add some inspiration to your week, and help you get through the final part of this week. I do not know about you, but I cannot believe we are almost halfway through the year already! Where does the time go, and why does it go so fast?

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you are having a good week, and it continues to get better until we reach the weekend again. Are you looking forward to anything else this week, besides the weekend? I cannot think of anything that I am looking forward to, but I am sure there are going to be many amazing things that will happen this week. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Monday and long weekend

Life should be viewed as a journey and never as a race. Why is it that when we were children, all we wanted was to be grown, but once we are an adult with many responsibilities, we wish we could be a carefree child again? Most of us thought when we were young children that life would be better once we were an adult because we thought adults made all the rules, and as children, we did not want to listen. I wonder how many of us now, as adults and with everything we know or think we know if, we would rethink how fast we tried to grow up.

What advice would you love to offer to your younger self? I believe I would tell my younger self to slow down and learn to enjoy life more because it could be over at any moment. I would remind my younger self to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and to try to stop being overly critical of everything I do. It is not good to put yourself down with almost everything you do, and we should be able to see our self-worth. Unfortunately, there will always be too many others that want to criticize who we are and what we do, so we should not add to that negativity.

As we grow older, we will start to notice more and more how short life is, especially when we start losing family and friends. There is nothing guaranteed in life except death. Our lives and those we know, and care about can lose their life without notice, so it is important to appreciate life more. Sadly, I think many people take life for granted and only end this negative cycle when it is too late. I try to remember this daily, and whenever I leave the house, I tell my husband that I love him. I also try to never go to bed angry because what would happen if another person does not wake up? Life is fragile!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have been able to enjoy the long weekend, and we do still have the rest of today before the workweek begins again. Long weekends are great, and it is a good feeling when you wake up on Monday morning to realize that you do not have to work! Have you ever wondered why even a three-day weekend is never long enough? I hope you enjoyed your long weekend, and you were able to get caught up on the rest you might have missed. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Friday Eve Pick-Me-Up

Happy Friday Eve, y’all! Of course, it is wonderful that tomorrow is Friday, but even better, we are heading into a long weekend! I do know that even when it is a three-day weekend, it never feels long enough, but I am still glad to have three days off from work! I wish I could say we were going out of town or doing something exciting, but we are staying at home. I would love to go somewhere over the weekend and to get some flowers for our front porch because I love how beautiful flowers look, and smell. Of course, I will be saying something different when there are too many bees, which I am terrified of! Are you excited about the long weekend, and do you have anything planned?

We are at the end of this week and only have one day left before the long weekend, but I think we could use a little pick-me-up! I loved everything this quote states and I agree with every word. We all have something to be happy about, but this does not mean we cannot have a bad day because we are all simply human! The hardships we all endure will never make us weak, but will make us stronger! No matter how hard we try, we will not always succeed, but I think we can fail when we give up and stop trying! Love is easy, and love is free, so there is no reason to not spread as much love as we can!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today, and that you have a wonderful day! Even though I do know there is a long weekend coming, this week has felt long. The weather has been causing me many issues with my Multiple Sclerosis, including increased pain and fatigue! Hopefully, this weekend will offer me some relaxation and will ease my pain! I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Mid-Week Inspiration!

Today is the halfway part of the week! This means that we have survived the first half of the week, and the second half should be easier and better! The even better news is that soon we are going to be able to enjoy a long weekend! How has your week been so far? Even though I have been looking forward to Friday since Sunday night, the week has not been too bad! I am just a little tired, and I need a good night’s sleep, which has been difficult with how HOT it has been! I guess the hot temperatures are one of the downfalls of living in the south!

We have made it through what has always been the most challenging part of the week! Considering we do have a couple of days left in the week, I think we could all use a little inspiration! I hope the quote I am sharing with you today inspires you, and that it helps get you through the rest of the week! The ocean has always been my happy place, and nothing troubles me or stresses me when I can hear the sounds of the waves. Sadly, it has been a few years since I have been to the ocean, but I am hoping to get there this summer!

Do you have anything planned for the long weekend? I am not sure if I have any plans, but I will enjoy sleeping later and having more quality time with the three sweetest, and most loving cats in the world. It does not matter if I am having a difficult day, or if the evil Multiple Sclerosis is acting up, our three cats can lift my spirits and make me smile! Of course, the boy cat has asthma and takes medicine twice a day. Most of the time, he does not give me any trouble, but every once in a while, I have to battle with him. No matter how much trouble these three try to cause, I would not trade them for anything in the world!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that you are having a good week! I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. The week is closer to being over than it was yesterday, but I hope the rest of your week goes well. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Well, it appears it is that time again, and we must start a new week☹. I am not sure where the weekend went because I swear it seems like it was just yesterday and I was excited for the weekend. It is funny how things work the way they should and go by in the blink of an eye, but those things we all dread, always return to torment us. Did you have a nice, and safe weekend? Honesty, my weekend was very unexciting and even a little miserable. Today, it would be so nice if we could be offered a do-over like they do in movies and TV shows.

What is the best way for you to begin a new week with strength and motivation? I know the weeks can be overwhelmingly exhausting, but it is important to move past that negative emotions and try to view the next days as seven days of opportunities. I am just as bad as anyone else when it comes to Monday morning but, if this dreaded morning does burden us, things would be far worse. We must remember something crucial in this life, we matter, and no one can take away our powers or our self-worth!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you had a lovely weekend, and you have a wonderful week! I Try to remember, if one of the days this week makes you feel like failure, you are NOT a failure and you live to tell your story. I am looking forward to reading you comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Sunday Thoughts

It is late Sunday afternoon, and the weekend will be ending too soon☹, but I do hope you have been able to enjoy the weekend as much as possible. For reasons that I am unaware of, I had low energy this weekend. I tried doing as little as possible, so I would be ready for the workweek beginning tomorrow. Of course, I did a few loads of laundry because it had to be done. I had every intention of finishing a blog post that I have been working on for a few days, but I was unable to finish it yet. However, I do promise that I will get this post done soon because it is an important topic to me. I will give you a little information about what I am writing about, as this was inspired by my cousin, whom I am not close to all, but the post will be about family dynamics.

How do you recover from a long week, and the changes with the weather? I know the weather always causes me issues, which I blame on Multiple Sclerosis. I do not like the warmer weather and the temperatures have already been too high for me and it is not even summer yet! How crazy is it when the temperatures have already reached the HIGH 80s? This tends to worry me about what to expect for summertime. There are many things I do not understand about Multiple Sclerosis, but one of many is why changes in the weather cause so many problems. I mean, one would think living with an incurable illness that is also unpredictable would be enough of a punishment, but of course, not because then the weather wreaks havoc on my body!

The good news is that next week, in the United States, we are going to have a 3-day weekend! I am thrilled to be able to have three days off work because I need this, and I am sure many others do as well! Please do not get me wrong, I do enjoy my job, and even though I will end up saying three days off was not enough, I am looking forward to the days off! I think it would be amazing if we could work four ten-hour days every week and get three days off😊! I think it would provide a better work-life balance. I say this, but I also think it would be better to have animals run the country because they are fair and loyal. Animals care about and love others more than most humans do, so I think it would make for a better world. Heck, my cats would do much better than any president we have ever had!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope your weekend has been amazing, and that you have enjoyed what I have shared today. I would love to read your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Of course, I am not feeling myself right now, but I will still do my best. I know the weekend was short, but I hope you are ready for the new week to begin tomorrow. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! How was your week? I swear, I know I say this every Friday, but it was a long week, and I am so thankful it is finally over! Remember, just because the week is over and the weekend is about to begin, you do not have to make any plans that you do not want to make. Make this weekend about what you want and what you need, and just once think about yourself. Please do not think this is selfish behavior because it is not selfish to think about your needs. My goodness, if you are anything like me, you always think about everyone else and what they want, so there is NOTHING wrong with thinking about your needs!

At the end of the week, I think it is the perfect, and best time to let go of any negative emotions or stress the week may have caused. The weekends are too short, and we should not waste any thought or energy on the last week. We should be able to enjoy the weekend to the fullest, but there is only one way to do this, and the choice is ours to make! I hope the quote that I am sharing with y’all today, will help you let go of anything negative the week may have caused you. It does not matter if the negative emotions were caused by the week or something you are feeling inside. Let’s try to let go and enjoy life because life is too short, and tomorrow is not a guarantee to any of us! Make peace with anyone that may have betrayed you, caused you pain, or made you angry!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you had a wonderful week, and that you have a fantastic weekend. I think I have been looking forward to today since Sunday night, so I am very thankful it is finally here! I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today. I will respond to your comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Pick-Me-Up Thursday

I know the title of this post is Pick-Me-Up Thursday, but I would rather view today as Friday Eve because it makes me feel the week is almost over. I understand that today is technically Thursday, but it makes it feel like the week is far from over and ominous. How has your week been? Is there anything you are looking forward to for the weekend? It might sound boring to most people, but the only thing I am looking forward to about the weekend is not having to get up early! Of course, I will probably still wake up early because in my mind I know I have to take care of the cats, but I hope to not be up as early as I am during the week!

Something that is very important and we must remember in this life is, we never know what another person is going through in their life, and sometimes, when people may come across as rude or distant, it is because of what they are enduring in life. Do not take things personally, but instead, try to be more understanding and compassionate. Maybe you were talking to someone at work or at the grocery store, and they acted unkind, remember, you do not know what happened to that person moments before your encounter. Most of the time, when someone behaves in a less than polite way, it has nothing to do with you, and they might just need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.

Now that this week is almost over and the month is more than half over, I think we could all benefit from a little pick-me-up! The weeks are so long and can feel grueling, but we must try to find ways to get through them and help others do the same. I hope the quote that I am sharing today will provide you with the slightest pick-me-up and, it helps you get through the rest of this week. Believe it or not, even when you feel down and helpless, you are not alone because many others are feeling the same. We do have the power to help others get through the most challenging times, but we have to at least try!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that it resonates with you in a positive way. Many things I write about stem either from something I went through or something someone I know has gone through and it inspired me. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday

Today is the halfway point of this week! What this means is, we have already made it through half of the week, and only have the final half to survive. I think this should be much easier because the first part of the week is always the hardest! How was the beginning of your week? Monday was definitely busy, but yesterday was much easier, so I am looking forward to the rest of the week. Who am I kidding? I am only looking forward to Friday because that will mean the week is over! There was a reason why Monday was slightly more challenging, but I am going to leave that for another post because there is a lot to explain!

It is wonderful that we are halfway through the week, but I think there is a chance we could all use a little inspiration. The weeks are long, and even though half the week is over, we have a few more days left. No matter what anyone says, life is challenging, and we all endure a lot of stress. It is easy to feel like we are broken, but we can heal these broken pieces and put them back together again. We can be hurt, physically and emotionally, we are strong, and we can heal. Never allow anyone to bring you down and dull your shine because come rain or shine, remember how amazing YOU are!

I was chatting with one of my co-workers yesterday, and over time she has become a good friend. I have not met her in person, which does not matter because we have bonded over time, and learned that we have a lot in common. Unfortunately, my friend was very upset because people were putting her down on Facebook, which seems this is a platform where people feel emboldened to be mean, and hurt others. I tried to turn things around for her and allowed her to vent without feeling judged or shamed. I took time to tell her to ignore people like the person that was insulting her because that person is simply unhappy with herself, and she should not waste her precious time on people like that because she deserves so much more.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you were able to enjoy what I have shared and the quote provided you with a little inspiration. The week will be over soon, and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. No, I do not have anything planned, but I will not be working or staring at a monitor for eight hours a day, and that sounds amazing. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday, y’all! I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and that you are ready for the new week to begin again. My weekend was quiet, which was nice because it allowed me to recuperate from last week. For many reasons, last week was very long and stressful, but I am hoping this week will be better. I am honestly not sure I could handle another week like last week because it was that awful. The funny thing about some bad weeks is that a lot of the reasons for them being so bad is because of choices we made, or rather did not make. Something I have learned the hard way is, no matter how long it takes for us to make the right choices, it is never too late. Most of the time, the only one to blame for life not going the way we want is ourselves!

At the beginning of a new week, I think it is important to find a way to stay motivated. Yes, I know that is not easy because that also means letting go of the weekend, but we do this every week and it should get easier. I am not saying that it is easier, but we are used to this now! I hope you will find the quote I am sharing with you today motivating and helps make today a little easier. Unfortunately, it seems many people have found power in insulting others, but that is not the way we should be because this behavior does not and never will unite us. The only thing the negative behavior of insulting people will ever do is, create more hate and animosity with everyone around the world. We can do better than this!

How do you feel about change? I do understand that some changes can be terrifying, but a world without change is not the way we should remain. If we cannot accept changes, we would have never left the way people thought in times when people were not treated as equals. I do know there are many people, especially in the United States, that think people are not their equals, but why is this? How many wars were fought for equality? Too many have died, and we should learn to think differently. There are some changes we all need to make in our lives, so that we can live a happier life, and yes, that can be scary. However, without the necessary changes, we may never know what true happiness is!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared with you today and the quote helps start your week off in the best way possible. I hope your week goes well and that each day gets even better until the weekend returns. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa