End of Long Week

Happy Friday y’all! I do not know about you, but this has been a very long week. Work has been extremely busy, which I do prefer because it makes the days go much faster, but it has been pure chaos. One of my biggest problems is I second guess myself far too much. It seems like 99.9% of the time my first thought on the way something should go is correct. There was a specific situation yesterday that I thought I incorrectly added something and asked one of my co-workers for advice. Unfortunately, when I made a simple comment that I thought they were mistaken because certain fees are supposed to be added into the file this person did not take kindly to my comment. Turns out I was correct and need to learn to go with my first instinct on most things. 

Due to the week being so long and busy, I have not been able to do any posts or write at all, which I do not like. Writing has always been something that helps me when I am struggling with any aspect of life, so not being able to write has caused many feelings to fester up inside. There has been a lot building up in my mind, which is never a good thing, and I am not the type to not speak my mind. I have always been an open book and what you see is what you get, so holding feelings in is not who I am. The truth is, I am my own biggest critic and am always way too hard on myself.

I have been working on a post about one thing that has been bothering me but have not been able to complete it yet. I think y’all know how much COVID has caused me to stress and much frustration because I have and will continue doing what is necessary, but so many others are still refusing to do so. This does not make sense to me, and I am afraid it never will. I could understand people refusing to get the vaccine if it was expensive, like everything else with healthcare in the United States but it is FREE. I completely understanding people not wanting to wear a mask because they are very uncomfortable, but they stop the spread of a deadly virus and save lives.

Many of us have a weakened immune system due to underlying health conditions, so staying healthy and safe can be challenging. This is the post I have been working on for several days but still have not finished it. There are ways to give our immune system a boost and the ways are not too difficult. I am hoping for my post about this to be published by tomorrow or at least by the end of the weekend, so please stay tuned.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I always appreciate your time and look forward to reading your comments, which I will respond to as quickly as I can! I hope you have had a good week and you are looking forward to a relaxing and safe weekend! I am sure you will not be surprised, but I do not have plans for the upcoming weekend, which I like! The workweeks are so long and full of things we must do, and it is nice to enjoy the weekend no matter how short it is with nothing we have to do. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Lab Report Update

Happy Wednesday y’all! We are halfway through the week and much closer to the weekend! As I have already mentioned to y’all, I had my normal bloodwork and antibodies for COVD done on Monday. The normal bloodwork was as I expected because nothing typically changes with that. With the medication I am on for the MS, my white blood cell count is supposed to be low, which it was. The only thing I am not completely sure of is the absolute lymphocyte count. According to the lab report, this count was extremely low, but I am not sure if it is just low because it is supposed to be or if it is unusually low. I am hoping my neurologist will be able to provide me a little further clarification regarding this part of the results report.

The other part of the bloodwork was for the COVID antibodies test, which was the one I was most concerned about, considering I do have a weak immune system. Of course, the information I was able to read showed negative which means I do not have antibodies for COVD. After reading a little information on the CDC’s website, I am even more confused because it does not make sense. If I understand correctly, there are not any definitive tests that show if a person has developed antibodies for COVID and would be considered safe or not. My guess is it is because the virus is still new and even the experts do not have enough information to have developed testing. There are tests to determine if someone has COVID but testing for antibodies seems challenging. I am sure y’all can understand why I am so disappointed with the antibodies test, but I will just continue wearing a mask, social distancing, and disinfecting everything!

Like everyone else, I am tired of being confined to my house and not being able to travel because of the fear I have from COVID. I think I am more frustrated because I am doing everything I can to stay safe and got the vaccine only to still have no answers if I am safe or not. Life is too short to live in fear and not be able to do what brings joy. I am not the gambling type of person and will not, for lack of better words play Russian Rolette with my life. More than almost anything else I want to be able to go to my happy place, the beach for my birthday and 10th wedding anniversary.

Some people might disagree with me, but I feel strongly that if the virus were handled better when it first invaded the world, things would NEVER have gotten as bad as they did. YES, I do blame the person that was the president when the pandemic began, but it is also the fault of everyone who believed the lies we were told by that president! We were told the virus was nothing to worry about and it was no more serious than the normal flu and it would go away. Well, it was serious and killed millions of innocent people worldwide and it still has NOT gone away! Whoever thinks that wearing a mask is taking away their freedom is grossly incorrect. Wearing a mask saves lives and stops the spread, which would save our freedom!

It is great there was a vaccine developed so quickly, but with many people refusing to wear masks and or get the vaccine, the virus will only continue to mutate. The more it mutates, the less safe we all are. The increase in new COVID cases was 40% higher which is ridiculous. After one and a half years battling this deadly virus, things should be getting better instead of worst. You might not agree with this next statement, which you are entitled to your opinion but anyone that refuses to wear a mask or get vaccinated is nothing more than selfish. I have said this before, but it is worth saying again people lie, but science does not.

Thank you for visiting my site today. This probably was not the most optimistic post, but it is the truth about how I feel about things. When dealing with a deadly virus, it takes everyone around the world to work together to defeat the battle against the virus. The vaccine is free, so there are no issues with being able to afford it or not! Please do everything you can to stay safe and continue helping others understand the importance of being vaccinated. I hope you never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Happy Tuesday

~One Day Down, Four To Go~

How has your week been so far? I mean, I know it was only one day, but Monday sure was a doozy. There were a few reasons why yesterday was not the best Monday, but it also was not the worse. It was my first day back in my old position at work, which I realized quickly how much I forgot in the two or so weeks I was away from it. The funny thing was, everything came back to me slowly or more like a nightmare. I am just kidding it was no where near as bad as a nightmare, but it was a little unpleasant for the first few hours. I think the biggest part of it was that I missed the team I was with for two weeks before, but more so the supervisor!

Another reason yesterday will NOT be on a list oft best Mondays was because it rained on and off all day. Rainy days always increase my pain levels, which was already high. I guess maybe my body was trying to warn me the rain was coming a few days in advance, but it would have been nice if it has waited a little while so I did not have to cope with a week of rain pain! I hate to admit this because it makes me feel weak, but the leg and back pain has been so out of control it hurts to walk.

The other reason yesterday was not great, but it was not awful is because I left work a little early to go to my lab appointment. Of course, the lab was behind and I had to wait nearly 45 minutes, but the rest of the appointment was fine. I might be unusual, but I enjoy getting blood drawn. I find watching the needle go into my vein and pulling out a few vials of blood interesting. The labs were just what is needed because of the MS medicine, but I was also having my antibodies tested for COVID. It is important I know if I am safe or not. I will let y’all know what the results are when I get them back!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have a great Tuesday and your week only gets better. Unfortunately, the numbers for new COVID cases is increasing, but that is due to those who are refusing to get the vaccine. I just ask y’all to continue doing what you can to stay safe. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend. It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through 2021, but I guess it is because we have been through some challenging and stressful times. Did y’all do anything fun and exciting over the weekend? I know you will not be surprised that I did not do anything and hardly leave the house, but that was in part due to the rain causing my pain to escalate. Normally, I do not allow MS to dictate my life, but sometimes pain has different ideas.

It is always hard to leave the weekend behind and start a new week, but that is where we are right now. We all know the weekends fly by and the weeks can drag by, but it is important to do our best to start the week with a positive mindset. I think we could all use a little motivation to start the week so we can be more productive and optimistic! Life is not easy and things happen that cause struggles or grief, but I do believe there is something good in everything we do and face. It is all about trying to see the silver lining in all we face because there is always something positive in all situations!

I hope you were able to feel the positive within the quote I have shared with you today. I planned to share a post with y’all about the Delta variant, but was too exhausted and in too much pain to do so. I am hoping to be able to share this with you soon though because I think it is extremely important. I am actually going to have my normal routine bloodwork done today and have my antibodies for COVID tested. Y’all know that I did get both of the vaccines, but I need to make sure I am protected so I can feel more comfortable and safe, especially because there are things to celebrate in the next few months! As soon as I get the test results, I will be sure to share them with y’all!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope I was able to provide you with enough motivation to start your week the best it can and hope each day gets even better. I know most of you have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, but please continue to stay safe because the Delta variant is no joke and probably not the last to come. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Endless Circle of Change

Life can be a combination of craziness, fascination, and excitement. I think it is the changes that bring these emotions on. Change can be difficult and keep life interesting, but also a little frustrating when they happen too frequently. I think some people thrive on change, while others are apprehensive about any change. It is not necessarily that I dread or avoid change because I do think there is a lot of change needed, especially for those that do not see others as their equal because of irrational reasons. The only time when I dread change is when I am comfortable and happy with the way things are, and it is not causing other distress.

Speaking of change that I dread, two weeks ago, my position changed at work changed. I will be honest when I first heard my position was changing, I was not happy about it because it was all new to me and it made me nervous. I have been with my company for one year and doing the same thing for the entire year, so I knew what I was doing. Within the first two hours in the new position, I was incredibly happy and adored the person I was shadowing, who is the supervisor. It is amazing how much one person can make things so much better.

During my two weeks working with this amazing, understanding, compassionate, empathetic, honest, and all-around wonderful lady I learned so much. She made my work life the best it has been in years, and I never dreaded clocking into work as I have before. I have always believed that people do not come into our life by accident, but there is a reason. Even though I have never met this person face to face, I feel like I have known her for years. I felt more than 100% comfortable talking to her about anything, whether it be work or personal, which was something I needed.

I think most people only view work as a job and their co-workers as just acquaintances, but I tend to view things differently. Of course, there have been jobs and co-workers in the past that I did not find enjoyable and was just doing what I had to do for a paycheck. However, there have been jobs and co-workers that were more than just a paycheck for me, and I cared deeply for them. I became so close with co-workers in the past that I invited them to my wedding! It is not always easy to make strong connections with co-workers and it can be exceptionally challenging when you work from home, but it can be done with enough time, understanding, and kindness!

Are y’all more accepting of change, no matter how frequent they happen, or are you resistant to change? When you are faced with changes, how do you handle them? I think this can cause uncomfortable situations because we get used to things being the way they are, and we sometimes cannot see the silver lining in any change.

There are MANY changes that need to happen in the world we live in but it appears that many disagree with me on this or they cannot see why change is very needed. What do you think should change in the world today? I mean it is 2021 and there is still far too much hatred Aand discrimination that exists. I used to think we “were” doing better before certain powerful people made it normal, which brought hatred to a much brighter light, but maybe I am naïve and want to see the best in people. Or maybe are now just showing their true colors and it is not a pretty color! Often, I do feel like it is better for our own mental health to keep our expectations low, so the chances of disappointments and letdowns are less likely to occur. I know that is probably a negative way of thinking, but I have been caused too much hurt and sadness from being disappointed by someone I trusted.  

I am sure I am not the only one in the world that feels this way, but we need more people that care about others and have empathy for them. Of course, we might not always know the person that is struggling, but we can have a certain level of understanding and a desire to help those that are going through a tragic time in life. No single person can change the world, but that one person can have a positive impact on another and make at least one day better for them.

Thank you for taking the time to read what I have written today. I would love the opportunity to read what your thoughts are, and I promise to respond to all comments as quickly as I can. I hope you enjoy your weekend, but please do what you can to stay safe. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Importance of Relationships

There are numerous aspects of our lives that are crucial for our existence but are often what we neglect. Life can be busy and complicated which can cause us to take things and people for granted. Unfortunately, it takes some people losing what and or who is most important to them to realize what matters the most. If I asked you what or who means the most to you in your life, what would your answer be? Do you ever have to wonder if your partner in the journey of life knows what they mean to you?

Our relationships with our significant others should be valued and cherished. Not only is this special person who we are building our lives with, but they are also our best friend and confidant we go to with every part of our life. There are specific things we owe not only to this person but to ourselves. The several critical areas needed to develop a good and healthy relationship go hand in hand. The following list is in no particular order as they are all of equal importance.

Trust is what keeps a relationship strong. Without trust, a relationship will not be able to flourish and continue to be pure love. When you do not trust your partner the way you should, you will not have peace because you will spend your life with doubts and constant worrying, which is no way to live. Of course, trust is not something that can be earned overnight, but it can be lost in seconds.

Building a love with complete loyalty might be more important than love alone. I do not think that love can truly exist without loyalty because of the core meaning. The full meaning of loyalty is faithfulness to commitments and obligations, such as your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. This is a strong feeling of support, comfort, encouragement, and fidelity.

Open and honest communication is the key to make a relationship possible for success and happiness with both parties. Talking openly and in a manner your partner understands is needed for a favorable outcome. It does not matter if you are angry, happy, or filled with grief we need to be able to share these feelings with our partners. If we are not able to speak openly, clearly, and from the heart with our special person, it can be an ultimate killer in that relationship.

Respect is equally as important as love is in a relationship because when you genuinely love another person, you love them completely and for who they are. A relationship is a bond between two adults that may have a difference of opinions and views, but there is an understanding about these things. Respecting one another is the basic foundation in any healthy relationship. With this understood, it is critical to appreciate your partner for who they are and what they feel about all topics and never diminish their views. We need to know how to maintain boundaries and say things in a manner that does not hurt our partner’s feelings, which is one simple way to show respect.

Relationships can take us on a roller coaster of emotions as we endure many challenges in life. One of the great things is, our partner will be there by our side through good times, bad times, and the most tragic times. This is extremely important for mental health because life does throw so much our way and with a loving partner to offer a lending ear, a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold can be extremely helpful. Our partner in life is the one we share the happy and sad news with and when we are feeling down on our luck this is the one, we want to be there. Our partner in life helps keep the walls from falling around us and is the glue that keeps us together. When you are in a relationship, this is a partnership and a team that stands together with whatever life throws our way!

When you love another person, you do not think twice about giving up something you want to make the other person happy. You want to accommodate the other person’s dreams and desires. If your partner dreams of climbing Mt. Everest, you try your best to make this dream come true even if it is not something you want out of life. That might have been an extreme kind of example, but some things in life need to be considered. This does need to be a mutual part of the relationship because if only one person is continuously compromising it can create negativity, animosity, and hostility, which can cause people to drift apart.

It is a great feeling when you can completely and totally trust your partner. The only thing you MUST do to maintain this is to always be honest with your partner. The smallest of white lies and deception can dismantle the trust built up and destroy a relationship. Not only will dishonesty hurt your partner it will also break the bond shared, all trust, and your relationship as well. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but when we do, we need to accept responsibility for the mistake and sincerely apologize. Of course, our partner might get angry, but if we are honest with our partner, they will appreciate the honesty.

With honesty comes forgiveness, or at least it should. We all want our partners to be honest with us, but we can make this easier for them when we can forgive and forget (or at least try to forget). There are some things in a relationship that can be almost impossible to forgive but want to forget, such as infidelity.

The things I have discussed in this post are not difficult to do when you love the person you are with. The things our partner expects from us is what we should provide to them as well. Those we are in a relationship with are the one person we feel the safest with and they should feel the same way. If you have reservations about your relationship, this is something that needs to be shared with the other person. No one can read minds, so how would we expect them to know how we are feeling unless we share our feelings with them?

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and look forward to reading your amazing comments. I promise to respond to all your comments as quickly as I can. Remember to continue to stay safe and take care of yourself and your family. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a lovely and restful weekend. Of course, I did not do anything too exciting over the weekend, but it also was not restful. One of our sweet kittens decided it was a great idea to wake me up at 5:30 on Sunday morning. I am not going to lie even though she is absolutely adorable and full of love, being woken up by her playing with my hair and jumping on my head was SUPER annoying! I am not sure what even made her think it was a good time to wake up because I never get up that early. The three cats do get treats every morning, but not until between 7:00 and 7:30. I think most people would have just told me to take a nap, but I never take naps because it messes with sleep on a workday.

I think this week is going to be a little hectic. I have my first in-person appointment with my neurologist this morning. I am not really looking forward to this appointment and it is not because I am worried about the news she would have because I have not had any tests run lately. I am assuming we will just go over medications and she will probably draw blood considering I never went to get the tests done she wanted me to. Tomorrow, my supervisor will be in an early morning training class and I will be sending out the morning reports, which will not be bad. I also have four hours of training every day this week and I am not sure if it is necessary, but we will see. On Thursday, our kitten that woke me up early on Sunday morning has her follow up to see if the antibiotic she got helped much with her foul breath. Truthfully, I do not think it helped much and she is still sneezing, which means she will probably get another round of the antibiotic.

Considering I think my week will be a little insane, I do not know about you but I could use a little motivation to get this week started. It is never easy to begin another week and starting a week with my first in-person appointment with my neurologist is a little nerve-wrecking. I mean with COVID most doctor’s appointments have been virtual and this feels a little strange to me. I think everyone was sick of mask-wearing and being secluded to our homes, but what did we really miss about our “normal” ways of life? I cannot say I missed much because I prefer social distancing anyways. I do not like people getting too close to me because it is an uncomfortable feeling. This is the reason I chose this quote to share with y’all today and I hope it provided you a sense of motivation and optimism.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and look forward to reading your comments, which I will respond to as quickly as I can. I hope your week starts off great, but gets better with each day. Please remember to continue to stay safe, even if you have been vaccinated because we are still so uninformed about the Delta variant. I hope you always know that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Defeat Chronic Pain

Pain is not something anyone wants to deal with or finds easy to manage. Of course, there are many that battle with chronic pain due to an illness. It does not mean anyone experiencing pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year any easier, but they may become used to it. Since my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis 20 plus years ago, my days have been accompanied by pain. At the beginning of my MS journey, my pain was minimal in comparison to what it is now and mainly focuses on my legs. To be honest, the leg pain generated pain significant enough to make standing, let alone walking challenging and agonizing.

There is no denying that the leg pain I endure is a direct result of neuropathic pain due to my MS. Neuropathic pain is typically described as a burning sensation in the affected areas. This type of pain is caused by short-circuiting of nerves carrying signals from the brain to the body due to damage inflicted from MS. Not only does the painful sensation feel like burning, but also like a stabbing, sharp, and pressing sensation. For anyone that deals with this neuropathic pain, it can be acute or chronic, which I will explain further.

Acute Neuropathic Pain may be an initial symptom of MS or part of an MS relapse. This can be described as a rapid onset and is for a short duration. The four different types of Acute Neuropathic pain are:

Trigeminal Neuralgia is typically described as a sharp and or shooting pain in the face or jaw area. This pain may occur as an initial symptom of MS or as part of a relapse. Considering the location of this pain it has been misidentified as dental pain, but this is caused by damage to the trigeminal nerve. Like many other issues associated with MS, this pain is unpredictable and comes and goes as it pleases.

Lhermitte’s Sign is a sudden and momentary sensation like an electric shock traveling from the back of the head, down the spine, and often extending into the arms and legs. This issue is often due to bending the neck forward. The pain indicates there was damage in the cervical spine caused by MS, which could be the first sign of MS or a relapse.

MS Hug most commonly is due to damage to the spine due to MS. I do not like the name of this issue because it is a hug that no one in their right mind wants to have ever! The best way to explain how this feels is a tight squeezing sensation around the torso, almost feeling like the blood pressure cuff on your arm or possibly how it would feel if a snake wrapped itself tightly around the torso.

Paroxysmal Spasms can be described as a sporadic and painful tightening of muscles. This is commonly a brief twitching that comes on suddenly and disappears as quickly as it came on. Frequently, this is felt in the arm or leg and occurs several times throughout the day and or night.

Chronic Neuropathic Pain tends to be the continuance of acute neuropathic pain I previously explained. When MS is involved, the pain can be experienced daily or nearly daily but is often unpredictable. When someone endures acute neuropathic pain, the likelihood it will become chronic is significantly higher. Some specific issues can increase this type of pain, including higher levels of stress, fatigue, illnesses, and becoming overheated.

Unfortunately, pain plays a vital part in many illnesses. Most of these illnesses are lifelong because cures have not been discovered as of now. Pain is not easy to live with, which is why it is so important to continue searching for various ways to keep the pain as under control as possible. I do not plan on allowing the pain I experience to dictate my life but will use the pain to fuel my determination to find pain relief strategies. Throughout my 20 plus years of living with various severities of MS pain, I have learned ways to tolerate the pain better including but not limited to the following. I say not limited to because I am sure there are many other amazing ways to handle pain and if you have any ideas, please share!

Utilize your breathing:

Of course, when the pain becomes high it is common to become increasingly tense. During these times it is crucial to try attempting relaxing techniques in a quiet, comfortable body position, and block out any distractions. You can envision the area below the navel or the area your pain is in and breathe into that area calmly, filling your abdomen with air and slowly exhaling. Imaging a deflating balloon may help with this part.

Decrease stress in life:

Pessimistic emotions such as depression, anxiety, stress, and all other negative emotions can drastically increase our body’s response to pain. Once we learn how to overpower the nagging stresses we may feel, we are likely to feel less pain. I think we have all heard that stress is a silent killer and I do passionately believe this.

To be completely honest, stress has been the most common culprit when my pain becomes more intense. Many techniques can help reduce stress, but everyone is different with what will work best for them. Often soothing and calming music can create a relaxing environment, which may promote feelings of less stress. Truthfully, most types of music will relax me because I enjoy listening to the lyrics and feeling what the songwriter was feeling.

Natural Endorphins Through Exercise:

When we are experiencing constant pain, it is very understandable we do not feel like we can be active. We may think the activity will make the pain we already feel worse, but that is not always the situation. Often when we are challenging ourselves physically, it can be beneficial if it is not too hard, long, or too much exertion. It has been stated that exercise strengthens muscles, which can help to reduce additional pain or further injury. It is advised to discuss exercise regimens with a professional because they will have the most knowledge and be able to describe what the best possible exercises would be for everyone.

Understand that alcohol creates problems:

Pain and alcohol cause problems with sleep. With that being states, drinking less or none may improve the overall quality of life, decrease pain levels, and enhance sleeping quality.

Journal daily activities and pain:

To treat pain effectively, it is important to be able to explain how we are feeling to our specialists. It is easy to forget things during doctor’s appointments because we might feel flustered, which is why it is crucial to document daily pain levels and what activities may have caused them. We will be able to discover what we were doing before the times when pain is highest. It could also be beneficial to document daily meals because some foods can increase pain.

Beneficial to maintain a healthy diet:

There are several reasons a well-balanced diet is of vital importance to one’s overall health. Nourishing our body with this type of diet can assist the digestive process, decrease the risks of heart disease, provide weight control, and boost blood sugar levels. Deciding to follow a low-fat and low-sodium diet the options can include the following: fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, whole-grain bread and cereal, low-fat cheese, milk, yogurt, and lean meats. A few examples of lean meats are beef, lamb, veal, pork, chicken, turkey duck, fish, and seafood (fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, clam, etc) I do not eat seafood so I am not 100% sure what somethings are, but you might enjoy seafood and know a lot more than I do about it.

Discover enjoyable distractions:

If we allow ourselves to focus solely on our pain, it will get worse before it gets better and consume our life. Activities that keep the mind busy and thinking about other things besides the pain can be a successful way to decrease pain. Even if this is only for a short time, I think it is worth trying, don’t you? Sudoku puzzles are thought-provoking and fun, or at least I think they are.

Life with a painful chronic illness can be incredibly challenging, but I think together as a community we can help one another through these times. I hope the information I have shared in this post will be helpful for you or someone you know. Please just remember that I am not a medical professional and everything I have written was based on research and personal experience.

While I have been dealing with pain for over 20 years, I have been able to expect it, but I do not enjoy it obviously. Some days are worse than others and on the truly miserable days, I will keep fighting my battle because I am not ready to surrender to it. I guess it is the same with anything, good and bad days come and go, but they do not need to restrain life!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I know it was a little longer than my normal posts, but there was a lot of valuable information to share. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. I hope your week is going well and you are staying as safe as you can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday y’all! I hope y’all had a nice and safe weekend. Many of us have a long weekend, but I do think the shorter weeks feel much longer than your normal week. What do you think about that? I am sure none of you will be surprised that I did not do anything exciting over the long weekend, which normally I am perfectly fine with. I do wish we had been able to go to the beach or something exciting, but maybe next time. I do not want anything too outlandish, but miss going to the beach because that is my all-time favorite happy place to go. I am still hoping we will be able to go to the beach for our 10th year anniversary and my 40th birthday, I guess we will see.

As some might be starting this new week today and some might be off today I think a little motivation will do us all good. I am not sure I mentioned this before, but my position has changed with my company and at first, I was not happy about it. After last week and getting to know my new supervisor, I am happy about it because she is amazing! Tomorrow I am going to be doing a few things she does in the morning and helping answer questions from others, which I think it is exciting. Even though I work from home, I do feel like I am working more than not. Considering most of us are working more than we are not, it is important to enjoy the people you work with and what you are doing eight hours a day. I hope you will find the quote I am sharing with you today motivating and it starts your week off with a positive mindset!

I am sure y’all have heard about the new COVID variant, Delta. Of course, I have been fully vaccinated, but this is causing me to feel the same kind of stress I was feeling when this pandemic first started. It is terrifying to me that only 50% of the people in the United States have been vaccinated and yet I am not surprised that the state I live in is not part of the list of vaccinated people. One thing that no one can deny is, people lie and politicians lie more than your normal person. Science and numbers are facts that are not filled with lies, so I cannot understand why people are fighting against getting vaccinated. This is not taking away your freedom, but it is saving lives.

Thank you for taking the time to read what I have shared today. I hope the quote provided you with motivation and your week begins positively. It might seem that some of what I said what a little negative, but it is the truth and how I feel. I do look forward to reading your amazing comments and I promise to respond to all comments as quickly as I can. I am also going to ask you to please continue to do what you can to stay safe. This new variant is a little scary and logically there will probably be more to come. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa