Pick-Me-Up Thursday!

download (6)Good morning y’all and wishing you a very happy Friday Eve!  How was your week? I do hope you had an amazing week and you are feeling well. I am so beyond thankful that I do not have to work this weekend! It has been a very long and extremely busy week for me! I think like most of us, we need a peaceful weekend to recuperate before the new week starts up again!

I am so sorry that I missed my normal “Motivation Monday” post. I had an awfulmigrainehellproductl migraine that was just plain miserable. It started before I left work on Sunday afternoon and progressed rapidly making doing anything at all 100% impossible! I honestly have absolutely NO idea how I made it home, but luckily I did! 

I have what I think is a very uplifting quote that should help us all make it to the much desired weekend! I do not know about you, but I can say I am guilty of setting limits to myself and my own talents. I know I have shared this with y’all before, but I really want to someday write my own book. I already completed an outline and will start on it, but then tell myself it isn’t good enough and no one would ever read it. I am irrationally hard on myself and tend to be my own worst critic. None of us should EVER do this because I do believe all of us are capable of making our dreams become our reality.No Limits

So, let me ask you, do you set limits on your own thoughts and dreams? If you are like me, I often feel that I am not good enough. I really hope these thoughts never end yourimages (1) mind because you my friends are worth SO much more than I think you know!

Thank you so much for stopping by my site today. I always appreciate the support you offer me and really love ❤ reading your comments. I hope you have a wonderful, non-stressful and very comfortable day. One of the greatest accomplishments we have made this week is, we made it through! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love,❤ comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤

Sunshine Blogger Award!

Sunshine-Blogger-AwardThe Sunshine Blogger Award is recognition award for bloggers who inspire readers by promoting positivity and bringing joy. I want to thank Hillary Tan for nominating me for this amazing award! I was completely blown away that Hillary would even consider me for such an incredible award, but do feel very honored she did!  

Hillary has her own fantastic blog at https://sereneluna.wordpress.com and if you have not already visited her site, I strongly encourage you to do so! Hillary shares very real life events through her writing and I find her to be very uplifting! I can connect with Hillary so much and feel that we have known each other for years!

The Sunshine Blogger Award of course has rules (surprise, surprise!). These rules ensure the success of this award, providing exposure to all the award winners. The rules are quite simple and straightforward.  I would like to nominate everyone that is reading this, but unfortunately I am not able to. I know how busy y’all are and I wouldn’t feel right asking you to do anything additional, so there is NO pressure at all! I am coming up with 11 new questions and would love for anyone that wants to play along, to do so!rules


  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.

My questions from Hillary and my answers are:

  1. Why did you decide to start a blog? Originally, I started blogging because I have a real true love for writing. I also wanted to share my experiences about living with Multiple Sclerosis with others to hopefully make their struggles easier to manage. I know it can be lonely living with a chronic illness, so I wanted to show others they were not alone!
    2. What year did you publish your first blog post? The first post I published was in 2017.
  2. .What is your favourite thing about blogging? I think my favorite thing about blogging is the connections I have made with others. Many of my blogger friends have encouraged me when I was down and have helped get me though horrible times. I hope that I have been able to do the same for other bloggers as well!
    4. Do you own a pet? If so, what kind? I do own two amazing pets. Both of my pets are cats and bring SO much joy to my life. Our older cat, Chloe, we have had for 14 years. She is a precious little firecracker with a personality larger than her little 9 pound self. Our younger cat, Sundance, was adopted after his original owner past away. Sundance is a Himalayan and just a big ball of fur and love. His personality is pretty chilled. He loves to play and follow his big sister everywhere.
    5. Do you have any routines before you write a blog post? It depends on how I am feeling. If there is something I want to write about that takes research, I will write it out by hand first. Most often, I write straight from the heart and put my all into every post.
    6. What motivates you to write? Where do you find inspiration? Things I am passionate about motivate me to write. There are certain things that I can feel deep into my soul and want to share my thoughts. I want to write about things I have been through in life and how I made it through the struggles. I think if people are able to read about a struggle another has dealt with and how they managed because it gives hope to the reader.
    7. What country do you live in? United States
    8. Are you a coffee or tea drinker? I am not a coffee or tea drinker because I do not like hot beverages.
    9. Are you a morning person or a night person? I think I am more of a morning person. I say this because I tend to feel better until about 2 in the afternoon. It seems that after 2:00, the pain and fatigue hits me hard.
    10. What languages do you speak? Unfortunately, the only language I am fluent in is English. I did take Spanish in high school, but only remember a small amount. I want to learn more languages someday!
    11. What do you fear the most? I honestly think the thing I fear the most is people are going to continue to be full of hate. It seems like hatred has only grown and it breaks my heart.

1-My amazing nominees are:













My questions for my fabulous nominees are:

  1. How long have you been blogging for?
  2. What are your favorite parts of blogging?
  3. What motivated you to join the blogging community?
  4. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
  5. Where did you go on your last vacation?
  6. Are you a beach person or mountain person?
  7. What brings you the most joy in life?
  8. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
  9. What is your dream job?
  10. What is your favorite motto?
  11. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

I appreciate y’all visiting my site today! Message for my nominees, please do not feel any downloadpressure to participate, I know y’all are busy and I do not like adding pressure to your life! I will of course enjoy and love reading your answers to my questions!! Anyone that hasn’t visited the sites of my nominees, I do know you will enjoy reading what they share as I know I always do!

I hope the end of your week goes absolutely wonderful and you are all feeling the best you can! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all  LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤



Sunshine Blogger Award!

2018 sunshine_blogger_awardI am so honored to have been nominated by a fabulous blogger from https://mylilplace.com for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you so much for thinking of me for such an amazing award! I really love the name as it just sounds so incredibly happy! For anyone that has not yet had the opportunity to visit this amazing blog https://mylilplace.com, you will love what she writes about. I find all of her posts very uplifting and positive which we really do need more of in the world today! Thank you again for thinking enough of me to  nominate me for an award!!

The Infamous Rules Are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
  • Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

rulesI guess I have been a bit rebellious lately with nominations, so I am going to break the rules again for this nomination! I am going to answer the questions that were asked but instead of nominating 11 other bloggers, I am going to add a little spice to it! We are all so busy with our lives and the last thing I want to do is add any additional stress to anyone’s life, so I am leaving this open to anyone that wants to participate! If you want to participate, just please answer the same questions that I did! It is easier and more exciting to do it this way and not just because so many rules are made to be broken, but also because I have SO many fantastic people I would have to nominate that it would just take up too many pages! I would truly love to read the answers to anyone who chooses to accept this tag! You never know, it might be lots of fun!!

My Answers to the questions asked:

  1. What made you decide to blog?

I decided to start my blog because I wanted raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis. It Get MS montage plate picseems like many people are living with it now and yet so many others do not fully understand what it is all about. I also really wanted to help anyone that is living with a chronic illness know they are not alone and can live a happy and fulfilled life. My goal is to be encouraging and inspire others as much as I can.

  1. What motivates and inspires you to write?

I am very motivated to write because I want to spread as much positivity as I can in a world that seems so full of negativity. People in need of compassion and love inspire me to write more!

  1. If you were given 1 wish today, what would you wish for?

If I were given just one wish today I would wish for nothing but peace❤ for all. I know that sounds like a typical beauty queen response, but I really do mean it from the bottom of my heart. I think if there were more peace❤ in the world, there would be far less struggles and suffering.

  1. If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere and stay where would you go?

If I had the opportunity to travel anywhere I wanted I would go to Australia. In the pictures I have seen it looks like an absolutely beautiful country.

  1. If you could start over in life would you change anything?livelaughlove

I honestly do not think I would change anything because everything that happens in our life creates the person we are for the future.

  1. What is the one makeup product you cannot live without?

I do not think I could live without foundation as it covers up all the imperfections in my face!

  1. What is your #1 passion in life? Why?

My family is my #1 passion in life. Without the ❤love of family, we really have nothing to count on.

  1. What is the one book that you would highly recommend to others?

I would actually have to recommend a series by James Patterson, “The Women’s Murder Club”. I was completely addicted to this series after just the first book and not there are 17, with an 18th book coming out April 2019!!

  1. If there is one person you wish you could have spent more time with, who would it be?

cropped-dream-love-hope.jpgThe one person in my life I wish I spent more time with is my❤ grandfather. My grandfather was an amazing man with a heart of gold. Unfortunately he passed away in September 2013. I know I will never live up to the person he was, but I will certainly give my all to be as much like him as I can.

  1. Favorite quote?

This is a very difficult question for me to answer because there are so many quotes that I LOVE. I really love “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

  1. Favorite kind of food?

My favorite kind of food is Italian!

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! Anyone that chooses to participate in this award, I look forward to reading your answers and I know they will be great! For anyone that does not want to participate, I completely understand and respect the fact you did not want to! I know life already gives us all so much stress and demands, which is why I did not want to add anything additional to your already busy life!! As always, I am sending y’all LOTS of ❤love and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Sunshine Bloggers Award!

sunshine-blogger-award 2018I feel beyond honored❤ to have been nominated for such a fantastic award by an incredible fellow blogger, Yaa Yaa https://scribblesandtostitos.com/ . It means so much to be recognized by someone who is as inspiring as Yaa Yaa is to be someone who brings uplifting meaning and inspiration to the ❤blogging community! Thank you SO much Yaa Yaa and anyone that has not already been able to view her site, I strongly encourage you to do so! I feel that you will love her posts as much as I do!!

sunshinebloggerawardWhat is The Sunshine Blogger Award About?

The Sunshine Blog Award recognizes bloggers who are positive, uplifting and inspirational adding so much value to the wonderful blogging community❤. It is an amazing way to connect with other bloggers and show appreciation and respect for their work! We are all part of such a ❤supportive community and this personally makes me so proud to be part of it! My goals for every post I put out is to add as much ❤encouragement and be as uplifting as I possibly can to everyone reading. I hope it shows that with every word you read, I do always write from my heart and soul!

Once nominated, a blogger is required to:

1) Write a post in which they thank the blogger for nominating them and link back to their blog.

2) Answer the 10 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3) Nominate 10 other blogs.

4) Give them 10 questions to answer.

5) Notify your nominees and display the rules and The Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

Here are my answers to Yaa Yaa’s great questions!

  1. Why did you decide to blog?

I made the decision to start blogging in July 2017, as a way to ❤encourage others that battle with any chronic illness to never give up on life. I also wanted to be able to raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis and show those dealing with this illness that you can still achieve your goals in life and that MS does not define who you are in any way! My goals have always been to be encouraging and❤ inspiring to others and bring positivity to a world that appears to have lost the ability to do so.

  1. Where do you want to be in 5 years (personally, professionally, and physically)?

Five years from now, I am hoping to have found more ways to beat my battle with MS and be healthier. I have always been the type of person that allows stress to consume me and I am hoping in 5 years I will have found ways to live more and stress much less!!!

  1. Tell us about your favorite place in the world.

My favorite and most relaxing place is the beach. I find the sound of the waves to be comforting and calming. It honestly does not really matter what beach, I just ❤LOVE the beach🏖!!!

  1. As a kid, what did you do for fun?

As a child, I always enjoyed and loved writing. I would write small short stories and poems that I thought had a lot of meaning. All these years later, I still enjoy writing!

  1. What is your biggest tip for new bloggers?

My biggest tip for any new bloggers is to reach out to others with similar interests as what you are writing about. It is important to build a network with those with similar interests as this allows you to grow and learn from them. I also would tell new bloggers that making friends with other bloggers by commenting on their posts is extremely beneficial. Blogging is all about supporting and encouraging others.

  1. What false assumption do people make about you?

Honestly, I think one false assumption people often make about me is because I have MS, that I am disabled. This could not be farther from the truth. Even though I do have what is known as a disabling illness, I am not yet completely disabled and do not feel that I will be. I can still do just as much if not more than many others without MS.

  1. Besides blogging, what is something you’re currently working on?

Considering my love and passion for writing, I have a goal to write a book someday. I am trying to build a network of other writers that can help guide me through this journey. I even have an outline ready for the book I am going to write someday. I have started to say the book I am going to write instead of the book I would like to write because it seems to add to the goal!!

  1. What us your funniest memory?

All my funny memories are normally around my cats. They offer so much love and laughter to my life. Just the other day our youngest cat sat there for about 5 minutes bathing our older cat. Those two precious fur balls have built such a loving bond for each other and it always makes both me and my husband laugh!

  1. Tell us about your perfect day.

I think my perfect day will be the day when there is LESS hate and more❤ LOVE in this world. We will never be truly happy and successful until we can all learn to have more compassion and acceptance of others. In my life, I have absolutely NO time for disrespect and hate as I feel no matter whom we are, we are all human!

  1. What is your favorite post on your blog?

I think one of my favorite posts on my blog has been “What I have overcome that has made me stronger” https://fightmsdaily.com/2018/05/29/what-i-have-overcome-that-has-made-me-stronger/ . This is one of my favorite posts because it shows that difficult things we go through in life can actually help make us even stronger and we can get through anything!


💞My Fabulous Nominees Are❇

First let me just say to my nominees, I know that we all get very busy with life and the last thing I want to do is add any stress to your lives, so please do not feel obligated to participate with this award. I just wanted y’all to know how much I appreciate you and the posts that you share and all of your fantastic comments! Y’all are incredible and even though I would LOVE to read your answers, I do not want to add anything to your already very busy life!

https://hannahelizasite.wordpress.com/ Hannah

http://invisiblyme.com/ Caz

https://bipolarbrat.wordpress.com/ Casey

https://thoughtsnlifeblog.com/ Bella

https://www.tombeingtom.com/ Tom

https://alix-in-wonderland.com/ Alix

http://elizabethauwarter.com/ Elizabeth

https://wondercyncyn.wordpress.com/ Stephanie

https://miraculoussmile.wordpress.com/ Christy

https://simplychronicallyill.com/ Wendi

🌟My Questions for my fabulous Nominees🌟

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your greatest inspiration in life?
  3. What is one country you would love to visit?
  4. As a child, what did you dream of doing for a living?
  5. If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?
  6. What are your top five blogging necessities?
  7. What is one interesting thing about you that people do not know?
  8. What do you love most about blogging?
  9. If you had to listen to one song on repeat, what would it be and why?
  10. What is your biggest fear?

Thank y’all for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday! The heat and humidity is absolutely INSANE where I live, but I hope where you live is a lot more comfortable! If you have not already viewed the sites for those I have nominated, please check them out as they are fantastic!!! And definitely check out Yaa Yaa site, https://scribblesandtostitos.com/.  I think you will enjoy all of these! Thank you again Yaa Yaa for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I love the title because it sounds so happy!!! As always, I am sending y’all LOTS of love❤ and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Sunshine Blogger Award!

sunshine-bloggerI have to say that I am beyond grateful and shocked that I have been nominated for the Sunshine Bloggers Award! Being nominated for an award that recognizes those who are inspirational and positive means more to me that I can even begin to describe! My goals since starting my blog have been to be able to inspire, motivate and encourage others through the positive attitude I try so hard to hold on to! I am so thrilled to see that I do bring some sunshine and happiness to those reading my posts!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and make a link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent to you by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate up to 11 new blogs to receive the award, and then write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.


purple heart

Heartfelt thank you!

I want to send one of the biggest thanks to the amazing Hillary https://hillaryrobyn.com/ for thinking to nominate me for such a fantastic award! Your blog is absolutely wonderful and extremely inspiring! By reading your blog, I have learned how many obstacles you have overcome with so much courage and strength. You are so humble with how much you have achieved in life, which is a great quality to have! It is so obvious how much you love your husband and just how much love he has brought into your life!

Questions & Answers

  1. What is your favorite past time? I have a few past times which include spending time with my husband and beautiful and loving cats! I love watching a good movie with my husband at my side and my cats eight on my lap or laying beside me. Past times also include reading, writing and traveling when I am able to!


  1. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they? I do have a few hobbies. It is probably pretty obvious that I love to write! Writing helps give me so much perspective on life and how to get through the hard times life throws at me! I also love to read a good book. I think the best authors are James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks and a newer author I discovered from Australia, Kelly Rimmer. If y’all have not checked out Kelly Rimmer, I strongly encourage you to check out her books they are wonderful https://kellyrimmer.com/. 



  1. Who is your biggest inspiration in life, personally? My grandfather was one of my biggest inspirations in life. He was so full of love and did not know hate, which is so uncommon in today’s world. I saw so much truth and passion in this man. I have always wanted to do my best to be as much like him as I possibly can because I want to continue making him proud because even though he is watching down from Heaven, he is still watching how I live my life! Honestly, I also think that Kelly Rimmer inspires me with her amazing writing abilities as well! If I could someday be even half the writer she is, I would be very pleased and proud! 


  1. Who is your biggest inspiration in life, professionally? Professionally, I would say the one of my previous managers was my biggest inspiration. Mary Close Hall was my manager for years before and this woman has so much knowledge on how to lead in an ethical and caring way. She taught me more than she will ever know and unfortunately we work for different companies now, but I still compare any manager I have to her, knowing full well they will never compare! Mary always encouraged me and thought that I could accomplish my goals, so I am so thankful for this woman!



  1. What is your biggest goal in life? My biggest goal in life is to someday be able to write a book. I do have an outline put together for the book I want to write, but just need to take the time to actually do it!


  1. Where do you find ideas to write about? I write about things that matter to me and hope they will help others that might be dealing with something similar. I have always written about things that are affecting my life and how I am working through them. I write about things that I want to raise some awareness to and really hope that these topics give others the knowledge that I think is very important!



  1. What makes you want to write? I have loved to write since I was a child. Writing allows for me to get all the emotions I have, that might be bottled up out of my mind and making life a little more happy and stress-free. I want to be able to help others that might be struggling and I feel that writing about some topics might do just that!


  1. When are you at your “best”? I think that I am pretty good at listening to others and do my best to help them through their struggles.



  1. What motivates you in life? I think what motivates me in life is finding the positive in a bad situation. Life can be very difficult sometimes and I do strongly believe that holding onto negative emotions will hinder the positive light from coming through.


  1. Where is your favorite place to write? My favorite place to write is in the comfort and peace of my home. A quiet place to write is ideal, but there are times I have random ideas that I want to elaborate on so I will put those thoughts in a note to self on my phone and work more on those thoughts at a later time.



  1. How do you handle writer’s block? Writer’s block can be so incredibly frustrating, but I have found that taking a break and doing something else will clear my mind some. Clearing my mind and not putting any pressure on myself to write tends to help the flow a great deal!


My Incredible Nominees are:

https://bipolarbrat.wordpress.com/  Casey

http://invisiblyme.com/ Caz

https://mymsrollercoasterride.wordpress.com/ Toni

https://www.theincurabledreamer.com/ Tanya

http://www.acreativenewmie.com/ Amber

https://lookingforthelight.blog/ Melinda

There are so many more blogs that I would love to be able to nominate because there are so many wonderful people out there, but it would take pages! I am so excited to be able to read the answers of those that I have nominated, but also please do not feel any kind of pressure just have fun with the questions! 

Questions for my Fantastic Nominees Are:

  1. Do you remember the dreams you have at night and if so what was your last dream?
  2. How do you move past your greatest fears in life?
  3. Do you believe in karma? Why or why not?
  4. Who or what keeps you inspired and why?
  5. Do you believe angels are real? Why or why not?
  6. Do you enjoy reading and if so what types of books do you enjoy most?
  7. What is your favorite type of music?
  8. What is your favorite kind of animal?
  9. If you had the ability to fly, would you do so?
  10. What would be your dream place to live?
  11. What has been your best and greatest achievement so far in life?

Thank y’all for visiting my site today! I hope you have a great and enjoyable weekend! If you have not already visited the blogs that I have nominated for the Sunshine Bloggers Award, they are all definitely worth visiting! Also, if you enjoy reading a good book, visiting Kelly Rimmer’s website would be more than worth it! I have read all of her books and NEVER been disappointed. I waited for a long time for her newest book and so far, it is incredible!!! I am always sending y’all lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa