Time To Move On

Friday Eve

Motivational Monday

Mass and Continued Shortages

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you had a wonderful week and, you are looking forward to enjoying the weekend! The weekend means you do not have to make any plans or have any must-do tasks, and you can relax, and recuperate from the week. Of course, you can have plans, but only if that is what you want to do. The workweeks always feel long, and then the weekends feel super short, and probably because they are. We have two carefree days, which is why I always think Friday is the perfect day to let go of any negativity the week may have created!

For those of you that have been following my blog for any time, you know I try to share a quote to help you let go of anything causing you stress or negative feelings. There is no reason to carry any negativity into a weekend that is already short, and we should be able to enjoy the weekend to the fullest. I hope you will find the quote I am sharing helpful, and you can see how meaningful it is. I understand how challenging it can be to not worry, but there are some things we have no control over, and no amount of worrying will change the outcome. Anger is one of those emotions I always to avoid, as it causes me too much anxiety, and no one needs that! Honestly and kindness are easy for me to do because I do not like dishonesty or meanness, so why would I be either of these?

We survived another week and are getting ready for the weekend😊! Do you have any plans? The only things I want to do this weekend are repotting a few plants and keeping a close eye on our cat. Our oldest cat, Sundance, has asthma and appears to not be feeling well☹. He has gone through this type of thing before and has always gotten better, but I cannot help but worry about him. Sundance has the most loving, and kind heart, and soul. The reason it is so hard for me when he is not feeling well is you can see it in his big blue eyes, and it brings back painful memories for me when our cat, Chloe, passed away. It is like PTSD, but I am trying to stay calm, and rational, and I already sent his doctor’s office!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed this post and that you have a wonderful day. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please do me one small favor, and keep my sweet cat, Sundance in your thoughts. He is a good baby boy, and we would be lost if anything ever happens to him. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Resentment, Frustrations, & Pains

Happy Saturday! I hope you had a good week, but I also hope you can enjoy your weekend! Do you have anything planned for the weekend? One thing I know I must do for my sanity this weekend is to recover from the week and try to forget all the negativity that the week impacted me with. I also know Mother’s Day is tomorrow, so I hope everyone can enjoy celebrating all the mothers out there who gave selflessly and loved unconditionally. Of course, I will not be able to see my mother tomorrow, but I will be sure to remind her how much I appreciate her.

Last week was a little overwhelming and extremely exhausting. Unfortunately, I think many of us get so wrapped up in our everyday lives that we forget some of the simplest things in life. When we get frustrated, it can be easy to forget just how much words hurt. I have said this in another post, but the wounds will heal when we are bruised, but the wounds that words inflict are more powerful and long-lasting. When we forget the way another person feels about a particular situation, and the tears causing another person to shed, they are much more intense and hurtful than almost anything else. Simple apologies can become meaningless, and they do not fix the pain felt. This pain can escalate into increased negative emotions and resentment.

Holding onto feelings of resentment is very unhealthy and can lead to an inability to stop thinking about a specific event or situation. The reoccurring thoughts may linger for days, weeks, months, or even years, and eventually may take over your life. For some people, resentment can begin with disappointment or remorse for something or someone that was lost. Those that battle with resentment may harbor anger and seek revenge, or they might feel that justice was not served for something terrible that occurred. Regardless of why someone feels resentment, it only leads to bitterness and additional anger. These are feelings that do not have a positive outcome and may lead to irrefutable harm.

I know I have fallen into these same patterns in life and get frustrated, and then will say things that I do not mean. Of course, I try to not do things like this, but we are only human, and we make mistakes. I never want to cause anyone any harm with harsh and unkind comments because it will only make matters worse. Words and carelessness cause too much pain and it can be almost impossible to overcome them. The only thing I know to do is avoid talking in the heat of the moment or when I am already past the point of frustration and anger. Sometimes, silence is the best course of action.

How do you handle anger? What is your first reaction when you get upset? Do you find it easier to yell in a fit of rage, or do you walk away from the situation, and ignore how you are feeling? I feel it is better and easier to ignore things and walk away from the situation. I know many will not understand, and some professionals would say this is wrong, but I find it to be the best way for me to survive this insane world. Yes, this does mean that I tend to bottle up my feelings and it does cause something like a volcano eruption at times, but it is not often. I do not like confrontation, but even with that said, I will stand up for myself, those who cannot defend themselves, and for what I believe.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope that even if you do not agree with me, I hope you enjoy what I have shared. I am so thankful for the weekend, but after the past few weeks, I think a little more time to recuperate. If you have struggled with feelings of resentment, how did you overcome this? I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible! I hope you have a wonderful, and safe weekend! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Sunday Thoughts

Our emotions are powerful, strong, intense, and can be terrifying. We can experience numerous forms of emotions each day and may feel several of these emotions simultaneously. Not all of the emotions we encounter will be positive and enjoyable, but there will also be negative emotions that we will need to handle and adjust to. Of course, positive emotions are always welcomed, and “most” people will not have any complaints. Unfortunately, there are some people that can find a reason to complain no matter how well things are going in their lives.

Negative emotions can impact anyone’s life. Positive or negative emotions do not discriminate and will invade your life, heart, and mind without notice. There is a part of me that believes that some negative emotions, such as anger, can create positive changes because we may feel so much anger, we will do whatever it takes to fix the situation. What do you think about this, is anger only a negative and cannot ever have a positive outcome?

Overall, I try to avoid negativity because this can be toxic, and some people may allow negativity to consume their lives. For anyone that can turn on the news and not feel angry, I would love to know your secret. I mostly try to avoid the news because I cannot help but feel outraged by what I see. There have been too many countless incidents of gun violence where innocent people have been killed, or law enforcement killed unarmed people instead of trying to de-escalate the situation. I do understand people protesting against the many wrongs that have occurred such as Roe vs Wade being overturned or when law enforcement kills innocent and unarmed Black Americans because this is just cowardly.

Recently, I did see a news segment that was positive and displayed what justice should be. It has been said that on Tuesday, the former President, Donald Trump is going to be formally indicted. Do I truly believe this man will spend any time behind bars as he deserves, probably not, but I can hope this will happen. No person should be allowed to get away with any crimes and it should not matter if the alleged criminal was a former President. The shame for their criminal behavior falls on them for behaving in an unethical and deplorable manner, but also on those that will vote for him again in the 2024 election.

What do the terms anger and justice mean to you? According to the dictionary, anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Justice is the ethical idea that people will be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and that, where harm is alleged. I feel like many people have forgotten what justice means because it is rarely seen in the United States. If people have money, they can get away with any criminal acts they do and this should NEVER be the case! If any ordinary person did any of the criminal acts the former President did, there would be no questions, and they would be in jail. No person is and should have be above the law!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and that you are having a good weekend. Unfortunately, our weekends are short and we are close to the end of it, but hopefully, you are able to enjoy the last day before the workweek starts again. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Grudges and Forgiveness

Letting go of anger, bitterness, resentment, and grudges is easier said than done, especially when you have been holding onto it for too long. Unfortunately, many of us have been hurt by the words or actions of another during our lives. Maybe this was inflicted by a parent who disappointed or criticized you multiple times or a friend or partner that deceived you, or possibly you encountered a traumatic experience, such as a form of abuse during your life. Deep wounds from the past can create these negative emotions and so much more, but we do not have to be held prisoner by them.

The fact is that holding onto and dwelling on the pain will only cause you more heartache. When you can embrace forgiveness, you will feel peace and less pain. Embracing forgiveness may lead you to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What does forgiveness mean? The actions that caused you emotional pain may always stay with you, but forgiveness can release and reduce the grip the resentment has on your heart and soul. Forgiveness can give you freedom from the control of the one that hurt you, In time, forgiveness may even provide you with a sense of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the person that hurt you.

When we are hurt by a person that we love and trust, it can be easy to hold a grudge. The feelings that are involved with this grudge can steam from anger, sadness, confusion, resentment, and hostility. Allowing these negative emotions to take hold and derail the positive thoughts can cause you to become overwhelmed with bitterness.

Holding onto a grudge can be toxic and have several negative effects on our lives. A few negative effects a grudge can impact our lives with may include:

~Carry anger and bitterness into new relationships

~You may become so consumed with your anger, you are unable to enjoy your life

~You may experience depression, irritability, and anxiety

~You forfeit valuable and rewarding connections with others

Letting go of a grudge you have carried and moving into a state of forgiveness is a commitment that takes practice and time but may offer you several benefits. Forgiving someone for their wrongdoings does not excuse their behaviors nor does it mean you will forget what happened, but this is necessary for your mental well-being.

A few benefits to forgiveness may include:

1. Building and maintaining healthier relationships

2. Improve our overall mental health

3. Reduce anxiety, stress, and hostility

4. Lessen symptoms of depression

5. Lower blood pressure

6. Maintain a strong immune system

7. Enhance self-esteem

8. Improve heart health

I hope you found this post helpful. I do try to not hold onto grudges, but there have been several times when I have failed miserably. It is not healthy and will only hinder you in life holding onto grudges and resentment whereas letting go and allowing for forgiveness will only free you from the negativity. I do not think it would cause anything negative if we try forgiving those that have wronged us. Again, this does not mean we will forget what happened, but it can allow us to be less burdened with negative emotions!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend doing what brings you the most joy and peace. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. There are many people that I can forgive for what they did wrong, but there is only ONE person that no matter how hard I try, I will NEVER forgive. Even though I am unable to find forgiveness in my heart, I do not allow this person’s wrongdoings to prevent my happiness. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

Law Enforcement violence

I am sure that my question will be slightly controversial, but we all have and should have questions about the world and our lives. What exactly is the sole purpose of law enforcement “supposed” to be? I think it is normal to be nervous and even scared when we are pulled over, but NO ONE should ever fear for their lives. It should NOT matter the color of someone’s skin for how they are treated by the police, but unfortunately, it seems to play a HUGE factor in the treatment of an individual. Has this ever made sense to you because it as NOT and NEVER will make sense to me. I have said this before, but it still stands, it is now 2023 and we all should have evolved much more and instead too many continue to devolve at grossly rapid levels.

Many times, it tends to be a Caucasian officer that brutalizes an innocent and unarmed African American. I think most of us can remember George Floyd. After Mr. Floyd was murdered by Caucasian officers, there were mass protests demanding justice. One would think after that situation unfolded and the officers involved received consequences for their actions, law enforcement would have learned something, but they still have NOT learned anything and are continuing their ruthless, horrendous, and cowardly behavior.

George Floyd was NOT the only innocent African American that was dehumanized and victimized by law enforcement. We are only 33 days into 2023 and law enforcement has gotten even eviler. On January 3rd, Keenan Anderson, the cousin of Patrisse Cullor, the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement died after being retrained and tasered 6 times by a member of the LAPD. Sadly, it was approximately 4 ½ hours after his encounter with the LAPD, Mr. Anderson died from suffering cardiac arrest.

Mr. Anderson had just been involved in a car collision when an officer ordered him to sit with his legs crossed on the sidewalk. He became paranoid and scared and said he needed water, which is not something anyone should be denied, especially after the trauma of an accident. Mr.Anderson was fearful when he was being questioned by law enforcement, so he panicked and tried to flee the situation. Of course, he was captured and detained by additional police. One of the officers shot Mr. Anderson with a taser for 30 seconds, uninterrupted. A few of Mr. Anderson’s last words, which bystanders clearly heard were, “They’re trying to George Floyd me”. This man had seen the news and was aware of how law enforcement treats Black Americans and was terrified. Who can blame him? We have all seen the news and the countless police brutality situations.

On January 7th in Memphis Tennessee, another young Black American man, Tyre Nichols was pulled over by police for what they “claimed” was driving recklessly. This man was a father of a 4-year-old child, according to his family was an avid skateboarder, and a nature photographer from Sacramento, CA. Since moving to Memphis, TN, shortly before the pandemic, he began working at a major company, FedEx.

Mr. Nichols was taken into custody on January 7th, involving two confrontations. During the initial encounter, Mr. Nichols attempted to flee the scene of a traffic stop as I am sure he was fearing for his life. Due to videos that were released of this encounter, it is clear the officers mistreated Mr. Nichols, which is a gross understatement. These officers dragged Mr. Nichols from his vehicle, shouting vulgar language throughout the entire altercation. Mr. Nichols only tried to run when one officer tried using his taser and then proceeded to chase him on foot. They were only about 100 yards from Mr. Nichols’s home, and he pleaded with the officers by saying, “I’m just trying to go home.” The officers started to kick, punch, and use their batons to beat him, while he was laying on the ground. He was able to utter one last word during the brutal attack, “Mom”. After being hospitalized from the brutal and savage beating leaving him unrecognizable, he sadly died later, on January 10th.

Lastly, and possibly one of the most disturbing and recent situations of police brutality in California. Anthony Lowe Jr was a 36-year-old, father of two, a double amputee, and a Black American. He was accused of stabbing someone, which I am not sure how it would possible, but we will never know Mr. Lowe’s truth. When the police approached Mr. Lowe, he was holding a knife and tried to get away from the police by jumping out of his wheelchair and hobbling away on his amputated legs. The officers “claimed” Mr. Lowe tried to throw the knife at them. Instead of trying to de-escalate the situation, they proceeded to fatally shoot him. He was pronounced dead at the scene by the paramedics that were called. According to the man’s family, he was suffering from a mental health crisis due to losing both of his legs after a previous attack from law enforcement one year ago in Dallas, TX.

What is it going to take for law enforcement to act appropriately and kill someone before they talk to the person? Many law enforcement people are in prison for murder, which includes the officers involved in George Floyd and Tyre Nichols’s murder. I have said that we need better gun control over Americans, and I think that needs to include the police because they need to learn how to de-escalate situations and get answers before killing someone. NO ONE should ever be murdered by police because they are “supposed” to be here to serve and protect. I understand all people need to become a police officer is a GED, but maybe there needs to be more involved because this senseless and terrible behavior NEEDS to change.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site and read this post. As I said, I know this topic is controversial and many will disagree with me, but this is something that has been bothering me. It took me several days to write this because I would get to upset to continue writing. I would like to be able to read your thoughts about this topic and I will respond as quickly as I can. I hope you have a good day! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Kindness is the way of life

We have successfully made it through the first day of the week and I hope it was a good day for y’all. I am thankful for my job and the people I work with, especially during this slow time of year. It can be easy to get discouraged in this life, but it is wonderful to have family, friends, and co-workers to make it a little easier to tolerate. Even though work has been rather slow, I try to help my co-workers because I value them and want to help them keep things on track, and so they do not feel overwhelmed. It can be exhausting when things pile up due to meetings or training, and some people have children they need to tend to. I feel like taking a little off their full plates when I can help them not get too overwhelmed and frustrated.

We never know what another person is going through in their life. Many people will put on a fake smile to hide their pain because they do not want anyone to know they are going through something complicated and mentally draining. They hide their emotional pain by acting as though their life is happy and they are not suffering silently. Others that are going through something in their personal life that is problematic and troublesome might behave negatively with an abrupt tone because they are angry and or frustrated with something personal. Even though it is not easy, we need to not take their behavior personally.

Instead of reacting negatively to someone who says something harsh or behaves rudely, we should learn to take a step back and think about what that person may be going through. If this is someone that we know and understand their personality, we should be able to figure out if something is different. It should be easy to know if their behavior is normal or out of the ordinary. There is someone that I know that can be really kind and understanding most of the time, but every once in a while her demeanor changes drastically, and not for the better. I tend to ignore the negative behavior of this person because I do know she is battling with something on a personal level. Instead of reacting in the same way she is, I do the opposite and treat her kindly.

If we react with emotions every time someone acts negatively, we would constantly be dealing with hurt feelings. Then if we speak out of hurt feelings with a negative tone and say something that makes the other person feel even worse than they did before, we will never be able to erase those hurtful words. Too many people resort to suicide when they cannot handle life anymore and we would never want our mean words to be the last words another person hears. I am not saying it will change anything, but sometimes all a person needs to hear when they are struggling are kind, supportive, compassionate, and loving words.

I think if we could all just try being nicer and more understanding of others the world might be a happier and better place to live. Maybe if we all try spreading kindness, love, compassion, and understanding, it would catch on and spread as far as and beyond negativity. I believe we can all admit that negativity can spread like wildfire, so why can kindness and love not as well? None of this should take too much energy and should be rather easy😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and my words resonated with you. Many people reading this might be battling with a medical issue, which I do understand is not easy, so it should be so easy for us to be kind to others regardless of how they behave. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa