
friday eve 1Good morning y’all! I hope you have had a good week. My week has been pretty long and very busy, but thankfully it is almost over! I guess in all honesty I can’t complain because I have learned so much about my job duties. My job duties continue to expand, but at least I am helping others. 

On the last Thursday in the month of November, I think we could all use a little pick-me-up. I still can’t believe how fast 2018 has gone by, but there have been a lot of positive changes in my life during this year, so I am thankful for that. I hope you enjoy the quote I am sharing with y’all today and I hope you find LOTS of meaning in what it says!positive thoughts

I do believe that positive thoughts can change most situations. With all we deal with in our lives, if we only saw the negatives in everything, we would miss out on so much that can bring us joy. Of course life isn’t easy, but if we try to find the positive in most situations we will be much happier and in turn bring that happiness to so many others!

Thank you for visiting my site this morning. I hope you are feeling the best you can and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

motivational-monday.jpgGood morning y’all! I hope you had a nice long weekend! Four days off of work was definitely a really great opportunity to enjoy life. There was never any rushing around or having an annoying alarm wake me. Thankfully I was able to get up when I wanted to, which was still early, but not as early as I have to for work! I hope y’all enjoyed your long weekend and the holiday we just had!

Going back to work after being off four days isn’t easy, but we do what we have to do. I definitely feel like a little motivation would be beneficial for all of us. I hope you enjoy the quote I am sharing this morning and I hope you find meaning as you read it!17-best-ideas-about-power-of-positivity-on-pinterest-quotes-54947

I look forward to reading your comments, which I will respond to as quickly as I can. I have actually learned how to balance working full-time, still blogging and doing other things that make me happy in life. Over the weekend I started crocheting another blanket for our love seat in our living room. I wanted this blanket to match the other blanket we use for our couch, but just a little smaller! Crocheting is a fun and relaxing hobby! 

I do believe that Monday is the perfect day to make a fresh start. Everything that Monday corrects past weekhappened last week is in the past and it is incredibly important to forget about what went wrong and work to make this week better! We all make mistakes that we wish would could take back, but with those mistakes we normally learn many valuable lessons to make ourselves that much better!

Thank y’all for visiting my site this morning. I hope you have a great day and I really hope you are feeling the best you possibly can! Whatever you do, please remember nothing is worth getting stressed about and that includes work. You and your health are way more important than anything related to work. Things will get done, even if it isn’t today, tomorrow is another day! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤ love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Crazy decisions and side effects!

side effectsI have always thought it was a little crazy and extremely frustrating that medications meant to slow the progression of illnesses down, are accompanied by a long list of possible side effects. I know that the Gilenya I take daily is supposed to slow the progression of my Multiple Sclerosis, but it has a really LONG list of potential side effects and at one point that was what pushed me to want to make a change in my treatment plan.

The middle of last year I was having so many issues with terrible sinus headaches and migraines that I wanted to find out what was causing them. After reviewing what side images (2)effects Gilenya posed, I saw somethings that were common was headaches and sinus troubles. I was not just looking the side effects up on Google, but I was on Gilenya’s actual website, so I took this very serious as I am sure most people would. I went to my doctor with these concerns and she pretty much dismissed my thoughts claiming that it was not all that common with this medication and that I shouldn’t be doing this kind of research because it was “false” information. I argued back asking how it could be false when it was on the manufactures real website!? Of course I was frustrated that my valid concerns regarding my health was being ignored and not even willing to discuss more at that oral_therapy02time, so I decided to ignore her medical advice and demanded that I try a new medication immediately. It wasn’t until I told her there was another oral medication I read about that I thought would be better for me she finally decided it was worth her precious time to have a conversation with me. She tried her darndest to use the fear tactic, which of course wasn’t working well with me and only caused me to question her logic further. I know it sounds crazy, but I was completely convinced that she was receiving kick-backs from the drug company and me not changing medications would continue to be financially beneficial to her.

In preparation to change my treatment plan from Gilenya to Tecfidera I discontinued the Gilenya last July. I was required to be off medication completely for 6 weeks, so all the 51WIQmA-fnL._SL1000_Gilenya I had taken needed be out of my system and allow the Tecfidera to be able get into my system. In early September I started on Tecfidera which again is an oral medication. During this time my MS did not get better, but much worse! I guess MAYBE the doctor was correct when she said Tecfidera wasn’t going to be strong enough for me or maybe I had the nasty relapse because of ALL the stress I was under. I was so worried about the headaches and the fact that Gilenya could have been the cause and then even more concerned that my MS was progressing way too soon in my life. Whatever the cause was the MRI I had in early October was HORRIBLE, landing me right back to the drug I was convinced was causing my headaches!

It still doesn’t seem fair to me that we have to make the decision if we would rather deal Gilenya+Fingolimidewith the side effects of these so-called helpful drugs or be disabled. As difficult as it is to deal with the massive headaches/migraines, I would much rather deal with them rather than lose my normal abilities, like walking without assistance. I still do not think it is right for anyone to have to make a decision like this, but I guess it is what it is!

I have been back on the Gilenya for a little over a year now and I do still deal with sinus trouble and migraines, but at least the MS hasn’t to have progressed. I do think that until there is a cure for MS, which I must believe will happen in my lifetime, I will not be changing medications! Now that my husband and I have completed our move, I am ms-research-2013-6-638searching for a new MS Specialist, who will hopefully be more knowledgeable and have much better bedside manner. I know I have already shared this with y’all, but I am NOT a fan of my previous specialist. As crazy as this may sound, I want a specialist that is an older gentlemen because I have found they are more understanding and considerate. Of course going with an older person, I run the risk of them retiring, like two of my previous specialist did and I absolutely ❤ LOVED❤ them! I am sure that with the determination I have, I will find one that is best for me and my personality. I guess it shouldn’t be as important to have the warm and fuzzy with a doctor as it is for the doctor to be knowledgeable, but I need to feel comfortable with them in order to trust the doctor.

I always appreciate you taking the time to stop by my site today and I always love reading your got-hope1comments! I hope y’all are having a nice weekend and you are feeling as good as you possibly can! I must say having a long weekend is absolutely wonderful and I have been able to rest, but still do things that needed to be done! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤ love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good evening my lovely friends! I wanted to wish y’all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you were able to enjoy time with family and be able to give thanks to all those that you hold dear to you!!!happy thanksgiving

I meant to do a post each day this week with all I was thankful for, but with all the fatigue from work I wasn’t able to. I do plan to share my list with y’all in another post though! Not only do I hope you enjoyed your day, but I hope you are feeling the best you can! Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and sending you many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Giving my thanks!

happythankfulGood morning y’all! I hope your week has started off well and you are feeling the best you can!

Today is day two of my acknowledging what I am thankful for and actually writing it down! I am beyond thankful for our loving and hilarious cats. We have had one of our sweet fur babies for 13 years❤. Chloe has sweetness and sass to complete her unique personality but, you just can’t help but love her! Chloe can actually tell where I am hurting and feels that if she lays where I am in pain it will make it go away, which sometimes it does!

Our other sweet fur baby, Sundance, we have had for about 3 years. We were luckyCats enough to be able to adopt this ball of love ❤ and joy after his original owner sadly passed away. This little boy has the sweetest personality I have ever seen and would never hurt a fly. He only gets a little testy when I brush him, he absolutely HATES being brushed, but it isn’t an option for him!!

It is one of the most adorable things to walk in a room and see these ❤two cats cuddling with each other.We never in a million years would have thought Chloe would 20180210_101739 (1)allow another cat close enough to her in order to cuddle, but she has taken quite the liking to Sundance. Chloe even allows Sundance to give her LOTS of kisses ❤ on her little head! Their personalities are much different from one another, but their love ❤ for each other and my husband and I is endless!

It is very comforting to take time out of each day to reflect onto my life. Then to think of everything that is in my life that I would not be me without! It is crazy to look at how the smallest things in our lives, can make a huge difference daily in the big picture!

If you saw my post yesterday, my goal is to take a moment each day to write down at least one thing I am thankful for. I am hoping that y’all will try doing the same and maybe share with me a few things you are thankful for! At the end of this week, after I share one thing I am thankful for each day with you, I am going to take time to really reflect what are you thankful for todayback on what I wrote and hold onto those things. Some of the things I am thankful for have really surprised me, but I will get to that in a later post!

I want to thank y’all for visiting my site today. I always appreciate your time and your amazing comments, which I try to respond to as quickly as I can! Please let me know something that you are thankful for as I am sure it is fabulous! I hope y’all have a great day and you are feeling the best you can. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤



It’s time to show thanks!

what are you thankful for todayGood morning y’all! Y’all know I typically do not do multiple posts in a day, but this is an exception! With this being the week of Thanksgiving, I think we should all be thinking of what we are truly thankful for. Life gets so busy and we tend to forget to take a moment to acknowledge what we want to give thanks for. It might not be easy to do, but I think we should try to everyday think of and write down just one thing we are thankful for! It might be pretty interesting to reflect back on these at the end of the week!0

Today, I want to say how incredibly thankful for I am for the very loving ❤, accepting and helpful family I am blessed to have! I am lucky enough to have my mother and step father that always show their love❤, support and appreciation. I am also blessed enough to have married into another wonderful and loving family that I couldn’t have asked for better than them! Two loving families is just twice the love and support!❤

For the first day of this week, what is one thing you are thankful for? I hope y’all have a lovely day and I am looking forward to reading your response! Remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday 2Good morning y’all! I hope you had a lovely and wonderful weekend! Thankfully, our entire weekend was sunny, but very chilly! It was so refreshing after our week of rain to actually see the sun again! Oh course the chill in the air did cause some pain, but the sun did offer a healing ability that can brought so much joy and peace to the soul!

The quote that I want to share with y’all this morning means so much to me and makes so much sense, if only I could implement it daily! Anxiety tends to try to control my life, but as I get older that needs to change because it just isn’t healthy (not that I am old though).This amazing quote is something I want to add to my life for my own sanity!Forget-yesterday

I hope you have a great day and you are feeling the best you possibly can! I am looking forward to reading your fabulous thoughts on this quote because y’all are always incredibly wise! Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart


❤Always, Alyssa❤


Always continue living!

nobodysaidNo one has ever said that living with a chronic illness was easy, but so many of us do. Some of us find ways to live through the pain caused from our illness with dignity, grace and determination. After all many illnesses do not YET have a cure, so it is just best to push through the best we can.

If we allow ourselves to remain focused on whatever illness or illnesses we struggle with, I believe we would miss out on all the good things life has towhen-life-gives-you-reason-to-cry-smile-stars offer us. It isn’t worth losing the happiness our life can hold by dwelling on the struggles we face. It is difficult and yet possible to turn all the pain and hardships we wrestle with into something beneficial, I know how crazy that might sound but it is true. Some of the ways we battle through life can be very inspiring and encouraging for SO many others.

Y’all already know that I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for 19 very long and painful years, which is more than half of my life! If I had just given up all hope when I was first never-give-up2diagnosed, I would never be where I am today. Yes, life gets really complicated and frustrating, but overall I am in a very good place. My husband and I have moved to a new city, as y’all already know. We are living in a great home that is where my husband’s amazing grandparents raised their family. There is so much love ❤ built into the walls of our home and I swear you can still feel his grandparent’s spirit in every inch of this house❤! This is a very comforting and reassuring feeling that I am thankful for.

I am pretty sure y’all already know this about me by now, but just in case you ever questioned it, I believe holding on tight to positivity ❤ can go a long way. If you are constantly in a negative frame of mindimages (2) nothing good will ever really happen in your life, which could just be because you aren’t able to see something great that is right in front of you or you aren’t allowing yourself to feel it. Staying negative all of the time just creates a dark cloud over your head that follows you everywhere you go and there is no way to hide from it. Negativity can create a blind spot to anything and anyone that could actually be wonderful.

I know that it is completely impossible to be positive 24/7 365 days of the year, but it isn’t healthy to remain negative all those days either. There is always a manageable balance 26550426-balance-bad-or-good-scales-on-white-isolated-background-3dbetween the good and the bad; we just need to acknowledge the differences and keeping moving forward!

I hope y’all have had a lovely weekend and you are feeling well today! It has been a sunny and chilly weekend, which is MUCH better than chilly and rainy. Thank you so much for stopping  by my site today and I do really look forward to reading your comments. I promise y’all that I will respond as quickly as I can, I am getting better at balancing work and life again! Enjoy the rest of what is left of your weekend. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤ love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Finally Friday

happy-friday-good-morning.jpgHappy Friday y’all! I hope you had a nice week and you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend! I hate to complain about all the rain we have had every day this week, when California has been suffering with fires, but the rain really does make me feel awful. I really wish there was a way I send a few days of rain out west because they could really benefit from it!

The rain has really caused me to struggle with pain. I guess knowing you don’t have a choice but to pull it together and go to work is what has kept 6491bb982234ffe30ffc89efb56cc1bdme going. Plus, even in pain I do enjoy ❤ my job. I feel like I am doing something good for those that want to improve their lives and are doing what is necessary to make it happen. I have so much respect for people who even when they struggle, never give up hope and set goals they work SO hard to achieve. It is really admirable!

There have been many times recently that I have come so close to giving up hope and faith in humanity, but then I meet someone who just radiates with so much strength and courage. People like this really restore the faith in good people again.21-Best-Famous-Quotations-About-Pain-Pain-Quotes-Pain-Sayings-2

It still makes me so incredible sad to see hate and judgement in this world. I know I have made several comments recently that scream hatred towards the government, but that is really just my frustration venting. I want more than anything else for everyone, no matter race, color, sexual preference, religious beliefs, etc to be treated equally and with respect. I mean no matter how a person lives their life, as long as they aren’t causing harm to another, we are all human beings with a beating heart, right? The reason I am sharing this is because I want y’all to know that no matter how angry I might get with politics or corruption, I do strongly believe that love ❤ will guide the way to better lovesee-730x688.jpgtimes moving forward.

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and I hope your week has been a good one. The weekend is finally here with us and we can do what we please! I am pretty excited for the weekend so I can catch up on y’all amazing blogs. I have been a little slack because I am balancing blogging and work, but I am getting better with it!! Please always remember that I am sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤