Life is a Cycle

It never matters what goes on, life keeps moving on whether we are ready or not. It seems like life is on an endless cycle of time. Life will keep going even when we are suffering from some type of challenge or hardship. The crazy thing is, that we are strong enough to handle it all, even when we cannot see the strength within ourselves. We did not ask for it, but the day we were born was a gift and we can decide what we do with this gift.

Although I know we all appreciate our lives, I am sure there are things you wish you could change. One thing that never stops is, that bills come at the same time every single month. Of course, we work to survive, pay bills, and enjoy life, but the darn bills get old! It would be nice if just once the bills would not come in. It seems like some, especially the power bill increases every month! I am sure the power bill increase has something to do with the insane heat! I am not sure about you, but I cannot deal with the heat.

I can still remember a time when there were four different and unique seasons. Unfortunately, now it seems like spring and summer became one where temperatures are just HOT. Then autumn and winter have become one of the same where you can hardly tell the difference between the two. Spring used to be tolerable temperatures. Autumn used to be a beautiful season with the leaves changing colors and temperatures getting cooler. During the winter months, the ground was covered with powdery snow that glistened. Summer has always been hot, but now it is too hot to survive.

Is there anything you wish you could change about life? Yes, life can be beautiful and exciting, but there can be improvements with everything. The two things I wish I had the power to change are the insane temperatures and the bills that will not stop coming. Logically, I know there is nothing I can do to change these things, but it would be great if I did. I am not trying to complain because I know complaining does not change anything, I am just venting😊!

We are already almost at the end of June, so we have almost made it through half of the year. How are your week and year going? What do you want for next month or next year? Dreams and hopes should never leave our hearts because they are meaningful😊! I know the past few years have been a struggle, but we have survived, and we are stronger because of everything we have gone through. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves how incredible we are and how much courage we all have!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you are doing well and having a great week! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

End of the week Rant!

Life is not always fair, and we feel like we need to pretend everything is fine and normal. Does anyone even know what normal is anymore? I do not think I know what normal is anymore because we have lived through so much that is anything but normal. Why do we feel forced to act like they are not angry, frustrated, and or in pain? It is not easy to understand that it is NOT complaining when we share how we are feeling on the inside because keeping things bottled up will never end healthily.

It is not easy to realize that it is okay to not be okay. We do not need to put on fake smiles and should feel comfortable expressing our emotions. We are often smiling on the outside but crying on the inside while we process how we are feeling. I have learned how damaging bottling up feelings can be but failed to stop this bad habit. Most of the time I think I care too much and while that is not a bad thing, it can be exhausting and even frustrating.

Logically, I know how awful stress can be and have not learned to not worry about everything and everyone. When I get overly stressed or upset about things, instead of addressing what is wrong I try avoiding it at all costs. I also either have no appetite or want to eat the most fatting foods possible, none of which are a good decision.

Yesterday I was extremely frustrated with several things and did not want to eat anything. I will not get into everything that was troubling me because the list is rather long. Not eating is an awful idea because then I get nasty headaches and even more dizzy spells. There was only one thing that helped slightly, and that was turning the music up loud to a song that was exactly how I was feeling! For a few minutes as the song played, my mind was at ease, and I felt much calmer.

I guess I decided to write about all this to help anyone else that might be feeling the same way. There are times in our lives when all we want to do is scream at the top of our lungs just to vent our frustrations. Unfortunately, some people when they are at the end of their ropes with aggravation let their feelings out in unhealthy and possibly violent ways, but there are better ways. There will never be anything positive that can come from violence because that will only create many more issues.

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading my rant of frustrations. I do not mean to sound so negative, but yesterday was an awful day. I hope your week went well and you are looking forward to the weekend. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday with a Twist!

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you were able to have a relaxing and safe weekend. My weekend was decent, and a few things occurred the needed to. This will make more sense later in this post. I normally try to only share a motivational quote to start the week with a good mindset, which I am going to still do however, there are a few other things I would like to share with you.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I allow things to bottle up inside because I do not want to cause anyone else to feel overwhelmed and or upset, and I do not enjoy conflict. Well over the weekend through many tears I finally shared how I was feeling about a few things with another person. I think everything I was bottling up deep in my mind and heart just overflowed and I could not keep my emotions to myself any longer. It was not an easy conversation, but if we do not tell someone how we are feeling, how will anything improve? Nothing is ever going to get better when we are not 100% honest with how we are feeling!

I know y’all will not be surprised to see how incredibly frustrated I am with COVID-19. The number of people that still think this deadly virus is not a big deal is insane! Others that think mask mandates are taking away their freedom are beyond ridiculous. Seriously, what about the people that are elderly or have a weak immune system or anything else that causes them to be an easy target for this virus to kill, do they not deserve the freedom to survive? I cannot and never will understand anyone that refuses to get the vaccine. The vaccine is FREE and does not take long and it helps to END the spread of a deadly virus and even helps to NOT allow other variants to come into our lives. I have already received 2 vaccines and have an appointment scheduled for Friday after work to get the 3rd vaccine. I take pride in not only keeping myself safe from this virus but other humans from being infected and potentially not surviving.

It is going to take everyone joining together to fight against COVID or we will never be free from it. I want to be able to live again and not be a prisoner in my house because the truth is, these past 18 months have been miserable. Do not get me wrong, I love my home and being with my husband and 3 cats, but it does feel like the walls are caving in and there are times it is not easy to breathe. I am tired of being angry with the virus and people that are not doing what is right and angry with the political lies!

I think that is all for my rant about the issues in life and the world because we are starting a new week and need to begin the week with optimism. I hope you will find comfort, strength, and motivation in the quote I am sharing with you today. I would love to read what you think about this quote because I enjoy the communications we have and will respond to all comments as quickly as I can!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site today. I hope your week begins great and only gets better with each day that passes. No matter what happens today, please do everything you can to stay safe and not allow anyone to bring you down because y’all are worth more than that! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

How do you handle…

A Bad Day When You Work From home

Have you ever had one of those days when you found nearly everything extremely frustrating? How did you handle that intense amount of frustration? Normally, I am good at ignoring small issues that aren’t that important or can be dealt with calmly, but when numerous things occur at the same time, I allow all the little issues to upset me to an unreasonable extent. Sometimes all those small issues join together and feel like an enormous problem. This is the way my day was for the last part of the day yesterday.

So, let me explain a little better. First of all, let me say that I do love my job, but there are a few things that bother me more than they probably should. For starters, when I have a question that only someone in management can address, but I am left hanging for hours. Also, knowing full when this person is answering other questions only adds to my frustration. I mean, seriously, how do you handle things like this?

Second of all, I have always been the type of person that can and does get along with anyone. Even with this said, there is ONLY ONE person I work with that I struggle to tolerate. I know it isn’t just me that feels this way as this ONE person rubs most people the wrong way. Now, how do you endure a person that seems to have a negative attitude or is very unhappy with life? I have tried to kill this person with kindness, but it doesn’t work!

I am thankful to have my work from home job. This offers me a safe way to earn a decent monthly income, but this also means my home often feels like a prison where I never get away from work. I remember how work was before COVID-19. I can recall leaving my house and driving to work in the morning. Then I would work for only eight hours and LEAVE work to drive home! Leaving work for the day would be one of the best parts of my day because I had that distance from work, especially if I had a bad day at work. If you have a bad day at work and you work from home, how do you find that distance so desperately needed? I have tried, but I am clueless on how to do this. Please if you have any ideas, I am willing to try just about anything. Also, adding to the isolation and inability to find a way to escape work, COVID numbers in the state I live in are the highest they have been since the pandemic started so it isn’t like I can go to the mall and walk around.

I have always said that life is too short to not enjoy life to the fullest and not let things affect you negatively. The funny thing is my husband has heard me say this multiple times during our sixteen years together and when he saw how upset I got yesterday; he simply reminded me that I don’t get paid enough to get as upset as I did. I do understand that men and women think very differently, but his thoughts were extremely obvious. I knew he was right, but instead of calming down, it made me even more frustrated and angry. I also tend to cry when I get overly frustrated. It was an hour later I did end up calming down and admitted I need to learn how to let things go and remain calm.

After reading all of this, do y’all have any advice on how I can escape from work? Considering my husband and I both work from home, but at different hours we share a home office in the finished part of our basement. Logically, you would think just going upstairs would be at distance from work, but I still feel trapped at work.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I know I missed my normal Tranquil Tuesday and Inspirational Wednesday posts, but I have worked too many hours and have been exhausted so I wasn’t able to. I am planning to do better next week and work normal hours so I have time for things I enjoy, like writing, crocheting (not that the weather is cold), and reading! I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

A Little Off-Script

I might be a few days late for my normal “Let It Go” Friday quote, but I think I am going to go a little off-script today. There are things we can and should let go of, especially when it is from the craziness of the week, but there are also somethings that are not that easy to just simply “let go” of. The few issues I have tried, but failed to find a way to let go of are the hundreds and thousands of death from COVID-19, discrimination, violence, and hatred, the lies heard from those we “should” be able to trust, and the healthcare or lack thereof in the United States.

I am having a hard time not letting ALL the deaths due to COVID-19 bother me. I guess I can’t understand why we are all still in the same or even the worst situation since we were at the beginning of the year. This isn’t a political thing, this is a life and death situation and having the good common sense to do what is necessary. Wearing a mask isn’t fun and even feels a little suffocating, but it can be life-saving. Or even just social distancing should not be that difficult, but some seem to think it is. It is way past time to follow the advice from the experts. So, please when you leave the safety of your house, wear a mask and social distance!

I will also never understand why there is SO much hatred in this world which is spreading faster than a wildfire. Discrimination is nothing new, as it has been going on for decades now. The color of another person’s skin, who they love, where they are from or anything else should not matter! Forgive me for saying this, but I do think the amount of hatred escalated much more over the past four years. I mean, we have heard the president of the United States call COVID-19 the Chinese virus. We have also heard this same person talk negatively about people from other countries and of other nationalities, which is very wrong, but that is only my opinion.

There has been a widespread amount of violence over the past few years as well and honestly, it goes back even further than this. Again, this only my opinion and it is okay if you disagree with me, but violence does not do anything productive and only creates more problems. I wish that there would come a day where we can all get along and join together for the good of humanity. I guess maybe I am just naïve, but there is no reason why everyone can’t unite and help one another during troubling times.

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, but yet the healthcare is a complete disgrace. The United States is the only developed country that does not offer the citizens free healthcare and instead allows the insurance companies to charge an insane amount of money, and that money still does not cover the policy holder’s entire amount. For those of us that have several medications we need to take daily, the pharmaceutical companies charge a ridiculous amount for each prescription. If it was not for the Gilenya Go Program, my medication for one month would cost more than my car and I don’t mean just one car payment, I mean the full amount of the car, which I would never be able to afford it. The Gilenya for only one month costs over $8,000, which is ridiculous! Unfortunately, without the Gilenya, I am afraid my condition would deteriorate rapidly.

After reading all of this, can any of you suggest a way to let go of these things?  I have tried, but I am not able to. I am also one of those people, as y’all probably already know, who wears my heart on my sleeve. My heart breaks for what so many people have gone through and I wish there was something I could do to help, but I am only one person.

Thank you for reading this post, which is a little more of a rant of my feelings and nowhere near the positive way I am normally. Change is something that is necessary and I have no idea how to implement the changes that are required.I do hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend! I am looking forward to reading your comments and promise to respond as quickly as I can. Thankfully, my husband and I do not have two- legged children that we have to worry about going to school; our four- legged children never leave the house and are always safe! I am a chronic worrier and I do not think I could handle having any more people to worry about. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Random thoughts Sunday!

As the weekend comes to an end…

Good evening y’all! How was your weekend? I hope you had a great and safe weekend! I will be honest, I did not do much over the weekend. I think y’all already know that I do my best to not leave the house because I am terrified of COVID-19 and unfortunately, the state I live in is not doing the best with new cases and deaths. I don’t even leave the house to go grocery shopping because hardly anyone wears a mask and NO ONE respects social distancing, which I find very irritating because I am HIGH RISK!

Considering I try not leaving the house, I have been ordering my groceries online and having them delivered. Last weekend, I did the same thing I always do with grocery shopping and had an awful experience. I try to never complain because the people doing the shopping for me are really doing me a favor and I would even say keep me safer. However, when I request to be contacted when the store does not have the product on my list in stock and not make substitutions on their own, that is what I expect. This always worked so well each of the four previous times I did the online ordering, but last weekend nothing went the way it was supposed to.

Even though last weekend did not go well, I ordered again online for delivery yesterday. The lady sent me a text when she started the shopping and when the store did not have what I requested and when she was done and on her way to my house. I thanked this lady, Norma many times. I even told her why I wasn’t going to stores. She told me she understood and that her mother has MS. I thanked her several times during the time she was shopping and she actually bought me a small flower arrangement. I was so shocked and wanted to share this with y’all. Norma restored my faith in good people in the south!

Honestly, I have spent several days wanting to write about something and couldn’t get the words out. It was driving me crazy because I had a few days without work and I wanted to be able to do what I enjoy doing, which is writing. I have been struggling with a few topics that have a lot of meaning to me, but that also comes with a terrible amount of anger. I have always been a kind, caring, and happy person and do not like being angry. What has been going on in the country I was born and raised in is terrible and very upsetting. Politics is frustrating and I know we all have our own opinions on it. It doesn’t matter if we are Republican or Democratic, what matters is fairness and treating people equally and with respect.

Something else that has been weighing heavily on my mind is this situation with Jeffrey Epstein (who is deceased) and Ghislaine Maxwell. The connections these awful people had are deep within the rich and powerful people of the world and that includes politicians. The awful things Epstein and Maxwell did to young girls was traumatizing and life-altering to them. NO child should ever see or experience what the young girls that were lured into Epstein’s circle did and anyone and everyone that was involved should pay the consequences to the fullest of the law. This is a very sensitive and difficult subject for me and it had caused me a lot of anger and sadness!

Normally, I hand write all my posts first and then type them. I know how insane that might sound, but it typically works for me. I feel more connected with what I am writing when I do it by hand, but I am doing this post by typing what I am thinking and not over thinking it like I tend to do, so I hope you can feel what I am writing as deeply as I do. I would really love to read your thoughts on this post and I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend and you stayed safe! Have you ever noticed how long the work week can feel and then how short the weekends are? Granted I am enjoying my job and love that I get to work from home, especially considering COVID numbers are on a steady increase daily. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Feelings that have built up

Beware in advance, I want y’all to know this post is the most personal I have written and extremely emotional. It is also rather long, but not as long as at least one another post.

Everyone’s life unfolds in unique and often challenging ways. No matter how things appear on the outside, no one has the “picture perfect” life. Our lives are full of happy times and hard times, which might not be equal. When someone experiences something that is painfully difficult and they somehow overcome those times, others may not know how in the world they overcame such tragic times and they never ask. How many times have we been asked in life if there was anything we would change? I can recall countless times, but my answer will never change. Anything that occurred in life that was hard, I feel that I am strong because of the hardest times in life and therefore would not change anything at all.

How would you respond if I were to ask you, what would you change in your life if you could? Sure, there are probably hard times you might wish you did not encounter. If those hard times never happened, would you still be the person you are today? Maybe you would, but maybe you wouldn’t. I say this because things I went through in life, I don’t know if I would be who I am if those things didn’t happen.

2020 has been a difficult year so far and we do not know when or if things will improve. I want to believe that what the United States has witnessed will open everyone’s eyes to the state of our nation. We have NOT had ANY leadership over the past three and a half years. We have watched what feels like the fall of a country that was supposed to be “strong”, “fair”, and “equal”. The entire world was exposed to COVID-19 and most other countries acted in a way that protected the citizens when the United States acted late which caused hundreds of thousands of people to unnecessary lose their lives. There is no way to know if the government had acted sooner, those lives lost could have been saved, and sadly that is what these individual’s families must live with.

Unfortunately, there are still way too many people that believe the lies the president says and tweets. These are the same people that follow their “leaders” example and fail to wear masks when out in public and seem to not understand what is meant by social distancing. I guess it makes sense because we all saw the president and the crowd on the 4th of July close together possibly spreading the virus to one another and yet somehow magically neither the president nor vice president seems to get the virus. Y’all already know that I am terrified of the virus and I do have a weakened immune system because of the medication I take for Multiple Sclerosis.

I will say that finally, several states have made masks when out in public mandatory. Those that fail to comply with wearing masks will be fined. I hardly leave the house these days but did go to the pharmacy on Friday. They had in huge sign in bold letters saying that all customers entering the store must wear a mask or they will be asked to leave immediately.

It has also been made painfully clear that the United States has enormous problems with racial injustice and police killing unarmed black people. I am not naïve enough or blind to the fact that not all American’s are treated equally and it makes me feel shame for the country.

All my life I have always treated everyone the same and never judged anyone based on anything besides the way they treated others. I appreciate the beauty in the differences others show and find those distinctions fascinating. I think if we were all exactly the same, this world would be rather boring and we would miss out on some incredible opportunities.

We are already more than halfway through 2020. The news has put a lot of focus onto either COVID-19, politics, police brutality or the latest with the Epstein insanity. For starters, the United States knew about COVID-19 on January 20, 2020, but did not act on it until March. That left about a month and a half for the virus to spread throughout the country. How many months did the president say this highly contagious and deadly virus was a hoax or not that serious? The answer is just simply way too many and it should have been taken seriously starting back in January.

I am sure my feelings are pretty clear throughout this entire post. I am ashamed of how the country I was born and raised in has behaved for the past three and a half years and honestly probably many more. It will not come as a shock to anyone, but I am not and never have been a fan of Donald Trump. I think the way he blames everyone else for what has gone wrong in the world, how he disrespects everyone that disagrees with him and the media for doing their job, the revolting names he calls others, the way he refers to other countries “shit holes”, the way he has absolutely has no respect for the country he represents or the people living there, and so much more than just repulsive. This man cares so much about his pole numbers that rapidly dwindling and of course, he is blaming the democrats, when truthfully it is his own fault.

I think y’all know I always try my best to be optimistic and believe that positive thoughts will lead to a positive outcome. I also know how incredibly negative this post might seem, but these feelings have built up for a while now. I want to apologize if anything I have written was offensive to you and hope you know that was never my intent. I am a very sensitive person so hearing about the countless people that are dying daily because of COVID-19 breaks my heart and tend to have me in tears. Of course, I do not know any of the people that lost their lives to this virus, but they meant something to someone else.

I also have never been a political person and found most if not all politicians to be dishonest. Trump and Pence have proven my views of dishonest politicians. It is hard for me to understand how anyone could know about how many people have died because of a virus and how it would not affect them. It will never make sense to me how anyone that represents a country and not care about the people. How they sleep soundly at night is a mystery to me.

Since the news first broke about Jeffrey Epstein in 2005 it has made me sick. I then read a book by one of my favorite authors, James Patterson wrote about Epstein which made my feelings even more intense. After Epstein was arrested I thought that justice had been made for his victims.

Of course, he ended up committing suicide while in prison which could be viewed as a good thing, but it was an easy and selfish way out for him and his victims did not get to testify and feel the closure they may have needed. The latest with the Epstein situation was his long-term confidant and associate a female was arrested. This woman helped find Epstein young girls to become another victim and she also participated. Any woman that is capable of doing this kind of harm to a young and innocent girl is vile and appalling and should feel shame for the ways they ruined the child’s youth.

I do realize this might have not been the most positive thing I have written, but this is how I feel. Again, I am sorry if I have offended anyone reading this and hope I did not discourage you from reading future things I write.

This post was very personal and full of raw emotions. I do appreciate you taking the time to read and I encourage you to leave a comment, which I will respond to as quickly as I can.

Y’all know I am starting my new full-time, work from home job tomorrow and I plan to continue blogging as much as I can. No matter how busy I get I will continue doing Motivational Monday, Pick Me Up Thursday and Let It Go Friday! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Wednesday’s Random Thoughts

My Random Thoughts

Happy Wednesday y’all. I hope you are having a great week, you are feeling well, and of course, you are staying safe. I keep telling myself to stop obsessing about new COVID-19 cases in the city I live in, but yet I continue monitoring the massive increases daily. It doesn’t make any sense why I keep doing this because all it does is upset me and keep me stressed. I do not leave the house most days unless it is necessary and when I do, I always wear my mask inside places like the grocery store. It blows my mind how many people do not wear a mask and hardly ever respect social distancing. I am not sure which irritates me more, the carelessness of not wearing a mask, or the complete lack of awareness for social distancing. I was thrilled to hear the city I live in passed a law requiring people to wear a mask anytime they leave the house and will be fined if they do not. I think this should have happened months ago!

Do y’all ever have days when there is so much on your mind and numerous things you want to do, but then feel overwhelmed and do not do any of the things you wanted to? Or when your mind is consumed with things you want to write about, but then you just end up staring at a blank page for hours or constantly erasing what you just typed or wrote? I tend to have days like this a lot and do not know what to do about it. Do y’all have any advice? I may being feeling this way because I have not worked in several months and therefore I am not on any logical kind of schedule, which drives me crazy.

Life can sometimes feel more like a very long and nerve-wracking rollercoaster ride with many added sharp curves and free falls. The moment we think things are getting easier and it is safe to take a deep breath, we face another painful challenge. Sadly, I honestly feel like too much has taken place over the past four months or so and there doesn’t seem to be relief or improvement anytime soon.

I don’t think it would surprise anyone, but what we have witnessed recently has been heartbreaking and terrifying. The other situations that have made the news are things we have known to be hellacious issues for a long time, these mainly being inequality, racism, and pure hatred. Y’all know that I tend to blame negative things that happen on the president and even though things he says might fuel hate and racism, the issues wouldn’t be fueled if the people didn’t already feel a certain way to start with.

No one on the face of this earth has ever gone through a pandemic like the one we are seeing now with COVID-19. I do not even think anyone has thought of something this awful. COVID-19 has put fear in people around the world. Unlike some people in the world, COVID-19 does not discriminate and has affected people from all walks of life.

Even though I am viewing the world in different ways right now, not everything is horrible and stressful. Of course, the issues with the virus do cause me stress and sadness. I hate knowing some people that get this virus will lose their life and their family will have that pain to deal with. And even though I am a small-town girl that grew up in a state with no diversity and moved to a big city with LOTS of diversity when I was 19, racism will NEVER make sense to me. I have always believed that everyone was equal and deserved our respect. With people, the only thing that matters to me is how they treat others and the color of their skin, who they love, who they worship, or anything else that is different from my views does not matter.

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and reading some of the thoughts that have been racing through my mind for a while now. No pressure at all, but I would love to read your thoughts on this post! I promise to respond to all comments as quickly as possible! I hope you are having a good day so far and it continues to be pleasant. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Fanatic Organization

Good afternoon y’all! I hope you are having a great day and of course, you are staying safe! How many of you love spending time organizing? I have honestly been just a little obsessive about it, but I find it relaxing for some reason. I have tore one room apart, which includes the closet and have been reorganizing the entire area.

I have one pile of things that need to be thrown out and then the other piles I am putting like with like. At this moment, it looks like a tornado went through the room several times, but the end results will be great, clean, and extremely organized.

When y’all get the urge to organized and rearrange, do you have a process you use? It would be helpful to know what other’s do when they go through the insanity and desire to redo everything in one room, well for now it is just one room but that I am sure is going to change. I think it is possible I have had just way too much time feeling trapped in the house without being able to do much of anything. I guess the positive part of this is I will have everything look less cluttered. When things are cluttered and unorganized it makes me anxious, which is the last thing I need.

Even though I am taking at least half of the day organizing, I do still have a few posts that will be published soon. One is my second post about migraines and headaches, the other one is about how we need to just say “NO” to racism. I think that is a pretty good slogan to have, what do you think? Things have gotten a little out of control with so many people in 2020 still being racist. I strongly believe we should all be treated equally and with the respect we all deserve. I am not sure if this has gotten where it has because of some country leaders setting an example that it is okay or if it goes deeper than that. My opinion is and please forgive me our country leaders (President, Prime-ministers, Chancellors, and whatever else they are called) should set the example to treat others as they want to be treated. It seems many are followers and behave in the same manner they see powerful people behave and it is plain and simply WRONG!

I am sorry for my little rant, but this is something that bothers me greatly. I grew up in an area that wasn’t diverse at all, but after moving to a big city at 19 I learned a lot about people from different backgrounds and I am thankful for that! In my eyes, it doesn’t matter what people look like, who they love, who they worship, nothing matters but how they treat others.

Thank y’all for visiting my site and reading my half rant and other half about organization. I think the organizing part was a lot more positive, but everything matters! I hope you are having a good day and I look forward to reading about ways y’all organize rooms of your house. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

What do you think?

open americaWe have all heard the president of the United States and many of the southern states want to open. The president seems to think that if he can open the economy, it would be the best decision for the country. There have even been many protests throughout the country of reopen americapeople wanting to get back to work and they think allowing everything to open as normal they would be able to care for their families. Is it really a good idea to open everything up as it was before COVID-19, even when the number of new cases and fatalities isn’t slowing down?download

It is just my personal opinion if states are to open before we have the proper number of tests available to everyone and the numbers only continue to raise it gives a false sense of security. When we are given a false sense of security in a matter of months there will be a massive number of new cases and even more deaths.

schools closedOne good thing I did read today was that all schools in South Carolina will not reopen until the fall. At least children will not be going to school where they can interact with other kids that may be infected with COVID-19. Children being around others that have the virus would only increase the risks of parents and grandparents becoming infected as well and for the grandparents, it is very risky.

If y’all have been following the news you have seen how many innocent people lost theirdeaths lives because of the virus. At the beginning of this pandemic, we were told that the elderly were at higher risk of the virus taking their life, but that was not true. Unfortunately, there have also been many young healthy people that lost their lives as well. It is very clear and sad that this virus can end the life of anyone. I guess you can say the virus does not discriminate.

Even though some states are lifting some restrictions, I think it would be wise if everyone maintains social distancing. I also think it would be better if everyone continued to wear masks when going out of theblog_lat_hed_trump_relents safety of your home. I know uncomfortable wearing a mask can be, but isn’t it better to be uncomfortable and alive?

I know I kind of went off on a rant about COVID-19, but what do you think about everything we have been dealing with for many weeks now? Do you think opening the country up is a good idea? What do you think is more important the lives of human beings or the economy? I am sure you human livescan guess that I think human life is way more important than the economy. I mean the economy won’t do well if people continue to die, right?

Thank you for visiting my site today. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on what I have written. We are all entitled to our opinions, so I promise to not be offended if you disagree with me and would love to understand your thoughte1b42322fdc0e8b1ce26fecadd51a421 processes. I hope your week is going well so far and you are feeling the best you can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤