Motivational Monday!

images (2)Good morning y’all! I hope you had a nice weekend and you are ready to celebrate the New Year! Even though I am sure this is a short week for many of us, we still need a little motivation. Plus, if you are thinking like I am, the new year came way too fast! I hope you enjoy this simple but powerful quote I am sharing with y’all today!!keep going

Thank y’all for all the support you have given me over this last year. I have enjoyed getting to know y’all and building some incredible friendships! I hope you have a lovely Monday and a very Happy New Year!New-Year-Status-2019 I hope this New Year will bring y’all nothing but LOTS of joy and happiness! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS  of ❤love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

New Year’s Already!

alreadyOnce again, another year has passed by and we are left wondering what the New Year will hold for us all. I remember around this same time one year ago, I was so excited for 2017 to end holding onto the hopes that 2018 would be a better year. Honestly 2017 was a pretty miserable and disastrous year for me. It almost seems like anything that could go wrong, did go wrong! Going into a new year with high and positive hopes has paid off way more than I thought it ever could. I will say that several good things happened towards the end of 2018 for myself and my husband!

As I already said 2017 was a crazy year full of absolutely nothing but stress and let downs. If I am being completely honest with y’all, 2018 started off the same exact way images (2)2017 ended, but towards the end of the year started looking up. It wasn’t until September I was able to find a new job in the city we were moving to and able to quit the job that caused me SO MUCH misery! My husband and I had started trying to make plans to move years ago, but nothing aligned the way we needed them to, so we pushed the plans of moving back a little while. After searching for so many months for a job in the new city, I received a few phone calls, but they were not meant for me. Right as I was ready to give up and lower my standards, the perfect job came through for me. As soon as I received the offer, I gladly gave my notice and scheduled our official move for 3 days after my last day at my previous job! It amazes me how well things can work out when you least expect them to. It sometimes seems that when we think nothing in life is going to go right, the stars align and life starts on a new journey of happiness.

If I asked you to compare 2017 and 2018, did anything change in your life for the good or MovingForwardbad? Moving forward into 2019, are there any changes you would like to make? I often believe that setting New Year’s Resolutions are a typical and very common way to set ourselves up for disappointments, frustration and unneeded stress. Many people make plans for huge life changes like diets, quitting drinking or smoking and feel so much pressure they end up giving up. Truthfully, I can’t think of the last time I actually made a New Year’s resolution, but instead try to make changes throughout the year as I see fit. How do y’all feel about setting New Year’s Resolutions?

How has your year been and are you ready for a fresh start with a new year? Do you happy-quotes-0001-3-4think there will be some positive changes in 2019 or will everything stay the way it is? I just hope that there will start to be FAR LESS HATE and MUCH MORE❤ LOVE for all. I think y’all already know this about me from previous posts, but I have NO room for hate and evil judgments in my life. It is almost 2019 and I think it is far past the time to look at everyone, no matter race, color, sexual origin, religious beliefs or ethnicity as equals! I have already said this a few times, but we are all just humans with a heart ❤(there is a chance some are missing a heart, but I won’t mention him by name!) Kind of just joking!

I hope y’all are doing well and you are having a great weekend! I am looking forward to reading your fabulous comments on this post. I know it might have been a little all over the place, but hopefully it made sense! I am really looking forward to continue blogging as much as I can and I do promise there will be a Motivational Monday tomorrow! Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


uess-what-its-friday-eve-chankscats-happy-friday-eve-guys-17457852I am so sorry for the delay on my Pick-Me-Up-Thursday quote. I think the holiday has me a little behind on what day it is! I hope y’all are doing well and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 

I find the quote I am sharing with y’all today incredibly true. Life gets so complicated and living with a chronic illness  can add to the difficulties. I have promised myself for years to never give up, as y’all already know that is the only way we can really fail! I hope you find this quote helpful and it adds a little ❤ inspiration to your day!inspirational-encouragement-quotes

❤My husband and I were able to spend time with his side of the family on Tuesday and my mother and step-father were able to come spend time with us yesterday and see our new home. ❤It was great to be able to see everyone that we ❤ love and reconnect! Y’all already know that I live with Multiple Sclerosis, but my dear sweet step father has to live withfamily is everything Parkinson’s disease. I know it isn’t easy for my step father and I do my best to add some light and encouragement to his life. I do know that MS and Parkinson’s are very different, but I try to explain to him every time I see or speak to him just how I have managed for 19 years with MS, which seems to help temporarily!

It doesn’t really matter what chronic illness someone is living with, all of us need to find encouragement ❤ and inspiration whenever and Princess-quote-helen-kellerwherever possible. I am able to find relaxation and happiness with writing and crocheting, but sadly my step father’s hobby was building model airplanes, which due to his condition he finds too difficult. When he told us yesterday he can’t do his hobby anymore because his hands shake too much, it broke my heart. I tried telling him that it doesn’t matter how quickly he builds the planes, but he could build them slowly and take breaks whenever he needed to. I am hoping he will actually listen and NOT give up on something that einstein-on-lifemakes him happy.

I hope y’all are feeling well and you are able to enjoy the weekend that is coming. We have another holiday we can enjoy and hopefully 2019 will be a great year! 2018 went by so damn fast and was a bit of a struggle, so maybe this new year will slow down and bring all of us LOTS of happiness and amazing times! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

Good morning christmas eveGood morning & Merry Christmas Eve y’all! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend and you are ready for Christmas tomorrow! This is a time to enjoy and appreciate family, but also share love ❤ and kindness with others. Sadly, there are many out there that will not wake up tomorrow with a Christmas tree  with gifts under it or even with a roof over their heads. These situations make me sad on an ordinary day, but for the Christmas season brings me even more sadness. I wish there was a way I could wave a magic wand and there wouldn’t be anyone struggling in the world❤❤.

The quote I would like to share with you on Christmas Eve means a lot to me and I hope you find true meaning to it.


Thank you for stopping by my site today! I hope you enjoyed the quote I have shared and I do look forward to reading your thoughts! I hope you have a wonderful day and you are enjoying time with your family!! Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love❤, comfort and many positive vibes! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Holidays Approaching!

enhanced-buzz-31796-1387830656-36-600x450I still can’t believe that December is coming to an end so soon and the holidays are quickly approaching us. I know this year has been pretty busy for me and there have been many changes, but it seems like we just celebrated the start of 2018 last week. Where did the year go?

I do think many people look forward to the holiday seasons because it gives an amazing opportunity to spend time with ❤ family and possibly friends, relax a lot more, enjoy life a477x246_holidays_closedjpg little and of course the time off from work is pretty fabulous! My office is actually closed the entire week of Christmas and doesn’t reopen until January 2, 2019! I have never experienced such generous time off from an employer for the holidays before and I must say I absolutely ❤  LOVE❤ it!

I realize on the other hand there are many people who dread the holiday season for their own personal reasons. Even though it has been many years now, there are some loses 3 snowflakes with namesthat still feel very fresh years later for myself and my family. It has been nine years since my husband’s dearly loved ❤ grandfather passed away, five years since my ❤ grandfather who I idolized passed away and four years since my husband’s loving ❤ grandmother passed away. Those that have passed away will live on in our hearts ❤ and souls for an eternity. Not only will we miss them with every breath we take, but 872989bc7fbe00c87e1318785e86011ewe will always stand true to honor their memories of ❤ love, courage, compassion and inspiration for as long as we possibly can. I know that I am not alone when I say this, but I would give anything to have just one more minute with any or all of these loving souls. The joy that would be felt from hearing their voices or a simple hug one last time would be priceless and cherished. 

I do think it is natural to remember those we lost even deeper around the holidays, butremember those in Heaven we should all also still remember to rejoice with the family we are still able to spend these days with. The funny thing is, we do not get to choose our family because they are just given to us and we must learn to accept them with their amazing qualities and even their flaws. I mean seriously, no one is perfect and we all have our own faults that may drive other crazy, so we really can’t judge another for similar situations!

Life is way too short to allow for any silly little altercations to break families apart, but sadly I do believe this happens far too often. I can admit that I have held onto hostility and anger with some in my own family for much too long. With the harsh realities that they won’t be here forever makes me try letting go of those unpleasant feelings and find neutralwhere there is love grounds. I know I have said this before regarding other issues, but we are all different and have our own uniqueness to us. I guess I believe that all of our unique behaviors and outlooks are what makes us special and like no other!

There are many wonderful things we experience with the holidays, but it tends to make me a little sad. I miss those that are not with us anymore, but I do appreciate the family I have with me still. The way I am able to make it through the holidays with limited tears is I always have to continue reminding myself that those we have lost and still with us in heart, mind and spirit and that they are not living with pain any longer.

Every year I always feel that Christmas has lost its true meaning. The stores are always full of shoppers spending money Christman is morethey might not have and buying products just because they are a hot commodity.  I feel that Christmas should be more about family and less about buying gifts! There are no gifts that can take the place of our loved ones. There are way too many people who struggle just to put food on the table and have a roof over their heads, while others rush the stores. In my job now I hear really sad stories that break my heart. Just yesterday we were working with a single mother that was going to be homeless today. Myself and two of my co-workers, one of which being my boss,  were trying to find a place that could offer her a roof over their heads and shockingly most were already full and might not be able to help until mid January. I was so sad for her and her 6-year-old child to suffer like this so close to Christmas. Thankfully, we did find an extended stay for them to go to, but I was still shaken by this. This poor little girl will wake up Christmas morning not expecting gifts under the tree, but wanting a bed to sleep in and food to eat.

Thank you so much for visiting my site today! I know this post was little longer than what I normally post, but the holidays get me a little emotional. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts and I do promise to respond as quickly as I can! I hope you are feeling well and your weekend has started off wonderful. Please know that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


P.S I was trying something new with the link below and have no idea if this will work or not. Once you read this post, please let me know if this link actually showed or if I did something wrong with it!


//” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”><iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//®ion=US&placement=B00Y2CQRZY&asins=B00Y2CQRZY&linkId=ca976f9a503805fde0768d14a242da05&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=true&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=ffffff”>


friday eve 1Good morning y’all! I hope you have had a great week so far and you are prepared for the upcoming holidays. This time of year can be very busy, so I hope you are taking time to rest so you can enjoy yourself. I am extremely excited because my office actually closes all next week and doesn’t open again until the day after New Year’s Day!

Even though the week is almost over, I always feel like we could all use a little pick-me-up to make it just one last day of the week. The quote I am sharing with y’all today in my opinion is very uplifting and I do hope y’all find that as well!keep-smiling-because-life-a-beautiful-thing.jpg

I think y’all probably know me by now and I do feel like a smile can go along way. Life gets difficult sometimes and we never know what others are going through, so maybe offering a simple smile to others will actually bring them joy. I am looking forward to reading what you think about this quote!bfa0ee13a5cbf740e7fe43df086ccd04

Thank y’all so much for visiting my site today and always patiently waiting for me to write another heartfelt post. Working full-time and having the energy to write something with feelings isn’t easy, but I am getting there. I hope y’all have a wonderful day and I hope you are feeling the best you possibly can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

train your mindGood morning y’all! I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend! Last week was a little crazy with the nasty weather, but the sunshine☀ on Sunday made up for the ice/snow days❄! Even though Saturday wasn’t all that sunny, it also wasn’t that chilly!

Are you ready to start the new week? There are so many wonderful things out there waiting for us, we just need to take charge of our lives sometimes! Change can be an amazing opportunity because I do not feel like we can grow without having some change in life. The quote I am sharing with you today really resonates with me. I do hope you find some encouragement and strength within the words of this quote. john maxwell

Thank you so much for stopping by my site today! I am really looking forward to reading your brilliant thoughts regarding this quote! I hope you have a wonderful Monday and I do hope you are feeling well! Please know that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤







uess-what-its-friday-eve-chankscats-happy-friday-eve-guys-17457852.pngGood morning y’all! I hope you have had a good week and you are feeling well. This week has been a bit unusual for me because we had some nasty weather to start with. When they call for “snow” in the south, they really mean “ice”. Things finally started getting back to normal on Wednesday as the roads were clear of black ice! All this cold and wet weather has really made me feel SO much pain, but I kept moving forward with working! How was your week? Did y’all get any nasty cold weather?

Even though the weekend is going to still be cold and rainy, I am delighted it is almost here. I can sometimes tolerate the cold and rainy days when I do not have to leave the house, but I still wish we would see some sunshine! With all that said, I think a little pick-me-up would be a great way to start the day! I hope you enjoy this quote as with all the pain I have been in, it really resonates with me!abd2080311b869370bd7d4ebdc8b4666-1

I want y’all to know that I have been trying to work on a couple of blog posts, but with the full-time hours I tend to be too tired at the end of the day to complete them. I also haveSG-Header two blogger awards that I want to complete this weekend, so stay tune and I promise something great will be coming out!

I appreciate y’all stopping by my site this morning and I do look forward to reading your thoughts on this quote. I hope y’all have a lovely day and you feel the best you possibly can. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday 2Good morning y’all! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to do those things that bring you the most joy! My weekend was spent inside the house because of the absolutely nasty weather we had! Saturday was very cold and rainy, which turned into a wintry mix of snow and freezing rain. Thankfully we didn’t lose power as some people living close to us did. It seriously looks like a winter wonderland, but this is the south so this isn’t common!

Considering my weekend was pretty much held up inside due to weather, a motivational quote will be so helpful in getting my week started on the right foot. I hope you find this quote as meaningful as I do.failure builds character

I guess this kind of ties into my post from last week about the only true failure is giving up, which none of us will do! This nasty cold and wet weather makes me feel absolutely terrible with pain and fatigue! Hopefully the forecast will improve some and maybe we will see the sun! 

Thank you for visiting my site this morning. I am really looking forward to reading your comments as I know they will be just as amazing as you are! I hope you have a good day and you are feeling the best you can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤ love, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤


happy-thursday-wishing-you-all-a-happy-friday-eve-x (1)Good morning y’all! I hope you have had a wonderful week and you are feeling the best you possibly can. How was your week? My week has actually been pretty good. I am still learning more about my new position and have even more tasks that are being assigned to me almost daily. It makes me feel rather good that my boss and co-workers have enough faith and trust in me to give me new more to do!

Even though I do love ❤ my new job, I am still so glad the weekend is almost here. I enjoy weekends where I do not have anything that HAS to be done and I do not have to get upcat-relax early! I honestly never really sleep late, but not being required to wake up is a great feeling! Do y’all have any weekend plans or are you just going to be spontaneous? Spontaneity is a glorious thing and can be very relaxing! I am glad that I will have a couple of days to work on the blanket I am crocheting and clean house! Who is ever happy to have time to clean? 

Even if you have had an amazing week, I do still think a little pick-me-up helps make it one more day! Do you find the pick-me-up’s helpful? I was just curious if the Motivational Monday and Pick-Me-Up Thursday’s was beneficial to you. Personally, I find the quote I am sharing with y’all today very true, but look forward to reading your thoughts, because your opinions are fantastic!quotes-about-rest-and-relaxation-life-is-like-a-roller-coaster-live-it-be-happy-enjoy-life-funny-quotes-rest-relaxation

The reason I find this so true is because living with any chronic illness almost feels like we are on a roller coaster ride and we just have find ways to handle it the best we can. I do believe all of us may have difficult times, but we manage to succeed because of our strength! 

Thank you so much for stopping by my site today! I hope you have a wonderful day and truly hope you are feeling well. I am looking forward to reading what you think of this quote and your thoughts about the quotes I share twice a week. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes. 

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa ❤