Thoughtful Tuesday

Stay Strong

Optimistic Tuesday

Thoughts of Life Tuesday

Be Kind Tuesday

Stay True Tuesday!

Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday is NOT so bad!

Another Monday has come and gone, and we managed to survive it😊! Has your week started well? Somethings do not change, and the days keep going by. Of course, there might always be some stress, but I hope it is a limited amount and it does not become too overwhelming. Most of the time, the things we think are stressful and upsetting are not as bad as we think. I know it does not seem like that at the time, but if you think about each situation with a clear and rational mind, you will see “most” things are not that terrible. I guess I try to view things with the respect that someone else is always going through something much worse. Of course, this was one of many valuable lessons that I learned from my late grandfather.

Although we have made it through what some think is the hardest day of the week, we do have a few more days until we reach the weekend. My week is going to be a little shorter because I am working a half day on Thursday, and I am off on Friday for another doctor’s appointment. This appointment is just a follow-up with my pain doctor, and all these appointments go the same way. The most challenging part is the drive because the interstate is a mess. On Thursday, we are going to see the band that might husband proposed on stage with, in concert, and I have been looking forward to this for several months.

We must find ways to stay positive and calm through anything we might experience during the week. I have always believed that there is real strength in the power of the mind. If one can try to believe things are going to go well, good things may happen more frequently. Unfortunately, we have the power to think negative outcomes into our reality, and we will experience more negativity in life. But, on the opposite side, we can believe in positive outcomes in this reality and live fulfilled and favorable lives. I know things are not always going to be positive and bad things can and will happen, but if we can try to lean heavier on the positive things, maybe they will happen more often! It cannot hurt to at least try😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found enjoyment in what I have shared, and the quote provided you with some peace, and strength. I know life is not always going to be perfect, and go the way we want, but having an optimistic outlook can go a long way. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

It Is Going To Be A Good Day

Happy Tuesday, y’all! What is something good about Tuesday? It means we made it through the first day of the week, so it cannot be that bad! I know we are only one day into the week, but how is your week going so far? Something that I have noticed is, some too many people complain. In the bigger picture, the things they are complaining about do not matter. Nothing good comes from complaining, so why do people do it? I might be wrong, but I think some people are begging for attention, which does not make sense to me. The only attention people will get, if any, is negative attention.

During the days, we may experience negative and upsetting things, but we have the power to overcome them. At the end of the day, what truly matters to you? Whatever you experience during your day that gets you down, remember everything that matters the most. Of course, we have all gone through painful losses, but our loved ones will always live on in our hearts, and we should continue doing what they would want us to. It is so important to hold onto your values and never forget them.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and that the quote resonates with you. I believe strongly in those four words, and will continue keeping them in my mind during this week, and after. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa