Tests in Life

Stay True Tuesday

Midweek Thoughts

It Is Going To Be A Good Day

Happy Tuesday, y’all! What is something good about Tuesday? It means we made it through the first day of the week, so it cannot be that bad! I know we are only one day into the week, but how is your week going so far? Something that I have noticed is, some too many people complain. In the bigger picture, the things they are complaining about do not matter. Nothing good comes from complaining, so why do people do it? I might be wrong, but I think some people are begging for attention, which does not make sense to me. The only attention people will get, if any, is negative attention.

During the days, we may experience negative and upsetting things, but we have the power to overcome them. At the end of the day, what truly matters to you? Whatever you experience during your day that gets you down, remember everything that matters the most. Of course, we have all gone through painful losses, but our loved ones will always live on in our hearts, and we should continue doing what they would want us to. It is so important to hold onto your values and never forget them.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and that the quote resonates with you. I believe strongly in those four words, and will continue keeping them in my mind during this week, and after. I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let’s Be Honest

Happy Saturday, y’all! After a long and frustrating week, how do you want to spend your weekend? With today being the first day of the weekend, all I wanted to do was sleep in, but that did not happen. It was not just the way things typically go by waking up at the same time I normally do, and was much worst than that. For the past two days, the pain in my legs and feet has been at a miserable high. I have not been able to get comfortable and sleep well, which makes me feel abnormally tired and irritated. I know things could be far worse, but Multiple Sclerosis often feels like a punishment for something I did in life, and no matter how many times I apologize, it does not end! I guess it would help if I knew what the punishment was for.

I think our lives are nothing more than a series of events that help to shape us and build our strength. I am not sure who said that we are not given more than we can handle because I think they may have been incorrect or overly optimistic. Of course, for the most part, all the challenges we face in life do not kill us, and maybe they make us stronger, but when does it end? When have we endured enough struggles and hardships, and can have even one day that is easy? I know we were never promised an easy life, but I think we should be able to have a short break from pain and struggles!

Do you feel you always have to be strong? Do you feel you must stay optimistic because if you do not, that would mean you are weak? Do you always have an authentic smile on your face, or is that smile often fake? Why should we have to pretend we are okay when we are crying on the inside? I think that it should be okay to not be okay all of the time, this does not make someone weak, but stronger. Admitting we are in pain and need a little help makes us human. We all try to pretend everything is okay and that life is perfect, but if we were being honest with ourselves and everyone else, we would admit we are perfectly imperfect humans, and that should be okay!

Thank you for visiting my site today. While this is not the most positive post I have done, and I do apologize for that, I am being honest. When someone is in excruciating pain and they understand it may not end, why is it not acceptable to just admit it? Accepting something unpleasant in life is the first step, and you can only go up from that point on. I hope you enjoyed this post, and it may have resonated with how you are feeling. Please understand, even though it may seem like it, you are not alone. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

First Post of 2023

Another year has come to an end and the new year has begun. During the past several years, we have all experienced many challenges and 2022 was no different or an exception to the vast amounts of challenges. There is no point in dwelling on the things that went wrong or could have and should have gone better, instead, we must remember the valuable lessons that were learned. Now is a time to think about what we want this new year to contain and how we are going to make changes happen to make 2023 a great year. We must consider ways to make the changes that are needed in life and understand the reasons why change is necessary.

We have, unfortunately, all seen many negative things take place over the past several years and none of them helped us to evolve. Too many people have spent many years devolving to levels they are shameful. I cannot understand why so many are living as we did in the early 1900s when people were not treated equally and there were ignorant judgments about the way people lived their life. I will never understand why people are so scared of what they do not understand and banish the ways others are living when it is not causing anyone any harm.

There were many years when anytime we turned on the news, we saw political leaders criticizing others and spreading hatred as far as they could. The ones that valued these political leaders’ opinions and thoughts carried on with so much hate in their hearts. Why is it so difficult for people to think for themselves and stand alone if they disagree with others? I would rather stand alone in the middle of an empty space if it meant I was standing up for what I believed in and had a strong hold on my morals.

I have mentioned before that I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions but would prefer to make good new habits. I think it is so important to treat others with kindness and respect. It does not matter if I understand how they are living their life because it does not cause me any harm. I have noticed during the past few years that honesty and love are not practiced or known. I feel that honesty and love almost go hand in hand because you cannot love if you are not being honest. How can anyone say they love another person if they are not being truthful with that person?

For 2023, I want to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and begin to trust my instincts. I want to find ways to remove the people that have a habit of disappointing me or causing me emotional pain because life is too short to deal with constant disappointments. I also want to continue treating others with kindness and respect and hopefully help others to do the same. I do know it is impossible to change others, but I do have the power to change how I allow the negativity to affect my mental health.

Did you do anything special to celebrate the New Year? My husband and I normally just spend the New Year at home because it is safer, which is what we did last night as well. Unfortunately, we were both still not feeling well because of the 2nd COVID booster we got on Friday morning. I remember after the 1st COVID booster I felt awful for several days, so I did expect the same with the 2nd booster. Is it not crazy to get something for protection against a deadly virus, but it makes you feel terrible for days? I would rather feel awful for a few days at home than be in a hospital fighting for my life. I am hoping today will be the last day of feeling bad, but we will see😊!

Now that we are in 2023, do you have any goals for the new year? How do you plan to accomplish your goals? I hope you know that you do have the strength and power to reach any of your goals! Was there anything in 2022 that you wish never happened, but did the experiences teach you any important lessons? How can you use these lessons to better your life and the new year?

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading my first post for 2023. I hope your New Year’s celebration was wonderful and safe! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Do you believe in Magic?

When we were children, many of us thought magic was real and magicians may have become our heroes. We were astonished by the mesmerizing shows and may have been so impressed we wanted to be a magician when we were older. The fascination for magic may lessen as we age, but it still piques our curiosity. The magic tricks such as sawing someone in half or making someone disappear never seemed possible. To this day I still have not discovered the way the magicians perform these acts, but I have read many trickeries that are making them appear real and flawless.

Do you believe in magic? There are only a couple of things I believe are truly magical. One thing in life I feel is magical is love. Not everyone in the world feels how impactful and precious love is, so I think those who do can feel that magic love holds. Real love is powerful and encompasses completely. Love can be felt for family, friends, significant others, pets, etc. Those that experience the magic of love know it cannot dissolve or be broken and it is pure. True love is more than a physical attraction, but also includes commitment, trust, loyalty, and honesty. Not only do I think love is magical, but it is also a gift that we should all treasure and value.

The other thing that I believe is purely magical is music. This is something someone else puts a great deal of time, thought, skill, and emotion into so we can listen to their creativity anywhere we choose. Music can make us feel happy and sad because of the emotions that are put into the songs. It amazes me how perfectly the lyrics are written and fit so well with the instrumental parts. Each part of each song is pieced together flawlessly and incredibly beautiful. For so many, music fills their life with purpose and for others, it is their entire life to the point that without music, their life would not be worth living. For others, they need music to make it through long days at work because it fills them with joy!

Another thing I think is magical is acts of kindness because it seems like these acts are so limited, so when they happen it feels like a miracle has occurred. Unfortunately, it seems like so many people are overly consumed with their own lives to the point that no one else is not as important. Too many people have completely lost their ability to be understanding and compassionate toward others, which is a tragic issue. Whatever happened to being nice and caring? This should not have to be viewed as magic to have people behave kindly.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to reading your comments. I am interested to know your views about magic and what exactly you think magic is. Thankfully, we are halfway through this week, so the weekend will return soon! We have survived the first part of the week, so I am hopeful the last part will be easy and go by quickly. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Appointment Update and other thoughts

I was unusually nervous about my appointment today with the Neurologist. I always worry they are going to give me the bad news and that the MS is progressing. It is always something that weighs on my mind and remains in the back of my mind. I know it is irrational, but it is a concern that I live with. Thankfully, the appointment went well, and the PA does not think the MS is progressing. She understands that the issues I am experiencing are worse than they have been, but it is something we will be working on. There is another medication she would like for me to try to help the neuropathy pain, but I am not sure I am completely comfortable with it. She also mentioned a therapy that might help with the increased dizziness I have been dealing with as well.

The medication the PA would like for me to try for Neuropathy issues is Lyrica. If anyone reading this has tried this medication, please let me know how it worked for you and if it is worth trying or if I should not bother. I am a little nervous to try different medications and other neurologists have recommended this before, but I refused. Yes, I know I am stubborn and sometimes we must take chances.  I would love to read your opinions on this!

I know the reason I did not sleep well last night is that my nerves were out of control. Crazy how being nervous about a simple appointment can keep you up at night or just not allow for a decent night’s sleep. Of course, I did wake up before the alarm went off, but I did wake up to good news! I do not live in the state of Georgia, but I was focused on the senate run-off election in the state. I was not and never will be a supporter of Herschel Walker because every word that came out of his mouth was a lie. Please excuse me for my next comment, but I did not think someone could lie more than the former President, but Herschel Walker proved me wrong on that!

I am not foolish enough to think any politician is honest, but to hear Herschel Walker speak his lies was offensive and a complete disgrace to the American people. I know how controversial abortion is and everyone has an opinion, but if you have already paid for several, you are obviously not against it. It is hard for me to support any politician because I think honesty is important, but it seems to be a lost personality trait in way too many people. Sometimes it might be hard to be truthful about things and it takes a strong person to overcome this, but it is critical to be truthful!

Is it just me or does it seem like people have lost the ability to be understanding and kind to others? This is something that bothers me tremendously because I feel that people should always be kind to one another. It does not matter if we agree with each other because we are never going to always agree with everything another person does. We are “supposed” to be living in a free country, which to me means we are entitled to our opinions. I know that I am firm in my beliefs and will not allow anyone to change my mind, but I also do not try to change how someone else feels.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared, and I do look forward to reading your comments. I will also appreciate any thoughts you may have about Lyrica. I hope you are having a good day and your afternoon is amazing! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Promises are a commitment

Promises no matter how big, small, insignificant, or even who it was made with, should be valued and sacred. When we make a promise, we should strive to uphold and honor whatever we promised. A promise does not always have to be with another person. There have been numerous times in my life I made a promise to myself and even though they may not understand, I have made promises to my cats😊! Unfortunately, many people make empty promises, but maybe they have forgotten what a promise is and what can happen when a promise is broken. Through the rest of this post, I will discuss the true meaning of a promise, what broken promises cause, and what all of this means to me.

If you Google what a promise means it shows the meaning as a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing, or a particular thing will happen. I think our promises are giving our word to another and our word is our bond. It has been suggested that people with strong relationships have higher emotional intelligence and tend to be more likely to stay loyal and true to their commitments. Whether the commitment made is to yourself or someone else, making a promise is a commitment that you will keep your word. It is within commitment that reinforces and solidifies trust.

Breaking a promise can result in an abrupt breakdown of trust. A broken promise can be felt as betrayal and disrespect. Not only does breaking a promise disappoint other people, but it can damage your self-esteem. This can tarnish friendships, destroy marriages, and undermine businesses. Failure to keep your promise leads to declines in personal and professional relationships, creates emotional conflicts, you lose honesty, and your relationships are poisoned with doubts and skepticism. There may be lasting anger towards the one that broke their promise and feelings of shame for trusting the person in the first place.

Relationships are built on trust, so before you make any promises make sure so with the intention of keeping the promise. Trust is not easy to build, and it takes time, but it can be lost in less than a second when there is any betrayal involved. I am doing this post because I have learned through the years who I can count on and who will never let me down, but at the same time, I have learned who does not deserve another second chance. One thing that has helped me is to have low expectations for anyone that has a history of letting me down so that I am not disappointed by the same person over and over again.

We have almost made it through this week with today being Friday eve. I will never know how we made it through this painfully long week, but we almost have. Of course, we all are happy that tomorrow is Friday and then we have the weekend to look forward to, which maybe we have plans or maybe our plans are to just rest and recuperate from the week😊, either way, we are strong, and powerful. I think it is important to remind people of this because it can be easy to forget. I hope this post was beneficial to you and helped you to understand the importance of trust and commitment because those are things no one can take away from us.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope your week has been great and you are looking forward to the weekend. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Remember to stand up for what you believe in and be true to who you are😊! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, support, comfort, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Three Important Traits

I think three of the most important traits we “should” have as good human beings go hand in hand. The traits I think are the most important and required in life are truth, honesty, and loyalty. Of course, this is just my opinion, but I do believe you cannot have one of these traits without the others because they are firmly linked together. I know it seems obvious what these traits mean, but I am going to explain what each of them means. I am also aware that it seems that truth and honesty are the same, but there is a difference.

What does truth mean to you? For me, truth means saying what is a fact beyond a shadow of a doubt. According to the dictionary, truth can mean one of two things. One is that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Second, is a fact or belief that is accepted as true. Clearly, truth means speaking only what is real and absolute fact!

When you hear the word honestly, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Honesty to me means being truthful, fair, and loyal. According to the dictionary, honesty means the quality or fact of being honest, truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness with freedom of deceit or fraud. Over the past few years, we have witnessed too many lies from people running the country, which are the ones we “should” be able to truth. No matter who they are, once someone lies and deceives our trust, it can take years if ever to truth the person again. The only thing that can be accomplished with lies is hurt and severe emotional pain.

Without truth and honesty, can someone truly be loyal? What does loyalty mean to you? For me, loyalty is to be supportive, honest, truthful, and to always stand by your morals. It does not matter if you are married, in a relationship, or single, you should always stand by your significant other or family. We do not always need to agree with our partners, but we should always be honorable, faithful, and honest. According to the dictionary, loyalty means strong feelings or allegiance.

Now that the definitions have been explained, do you think you can have one without the others? What makes you feel the way you do about loyalty? As I have already said, I do not think you can have one of these traits without having the others. If someone is not truthful and honest, how can they be loyal? If we have morals, that we believe in strongly, we are probably honest, truthful, and loyal, but everyone is different, therefore their morals are unique.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I am looking forward to reading your comments and your views on these traits. We all have the right to our own opinions, and I think it is important to try understanding other people’s views. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa