Last Day of February!

Upside-Down-Cat-Wanted-To-Wish-You-A-Happy-WednesdayHappy Wednesday Y’all! I hope you are having a great week so far! It amazes me how fast time is flying by. I know February is a shorter month, but it seems like it just started and now today is the last day of the month.

I was so excited for 2018 and now we are two months into it, but it does not seem like anything has really changed. I was so hopeful for positive changes to occur, but unfortunately they have not happened yet. With that said, there are still 10  months remaining and hopefully those positive changes will occur.

I think I spent the last three months of 2017 dealing with a flare up and pain. Now, I have spent the first two months of 2018 struggling with pain as well, so there must be pain free months in my future, right? I will continue to stand strong and optimistic for the good times that are ahead! There is really no use dwelling on the hard times, but always look imagestowards the future! In time, positive thoughts will bring good fortune to our lives!

This blog has been a true blessing to me! I have always had a strong passion for writing and helping others. This blog has allowed me to achieve success with both of my passions and I am so thankful for that. I have had the amazing opportunity to meet and get to know SO many incredible people all over the world. I have had the chance to learn from others with chronic illnesses how they manage their conditions. I am truly honored for my followers and all the breathtaking communications we have had! 

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and I look forward to reading any comments you have! I do always try my best to respond as quickly as I can, as that does create the communication that I love! I truly hope y’all are feeling well and have a relaxing evening! Never forget that staying positive is a lot easier than living in the negative! As always, I am sending you lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Destiny, real or an illusion?

fateDestiny is also known as fate. Destiny is predetermined course of events or even a predetermined future. Do you believe anything can adjust what our fate is or it is just going to happen no matter what we do? I have always said that I believe everything happens for a reason and that our story was written before we were born and we are just playing the part. I do believe we have choices though and maybe some of our choices do alter what our future holds.

I think that the hand we were dealt in life, no matter how difficult it is, we are strong enough to handle it. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, all I could think was what in the world did I do so wrong to be plagued with this illness, but now I do not view it as a punishment. I am trying to view it more as an opportunity to do more to help others and see life in a different light. You can almost appreciate life more when you have something that is not curable yet and can actually affect your quality of life.

I feel that I met my husband purely out of fate. We were destined travel this journey of large (1)life together because we were truly meant to be. We understand each other more than most which is a great thing. He understands that the pain I live with causes me a terrible amount of fatigue making it so I do not have energy to do somethings. I also understand the pain that he has been inflicted with and that it causes him to need rest. Was it fate that two people who have chronic pain issues would meet, fall in love and get married? I tend to believe it was because some people would not be able to handle the restrictions pain causes in a daily life.

Let me ask you, do you believe in destiny or do you think it is just a perception of events? Do you think we have the ability to change the course of our lives by changing our actions or thoughts?

I want to thank y’all for stopping by my site today and I always appreciate your comments, which I do always respond to as quickly as I can! I hope y’all had a great Monday and I am wish y’all an amazing week! Always remember to do your best to stay positive and whatever does not get done today, there is always tomorrow so there is no need for extra stress. As always, I am sending you lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Invisible Illness?

chronic illness factI am so frequently hearing about invisible illnesses now. What does that really mean? Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes and Digestive Disorders are just a few illnesses that have been labeled as invisible illnesses. I have Multiple Sclerosis and yes, for the most part it is invisible because no one can see the pain or any other issues that I am dealing with. I do think the most frustrating things I hear are: “You do not look sick”, “Have you tried vitamins?” and the classic “There must be a cure for it.” I want to believe these comments and questions are not from ill intent, but from those that just do not understand. you don't look sick

Honestly, I think the reason why the label of “Invisible Illness” brings many questions to my mind is because most illnesses are invisible. Why does someone need to have skin rashes, walk with assistance of a cane or walker, require a wheelchair or be attached to an IV to be sick? There are many people out there that may be battling cancer, well that is not really seen. Or what about those that deal with Chronic Sinus problems which is also not seen. They may have a running nose or watery eyes, but no one pays attention to that.

We can even take this a step further! What about people who are HIV positive or even have AIDS? These illnesses are not normally seen unless there has been extensive progression, which may cause rashes, sores and or lesions. You could be walking through the mall and pass several people who suffer from HIV or AIDS and you would not know it because at that moment, it is invisible.

invisible illnessWhat about people who suffer from Migraines or Chronic neck and shoulder pain? Now for the most part this person may look and act completely normal, like they do not suffer from extricating pain several other days of the week, but the fact is they do suffer in pain! During the times when this person does not have a Migraine or shoulder and neck pain, this would in my opinion be an invisible illness, but please tell me if I am wrong.

I do not mean for anything I said to not show credence for our issues, but I would like to be able to acknowledge all the other illnesses that are not visible to the naked eye. I guess I just do not believe those that are dealing with Migraines or other pains should not be included into an invisible label. Statistics state that 2-3 million adults in the United States suffer from Chronic Migraines and 90% of them are forced to miss work because of this issue. As far as I know, Migraines are not in the invisible illness bubble but really should be. Migraines can be completely debilitating and just miserable!

I believe that there is a huge difference between sympathy and empathy. We never really know what another person is going through in their lives, so the best thing to do is always be kind to everyone! We may meet someone who has just been diagnosed with a chronic illness and they are completelyKind word devastated, so something we say to them can either make their day a little better or even worse! Kind words can go along way in another person’s life. I always ask myself when I am talking to a new person, do I want to be a positive in their lives and make them smile or do I just not care enough to make a difference? I always choose to try to make a positive difference in everyone life because everyone’s feelings matter to me!

I appreciate you taking the time to visit my site on this rainy Sunday! I hope y’all had an amazing weekend and I hope you are ready for the new week to start tomorrow. I really do treasure the comments you make and I do always try to respond as quickly as I possibly can. I hope you are able to spend the rest of your weekend comfortable and relaxed. I did not want to forget to mention, the picture at the top, “I Don’t Look Sick? You Don’t Look Stupid. Looks Can Be Deceiving!”, is on a t-shirt that I actually have! I think it is a pretty great shirt, but some would probably disagree! Sometimes you have to add a little bit of humor to a bad situation! As always I am sending you lots of love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Mystery Blogger Award!

mystery-blogger-award (1)

I would like to graciously thank Kim, at, for nominating me for this amazing award. Kim’s blog is absolutely incredible as she fights to remain positive while managing her MS and still taking excellent care of her two young children. I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to be able to get to know Kim better! I think it is safe to say, Kim and I are a lot alike in so many ways and have been able to offer one another some sound advice!

*So what are the rules?*

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • Answer the questions you were asked
  • Nominate 10 – 20 people & notify
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
  • Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me:

  1. I have an absolutely amazing and supportive husband
  2. My husband and I have 2 wonderful cats that offer so much love and therapy to our lives. I am definitely an animal person!
  3. I can literally go from 0 to 60 with stress in a matter of 2 seconds flat! I have been trying to handle it better, but so far have failed miserably!

My Answers to Kim’s Great Questions:

  1. What inspires you in life?

          I am inspired by positive people.

  1. Who is your role model?

          My role model in my life has and always will be my Grandfather. He was the most honest, fair, loving and amazing man ever!

  1. What’s your favourite past time?

          I have two favorite past times. I absolutely love to write and I love reading James Patterson’s books.

  1. Which country would you most like to visit? Why?

          I would really love to be able to visit Australia. All the pictures I have seen of Australia look so incredibly beautiful, plus there are so many animals in this country I would love to see in person. There are so many other countries I would love to visit because I want to see and experience the different cultures. I honestly would also love to travel Europe!

  1. If you could be any Marvel superhero who would you be and why?

          I think if I could be any Marvel superhero, I would be Rogue. I like that Rogue has the ability to remove the memories, strength and powers of anyone she touches. Seems kind of interesting to be able to simply touch someone else and they lose their memory and strength, leaving me with all of this!

My fantastic Nominees Are:

Maceybee at

Shelby Lyn at

Casey at

Marie at

Terri at

Heather at

Alex at

My 5 Questions for my Nominees:

  1. What is your main reason for starting your blog?
  2. If you had magic powers, what would they be and why?
  3. Would you rather have wings for fly high or fins to swim in the ocean?
  4. As of right now in your life, what was the happiest day you have had and why?
  5. What has been your biggest accomplishment as of now in life?

I think one of my best posts was the one I did in honor of my Grandfather’s birthday! The link for this post is below. I do however hope that there were more that have impacted y’all in a positive way!

Of course there is no pressure at all, but I do look forward to reading your answers. I have already loved being able to get to know y’all already, but this is just a little fun we can all have! I also feel strongly that each of you deserved this recognition for your amazing work! I sincerely appreciate all of your continued support for the posts that I share! This has been an incredible experience for me! I am always sending y’all love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Food For Thought!

foodforthoughtThis is just a little food for thought for everyone and I look forward to your responses! I know we all have our own conditions we are dealing with and they all cause various issues. We have learned to live with the pain, dizziness, numbness and numerous medications we are required to take, amongst many other difficulties. There are definitely days that are a lot more difficult to get through than others because we are frustrated with these troubles from our illness. I can only speak for myself, but when my multiple issues act up, I tend to take my frustrations out on my family members or really whoever is closest to me. Do y’all tend to lash out at those that are closest to you because you are aggravated with the medical issues?

One example I can speak to is, when my pain levels are through the roof I get a lot more irritated with the slightest of things. I will allow my pain to control my perception of what others are trying to do, even if they are just trying to help me or offer support. It can be so difficult to not allow for pain to control our emotions because sometimes you feel as though it will never go away!

I always wondered why we feel that it is okay to take our frustrations out on loved ones. I Frustrationguess maybe it is because most of our loved ones understand our struggles and therefore are more forgiving than others that do now know the circumstances would be. Or maybe I have it all wrong and not everyone takes their frustrations out on those closest to them and I am just mean when I am in pain. I do tend to have more of an attitude with my husband and my mother, but I never mean to be ugly to either of them. I also loss my temper a little more with my poor sweet and loving cats for reasons that are not at all logical. I may want them to just lie down and rest, but they have different ideas of what they want to do and I have learned controlling cat is almost impossible! In a logical frame of mind, I know that my husband, mother and cats are just acting out of love and they all want to make me feel better, so I truly feel bad for losing my temper with all of them from time to time!

So with all that said, please let me ask y’all a few quick questions! Do you find yourself taking your frustrations out on your loved ones? Does your significant other typically irritate you more when you are struggling with pain and or other issues? Do you tend to find parents more nagging or overbearing when you are suffering with your health issues? Or do you find it harder to be patient with your children and or pets when your health issues fare up? Oh and Heaven forbid you have to leave the house, do you find others a little Peacemore aggravating that you normally would?

I do try my best to remain quiet when I am dealing with pain, numbness and or headaches because I do not want to say something I know I will regret later. Again, maybe it is just me, but when I am suffering I would prefer to be left alone so that I can begin healing in my own ways. On normal days I do not like talking on the phone, so during these times I definitely have no interest in talking on the phone. I do not want to have to put on a  happy face or be polite and positive, I just want to be left in my own little negative bubble that will pop in time! My negative little bubble does not typically last an extended period of time, but it is my process of getting well! 

I want to thank y’all for visiting my site today and I really do look forward to reading your comments! I will respond to all comments as quickly as I possibly can! I hope y’all are enjoying this beautiful Saturday and doing what you want to do! The weather does not seem to corporate for long so we have to enjoy it when the sun is actually shinning down on us! Sending you love and comfort always!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Pain & Headaches Galore!

weekend1I hope y’all have had a great week and you are looking forward to a beautiful weekend! I have been a little absent for the past few days because I have been dealing with terrible headaches and pain. All these headaches and pain have caused me a lot of nausea and an inability to keep food down. This is the third day of these issues, but I am finally able to keep food down, well so far!

I think the most obnoxious question when I am suffering from a headache or pain is, “What do you think is causing this?” If I knew what was causing my headaches, I promise I would do anything to make them go away. The only thing I can say that helps my headaches is an ice pack and a dark quiet room. It sounds so crazy that I will use a heating pad for my back pain and an ice pack for my headaches, but it works for the most part. I know when people ask the question, “What do you think is causing this?”, they are trying to help and they mean well, but I am unfortunately never going to know what causes my headaches or pain, it is just the way things happen.

I do know that stress and weather can add to the headaches and pain. I do suffer from sinus-pressure-314x225sinus issues, but I take sinus medicine for that, it just does not seem to work as well as I would like it to. As for weather, it has been all over the place lately! It is February for God sakes and in the 80’s which is causing trees and flowers to bloom adding to the sinus troubles. It seems like we completely skipped over winter this year and just went straight from fall to spring. There was a few weeks that could be considered winter, but it came and went so fast it was hardly noticed. I mean, my body does not adjust well to temperature changes so I did notice it some. During the few weeks that were considered winter temperatures were low in the 30’s, but as soon as I adjusted to those temperatures it spiked back to the 60’s. There were days with low temperatures and then the next day would be much higher. How in the world can anyone be expected to adjust to the weather when it is constantly changing?

This is a bad time for me to be going through all these headaches and additional pain because my poor husband is dealing with some terrible tooth pain. I can not expect for him to take care of me right now when he is suffering so horribly, but he has been doing a pretty good job! Despite the pain he is going through, he is constantly making sure I have everything I need to be comfortable. We work pretty well together because we both understand pain and headaches way too much!

every-day-may-not-be-good-but-theres-something-good-in-every-day-8I can only hope that my pain and headaches will start to ease up soon so I can actually function right! I have not been able to work for the past three days because of all this, which is causing me even more stress as they are all unpaid days! After resting for the past few days and having the weekend, maybe things will improve and be much better next week. This is just an issue some of us run into and it is so important to just keep trying and hoping for better days ahead!

I hope y’all have a great weekend and enjoy every moment of it! Y’all know I love to see your comments and I do always respond to them as quickly as I can! Remember to always try to stay positive in life because no matter what is going on, there will be good days ahead! Also, I did a guest blog for a fantastic person this week. If you have not already been able to visit Grace’s blog, please check it out because she is pretty fantastic and you will also be able to see the post I did for the newly diagnosed. Her site is, Sending you lots of love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Gloomy foggy start!

foggyThis morning was so incredibly foggy, I could not even see a few inches in front of me. There is something a little eerie when you wake up to a thick layer of fog outside your window. Driving to work in this massive fog was a little scary, only because not everyone drives with the right amount of caution. In additional to the towering fog, there was an intense threat of rain! Rain and dreary weather adds even more pain to what I have already been dealing with.

The weather has been so crazy lately! It was not too many weeks ago when it was cold and there were minor threats of snow, but honestly snow in the south are only an inch or so! Now, it has been rainy and highs in the 70’s. It sounds so insane to me for temperatures to be in the 70’s in February, but I am really not complaining at all. I just wish the rain would stop and allow the sun to shine through! We all could use the high painbenefits of pure and natural Vitamin D!

I know that it is the changes in temperatures that has caused my pain to sky-rocket once again. I am doing my best to not allow it to get me down because I know there will be a day where my pain is a little more tolerable, it just is not today. I always try to remain hopeful for a better tomorrow though because I really do think it is important to hold onto positive thoughts. I mean, seriously what good will negative thoughts really provide in the big picture?

Life is a struggle, but it is how we choose to cope with the issues that can make a huge difference in the outcome overall! No matter how much pain I am in or how hard it is for me to LIFE-IS-LIKE-A-GAME-OF-CARDS--WE-DONT-CHOOSE-WHAT-WE-ARE-DEmake it through the day, I do know that things could always be so much worse. It almost feels that life is like a game of cards. You will some days get dealt a great hand that is just easy to play, but other days the cards we are dealt are all horrible and hard to continue to play the game. The most important thing is to never fold because what you are holding in your hand may turn into something wonderful on another day! I use these analogy because it seems to fit, but the funny thing is I do not even play cards!

I hope y’all had a great day and you are feeling well! I appreciate you taking the time to visit my site today and of course leaving me some great comments! I will respond to all of your comments as quickly as I possibly can! Oh and before I forget, I am SO excited because I am doing a guest blog tomorrow for one of my fabulous fellow bloggers. If you have not already seen Grace’s blog, her site is, she is truly amazing! I really do feel honored that she would want me to make a guest appearance on her blog! Sending y’all lots of love and comfort, always!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa







Hot Topics!

177073-Beautiful-SundayI hope y’all have had a wonderful weekend! It is always so amazing how fast it goes by and then we have another 5 very long days we have to be at work! I guess it is kind of a blessing in disguise because at least we have another chance to make our week great!

I am sure everyone already knows this, but there are some topics you should never talk with family or friends about! Most of us have our own very passionate beliefs regarding politics and religion that probably do not match up with everyone. It is okay that we all have our own thoughts about these topics, but arguing about them will never solve the issues and you will never be able to change someone else’s mind! Never in my life have I ever been a political person, but I do have my strong opinions on the topic that are not influenced by anyone but myself! 

Another hot topic that should be avoided with family and friends is same-sex marriage! I am one who believes very strongly that we are entitled to love whom ever we choose Love no boundariesand therefore should be able to marry whom ever we love! Same sex marriage does not harm anyone, but talking ill of this in a “free country” will ultimately harm others. Why does it seem that so many are only okay if you marry someone of the same color, religious following, same ethnicity, but it must be the opposite sex? Who has a right to say who you should or should not love?

As y’all can probably tell, there are some things I am extremely passionate about and feel very comfortable sharing my thoughts! I think we should all feel comfortable with who we are and never feel any shame about it! I believe very indomitably that we should feel free with our beliefs! I will not get into how I feel about politics though only because that is probably a more intense conversation!

I want to thank y’all for visiting my site today and reading my semi rant! I get so frustrated with the negative thoughts surrounding these topics and will never When-you-look-at-your-enemy-in-the-face-and-all-you-feel-is-love-then-you-have-achieved-acceptance.-Joan-Ambuunderstand the hostility with certain things! Sometimes facts are facts and can not be changed, no matter what you do or say. I really feel that if there was more love and acceptance around us, instead of hatred and judgement, the world would be so much happier! I did not mean to go all pageant queen with that statement wanting world peace, but it would be really nice if we could all just get along!

I hope you have  a wonderful evening! Remember to always stay positive because it will pay off! Please feel free to leave a comment and I will respond as quickly as I can! I would really love to hear your thoughts! Sending you love and comfort always!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Heavenly Birthday Wish

Happy Birthday PoppyThis is a very special and heartfelt post for me. Today will always be a day that I hold very near and dear to my heart! This would have been my beloved Grandfather’s 82nd birthday. My amazing and strong Grandfather was taken from this world on September 9, 2013 after he lost his fight with cancer. I will never forget the phone call I received from my Uncle notifying me that my Grandfather had moved onto the next world. This was the most traumatizing and horrific phone calls I have ever had. I thought that nothing would ever take my sweet Grandfather from me.

I always called my Grandfather Poppy. I cannot remember where it came from, but it stuck. I was the first-born Grandchild, so all the other Grandchildren also called him Poppy. Poppy always offered a positive view on anything and everything. When I told him that I had been diagnosed with MS, he told me to never allow it to get me down because I was stronger than that. He always assured me that I could fight this disease and that I could win because of who I am, his strong angel

Poppy has been gone from this world for almost 5 years, but I still feel his presence with me everyday. I believe that he is always watching over me and keeping me as safe as possible. He really was a remarkable man and I can only hope that I am making him proud now. I fight this illness with courage and hope for better times. Like him, I think I have a very kind and understanding heart. I have a desire to help others that are in need and encourage them as well. I believe that I get my positive and passionate personality from him. He had never met a stranger in his life, but embraced everyone with nothing but kindness and non-judgmental thoughts! I will always do my best to live by this same standard.  

I do not only think of my Poppy on his birthday, but he is in my mind and heart every day of my life! I feel so proud and honored that I had him as a role model in my life birthday in heavenbecause I do feel like that has made me a better person. I saw how he loved his family and treated everyone around him with nothing but respect. He was the type of man who did not know hate or see people for the color of their skin or their choice of religion, but for the person they were on the inside. I learned through this truly exceptional man the true meaning of respect, love, values, honesty and how you should treat others.  

As y’all can clearly see I held my Grandfather up on a pedestal. I will always treasure every moment I spent with him whether it was on the phone or in person because all of these times were a blessing that I will never forget. As I write this, I cry tears of a mixture of sadness that I am not able to carry on a conversation with him any longer but also joy that I was fortunate enough to have this man in my life. When I close my eyes I can still hear his very unique loving voice and see his beautiful face.

In my heart I do truly believe that I will see my Poppy again someday. I have alwaystil we meet again believed that we will be reunited with our loved ones again when we make it to the pearly gates of Heaven. Until the day I see him again, I will do my best to live my life the way that would make him proud of me.

Thank y’all for visiting my site today and joining me to wish my Poppy a very Happy Birthday in Heaven. Throughout his life he was a pro-golfer, so I hope on this day he is playing golf on the best course available in Heaven!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

Huge thank you!

Thank-You-So-MuchI am completely astonished by the amazing amount of support all of you have offered me since I start my blog in July 2017. I started this blog with only one follower initially, my husband. I made the decision to start this journey because of my passion for writing and my strong desire to help others that may be going through hard times. I felt that after living with a chronic illness for almost 18 years I could offer some hope, courage and strength for others. I am very proud to say that I am achieving my goal more and more each day due to the gratitude I have received from many of you. At this moment with each post I make over 600 individuals are reading what I write and so many make gracious comments to me that I am helping them through difficult times. I have heard so many times that my positive thoughts and encouraging words have inspired others, which really makes me incredibly happy. All I have ever wanted to do is help and motivate others that may have fallen on hard times or may possibly be struggling with illness.i-am-here-for-you

I want y’all to know how much I have enjoyed getting to know you and also learning so much from each of you! All of us deal with something that is not easy and we all have special and unique ways to cope our situations. I truly hope that y’all know that I am always here to help in any way I can. Our struggles are real, but they are always strengthening our abilities to handle the next day! Continue to stay positive and know that it is okay to lean on others. It is also okay to have a bad day and not feel very optimistic, we all have those days. However, it is important to not dwell on a bad day and remember that tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities for happiness!

I hope y’all have a great evening! Thank you so much for stopping by my site today. I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments and I do promise to respond to you as quickly as I can! I love the fabulous communications we have had! I am sending all of you lots of love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa