Motivational Monday

~Let’s Make The Best Of The New Week~

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a great and safe weekend! I know most of you will not be surprised to learn that I worked over the weekend. I did take a short break on Saturday to go have my eyes checked and only to learn what I already knew, my eyes have gotten worse. The good thing is, I am able to just replace the lenses in my current glasses, which saves money. I will of course, still get contacts so I can go back and forth between glasses and contacts. I did not get prescription strength sunglasses, so I will need to wear contacts on the rare times I do leave the house.

As we are beginning a new week and leaving the weekend behind, I think we all need a little motivation! My hope is you will find the quote that I am sharing motivating and will help start your week with the best of thoughts! Even though I did work both days this past weekend, it still isn’t easy leaving the carefree feeling of the weekend in the past. It’s the alarm clock that I know will go off, that is the most difficult part for me. I do normally wake up before the rude alarm because I think the time is embedded in my mind, which is a blessing and a curse. I do always have to remind myself that I am able to work from home and do not need to do much to get ready! Finding the good in all situations is something we all need to do!

How was your weekend? Did y’all have a nice and safe Thanksgiving? I spent Thanksgiving at home and even worked a few hours. I am starting to think I work too much, but at least I do enjoy my job. I have met, well through email, some really great people. There are a few that I connect very well with and appreciate how great they are. It is amazing how easy some people can make the work day go and how pleasant some people are to work with, and then how awful some can make things. I just feel bad for those that make things harder and unpleasant because I do not know what they could possibly be dealing with in their life. I do believe that life is too short to live it miserably.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have a great day and the week only improves as each day passes us by. I know I say this in all my posts, but please do all you can to stay safe from COVID-19. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

A Little Off-Script

I might be a few days late for my normal “Let It Go” Friday quote, but I think I am going to go a little off-script today. There are things we can and should let go of, especially when it is from the craziness of the week, but there are also somethings that are not that easy to just simply “let go” of. The few issues I have tried, but failed to find a way to let go of are the hundreds and thousands of death from COVID-19, discrimination, violence, and hatred, the lies heard from those we “should” be able to trust, and the healthcare or lack thereof in the United States.

I am having a hard time not letting ALL the deaths due to COVID-19 bother me. I guess I can’t understand why we are all still in the same or even the worst situation since we were at the beginning of the year. This isn’t a political thing, this is a life and death situation and having the good common sense to do what is necessary. Wearing a mask isn’t fun and even feels a little suffocating, but it can be life-saving. Or even just social distancing should not be that difficult, but some seem to think it is. It is way past time to follow the advice from the experts. So, please when you leave the safety of your house, wear a mask and social distance!

I will also never understand why there is SO much hatred in this world which is spreading faster than a wildfire. Discrimination is nothing new, as it has been going on for decades now. The color of another person’s skin, who they love, where they are from or anything else should not matter! Forgive me for saying this, but I do think the amount of hatred escalated much more over the past four years. I mean, we have heard the president of the United States call COVID-19 the Chinese virus. We have also heard this same person talk negatively about people from other countries and of other nationalities, which is very wrong, but that is only my opinion.

There has been a widespread amount of violence over the past few years as well and honestly, it goes back even further than this. Again, this only my opinion and it is okay if you disagree with me, but violence does not do anything productive and only creates more problems. I wish that there would come a day where we can all get along and join together for the good of humanity. I guess maybe I am just naïve, but there is no reason why everyone can’t unite and help one another during troubling times.

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, but yet the healthcare is a complete disgrace. The United States is the only developed country that does not offer the citizens free healthcare and instead allows the insurance companies to charge an insane amount of money, and that money still does not cover the policy holder’s entire amount. For those of us that have several medications we need to take daily, the pharmaceutical companies charge a ridiculous amount for each prescription. If it was not for the Gilenya Go Program, my medication for one month would cost more than my car and I don’t mean just one car payment, I mean the full amount of the car, which I would never be able to afford it. The Gilenya for only one month costs over $8,000, which is ridiculous! Unfortunately, without the Gilenya, I am afraid my condition would deteriorate rapidly.

After reading all of this, can any of you suggest a way to let go of these things?  I have tried, but I am not able to. I am also one of those people, as y’all probably already know, who wears my heart on my sleeve. My heart breaks for what so many people have gone through and I wish there was something I could do to help, but I am only one person.

Thank you for reading this post, which is a little more of a rant of my feelings and nowhere near the positive way I am normally. Change is something that is necessary and I have no idea how to implement the changes that are required.I do hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend! I am looking forward to reading your comments and promise to respond as quickly as I can. Thankfully, my husband and I do not have two- legged children that we have to worry about going to school; our four- legged children never leave the house and are always safe! I am a chronic worrier and I do not think I could handle having any more people to worry about. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Pick Me Up Thursday~

~Thankfulness Week: Day 4~

Happy Friday Eve and Thanksgiving y’all! I hope your week has gone well and you are ready for the weekend! Holidays this year are much different than what we are used to, but unfortunately, this is where most of us are now. COVID-19 has caused so much heartache and stress for so many of us. Now is a time we all need to be a little more understanding, patient, supportive, and thankful for our lives and our loved ones. The struggles we might be facing right now in our lives, we need to remember that someone else could be going through something much worse than we are.

In the beginning of this week, I told you I would share with y’all two things I am thankful for each day and why, so will continue doing this today! On Thanksgiving, I think about the families out there that are in shambles because they lost someone they love to COVID-19 and I am truly thankful that everyone I know, and love is safe from this evil virus. We hear the stories told on the news from the front-line workers that are in the hospitals taking care of COVID-19 patients and the families that have gone through tragic loses. Each story breaks my heart a little more and I wish there was something I could do for these heartbroken people. All I know to do is anytime I leave my house to wear a mask, gloves, and social distance, and continue hoping others will do the same.

Another thing I am thankful for is the love and support I feel each day from my family. I was raised by a young and single mother, who didn’t have a good role model she could follow the example of to be a mother, but she did the best she could. She raised me to be kind, loving, understanding, tolerant, and compassionate. She and I do not agree on everything and know the topics we have different opinions on which are often avoidable. Overall, leaving hot topics out of the equation, I am thankful for the person she raised me to be. Between the guidance and love from my mother and grandfather, I am a strong, kind, loving, understanding, some-what tolerant person, and I never judge others on anything but the way they treat others.

Whatever you are doing today for Thanksgiving, I hope you are staying safe and enjoying the day. As crazy as this is going to sound, I will be home like always and working for a few hours. I think I might be a little too dedicated to my job or I am a bit of a work alcoholic, but I guess that is easy to do when you work from home. No matter if I am actually working or not, I am home where my home office is and tend to feel like I am always at work, I guess that is because I am.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you and your family have a nice, relaxing, and safe day! As always, I look forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am ALWAYS sending you LOVE, compassion, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Inspirational Wednesday

~Thankfulness Week: Day 3~

Happy Wednesday y’all! We are more than halfway through the week because tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and most places will be closed! The funny thing is, and those of you that know me will not be surprised, but the head manager asked if anyone wanted to work Thanksgiving, and I jumped at the opportunity! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the holiday’s are going to be a lot different from what we are used to and we need to adapt to the adjustments. My husband works nights and works tonight, and tomorrow night, so I do not have anything else to do, so why not make a little extra money?

Are y’all enjoying the posts for Thankfulness week? Not only am I enjoying sharing with y’all what I am thankful for, but also love reading what you are thankful for. Y’all already know that I have made changes to my posts for this week, but I do think we need inspiration because it is the only way we are going to survive the crazy times we have all been faced with. I would like to share a short inspiration quote and hope it inspires you as much as it did for me!

I will continue with sharing a couple more things that I am thankful for. I am thankful for all I have learned through the years from people that inspired me. For instance, I am thankful for the sparky and sarcastic personality that I have, which I am 99.99% sure this was sparked from my late Grandfather. Another thing that was influenced by my dear Grandfather was my love and passion for writing. My late Grandfather in his younger days wrote for his local newspaper, which I think is pretty amazing, but that was just who he was, AMAZING!

Something else that I am thankful for is how determined I have always been. Many years ago, I decided I wanted to go to school for nursing, but then had a nasty relapse that scared the heck out of me. At that time, I was still rather young and naive, and thought being a nurse was a waste of time because it was going to be too much for me to handle. Of course, during this time, I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair. This is not what I am thankful for, but what I am thankful for is I was able to put myself through business school without help or taking out a loan! I was working full-time and going to school “almost” full-time. I was only missing one credit for it to have been full-time!

Thank y’all for visiting my site today! I am truly thankful for your continued support and fantastic comments you leave for me to read. I hope y’all have a great and safe Thanksgiving eve! I am looking forward to reading your thoughts regarding the quote I shared and also the two things you are thankful for. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love,comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Tranquil Tuesday~

~Thankfulness Week: Day 2~

We have made it through one day of the week already, so happy Tuesday y’all! How is your “short” week going? Unlike the past few days when I worked, where I worked at least 10 hours a day, yesterday I only worked 9 hours! I think that is progress to slowing down a little, what do you think? The truth is, I do not know how to go slow when I work because I am focused on getting as much done as I can.

I told y’all that everyday this week instead of doing my normal posts with quotes, I was going to tell you two more things I am thankful for and why I am thankful for them. Before I share two more things I am thankful for, I want to thank y’all for sharing what you are thankful for. All of you are amazing and strong people, and I feel honored to have you as friends!

Another thing I am thankful for is something I don’t think about often, probably because I avoid thinking about the past, but I am thankful for the amazing neurologist that caught my Multiple Sclerosis early. My first neurologist was a patient and kind man, and I miss him more than I can even explain. I was determined to prove he was wrong about my diagnosis, but he stood by me and did everything he could to find the right medication for me. Without him and his early diagnosis, who knows where I would be now. For those of you that do not know, Dr. Kaufman was my first neurologist and he retired several years ago. He is irreplaceable.

Something else I am very thankful for daily is my two amazing and loving cats. Our oldest is Chloe, who is 15 years old and still so strong. Our poor baby girl was diagnosed a few years ago with early-stage kidney disease. Even though I can see she has lost weight and sometimes shows she is not feeling well, but that is just because I know her so well and she still beats up on her younger brother! Our youngest is our 10-year-old little boy Sundance. Sundance is a loving little boy with a fun personality, who really isn’t all that little because he is about 3 times the size of Chloe. Sundance has asthma and needs medicine twice a day. These two sweet creatures show so much love for one another and, me and my husband!

I hope you are looking forward to Thanksgiving on Thursday. I know holidays this year are going to be a little different from what we are used to, but we must continue doing what we can to stay safe! My husband works on Thanksgiving, so we will of course, we safe at home with each other and our sweet furbabies, and I am thankful for the safety of our home. We are able to keep each other and those beautiful cats safe and happy!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have a great and safe day. I am looking forward to reading two more things y’all are thankful for and promise to respond as fast as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Thankfulness Week

~Day One For Thankfulness Week~

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a nice, relaxing, and safe weekend! I am going to do things a little different this week in honor of Thanksgiving. I do strongly believe we should all acknowledge what we are thankful for every day and not just the week of Thanksgiving, which I am sure we already do, but I am going to share with y’all each day of this week two things I am thankful for and hope you will join me in doing this. What my plan is to share two things I am thankful for and why, but would like to know what you are thankful for as well!

I am very thankful for the loving family that I have. Each member of my family is special in their own way and I love them for it! My family is supportive of what I do and how I live my life, which is a great feeling. Everyone knows and understands that I basically have NO immune system, so they understand the reasons why I am as terrified as I am about COVID. Lord knows, my husband is extremely protective of me and does everything he can to keep me safe!

I am also thankful for my job that allows for me to work from the safety of my home! The online training was challenging, but over the past few months I have learned so much and have become pretty darn good at this job. With the uncertainty of COVID in the entire country, I know I would not be able to earn a decent living and be safe if it were not for this job.

Now like I said, I would love to be able to read what you are thankful for! I am not pressuring you to participate, but will encourage you to play along with me this week! I think it would be interesting to read the different things you are thankful for and see what we might have in common!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope your week begins great and continues to get better throughout the week! It will be a short week, but the short weeks always feel so much longer! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

BUSY Week….

~Last Week Was Super Busy~

Let me start first by saying that I am sorry for my late responses to comments and missing both Inspirational Wednesday and Let It Go Friday last week. Honestly, last week was insanely busy and I worked a ridiculous amount of hours so I was tired. Actually, to say that I was tired is an understatement, I was beyond exhausted. I ended up working 56 hours last week and even though I do not have to leave my house to go to work, the week was painfully long!

My goal for the weekend was to recuperate from the long hours I worked last week, but it Sunday now and I still feel like I was hit by an 18 wheeler that also backed over me for the fun of it. The funny thing is, even though I am exhausted and hurt more than usual I do not regret the hours I worked and would do it again in a heartbeat.

Something that I find frustrating but also interesting is how fast the weather changes and the horrendous ways it can make me feel. It does not matter if the changes are from summer to winter or winter to spring or even spring to summer, my body does not adjust well or fast to the changes. The truth of the matter is, I do not handle cold temperatures well because the cold makes me tense up, which causes much more pain.

I do believe that the stress from work, life, and health, along with lack of sleep is causing high levels of pain. This is why I am behind on responding to comments and even missed two of my normal posts. I am hoping to get back to normal this week and maybe work a normal number of hours.

Now that I have told y’all about how insane last week was for me, how was your week? I hope you are taking care of yourself and of course, staying safe. I know I have said this many times before, but COVID is still terrifying to me. The new cases of COVID in the city I live in, is on a steady increase. I do not know why I can’t understand why people are still not taking this virus seriously. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the numbers and see they are increasing drastically. It also does not take a genius to understand what needs to be done to keep better control of these cases. If there is something I am not smart enough to understand, please enlighten me.

Thank you so much for visiting my site today. Also, thank you for understanding why I have been delayed in responding and missing my posts. I am begging you to do everything you can to stay safe and avoid COVID. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Pick Me Up Thursday~

**We Are Finally Almost To The Weekend**

Happy Friday Eve y’all! How has your week been? As always, my week has been busy as ever, which I do enjoy. I never thought I would say this, but I do love my job. I don’t just love my job because I am working from home and the work itself can get frustrating, but for some reason, I enjoy it. I hardly ever take an official lunch break and instead work while I eat something. While there are some people I could do without, the majority of the people are pretty great. I guess it could be because I have not really met anyone I work with and only see them on the video meetings!

With the weather changing and is getting colder, the days might seem a little longer because they are! Hot weather is always very draining for me, but the cold temperatures increase the amount of pain I feel drastically. I am sure the reason for the increased pain in colder weather is because I tense up a lot more, but it is nothing that my small and great space heater can’t help! Considering my husband and I both work from home, and our joint home office is in the finished part of the basement, it gets cold. We purchased a few small space heaters that work brilliantly!

As our week is finally coming to an end, I think a little pick me up is just what we all need. Life in, general, can be stressful, but when you add work, fears of COVID, health, and everything else to the mix it can be overwhelming. I think days when I do not have something that makes me smile and or laugh the days are dreadful. The simplest things can bring a smile to our faces, like both of my cats are full of entertaining surprises, and the adorable groundhog that lives out back always makes my day much better. With that said, I hope the quote I am sharing will make you smile, even just a little!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have a great day and you stay as safe as you possibly can. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 numbers are increasing on a steady basis, so we need to be careful and take all precautions necessary. I am looking forward to reading your comments and promise to respond as quickly as I possibly can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Tranquil Tuesday~

We’ve Made It Through One Day, We’ve Got This!

Happy Tuesday y’all! One day down and only four to go, but it is going to be a great week! It is much better to view each day as an opportunity, instead of an inconvenience. There is still so many unpleasant feelings being spread around and it is sad. I know there are some people in the United States that are not happy with the outcome of the election, but many others that are happy with the results. Unfortunately, those that are not happy about the results are angry and starting arguments, and causing harm to others, which should never happen. It is time to let things be what they are and only hope for better times in the future.

The new week has started and Monday is in the past now. To try and cleanse ourselves from troublesome feelings, we need more tranquility in our lives. I hope the quote I am sharing with y’all today will offer you comforting and easing feelings. I do believe the more we try understanding others and knowing we are all dealing with struggles. We might not always know how to help others, but we can at least try listening and put forth an effort.

As we all already know, there are still huge spikes in new cases of COVID-19. All I ask is, please stay safe and continue following the advice we have heard from the experts. It is crucial to always wear a mask when you leave you home and practice social distancing. I know that no one enjoys wearing a mask and I do understand that because it is uncomfortable, but I do think a little temporary discomfort is worth our life. Social distancing is the easiest thing we can do and yet many people have a difficult time with this.

Thank you so much for visiting my site today! I always appreciate you taking the time to read and love reading your comments, which I try responding to as quickly as I can. I hope you have a great day and of course, stay safe! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Motivational Monday~

*A New Start With A New Week*

Happy Monday y’all! I hope you had a nice and safe weekend, and you are ready for a new week to begin! Starting a new week means saying goodbye to the weekend, but it also holds many new opportunities for dreams to come true. Do you have any goals you want to reach this week? You do not have to share them or even set them in stone, but it is always good to have something to work towards. I am trying to set weekly goals, but sometimes they do not happen exactly when I expect them to, and know my goals will happen when they are meant to.

As we are starting our week, I do think we must have a little motivation to get the week starting off the best it can. I mean being forced to hear an alarm clock early in the morning and giving up sleeping in is NOT easy, but it is possible! I am hoping the quote I am sharing with y’all today will provide you the motivate you and kick start your week great! We all have so many dreams and I think we can achieve ANYTHING we set our minds to!

Whatever you must do today, just please stay safe. It really seems like instead of COVID getting better, it is only getting worse. I assume that everyone is just so tired of masks, social distancing, and or staying home, but these are the things that MUST be done to protect lives. When thousands of people are continuing to die each day, something needs to change and that is people need to care and think more about others.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you have a great and safe day. Remember it is only Monday and there are 4 more days of the week, so try to not work too hard today! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa