I Passed!

Motivational Monday

2023 Goals and Habits

Hello, the first Monday of 2023! Now that 2022 is behind us and we are starting this new year with a fresh start, we can set new goals without feeling too much pressure because we have the entire year to accomplish them😊! As I said in my post yesterday, I do not make New Year’s Resolutions because I feel they are pointless and most people, including myself, never stay with them. It is always important to make goals that are attainable or create new habits that may help us to achieve our goals. We should only set a few goals that we want to achieve because they are meaningful to us. Setting too many goals or new habits can be overwhelming and we may end up getting burnt out and then give up, which no one wants to do.

For the new year, one of my goals is to learn ways to not be so hard on myself. I have always been my own worst critic and I know this is not healthy. We should want to stay motivated and encouraged in life, which is impossible to do when we are constantly criticizing everything we do. There is already far too much negativity and, in this world, and we do not need to add to that by insulting ourselves. Instead of always telling myself that I am not good enough or that I am doing something wrong, I am going to try only repeating uplifting and encouraging words to myself daily!

Another goal or habit I want to do this year is to try doing a blog at least five times each week. I want to open my horizons and write about different topics that are meaningful to me. I have always had a deep love and passion for writing, so I think it is extremely important to try new things and learn different ways to write. I would love to try doing a writing contest again and not back out before I finish the essay because I think my essay will not be good enough. We never know what we are capable of unless we try, right?

Something else I want and need to do is find ways to limit stress in life. Even though I know that stress is the silent killer, I tend to allow myself to stress about things that I have no control over. It seems silly to be able to understand and admit that I stress about things I have no control over because it is clear there is nothing that I can do to change the outcomes, so what is the purpose? There are many things in life we have no control over and should not waste time thinking about because there are also many things we can control, which are mostly our reactions to situations and the way we treat others. We will never have any control over how others behave, so it is senseless to try.

There are certain types of books that I enjoy reading and need to start making more time during the day to read. I have a few books that are on my to-read list but have neglected the books because I am too tired or cannot find the time to read them. Even if it is only 20 or 30 minutes each day, I should be able to make time to read a little. Reading helps to relax after a long day and can help people sleep better!

One thing I will always keep doing is being kind and respectful to others. It is 2023 now and things should be much different than they are. I do not know why people stopped evolving but decided to devolve to an extremely terrible level. I will do everything that I can to help others see things in a fair and better way, but I know some that are stuck in their ignorant ways, and nothing will change them.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and I look forward to reading your comments and learning about your goals for the new year. I hope your week begins well and gets even better with each day. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

First Post of 2023

Another year has come to an end and the new year has begun. During the past several years, we have all experienced many challenges and 2022 was no different or an exception to the vast amounts of challenges. There is no point in dwelling on the things that went wrong or could have and should have gone better, instead, we must remember the valuable lessons that were learned. Now is a time to think about what we want this new year to contain and how we are going to make changes happen to make 2023 a great year. We must consider ways to make the changes that are needed in life and understand the reasons why change is necessary.

We have, unfortunately, all seen many negative things take place over the past several years and none of them helped us to evolve. Too many people have spent many years devolving to levels they are shameful. I cannot understand why so many are living as we did in the early 1900s when people were not treated equally and there were ignorant judgments about the way people lived their life. I will never understand why people are so scared of what they do not understand and banish the ways others are living when it is not causing anyone any harm.

There were many years when anytime we turned on the news, we saw political leaders criticizing others and spreading hatred as far as they could. The ones that valued these political leaders’ opinions and thoughts carried on with so much hate in their hearts. Why is it so difficult for people to think for themselves and stand alone if they disagree with others? I would rather stand alone in the middle of an empty space if it meant I was standing up for what I believed in and had a strong hold on my morals.

I have mentioned before that I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions but would prefer to make good new habits. I think it is so important to treat others with kindness and respect. It does not matter if I understand how they are living their life because it does not cause me any harm. I have noticed during the past few years that honesty and love are not practiced or known. I feel that honesty and love almost go hand in hand because you cannot love if you are not being honest. How can anyone say they love another person if they are not being truthful with that person?

For 2023, I want to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and begin to trust my instincts. I want to find ways to remove the people that have a habit of disappointing me or causing me emotional pain because life is too short to deal with constant disappointments. I also want to continue treating others with kindness and respect and hopefully help others to do the same. I do know it is impossible to change others, but I do have the power to change how I allow the negativity to affect my mental health.

Did you do anything special to celebrate the New Year? My husband and I normally just spend the New Year at home because it is safer, which is what we did last night as well. Unfortunately, we were both still not feeling well because of the 2nd COVID booster we got on Friday morning. I remember after the 1st COVID booster I felt awful for several days, so I did expect the same with the 2nd booster. Is it not crazy to get something for protection against a deadly virus, but it makes you feel terrible for days? I would rather feel awful for a few days at home than be in a hospital fighting for my life. I am hoping today will be the last day of feeling bad, but we will see😊!

Now that we are in 2023, do you have any goals for the new year? How do you plan to accomplish your goals? I hope you know that you do have the strength and power to reach any of your goals! Was there anything in 2022 that you wish never happened, but did the experiences teach you any important lessons? How can you use these lessons to better your life and the new year?

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading my first post for 2023. I hope your New Year’s celebration was wonderful and safe! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

What is on your bucket list?

Do you know what a bucket list is? A bucket list is a specific list of things that you want to do in your lifetime. I think this is something great to have and update as needed. We all have things we desire to do, but they may be challenging to accomplish. Therefore, we create a bucket list! These may be short-term or long-term goals and anything in between. Our bucket list helps us reflect on what matters most to us, our personal values, and recognize significant experiences and milestones we want to have in our lifetime. I am interested to know what you have or would have on your bucket list. I will keep things fair and share what I have on my bucket list.

The first thing I have on my bucket list is to start an outline for the book I would like to write. I have had an idea of what I wanted to write about for years, but because of fear, I have not attempted to do so. I know how important it is to not allow fear to stop us from living which is why this means so much to me. The book I want to write is a story that is loosely based on my journey with moving to a new state when I was younger and getting diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It is an experience that defines who I am today and where my strength comes from.

The second thing on my bucket list is to be able to go on my dream vacation. Of course, my dream vacation would be long and extremely expensive. Unless I win the lottery, I do not foresee my dream vacation coming true, but a girl can dream😊. This trip would start by flying to Long Beach, California where I would stay for one week. I would then fly from California to Hawaii where I would remain for another week. While In Hawaii, I would learn to surf, which would be terrifying and exciting. After the week in Hawaii, I would fly to Australia where I would stay for at least another week. The week in Australia would be spent seeing all the animals I find amazing and site seeing. The final week of my month-long vacation would be in the United Kingdom.  I am fascinated by different cultures and have a deep desire to experience as many as I can.

The third thing on my bucket list is to go back to school. Now that I am older and more mature, I have a better understanding of what my goals are and what I want from life. I think going back to school at my age would be challenging, especially working full-time, but it would allow me to fulfill my goals. I would want to go back for journalism. It is not easy getting a job in this field unless you have a degree or at least know someone in the industry.

My fourth thing on my bucket list would be to learn another language. I learned Spanish when I was in high school, but it is true what they say, if you do not use it, you lose it. Knowing a different language makes it easier to communicate with people from other countries and opens you up for new experiences. Only knowing one language makes things one-sided when there are many languages in the world.

The fifth thing I would love to be able to do is to help this world to have peace, comfort, love, and acceptance. I never understood why everyone cannot get along and treat each other fairly and with respect. If I am not mistaken, we are all human beings with a heart and feelings, so why should anyone think they are better than another? We are all equals and everyone should know and understand this. I am not sure if this will ever be accomplished, but I will never stop trying to make this reality!

Instead of living, some of us are just simply existing which in my eyes is often just barely breathing. In a world that is full of many opportunities, why would we not want to explore as many as we possibly can? Try thinking about the things you have experienced in life and others you want to accomplish. I have lived in the United States my entire life and find it to not be all it is “supposed” to be. Once upon a time, I thought I was living in a free country, but now that I am older and wiser, I am not so sure that is true anymore. I want opportunities to experience more out of life before the end of my life because we never know when the end will be.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I shared about my bucket list and hope you will share yours as well. I hope you are having a great week and it continues getting better until it is Friday again. We have made it halfway through the week and that is an accomplishment. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Ways to Spread Positivity

Happy Friday eve y’all! Life has been incredibly challenging throughout the world for several years, but at the worst during the past year or so. It is not only due to dealing with COVID difficulties, but we are also seeing a massive increase in violence and racism, at least this has been a tragic issue in the United States. Most of the issues do not even begin to make sense to me because I still believe that COVD should not have reached the level of anguish it has. As for the violence and racism taking place in the states, it is 2021 and it is well past the time for people to grow with the times and end the unnecessary hatred-fueled circumstances.

We all know people who shine with positivity and we enjoy being around these people, while also find these individuals captivating. Many find a peaceful outlook to be effortless, while others may take a little extra practice to see things in a positive light. The energy we portray not only determines our interactions with others but also speaks volumes about how we feel about ourselves.

Developing a positive mindset is a skill that is well worth the practice it requires. As you begin to shift the way you are thinking, you will start to see amazing new opportunities come your way. You may start feeling better about yourself and the world we are living in, no matter how difficult things may get.

A few ways to have positive energy from the inside out are the following:

1. Make yourself be a priority:

This does not mean you are neglecting others that are in your life, but when we feel good about ourselves, it is much easier to display inner contentment to the world. Looking after your needs and developing a habit to do simple self-care things that make you feel good can make an enormous difference in how you carry yourself.

2. Understand the difference between a FACT and a THOUGHT:

The truth is, we are all human and tend to have less than flattering thoughts regarding ourselves at times. It is important to understand and separate facts from thoughts. An example of a fact is, I had a less than easy conversation or difference of opinion with a friend the other day. The thought might be that this friend thinks differently OR negatively of me now. When we focus on what the facts are, it will help to keep things in perspective and avoid expressing all those negative thoughts that can feel suffocating.

3. Learn ways to be kind to yourself:

We all have days when we feel down and that is okay because it will pass. When we do feel down, we need to learn to recognize and honor our thoughts. Being kind to ourselves can be as simple as repeating one of your favorite quotes that make you feel good and happy. Or, it could be to make an honest effort to treat ourselves with the same compassion we would treat someone we care about.

4. Use positive words more often:

The way we communicate with others has a direct impact on the energy we display. Using words such as love, willing to, solutions, absolutely, great, excellent, interesting, enjoy, etc. will produce a much more optimistic outlook!

5. Smile more frequently:

A smile is an exceedingly small action, but it can make a HUGE difference. Of course, it is not an issue if a smile is not authentic and sincere initially, but you will start to feel happier and friendly shortly and possibly appear more outgoing to others, which allures the positive energy you desire.

6. Work to achieve a goal or goals:

When we work towards accomplishing a goal or more than one goal, if you are feeling extra determined, it can serve as a confidence boost! The people that are around us will be encouraged by our strength and the belief we have in ourselves to achieve our dreams and goals.

7. Offer compliments to others:

When we show appreciation to others it can serve multiple purposes. One purpose is making that person feel good about themselves. The second purpose is this will make us feel good as well, which we are all deserving of those good vibes. Acknowledging when someone does something we admire can be an immediate boost to what we are feeling.

8. Starting living in the moment:

Try doing simple things such as putting your phone away when having lunch or dinner with another person. OR turn the TV off while cleaning the house. Shockingly enough, these distractions prevent us from living in the moment and enjoying the everyday task in life.

9. Practice good posture:

Our posture is a non-verbal way to show how we feel about ourselves. Standing up or sitting straight, shows we are both confident and approachable, which will be a good feeling.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it helped you some to help spread positivity. Of course, it is not easy with all we are dealing with now, but we can work together and let our light shine onto those around us. A little positivity can go a long way!

Thank you for visiting my site today and I do look forward to reading your comments. I do promise to respond to all your comments as quickly as I can, but it might be after my not-so fun dentist appointment this afternoon. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

How to accomplish goals

I think it is important to have goals in life, but they can be a challenge to meet. We all have random things that come up daily, which can create distractions slowing down reaching our goals. What are a few of your goals? These can be short OR long-term goals, but it would be interesting to know. What are the ways you set goals and how do you achieve your goals? Throughout this post, I promise you I will share my short-term and long-term goals, but also ways to achieve your goals.

Understand your Emotions:

It has been proven that our success stems from being happy first, and we are not happy only because we succeeded with a goal. This is because our emotions are in a positive and good place. During times when we are in a pessimistic, glass-half-empty mindset, reaching our goals is less likely to happen and we need to discover ways to step in with our mood and discover new habits of gratitude.

Determine your Purpose:

Our goals tend to line up with our life’s purpose. Achieving our goals will be much easier when we know and connect with this purpose. Some goals require us to be more tenacious, but with the right amount of determination, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to!

Ask yourself one question, WHY?

Intrinsic goals are goals that are not set by anyone but us. It is crucial to understand the meaning of every goal we have and how our life will be more fulfilled once we achieve any of the goals we set.

Write down your short-term & long-term goals:

Take 20-30 minutes to think about the goals you want to accomplish. To clarify, the differences a short-term goal is something you want to do in the near future. This can mean today, this week, or even this month. Long-term goal takes time and planning. These goals are something you want to accomplish in the further out future, such as later this year, early next year, OR maybe in the latter part of 2022. Create a commitment to goals and define whether certain goals require changes or need to be removed because they are conflicting with other important goals.

Set challenging and risk-taking goals:

We might not know this, but at the end of each, we look back at key points during the day. Something that has been found is, the things we followed that were outside our typical comfort zone, involved accomplishing something important to us and provided us with “authentic self-esteem”. The more we push ourselves with challenges, the more we will believe in ourselves.

Changing our password

Every day we are prepared all day by words, scents, and sights around us. Something that never occurred to me is to use these passwords to reinforce our goals by changing our passwords using words regarding our goals and characteristic you want to take on. For example, if your goal is to eat healthily, you could use “health” or “healthy” as a password. If we are constantly reminded of one of our goals because it is one of our passwords, we use daily, we will unconsciously find ways to make them happened because they are at the forefront of our minds.

At the beginning of this post, I promised y’all I would share my short and long-term goals, the way I will try achieving my goals, and why my goals are important to me. My five-year plan for accomplishing my long-term goals, how I plan to accomplish my goals, and the reason why each goal is important to me.

Put An End To Stress

This goal is important to me because I understand how and why stress unfavorably impacts my health. The way I intend to achieve this goal is to continuously remind myself to not stress over things I do not have any control over. A few of the things I do not have any control over are going to the dentist (I have always had an irrational fear of the dentist0 and have avoided them. I can see when I look in the mirror the large amounts of broken teeth. This issue is not due to me not taking care of my teeth but is because of all the steroids I was forced to take during the times the MS acted up. This goal will hopefully be accomplished by the end of 2021 if not before.

Another one of my long-term goals is to write the book I have dreamed of writing. The reason this goal is important to me is that writing a book has been something I have wanted since I was a young child.

I have been the only person standing in my way of achieving this goal It weighs heavily on my mind because I always tell myself that I am not a good enough writer. The ways I am going to accomplish this goal is to continue writing on my blog and improving and building on the skills I already have. I am anticipating achieving this goal within 5 years. This is obviously a goal that takes planning, organizing a plan and pure determination.

My short-term goals are goals I want to achieve in the next two weeks. One of these goals is to create a plan to eat healthier. I can admit that I do not eat the best food and I do not eat three meals a day. The best-case scenario is I have 2 pieces of toast for breakfast, uncrustable for lunch, and dinner either more toast or macaroni and cheese. I know everything on this list is extremely unhealthy and some will say I eat like an 8-year-old child.

This goal is important to me and not because I want to lose weight (which would be nice), but because eating healthy makes you feel better physically and emotionally. I plan to achieve this goal by making a meal plan that includes only healthy foods and no junk food or fast food.

My second short-term goal is to get my house organized and clean. This goal is important to me because a disorganized house creates chaos, clutter, and stress. I am planning to go through the closets, drawers, and each individual room to put anything not being used in a donations bag that will be taken to the nearest Good Will location.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed this post and I am looking forward to reading your comments, and what you goals are. I hope your week is going well and you are staying as safe as you can! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Inspirational Wednesday~

~Two Days Done, Two To Go~

Happy Wednesday y’all! We have made it halfway through the week, which makes us that much closer to the weekend! How has your week been so far? My week has been slightly less busy than last week, but only slightly! It is nice staying busy, but it is helpful when the people you are working with are kind and respectful. Most of the people I work with are great, so I can’t complain. I do like being busy because it makes the time go by much faster!! This will sound insane, but my work day yesterday was far better because my little friend, the groundhog was around a lot and made me smile!

We have made it through half the week making the weekend that much closer, but we do have two days we must get through and we need some inspiration! My hope is you will find the quote I am sharing with y’all today as inspiring as I did and I look to read your comments! I think it is always important to have goals to work towards because our goals can make us stronger. It doesn’t matter if we do not achieve all our goals quickly or even if we miss a goal, it is just crucial to keep trying!

Unfortunately, new cases of COVID in the city I live in are on a continuous increase. I am not sure what people are not understanding about the need to wear masks and or social distance. This virus is not a joke or a hoax, it is very real and killing people daily. It does not need to be this way and other countries have done the logical thing by locking the country down. The economy does not matter near as much as human lives, so I will say I do wish the United States would lock down until there is a better handle on the virus. I know many people will disagree with me and that is fine because we are all entitled to our own opinion, this is just mine.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I do not mean to sound like a nag with COVID, masks, and social distancing, but I do wish more people would take this virus as the deadly virus it is. Granted, I do not leave my house unless it is necessary. I hope you have a great and safe day today, and I am looking forward to reading your amazing comments. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOT of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Pros & Cons to working from home

Let’s Talk About Our New Norms

In the wake of the pandemic, many companies are not requiring their employees to work in the office but instead allowing them to work from home. The truth is many positions could have been working from home long before now. Companies could have saved themselves a lot of money by not paying rental payments or leases on buildings, the utilities required, or any other expenses. Technology in 2020 has come as far allowing for any and everything to be done online. Meetings and training can be done through Skype for business, Zoom, GoToMeeting, and countless other programs.

Working from home and setting up a home office comes with many benefits, but also several challenges. Do y’all have a home office since COVID-19 has spread massively and relentlessly around the world? If you have, what have been the benefits and challenges you have experienced?

The benefits of being able to work from home might be rather obvious, but I will explain a few I have found. One of the greatest and most crystal-clear benefits is safety from a deadly virus. Considering I have a weak immune system because of the medication I take for Multiple Sclerosis, it is a blessing to work from home. I try my best to keep my distance from people outside of my home and now days hardly leave my house. This virus scares the hell out of me because it has already killed so many people and could, unfortunately, kill me as well and I can’t do that to my family.

Another benefit working from home provides me is the ability to always wear comfortable and non-dressy clothes. This might sound like a silly benefit, but it can be incredibly helpful when dealing with the massive pain I deal with on a daily basis. Just by having the choice to never wear those uncomfortable, but cute high heel shoes or the pretty but extremely confining dresses or pants, it is priceless. Simply being able to get out of the shower and not have to mess with drying my hair or trying to get it looking nice is a time saver! Then just throwing on a t-shirt and comfy pants are amazing. Of course, I do still continue putting my makeup on because it makes me feel much more confident, even though no one but me sees it.

An additional benefit to working from home is never dealing with the insane and chaotic traffic in the mornings on my way into work or the evenings on the way home. With the ridiculous amounts of crazed drivers always in a rush to get where they think they must go, seldom paying attention to anything but the phone by their side, and seeing the numerous accidents along the way was terrifying. I always dreaded my drives and now to get to work is a simple walk downstairs to where my home office is set up!

In a crazy way, it is always a benefit and also a disadvantage to not have to be around co-workers. We have all dealt with those co-workers that enjoyed office drama and gossip. Trying to remain polite to others while avoiding the drama was always so exhausting. It is rather nice to never be forced to worry about the latest drama or gossip the runs through most offices. I do not need to worry about who I should avoid and or who can or can’t be trusted. I enjoy being able to focus completely on the work that I need to do during my workday without interruptions from co-workers wanting to talk nonsense. Even with all that said, I do still miss having a co-worker close by to ask questions or run issues by, but I guess that is what email is for.

Even though there are many benefits to working from the comfort and safety of my own home, there are some challenges involved as well. To be honest, it does not matter how many challenges I might face working from home, the benefits will always outweigh any and all obstacles.

Although I did work for a mortgage company for almost three years in the past, it has been a few years since I worked in the industry. The company I am with now is a lot different and so are my job duties. My previous mortgage company, like any other, had its good and bad parts. I did and still do have a great amount of respect for my former manager. I am not going to talk negatively about my previous mortgage company because I did learn a lot, so overall it was a good experience. The negative aspects of that company are the same as most companies, there are many immature people that are in positions they do not have the knowledge or business being in.

One of the challenges I have found working from home is the virtual/online training and guidance. Like I just explained, I worked for a mortgage company previously and even though that company had its own challenges, I did receive adequate in-person training. The training, guidance, and direction provided me with the confidence that enabled me to do my job almost like second nature. Learning a new job with many new responsibilities virtually has been slightly difficult. There are a few people I can email or instant message with any questions I have, but this causes me a lack of confidence in the knowledge I have and or even my skills. I think not having someone to give me feedback on what I am doing well with or what and how I can improve on is frustrating. When you work for a company and go to an office, there is normally a handbook on processes, but working from home there has not been such a thing.

Another challenge I have encountered while working from home is having the silence needed for focusing. My husband also works from home, but he works nights and we do share the same home office area. There are some hours after his shift ends he needs to unwind, which I can understand and support. The only issue is he will watch new segments online causing an annoying distraction for me. I know it is important to know what is going on in the world, but I have had more than enough of the political lies and prefer to not listen to anything that comes from the president’s mouth. I also can’t take any more about Epstein or his girlfriend/partner in crime Maxwell. Everything that Epstein and Maxwell did cause me to feel sad, angry, and massive amounts of emotional pain.

I never in a million years thought I would ever think this, but something else that is a little challenging for me is, not know any of my co-workers. Of course, I managed to get to know a couple of my co-workers through email and phone calls, but I have never met any of them in person. I have been with my company for one month now and I still do not even know everyone’s name on the team I work with. It is unusual for me to not know at least something about everyone I work with. I have always been friendly and accepting of others and now it is just me alone. I guess in a way, working from home can be a little lonely.

Now that I have gone through the benefits and challenges I have found about working from home, I would love to hear your feedback. I know not everyone is able to do their job from home, but many have been granted this access. Do any of you that work from home have benefits and challenges you have found? How have you dealt with the challenges?

Thank you for visiting my site today. It has been a little while since I have been able to write about a specific topic because I am normally too darn exhausted to do so. This is something that I have missed and plan to do more of. I know y’all deal with being tired and it is hard to leave comments, but I do look forward to reading yours. I promise that I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. I know I say this in every post, but please do everything you possibly can to stay safe from the virus. This virus knows no boundaries and will cause problems for anyone it can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

9 Types of Intelligence

The Nine Types of Intelligence, which are you?

In 1983, a psychologist by the name Howard Gardner published the book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, where he explained his theory that intelligence is not limited to only one factor. Gardner suggests that people are very capable of having different forms of intelligence.

Through the years we have all known people that were exceptionally good in specific subjects, but do poorly in others. Chances are we have experienced this many times during our lifetime. This is a prime example of why schools are not able to determine how intelligent a student is accurate.

The truth is, we are all intelligent in various ways and we may not even be aware of all of them. Gardner’s 9 types of allow us to determine what our strengths and weaknesses are. This will also allow us to focus on specific areas we would like to improve ourselves in.

The 9 Types of Intelligence are as followed:

Interpersonal Intelligence-

Those with this type of intelligence can walk into a room and work the room casually and effortlessly. This happens because these people can relate well with any and everyone. This type of person is often well-liked and can influence others with very little effort. These individuals can read others easily and pick up on the slightest social cues and sense the way others are feeling. Social cues may be body language, facial expressions, and changes in the person’s voice. They have the power to be very diplomatic and tactful but are also commonly the peacemaker in any group they are around.

Considering they have a habitual amount of charm and a natural way to negotiate to mean they could excel in a leadership role being a teacher, lawyer, politician, or social media influencer.

Intrapersonal Intelligence-

People that display intrapersonal intelligence have a unique ability to comprehend their own emotions, which causes them to be empathetic towards others. These people are extremely accustomed to both their thoughts and behavioral patterns. When they see someone else with behaviors similar to their own, they can empathize, see deeper than others, and understand where the actions stemmed from because they have experienced similar issues. Those with intrapersonal intelligence are caring and nurturing, and are frequently the ones that do working allowing them to help others. These people tend to be introverts and shy, but also very aware and creative. People that have intrapersonal intelligence are often writers, artists, and musicians because they connect with features of themselves many are not aware of.

Spatial Intelligence-

Individuals that have spatial intelligence find it easy to visualize things in three dimensions. They are typically extremely creative, have a keen imagination, and can contemplate all aspects of a particular concept by simply pondering about it. Spatial intelligence primarily uses the function of the right side of the brain when solving puzzles, understanding maps, and taking part in any kind of construction or engineering projects. They also love to draw and possibly as the years moved on in life, they developed a fondness for reading mystery books and tried solving the mystery before they reached the end of the book.

Naturalist Intelligence-

Those with naturalist intelligence have consideration to and appreciation for nature. They focus on the way people relate to their natural surroundings. Their admiration for nature provides them with a unique capability to grow plants, vegetables, and fruits. They also have special rapport and fondness for animals and can do well with training and understanding them. People with this type of intelligence can easily differentiate patterns in nature. They tend to have awareness and are fascinated by weather phenomena. These individuals excel with uncovering the wonders nature offers us all. Those with naturalist intelligence love to walk, hike, climb, camp, and feel the sand on their bare toes, and anything else they can do out in nature.

Musical Intelligence-

People with musical intelligence can recognize pitch, rhythm, quality, and tone. This type of intelligence provides unique abilities to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on the music that was demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, and vocalists. There are common connections between musical intelligence and emotions. There are also common ways of thinking between mathematical and musical intelligence. I find it interesting and amazing that some prodigies can play any song by ear and then others that may be synesthesia and appreciate the way different notes make them see/feel color and taste certain flavors.

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence-

This type of intelligence is something that no matter how hard I tried, I never developed. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence is a style that concerns the ability to reason, solve problems, and learn to use numbers, abstract visual information, and analyze the cause and effect of relationships. People with this type of intelligence can do complex math problems in their heads, where many others with the same math problem would not be able to finish even hours later. While people with this type of intelligence expertise in highly advanced reasoning, they normally are not very emotional and prefer for things to be logical and rational.

Existential Intelligence-

Individuals with existential intelligence can utilize collective values and intuition to understand others and the world are around them. They prefer to pursue deeper questions regarding human existence, such as the meaning of life, why we did and where we go when we die, and how did we get here and why are we here. These people could not care less about the latest celebrity gossip, fashion, or sports because they find those topics superficial. People with this type of intelligence are often viewed as intense, but they truly can be sensitive, consideration with an infinite amount of compassion and empathy.

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence-

It is commonly assumed that people with bodily/kinesthetic intelligence have remarkable athletic abilities, but this is not always the case. This type of intelligence has more to do with hand-eye coordination and being able to utilize various other physical skills than it does strength and endurance. To have a high score with this type of intelligence one needs to have very fine motor control and a good sense of timing. This person’s mind-body connection is highly receptive, which provides them with quick reaction time and the ability to multitask successfully. Those with bodily/kinesthetic intelligence might be dancers, martial arts professionals, fine artists, neurosurgeons, or classical musicians.

Linguistic Intelligence-

The people in this world that have linguistic intelligence can use words very well in both speaking and writing. They tend to have a sizeable vocabulary, they enjoy reading in various literature categories, and they value others that can express themselves meaningfully. These individuals may also have a strong inclination with other languages, typically speaking two or three in addition to their native tongue. Those scoring high in linguistic enjoy and excel in all word games, such as scrabble, word puzzles, and crossword puzzles.

After reading about the different types of intelligence, which of these do you feel you have? I do find it remarkable that there are so many different types of intelligence and yet so many that have a difficult time using just one type of intelligence. I guess it is possible there are some people that have intelligence in several types, but also do not have the common sense that is needed.

I look at the state of our world and wonder why there are so many that not only don’t take the virus seriously, but also gamble with their lives by not wearing a mask. The proof is out there with how much COVID-19 numbers are increasing throughout every state in the United States. Deciding to believe a president over experts in infectious disease indicates a severe lack of intelligence. I am definitely not a genius, but I do take this virus very serious and follow all the safety protocols that have been given.

Thank you for stopping by my site today and reading about the different types of intelligence. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts and what type of intelligence you connected most with. I hope your holiday weekend is starting off well; you are feeling the best you possibly can, and staying safe! I hope you never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa