Stay True Tuesday!

Halfway Through The Week

Friday Eve

Tuesday’s Strength

Mass and Continued Shortages

MS Medications and Copay Assistance Programs

Although it has been 20 years since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, there still has not been a cure discovered. When I was diagnosed, there were not many disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) available and the ones that were offered were all injection based. I will never forget the first two I tried because they failed miserably. To be 100% honest, it may not have been the medications that failed, but instead, I was at fault because I found it too difficult to give myself a shot. Of course, injecting yourself with a sharp needle is challenging, but I think that the after-effects were much more miserable.

One can experience side effects with any medication, which I believe is because most medications, no matter how helpful they seem are poison and they require another medication to combat the symptoms. I guess you could say that big pharma knew exactly what they were doing to keep their pockets filled deep and everyone else to be broke.

During the past twenty-plus years, which is more than two decades, there have been many improvements and advancements in the treatment for those living with Multiple Sclerosis. The DMTs are no longer only injection-based and there are now a variety of medications available. Not only are there numerous medications to choose between, but most have copay assistance programs making the medications more affordable. These copay assistance programs are very beneficial, especially, if you lived in the United States where healthcare and medications are outrageously expensive. 

In the rest, of this post, I am going to share the different types of medications available for Multiple Sclerosis and if there are copay assistance programs available. Please be advised and understand that I am not a medical professional, nor am I providing any advice on the best medications to try. The information in the remainder of this post is all information I have discovered through the years and research.

I am going to start with my least favorite type of DMT, which was the only type available when I was diagnosed.

Injected-Based Medications:

Rebif, an Interferon beta medication was the first medication I “tried” after my diagnosis. This medication is taken three times a week and at least 48 hours apart. Rebif is administered subcutaneously, which means you are injecting the medication with a short, thin needle just under the skin. Rebif offers three injection options: the Rebif prefilled syringe (which is what I had), the Rebif II autoinjector, and the Rebif Rebidose Autoinjector. There are two options or dosages, 22 mcg, and 44 mcg. The following link will take you to the website for Rebif’s copay assistance. 

Copaxone was one that I did try for a short time. Both myself and my doctor knew it was not working well enough for me as I had already proven I was terrible at giving myself injections. This type is also given three times a week and at least 48 hours apart. It is best to do the injections at the same time and day each week. Copaxone 40mg can be administered with autoinjector 2 in a glass syringe. There is a copay assistance program for this medication, which you can visit at the following link.

Avonex is a once-a-week medication. This is a 30-mcg intramuscular self-infection that is injected into the muscle. Avonex is available in two ways. One way is the Avonex pen which is a single-dose autoinjector. The second way is an Avonex prefilled syringe that allows you to inject your weekly dose. Copay assistance for this medication is available, so if you are interested in this, please see the following link 

Although, oral medications are easier and do not involve needles, not all oral medications will be the most effective treatment for everyone. I am going to share the oral medications that are currently available and if there are copay assistance programs available. 

Oral Medication Options:

Aubagio is a once-a-day medication. Copay assistance programs are available. 

Tecfidera was one that I did try, but it was because I was having issues with increased headaches, and everyone I know (not my doctor) was blaming them on the Gilenya. This medication is taken twice a day with or without food. This medication does have a copay assistance program available to help with the costs. Please see the following link if this is something you are interested in. 

When on Vumerity, during the first week, the patient would take the starter dose of 231 mg as one pill twice a day. After the first week, the patient would begin the regular dose of 462 mg as two pills twice a day. As with all the others I have gone over so far, this medication also has a copay assistance program. 

With Bafiertam, during the first week, the patient could take the starting dosage of 95 mg, which a day. After the initial seven days, the dosage would increase to the normal dose of 190 mg twice a day. Copay assistance for this medication is available, please see the following link to learn more 

Gilenya is the medication that I have been on for many years. The first dose of 0.5 mg needs to be monitored for at least six hours by a healthcare professional. After the first dose, this medication is taken once a day with a daily dosage of 0.25 mg. There is a copay assistance program, which is a lifesaver as this medication is insanely expensive. For a better understanding of the copay assistance that may be offered, please see the following link 

Zeposia is another type of oral medication that I have not heard much about and it surely was not an option when I was diagnosed. This medication is taken once a day as well. There is a copay assistance program available, please see the following link for further information. 

Another oral medication that I am not too familiar with, and it was not available when I was diagnosed is Ponvory. This medication is a once-a-day pill, but it does involve a special way to begin the medication. There is copay assistance available for this medication, please see the following link to view more information 

There are numerous other options available to treat Multiple Sclerosis and so many more than I was offered when I was diagnosed. Of course, I do encourage anyone who has been battling with this disease for years or those who have been recently diagnosed to do research on different medications. I am including a link to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, as this website explains the different types of medications available and if there are any assistance programs available. 

I do think it is also good to talk with your specialist because they should be very knowledgeable about the medications that are available. I did share several in this post, but I did not want to make you read about so many medications, when you can read about the types that seem appealing without reading as much as I have already shared. Plus, I do not want to encourage anyone to try any medications because again, I am not a medical professional. The only thing I know is, I have been fighting this disease for over 20 years and I am still waiting for a cure to be available.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Even though I am not making any suggestions on the best medications, I hope the information I shared regarding copay assistance was helpful for you. Considering I have been dealing with these copay assistance programs for a long time, I am happy to help if you should have any questions. I hope you are having a lovely weekend and I am looking forward to reading your comments or questions, which I will respond to as quickly as possible. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Toxicity in The United States

The United States has been suffering from mass levels of toxicity for decades. Unfortunately, there have been and continue to be numerous issues that are engulfing most of us living in the United States. These toxic behaviors and thoughts are seeping into the rest of the world daily. The catastrophic events and issues Americans have faced end up being shown on the news for the entire world to view, which is shameful and a complete disgrace. It is tragic as an American to know about the devastations we are enduring, mostly due to those with bad intentions that are full of anger and hatred. Sadly, many have become desensitized, and the pain others are experiencing does not cause them any distress☚.

One issue that appears much worst in the United States than in any other country is gun violence. In other countries, when there was one case of gun violence, the country took the proper measures and banned guns for everyone. In the United States, you are unable to watch the news or read articles on any news outlets without seeing about shootings with or without casualties. There have been numerous school shootings in the United States and this needs to stop. Children and teens should never have easy access to a gun of any kind. If a parent or another adult in the household chooses to have a gun, they should take necessary safety measures.

Many Americans seem to believe because it is the 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms that everyone deserves to own a gun, but there need to be more laws that are followed. We do not have to be in war times with each other or anyone else. There also needs to be more education involved regarding the purchase of a gun and gun ownership. An individual who has mental health issues and is a threat to themselves or others or has a criminal record should not be able to own a weapon, which I know is already a law, but it needs to be enforced much better. I do know of at least one person that has a criminal record of violence and the person was able to not only purchase a gun but was also given a concealed weapon permit.

Another major issue that seems to be much worst in the United States is the opioid crisis. I have wondered why this seems to be the case and what I have discovered was not too surprising. The people that are to blame for this crisis are the greedy pharmaceutical companies pushing the dangerous and addictive medications, the doctors who are overprescribing these drugs, and the drug dealers who are selling fentanyl. Of course, many people are suffering from chronic pain due to illnesses or are gravely ill due to cancer. Unfortunately, some are addicts and careless. The overdose death rate in the United States is twice as much as in any other country in the world. Preventable opioid deaths are occurring among individuals between the age of 25 to 54. The overdose deaths of those older than 55 are increasing rapidly. The drug dealers that are pushing the extremely deadly drug fentanyl are out of control which has been the cause of 80% of the overdose deaths in 2022.

A very controversial issue in the United States is abortion. This was a legal action for women for almost 50 years. I am not saying that I am pro or against abortion, but I am pro-freedom. This includes for a woman to have the freedom to decide what she does with her own body. You can probably say that I am pro-choice! If a woman gets pregnant after unprotected and consensual sex and can admit she does not have the means to provide for a child or she is raped and decides she cannot carry her rapist’s child, it is her body and her choice to terminate the pregnancy. If the United States wants to continue saying we are a free country, then a woman should be free to her body. Doctors and the government should not be in control of a woman’s body in a free country!

Mental health has been a critical issue in the United States for many decades. There is a very negative stigma that surrounds mental health causing people to feel shame and afraid to try getting help. Even when a person decides they want help, there are limited resources for them to do so. Once they can locate a facility that offers the help they desperately need, the wait list is so long, and the expenses are too high causing them to give up. We need more places to be readily available and affordable to help those who are suffering silently from mental health issues. We need to find ways to remove the negative stigma and be more open to anyone with mental instabilities. This could be a solution that may prevent mass shootings and suicide.

The United States is the only developed country that does not offer free healthcare, but instead, the cost is on a steady and consistent rise. The increase in the cost of healthcare in 2022 was 6% and is expected to increase another 5%. This is ludicrous and unacceptable! The United States is the wealthiest country in the world by a long shot. With this fact, why can healthcare not be a free right for everyone? So many people cannot afford healthcare in America and therefore are left to suffer from ailments and diseases. Even those with expensive healthcare still nearly can go bankrupt due to all the other costs. In a country with outlandish wealth, no human being should ever have to suffer from illness or disease without affordable healthcare.

In my entire 41 years in the world, I have only lived in the United States. I have lived in the northern and southern states, so I do not know if equality is an issue in other countries but do know it is a major issue in the United States. People are judged and treated differently based on where they are from, the color of their skin, religious beliefs, political following, and who they love. None of this makes sense to me and never will. We are all human beings and while I do have my strong views on certain things, I do not judge or think negatively about how others view things or how they live their lives. I only judge and feel a certain way about others based on how they treat other people. I wish everyone from sea to shining sea could learn ways to express love and acceptance more because hate is only going to destroy the planet, we are sharing.

As broken as the country and system appear, there must still be hope for it to be better. The good and honest men that fought for this country many years ago should not have risked their lives in vain. Mine and my husband’s late Grandfathers were a couple of these amazing, strong, and kindhearted men who fought for this country. Their risks along with countless others should be remembered and we should be doing better for people like them and stop the evil hatred the world is conflicted with. Hatred and misery will never do anything positive for anyone, but they will damage the people we love.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Even though what I have shared was emotional and safe, I do hope you found it interesting. I am aware not everyone is going to agree with every word of this post, but this is how I feel about things in the country I live in, and it breaks my heart. I wish the world could be filled with love and compassion, but I do not have any control over how others behave and can only control myself. We do not have to agree with our family or friends, but we need to be respectful of their feelings. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes! 

Always, Alyssa

20 Plus Years….

For the past 20-plus years, I have been forced to live with an incurable illness, Multiple Sclerosis. There have been various challenges I have encountered during the years, but the most frustrating has been how extremely unpredictable this illness is. It does not seem to matter if I follow my doctor’s recommendations and take the necessary medication daily, things can still go wrong. I do realize that I am one of the lucky ones living with this illness as it has not caused me to be disabled and required to use a wheelchair or a cane, but it has caused me many issues.

Of course, I have learned to deal with the pain that I feel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year as much as anyone can. Lately, the issue that has made me nervous is the increase in dizziness. This is an issue I have dealt with randomly before, but it has been way too frequently over the past few weeks. I have not let my doctor know about the increased dizziness and not sure that I am going to unless it gets worst. After all, I already know what this could mean and do not want her sending me for an MRI or pushing me to take steroids because both make me miserable.

In the past dizziness was a sign there were new or active lesions on my brain. I think to avoid increased levels of stress. I would rather not have a doctor tell me what I already feel like I know because all that would do is make my stress skyrocket and then cause even more issues. Considering I have lived with MS for so many years, I know the most important thing to do now is to, limit and reduce my stress levels, which will hopefully make things better with the dizziness.

I think taking the right steps to reduce stress is going to be the best course of action. I recently did a post about the benefits of journaling, so I am going to try doing this daily and still blog. Writing is a great way to reduce stress and express positive thoughts and vent negative emotions. Now that the temperatures are cooler, I am going to start crocheting again because this has always been relaxing for me. I would love to be able to donate the blankets I make to those who need them to stay warm.

Do you have any specific things you do to reduce stress and relax? We are all unique and have different ways to handle issues in life, but they are all important. No two people are the same, which is what makes the world so interesting. I believe if we were all the same, the world would be boring and not at all interesting. It would be great if we could all learn to accept our differences and still be kind and understanding to one another because this would make the world a better place.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and you are enjoying your weekend. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I possibly can. Thankfully, we do still have one day left to enjoy the weekend and I hope you can do so safely. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Quick Sunday Thought

Sunday is “supposed” to be a day to relax and get ready for the week ahead of us, right? Unfortunately, I woke up early this morning with a killer headache/migraine. I am not sure what caused this to happen, but it has left me thinking the “daith” piercing might not help these. I do tend to get sick with a cold or something like that every time there is a weather change, which could explain the body aches and head pain. Needless to say, it was not a good Sunday for me at least.

It did not help that my pain doctor screwed up and NEVER called my refill in for today like she was “supposed” to. I called the pharmacy on Friday afternoon to follow up and ensure the Nurse Practitioner did what she was supposed to. When I learned the Nurse Practitioner did not call this in, I did call the office and was told they were taking care of it. They did NOT! Sadly, we need to make sure our doctors do what they are supposed to, especially with our medications, but I guess it is what it is! I am unsure if this is just an issue with medical professionals in the United States or if it is worldwide!

I hope you have had a nice and relaxing weekend. Do you have issues with your doctors or Nurse Practitioners not doing what they are supposed to do? How do you handle these issues? I already left a voicemail for my doctor’s office to let them know their so-called care is unacceptable. I am not sure they fully understand what it is like to live life in constant pain because if they did I am sure they would not be so incompetent and inconsiderate.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. I feel confident that most of you understand my frustration with my doctor’s office, so I would love to know how you would handle things. I try to always be polite, but I think that seems to make them think I am a pushover and they can screw up. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

World of Hurt

I think we can all agree the past several years dealing with COVID fears has not been easy. The COVID pandemic put our lives on hiatus. All the things we wanted to do and took for granted were halted. It was not easy to be stuck at home all the time and only see the same four walls, day in and day out. While COVID has not vanished from existence, many have taken the necessary precautions by getting the vaccine. I still have hope that life can start becoming closer to the normal we once knew, but I do understand things do not always work out the way we want them to.

The truth is, we are only offered one chance at this life, so we should not waste any time on anger and hate. Instead, we should always continue growing, changing, learning, and striving to improve. Each day we encounter numerous challenges and struggles, which even though it is not easy to see in the moment, make us stronger and more courageous. No matter how difficult the challenges we face seem, if we can think of them as opportunities, they might get easier.

We have been dealing with stress and loneliness due to COVID for so long, that I can hardly remember what life used to be like. I cannot remember what we used to do on weekends or vacations. The only way I can view weekends now is time I do not have to work. It seems like for years we have had nothing to look forward to or be excited about.

Although I know cases and deaths from COVID have decreased, there are still lingering fears in my mind that I cannot erase. Besides COVID, other terrible things are occurring too often. I understand the United States will not take away the people’s right to guns, but something needs to change. We should not have to fear going to a grocery store, hospital, mall, movie theater, out to dinner, or children going to school. Gun control may help save lives or at least lessen the chance of an unstable person being able to purchase a gun. Assault rifles and semi-automatic guns are not meant to be in the hands of ordinary people and should only be used during war times. Schools, stores, restaurants, and hospitals are not acts of war.

Mental health has been a serious issue for decades, but it does not seem like anyone is trying to make changes. Those that suffer in silence and alone need to feel comfortable asking for help, without fear of ridicule, judgment, and not having the ability to afford help. There are too many people battling addictions, which can lead to depression and possibly death. Why should people be forced to suffer without any viable help? The United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but the citizens cannot afford help, healthcare, or medications. That just does not seem right to me!

Unfortunately, we continue to live in a world of fears. We should all try to understand others and help when we can. Of course, we need to try putting our needs first because if we are not well, we will not be able to help anyone else. Putting our needs first is not selfish, which I do tend to have a hard time understanding because has always been in my nature to put other’s needs ahead of my own. This is something I am working on and know I will succeed with someday.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you found what I have shared today meaningful. I am looking forward to reading your comments and will respond as quickly as I can. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and remaining safe. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa