MS & Fatigue

My Years With Multiple Sclerosis

Mass and Continued Shortages

Take A Stand!

Pick-Me-Up Friday Eve

Thoughts in my mind

When I was younger, politics was never a topic I had any interest in following. It was not clear to me when and if any politician was being sincere, truthful, or had the best interests of anyone besides themselves in mind. As I have gotten older and slightly less blind or ignorant to the way our political system operates, the only thing that appears crystal clear is the vast majority of our political leaders have forgotten what it means to be honest. It does not matter what the party is, they all have one general thing in common, and it is not the best quality, as it is complete and utter dishonesty.

Political rhetoric has been an overwhelming and toxic predicament in the United States for far too long. These issues should never have escalated to the extreme levels it has over the last several years. It seems unheard, of that, anyone can either agree or at least agree to disagree on many of the HOT topics flooding the country. None of the differences of opinion should create turmoil and animosity, especially among family and friends. Life is too short, and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, so we should avoid disagreements that offer no resolutions and only endanger feelings.

We will always encounter people that have different opinions, and we should not feel like we cannot have a normal and civilized conversation with these people. Chances are, you are already aware of the opinions of your family, friends, and even though it may be forbidden to discuss at work, your co-workers as well. Understanding things like this in advance can help you avoid any topics where a potential debate is inevitable.

I think everyone must understand that there is nothing sinister about being friendly and accepting of those from an opposing political party. It is natural and normal to have beliefs, and even feel strongly about those beliefs. It will not be a surprise to anyone that has read my previous posts, I am not and never will be a supporter of Donald Trump. I do not agree with the way he behaves or his treatment of others, but that is who he is and who I am. I also do not care much for the current President. It is 2023 and we need to learn to be more accepting and not continue to behave the same as many did decades ago. With the years comes change and therefore, I believe we are in dire need of someone younger and more accepting of the changes.

To get away from politics, I have so many questions that I do not believe have answers. Why are people so scared of those that are different? Should people not be free to love, even if they love differently than others do? Why should a woman not be the ONLY one with rights to her body? Why should the government or state have control over a woman’s body? Why in the richest country in the world do we have so many that are homeless? Why in a country that believes they have rights over a woman’s reproductive system, are there so many children without a family, food, or everything else every child deserves? Why, in a country that says they have the best medical schools in the world, does mental health go unnoticed? Why is there limited help for those battling addiction and more opportunities to become addicted? Why in a country with supposedly the topic ranked scientists are cures for diseases not progressing?

I do understand that some people reading this post will not agree with me because of their beliefs, and I can accept that. I can respect others’ beliefs as long as they can respect mine. Even though I do understand, many disagree with abortion, I would like to understand why. If a woman is raped, why should she be forced to keep her rapist’s baby even though adoption can be an option, why should she be forced to carry the baby for 9 very long months? Why should anyone feel shamed for loving someone of the same sex? Who cares, love does not damage anyone else’s life. I have hoped for over 20 years for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis or cancers that have taken people I loved away from me.

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Yes, I already know how incredibly short it has been and it is slightly upsetting that the workweek will begin again tomorrow, but maybe the upcoming week will be promising. Next week is going to be a little longer because I have a follow-up appointment with my pain management doctor and I will be working longer days to make up the time I will miss, but I do hope it will be a good week.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I would still enjoy reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. Today is another rainy day where I live, which always makes my pain my higher. Unfortunately, where I live it rains a lot and I know I just need to deal with it the best way that I can. I hope your last day of the weekend is enjoyable and relaxing. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

First day of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

Not only are we halfway through the week today, but it is also the first day of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Of course, I am thrilled we are halfway through the week and that much closer to the weekend! How has your week been? I know there are still a few days left before the weekend returns, but is there anything you are looking forward to this weekend? This is out of character for me because I do not like or endorse violence, but there is a UFC fight happening on Saturday that I am looking forward to! The two fighters I am interested in watching are Jon Jones vs Ciryl Gane. Of the two men, I am hoping Ciryl Gane wins because Jon Jones has allegedly hit his wife, and I cannot support anyone who does this!

Normally, I enjoy writing about things during the awareness months because it is interesting and provides useful information to those reading, but this one is a little harder for me because it is not just one month out of the year this affects me. I must deal with Multiple Sclerosis 365 days a year, and it never gives me a break. It would be amazing to get a break from this disease, even if it was just for one minute, but it is something that refuses to take a break. Honestly, I do know it could be worst, and I have an easier form of it, but for lack of better words, it still sucks!

Anyone that has been following my blog for any length of time, already knows that I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 19 years old, which was over 20 years ago. It was a difficult diagnosis at such a young age, but in a way, it was better because I was able to start treatment early. Regardless of when I was diagnosed or how thankful I should be that I was able to start treatment early, it was terrifying because I knew next to nothing about the disease. This is just my first post of the month about Multiple Sclerosis and I plan to do more each week with the information I have learned during the years having lived with this not-so-fun and unpredictable disease. I do hope you will find the posts I shared with information useful!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and I look forward to reading your comments. Please know that I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can. I hope you have a wonderful day and remember that anything that does not get done today, tomorrow is another day. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Pick-Me-Up Thursday

I try my best to never miss work, especially considering I work from home, but I did have to miss work yesterday. I have been dealing with increased pain and dizziness for several days, which I am assuming has to do with the constant weather changes because my body takes time to adjust so when the weather changes too frequently, I do not have time to adjust. The weather changes tend to wrack havoc on my body and make me miserable, but I should be used to this after over 20 years of living with Multiple Sclerosis.

It has always been difficult for me to call out of work sick because I end up beating myself up about it and think I should have just pushed myself a little harder. Missing work yesterday took a lot for me to do, but I will say I needed the time to take care of myself, which has never been something I was good at doing. I am much better as the caretaker of others than I am at taking care of myself. Even though I hated missing work, I will say that my amazing supervisor was understanding and a few of my co-workers even sent me messages to check on me. I guess you can say, I work with some incredible and very caring people😊!

We have made it through the majority of the week and only have a couple of days left before the weekend returns. With that said, I think we could all use a little pick-me-up to help us through the final part of the week! I hope you will enjoy the quote that I am sharing with you today and that it provides you with the fight to get through the last part of this week! The worst thing we can do to ourselves is to be an obstacle and get in our way of success because we are better than that and deserve more. We are strong and amazing individuals with much determination and strength! Of course, we all need a reminder of this!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you have had a good week and you are feeling well. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared today and you found the quote helpful to get through the rest of the week. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

20 Plus Years….

For the past 20-plus years, I have been forced to live with an incurable illness, Multiple Sclerosis. There have been various challenges I have encountered during the years, but the most frustrating has been how extremely unpredictable this illness is. It does not seem to matter if I follow my doctor’s recommendations and take the necessary medication daily, things can still go wrong. I do realize that I am one of the lucky ones living with this illness as it has not caused me to be disabled and required to use a wheelchair or a cane, but it has caused me many issues.

Of course, I have learned to deal with the pain that I feel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year as much as anyone can. Lately, the issue that has made me nervous is the increase in dizziness. This is an issue I have dealt with randomly before, but it has been way too frequently over the past few weeks. I have not let my doctor know about the increased dizziness and not sure that I am going to unless it gets worst. After all, I already know what this could mean and do not want her sending me for an MRI or pushing me to take steroids because both make me miserable.

In the past dizziness was a sign there were new or active lesions on my brain. I think to avoid increased levels of stress. I would rather not have a doctor tell me what I already feel like I know because all that would do is make my stress skyrocket and then cause even more issues. Considering I have lived with MS for so many years, I know the most important thing to do now is to, limit and reduce my stress levels, which will hopefully make things better with the dizziness.

I think taking the right steps to reduce stress is going to be the best course of action. I recently did a post about the benefits of journaling, so I am going to try doing this daily and still blog. Writing is a great way to reduce stress and express positive thoughts and vent negative emotions. Now that the temperatures are cooler, I am going to start crocheting again because this has always been relaxing for me. I would love to be able to donate the blankets I make to those who need them to stay warm.

Do you have any specific things you do to reduce stress and relax? We are all unique and have different ways to handle issues in life, but they are all important. No two people are the same, which is what makes the world so interesting. I believe if we were all the same, the world would be boring and not at all interesting. It would be great if we could all learn to accept our differences and still be kind and understanding to one another because this would make the world a better place.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared, and you are enjoying your weekend. I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I possibly can. Thankfully, we do still have one day left to enjoy the weekend and I hope you can do so safely. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month Part 2

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and as I said in my post on March 3rd, I want to do a post about MS each week during the month. I know some information I have shared previously, but I do want to explain again what this disease is and the symptoms one might experience with this unpredictable disease. I also want to do my part in providing knowledge about Multiple Sclerosis to as many people as I can because it can easily be misunderstood or confused with other diseases. Please be advised that I am not a medical professional, but I am someone that has lived with MS for 21 years and has done countless hours of research.

Multiple Sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. With Multiple Sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin, which is the protective sheath covering nerve fibers and causes communication issues between the brain and the rest of the body. In time this disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves. Unfortunately, at this time there is no cure for MS, but medication can decrease the rate of progression.

The signs and symptoms can be different from person to person. No two people will experience the same signs and symptoms at the same time. Some symptoms that target movement are numbness and or weakness in one or more limbs, typically on one side of the body at a time. People may also experience an electric-shock sensation with certain neck movements. Others may suffer from a lack of coordination or unsteadiness.

A common complication with Multiple Sclerosis is vision problems. The issues with vision can vary from partial or complete vision loss, typically in one eye at a time. Others may have prolonged double vision or blurry vision. I remember when I was diagnosed with MS, I went to my eye doctor because I had lost vision completely in my left eye. Imagine being 19 years old going to the eye doctor thinking you are going blind and finding out the vision can be repaired, but you have a lifelong, incurable disease. It was a shock to my young mind, but I guess it was good news in a way.

Even though everyone experiences MS differently and deals with different symptoms, some common symptoms are slurry speech, problems with sexual, bowel, and bladder functions, fatigue, dizziness, tingling, and or pain in parts of the body.

I still have a few other posts I will be sharing about Multiple Sclerosis this month. I will be sharing a few reasons I get frustrated with this disease. I try my best to not get overly frustrated with others who do not understand or cannot comprehend the struggles I deal with, but I am only human and do get aggravated sometimes. I will also do a post to explain the different types of Multiple Sclerosis, so please stay tuned if you are interested.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you are having a great and safe week. We have almost made it through this entire week and will be able to enjoy the weekend soon. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Whatever you do this weekend, please remember to continue to stay safe. I also want to remind everyone to continue keeping those living in Ukraine in your prayers. Unfortunately, the battle they are enduring is not over yet, but hopefully, they will find peace and safety during this tragic time. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa