First Post of 2023

Another year has come to an end and the new year has begun. During the past several years, we have all experienced many challenges and 2022 was no different or an exception to the vast amounts of challenges. There is no point in dwelling on the things that went wrong or could have and should have gone better, instead, we must remember the valuable lessons that were learned. Now is a time to think about what we want this new year to contain and how we are going to make changes happen to make 2023 a great year. We must consider ways to make the changes that are needed in life and understand the reasons why change is necessary.

We have, unfortunately, all seen many negative things take place over the past several years and none of them helped us to evolve. Too many people have spent many years devolving to levels they are shameful. I cannot understand why so many are living as we did in the early 1900s when people were not treated equally and there were ignorant judgments about the way people lived their life. I will never understand why people are so scared of what they do not understand and banish the ways others are living when it is not causing anyone any harm.

There were many years when anytime we turned on the news, we saw political leaders criticizing others and spreading hatred as far as they could. The ones that valued these political leaders’ opinions and thoughts carried on with so much hate in their hearts. Why is it so difficult for people to think for themselves and stand alone if they disagree with others? I would rather stand alone in the middle of an empty space if it meant I was standing up for what I believed in and had a strong hold on my morals.

I have mentioned before that I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions but would prefer to make good new habits. I think it is so important to treat others with kindness and respect. It does not matter if I understand how they are living their life because it does not cause me any harm. I have noticed during the past few years that honesty and love are not practiced or known. I feel that honesty and love almost go hand in hand because you cannot love if you are not being honest. How can anyone say they love another person if they are not being truthful with that person?

For 2023, I want to learn ways to not be so hard on myself and begin to trust my instincts. I want to find ways to remove the people that have a habit of disappointing me or causing me emotional pain because life is too short to deal with constant disappointments. I also want to continue treating others with kindness and respect and hopefully help others to do the same. I do know it is impossible to change others, but I do have the power to change how I allow the negativity to affect my mental health.

Did you do anything special to celebrate the New Year? My husband and I normally just spend the New Year at home because it is safer, which is what we did last night as well. Unfortunately, we were both still not feeling well because of the 2nd COVID booster we got on Friday morning. I remember after the 1st COVID booster I felt awful for several days, so I did expect the same with the 2nd booster. Is it not crazy to get something for protection against a deadly virus, but it makes you feel terrible for days? I would rather feel awful for a few days at home than be in a hospital fighting for my life. I am hoping today will be the last day of feeling bad, but we will see😊!

Now that we are in 2023, do you have any goals for the new year? How do you plan to accomplish your goals? I hope you know that you do have the strength and power to reach any of your goals! Was there anything in 2022 that you wish never happened, but did the experiences teach you any important lessons? How can you use these lessons to better your life and the new year?

Thank you for visiting my site today and reading my first post for 2023. I hope your New Year’s celebration was wonderful and safe! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as possible. I hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

How to be more confident

~Say goodbye to self-doubt~

No two people will experience the same moods, confidence, or self-esteem simultaneously. One of the most challenging things to live with is self-doubt and being your own worst enemy and hardest critic. This is something I know to be true because it is something I have lived with all my life. Always questioning if you are doing things correctly and good enough can wreak havoc on your self-confidence. Self-doubt and low self-esteem limit your full potential.

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to put an end to all m self-doubt. Unfortunately, it is already January 27th, and I am still battling with too much self-doubt. Looking back at the times I doubted myself, most of the time I was not incorrect and not doing anything wrong. I am not saying I am always right because that is not true, and no one is perfect. Admitting my faults comes easy to me but I am still trying to understand and accept that I am good enough.

Considering I have been unable to quit doubting myself and my abilities, I decided to do some research on the topic. If you have been plagued with self-doubt, we are in the same unfavorable situation. Maybe it is possible in this huge world we can help one another. I am going to share some ways to get through this pessimistic thinking and how to get into a brighter optimistic life.

Try to stay present in the conversation. Our inner critic tends to be a one-way dialogue that is filled with negativity. It is important to listen closely to what your inner voice is saying and rethink the story being told. If we can jump into the story and reinvent it in a more creative, realistic, and positive way. This allows us to take ownership and responsibility for our lives and act with mortality instead of running away from what we are meant to accomplish in life.

Attempt to create a positive life! We are not able to protect ourselves from less desirable outcomes, such as rejection, loss, let downs, and disappointments. We can decide how much we allow these negative situations to affect how we feel about ourselves. Creating a list of things that are going well in our lives and keeping it close may help in the long run. When we are feeling helpless or defeated, the list we created can be a reminder of the good things in life.

Getting out of your own head is one of the most important and difficult things to do, or at least it is for me. This is an event that explodes your self-confidence into small pieces. Maybe it is a derogatory comment heard someone say about you or not getting the job you had your heart set on. The only thing reliving the experience continuously does is prolong the pain and low self-worth felt. Falling into this negative cycle can be challenging to escape from, but distancing yourself from these thoughts can be accomplished by doing simple things you enjoy such as reading, writing binge-watching your favorite show, or anything else that helps you relax. Meditation (which I am not good at) can help to silence your pain.

Something else that I have learned over the years to be beneficial is to keep things in perspective. Those that are the least confident tend to focus on what they do not have instead of what they do have. Remaining thankful for what you do have is a BIG part of self-confidence. When you feel that your current circumstances are not measuring up to your expectations, your self-confidence could be very low. During this time, it will be easy to make a list of the 5 things you do not have in your life and want. Another list to make is 10 things you do have in your life. Although this list may be harder, it will help you to realize all you do have to be thankful for.

If self-doubt is something you deal with in life, I hope the information I have shared will be helpful. Life is short and living with these feelings is not the best way to live. If you have any other ideas you would like to share, that would be wonderful because your ways of handling these challenges could be extremely helpful for others.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you are having a good week and you are staying safe! I hope you have a great day, and you are not burdened with too much stress. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Chaos & Tragedy in the United States

We Need To Stop The Hate & Violence Now

Happy Sunday y’all! Before you start reading this, I just want to provide you wait a small DISCLAIMER/WARNING. I do the best I can to not write about politics, but this is about more than simple politics. I think y’all know by now I try to be open-minded, fair, kind, compassionate, and understanding, which is why this was so important for me to share. I know you might feel differently about tis, but I would really love to read and understand what your thoughts are.

The continued insanity that is going on within the United States is disgusting and shameful. The way people are following the idiotic ideas they are hearing from the president is not only awful but inhumane. Who would have thought our nation’s capital could be invaded so easily?  These people were domestic terrorists that were fueled by the hatred from the president of The United States.

This tragic display of repugnance was not how decent and logical people behave. The way Donald Trump has encouraged his cult followers to act is repulsive. Besides, 5 people being left dead after the riot that took place at the Nation’s Capital on Wednesday, more than 50 people were arrested so far, and for what? On January 20th, Joe Biden is still going to be sworn in as the 26th president and Donald Trump will be gone.

The violence and brutality that we all witnessed on Wednesday was very upsetting and never should have happened. Of course, I did not know anyone involved personally, but none the less it was awful to see. A leader of a county should NOT be instilling hatred and violence but should be promoting peace and equality. After all, this is The United States of America and was known as the land of the “free”. Throughout history, former presidents have not stimulated violence and rage but tried keeping the peace among the citizens. I cannot help but wonder why so many are okay with Trump’s behavior to the point they would storm a federal building and create mass amounts of destruction.

Over this past year, there have been countless situations that should have been handled in a better way. The government knew about COVID-19 and did not share the information with the American people. Donald Trump decided to place the blame for this virus on China, instead of taking responsibility for the safety of the people he represented. I understand COVID-19 started in China, but President Xi of China shared his concerns with the world and yet Donald Trump was more concerned with being re-elected than caring for the lives of the people.

I do not like to write about political things because it tends to be a VERY HOT topic with people, but this past Wednesday was very upsetting to me. Never in a million years would I thought what took place this past week would have ever happened in a building that is so protected. With Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20th, I am worried we are going to see much more chaos and violence, but I hope there will be much better planning to protect the innocent. I will never understand why Donald Trump has so much hate within him, but sadly since his favorite toy, Twitter have been taken away from him, I think there is a chance his toddler like behavior will get worse in the next week or so. I think we all know that this man child tweets about everything and his cult followers enjoy all of his heinous words.

This post is a lot different from what I normally write about, but these issues weigh heavily on my mind and heart. I do the best I can to avoid the news because I cannot seem to make it through a segment without crying. I have always dreamed of world peace and a very small part of me still has hope that we can someday experience this, but the logical part of me realizes our chances for world peace are slim. The world is too full of hate and while much of this hate is intensified by the current president, some people are just miserable and enjoy spreading this hate.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I do know that some of you are not going to agree with one word of this post and while I might not understand the logic behind this, I will respect your opinions. The great thing about what the United States is supposed to stand for is, we are free to think and believe what we want to. Please know regardless of if you agree or disagree, I will always be sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

~Motivational Monday~

~First Monday Of 2021~

Happy Monday and happy 2021! I hope you had a lovely weekend and a wonderful, and safe New Year Celebration! We need to leave 2020 in the past and begin this week with a positive mindset. If we all try to think 2021 will bring all of us great new opportunities, I think we can make this happen! I will admit, Monday mornings, especially after a long weekend are not my favorite day, but I am trying to believe this week will be the start of an amazing year! We all went through a lot last year, so we might have to take it slow and think just one day at a time!

Y’all know I think we need a motivating quote to start our weeks with positive thoughts and an open mind! I am hoping the quote I am sharing with y’all today will start your week off well and it will improve with each day that passes! Of course, I think the quote provides just enough optimism to open your thoughts to many of your own additional positive and motivating thoughts! Now, even though I love this quote, your thoughts matter even more and I would love to read your amazing comments! I promise to respond as quickly as I can, which will more than likely be when I get out of work today!

I hope you have a wonderful and safe day! I know that the first day back to work after a long weekend can be insane and overwhelming, but just take everything you are faced with just one at a time. The world is not going to come to an end if you are not able to finish everything today, you can always try again tomorrow! I can say all this to everyone else, but I am bad at following my advice. I always allow myself to get overwhelmed and then work extra hard, which is exhausting.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I appreciate the time you are taking to read what I have shared, and hopefully sharing your thoughts! I know we are all busy and it is easy to get behind on things, but all we can do is continue trying! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Saying Goodbye to 2020

Let’s End 2020 & Begin 2021 With Positivity!

It really does seem as if 2020 started off going in the wrong direction, but never managed to change course for the better. To put it mildly, there has been an insane number of life-altering situations that have taken place during 2020 and none that I would want to relive or even wish on my worst enemy. This also goes far deeper than anything affecting me personally because what has gone wrong during this year has tragically impacted millions of people worldwide.

I do not think I had ever looked forward to saying “Goodbye” to any year previously in my life, but I am glad 2020 is now in our rearview mirror. There were so many tragedies that took place and many of which should never have happened in the first place. Everyone faces challenging times during their life, but I think we have all seen far too many during 2020. I would love to be able to say that everyone learns something with each challenge faced, but I think for some people it takes a little more than it does others.

At the end of 2019, I thought that 2020 was going to be a wonderful year. In a strange way, I thought this because 2020 was an even number everything was going to be blissful and full of great times. I have never been more wrong, but I can admit that I was. I know there have been years that were a lot worse, but not during my lifetime. It was probably back during our grandparent’s time when times were a lot more tragic and the past year, we endured would be easy for them to tolerate because the things they saw were something we could not ever handle. I do not think our brains are wired to handle what our grandparents saw.

What were a few things that occurred during 2020 that you wished never happened? What were a few things that happened during 2020 that you were thankful for and learned from? Of course, there are always going to be issues/situations in life we would love to wish away, but unfortunately, this is not always possible. It is crucial we learn from everything we go through and help others to do the same.

Thinking about the past year in a negative manner probably is not healthy and even though it is not easy we do need to try our best to see a light. Yes, there have been almost 350,000 deaths due to COVID in the United States and 1.83 million worldwide. These numbers are astonishing and very terrible. In my opinion, you would think these numbers would force everyone to do what is necessary, and yet there are so many that refuse to. Wearing a mask and social distancing is NOT taking away the freedom that some Americans’ are complaining about, it is for the safety of human lives. Until everyone does what they can to stop the spread, the new cases and deaths are only going to continue to rise.

I am not going to lie to y’all, I hardly ever leave my house these days. Also, I cannot tell you that I do not follow the number of new cases in the city I live in. There have been way too many times the numbers have brought me to tears and watching the people on the news that lost loved ones to COVID always makes me cry. I cannot imagine losing someone that I care about because of this virus because all it takes is following the advice from experts. Y’all know I think that politicians lie and so do your typical everyday people, but numbers and science do not lie. We have all heard since the virus appeared, wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands, stay home, and all the other excellent advice is NOT hard to do!

Another sad part about 2020 is people have shown their true colors and they are NOT pretty. So many people showed that not only are they ignorant to the facts, but they are selfish only caring about what they want and do exactly what they want to despite what is going on in the world. It seems like so many people will not understand how deadly COVID is until they lose someone they care about and this is NOT the way any of us should be behaving. During these devastating times, we MUST join together for the good of human lives. It does not matter what political party you follow, right now it ONLY matters that we do what we can to keep others alive and end the spread of this deadly virus!

I know I am only one person and I cannot do anything alone to do this, so I am asking each of you to do the same! Even if we only save one other person’s life, that is one more family that will not bear the grief of losing someone they care about and then not even be able to have a proper burial because of the virus that took that person.

There might be certain things I have said in this post you agree with and even some things that you will disagree with, but I would love to read what you think. I respect you and what you think, so it is perfectly fine if you disagree with some or all that is in this post. I promise that I will respond to all comments as quickly as I can!

Thank you so very much for visiting my site today. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and you are staying safe! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday!

We Finally Made It! Happy Friday Y’all!

Now that the week is finally over, how was your week? I hope you had a lovely week and you remained safe! This week seemed unusually long and I am not 100% as to why. I guess it could be due to the fact I have not been feeling my best and not sleeping all that well, but at least the weekend is finally here! Do you have any plans for the weekend? Normally, I do a grocery delivery for Saturday morning, but I decided I didn’t want to have to get up at any certain time. I have scheduled my grocery delivery for tonight right after work!

Now that the weekend is here, we all know how incredibly short it is. We deserve to have a nice and relaxing weekend, without any of the stress or negative emotions the week might have caused. This is my reason for doing “Let It Go Friday” because today is a great day to let go of those emotions. Do you agree Friday is a day we should just let go of the past week and enjoy our weekend? The quote I am sharing might not be my typical let it go kind of quote, but I think it is an important message.

I am going to say that some of my plans for the weekend is to not only catch up on rest, but with my writing and reading. I have not meant to be slack about these, but working 40+ hours a week is exhausting. I am ashamed to say that I have started multiple different posts and not finished them completely. I do not feel right about putting something up for y’all to read that is only subpar and prefer to give it 100%. My hope it to at least complete one of the few I have started and hope you will enjoy it!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope your week has gone well, you have a fantastic day, and your weekend is all that you want it to be. Like always, my only request is for y’all to please stay safe! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday!

It’s time to let go of negative emotions from the week & enjoy the weekend!

Happy Friday y’all! We finally made it through the week and I hope you had a wonderful week! Do you have anything planned for the weekend? I know that any plans you may have, y’all will stay safe, right? I know this will come as a surprise to y’all, so brace yourself, I have nothing planned at all. I know you must think I just live a boring life, but truthfully, this is what I prefer because of my intense fears of COVID-19.

As this week finally comes to an end and with so much going on around the world that may cause some stress and or negative feelings, I think today is the perfect day to attempt to let those emotions go to hopefully enjoy the short weekend. The weeks are so long and the weekends seem to get shorter, we need to be able to enjoy it as much as we possibly can. I am hoping you will find the quote I am sharing with y’all today encouraging and it helps you let go of any negative feelings you may be carrying with you.

It breaks my heart anytime I hear the news because there are so many awful things going on and not just with the virus. I have never understood why there is so much hate that is only building throughout the country. In my eyes, we are all simply imperfect human-beings with a heart and feelings. It does not matter how much money you have in the bank, the house you live in, the clothes you wear, cars you drive, or anything else because what matters is the way you treat others. I feel pretty confident that y’all agree with me on this, but please let me know what you think.

Thank you for visiting my site today. As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have shared and I also love reading your comments, which I will respond to as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday

It’s The Day We’ve All Been Waiting For! Friday Is Here!!!

Happy Friday y’all! It’s been a long week, but now we have the weekend to be thankful for! Do y’all have any plans for your weekend? Now that the week is over it is time to leave it behind us and enjoy life. The weeks are long and the weekends are short, so live it up, but be safe. I am sure y’all will be shocked to know it, but I do not have any plans and like it that way. I do get tired of being in the house, all day every day, but it just isn’t safe anywhere else.

Anything that has weighed you down during this week, should be let go of so you can enjoy your weekend! Considering the weekends are SO short, we need to do what we can be able to enjoy every minute of it. I know there are many things I need to let go of because some people can be draining and exhausting. I hope the quote I am sharing with y’all will help you let go of any and all negative emotions!

I know I must start irritating y’all because I say at least once in each post to be safe and do what is necessary to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19. It doesn’t matter what they say on the news or how some people try to downplay it, this virus is VERY serious and is killing people daily. It is rather easy to stay safe, you just need to follow the advice from the experts.

Thank y’all for stopping by my site today. I hope you enjoy the quote and I would love to hear from y’all! I hope you have a great day and a restful and safe weekend! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Let It Go Friday!

Let Go Of Your Negative Energy & Enjoy Your Life!

Happy Friday y’all! How was your week? This was my second week at my new job and things are still going very well and I must say that I am working with some pretty great people! It is definitely different being able to work from home. I mean, I do not need to make my hair or makeup look nice and do not even have to wear uncomfortable work clothes. I will be honest with y’all, I do still put makeup on, always let my hair air dry, and wear comfortable loose clothing! I LOVE it!

Now that we have made it to another Friday and the weekend is near, it is time to let go of any negative energy we might be feeling. Negative energy doesn’t need to be work related, maybe you had a disagreement with a friend or family member. Disagreements can happen with anyone, which is one reason it is best not discuss sensitive subjects with family, such as religion and politics! Regardless of what negative feelings you are having, it is best to let them go and not carry them into the weekend with you! Weekends are supposed to be relaxing and happy! I do hope the quote I am sharing today will help you release any unpleasant feelings you are experiencing and you are able to have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Thank you for visiting my site today! I hope you enjoyed the quote that I shared and I do look forward to reading what you thought about it! I hope the last day of the week is a good one for you and you are looking forward to the weekend. Please, whatever you do over the weekend, stay safe by following all safety measures. I hope you never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

How to not feel trapped by life

pursuit of happinessWe are all in the pursuit of happiness for our life. We must try to discover what we truly want from the life we are living. We can easily begin to feel trapped by our aspirations, triumphs, failures, and responsibilities. We can inflict these on ourselves or they may be imposed on us by outside forces.

Our ultimate goal needs to be to not feelwindow-335607_960_720 trapped in life because there are so many pathways for a joyful, prosperous life that there isn’t a good reason to not aspire for something healthier.

It is crucial to create your own journey and not view something as better but focus on making things healthier. This can enable us to free our mind from feeling trapped in our life. Below are ways we might be able to get to that free point.

  1. Live below your means

There is so much marketing that encourages consumers to buy new products. They promote these new products as better and those they will make people happy, which isn’t true.

live belowThis creates the thoughts we need to make more money so we can buy bigger houses, newer cars, up to date brand name clothes, or the most current electronics, even though the one bought last year still works.

Living below our means gives us the freedom to not be a slave to a job that makes us miserable. The advertisements that are created to grab our interests need to be ignored because most of those products are not needed. Balancing our needs with wants is important to acknowledge.

  1. Accept responsibility for your choices and actions

We are the only one that can save ourselves from the decisions we have made. There arerespp too many people that spend their time complaining about how awful they think their life is, instead of putting the effort into making the changes we need. There are times bad things happen to a person that can’t be avoided.  When this does happen, we need to accept what occurred and move on the best we can.

The truth is, many only want to blame everyone and everything else for their hard times in life, but they fail to look in the mirror for the blame. It is important to look in the mirror because often times there is no one else that can fix our problems.

  1. Strive for a healthier lifestyle

Living an unhealthy lifestyle will negatively influence our quality of thoughts, emotions, bband life.

Easy choices like cutting back on unhealthy foods, trying to get a little more regular exercise, and the proper amount of sleep each night can drastically improve our mentality and perspectives. A healthier lifestyle can depend on the foundation of sleep. The deeper stages of sleep are when our brain produces the images (1)chemicals to maintain our mood and balance throughout the day. Both our moods and emotions will suffer if we don’t get enough sleep.

Food and drinks provide our minds with the nourishment we need and offer us our energy throughout the day. The simple changes we can make to drink less sugary and caffeinated beverages and more water can provide mental and physical health benefits.

  1. Embrace change when it is the only option

Growth and change are things that can’t be avoided if we are living a positive and meaningful life. We will make changes to our views; work on our mental and emotional health, which may show us we have outgrown some situations and or people.12-30-2018_Image_EmbraceChangeposter

Outgrowing certain situations may be challenging. Outgrowing some of our friends and even our family will be much more difficult. During this time we need to analyze the situations and people to determine which are meaningful to our life. If you view some people are toxic because of their actions, they will only continue dragging us down.

Some people actually prefer to stay stagnant in their life because it is comfortable and they do care to make changes for a healthier life. We need to try embracing changes and enjoy the amazing opportunities that will free us from feeling trapped.

  1. Learn to say “NO”

unknown-author-color-text-cream-paper-learn-say-no-explaining-8u3xAdapting to the ability to say “no” can be difficult, but it is an important skill to learn. There will never be a time when something isn’t going on or someone else doesn’t need something or even when another responsibility doesn’t come up. If we don’t learn to say “no” we will always be caught up with something and may even be taken advantage of by someone who doesn’t expect to hear us say no.

The ability to say no could keep us from feeling trapped by too many responsibilities.

  1. Do more things that make us happy

This might not be something we think about because of many different reasons that make sense to us.7df2c73195ef62c8298ee47459879666 As long as what makes us happy isn’t harming anyone else, there is nothing wrong with it. We all know that people enjoy judging others for how they live, but they really do not matter at the end of the day.

We all have the right to discover happiness and do what makes us happy. Dedicating time to what brings us happiness is necessary for self-care.

The normal day-to-day life can have a great deal of negativity and repetition. There are times when the repetition can lead us to believe we are bored with our life, which can make us feel trapped. This is the main reason for doing things that bring us joy is so important.

  1. Add spontaneity and creativity to your life

Human beings are not designed for an inflexible immutable schedule of things we mustcreativity do. Often the feelings of being trapped are more thought of being trapped due to the monotony of life.

Working a normal job, bills to pay, and other responsibilities can get too routine. We all need excitement, creativity, and spontaneity in our life. Whatever we do doesn’t need to be expensive, it can simply be a walk in the park or a short scenic drive. We can even do something creative that can be displayed around the house or given to a friend or family member.

  1. Seek help from a professional

crossroad signThere are many reasons a person may feel trapped and not all will be easy to figure out. The reasons could lead to depression or other mental health issues.

It might not be easy admitting the need to talk to a professional, but it might be worth it. Talking to a professional could help get past the feelings of being trapped.


Our life doesn’t need to feel like it is a chore because it has so much more to offer. If we can learn to replace our negative emotions with healthier thoughts and habits, we can allow ourselves a more fulfilling life.depositphotos_110108908-stock-illustration-healthy-body-helthy-mind-healthy

Thank you for stopping by my site today! I hope what I have shared will be beneficial to helping you do what you need, so you can have the happiest life possible. I do look forward to reading what you thought about this information and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤