Saturday Thoughts

Much Needed Restful Saturday

Let It Go Friday

Finally, Happy Friday!

Motivational Monday

Let It Go Friday

End Of The Weekend Thoughts

Let It Go Friday

Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you have had a good week, and that you are looking forward to the weekend! I am sure most of you will agree with me that Fridays are one of the best and most anticipated days of the week. Of course, that can make for a long week, but once it has arrived it is a great and freeing feeling😊! This week has probably felt a little longer to me because I am dealing with getting an appointment scheduled that I am not looking forward to, but I am trying to be optimistic. Yes, I might be a little scared of the appointment that I have scheduled, but it does not mean I am going to get any bad news because I am choosing to believe that everything is going to be okay! It is all a matter of perspective!

I always think that Friday is a perfect day to let go of any negative feelings and start the weekend with a fresh and positive frame of mind! One thing that makes me so upset and frustrated is when people in our lives only pay attention or act like they care when something negative happens. It does not make sense to me because why not be part of someone’s life all the time, which means during good and bad times, not just the bad? I guess this is why I decided to share the quote that I am sharing with you today. When you love someone, and I mean truly love someone, you want to be there for them through anything they go through! I decided a long time ago that anyone in my life that is not part of my life through everything, does not need to be part of it at all! It was not easy, but I think after a while, it is their loss and not mine!

We have finally made it to the end of the week, and now we can enjoy the weekend. Yes, I do know the weekends are short, but at least we have one that we can enjoy. It is not necessary to dwell on how short the weekends are but to find ways to do what we enjoy the most. Life is short, and we should make the most of it while we are still here. Life is fragile, and nothing is guaranteed. I believe that it is a waste of time to worry about what might happen, but instead, focus on all the good in our lives😊!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and that the quote resonated with you. It is not easy, but one thing that I am slowly learning in life is we must make our needs and wants a priority, and after that, we can start thinking about what other people want and need. I am a work in progress and have not mastered this lesson yet, but I am trying. I look forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Resentment, Frustrations, & Pains

Happy Saturday! I hope you had a good week, but I also hope you can enjoy your weekend! Do you have anything planned for the weekend? One thing I know I must do for my sanity this weekend is to recover from the week and try to forget all the negativity that the week impacted me with. I also know Mother’s Day is tomorrow, so I hope everyone can enjoy celebrating all the mothers out there who gave selflessly and loved unconditionally. Of course, I will not be able to see my mother tomorrow, but I will be sure to remind her how much I appreciate her.

Last week was a little overwhelming and extremely exhausting. Unfortunately, I think many of us get so wrapped up in our everyday lives that we forget some of the simplest things in life. When we get frustrated, it can be easy to forget just how much words hurt. I have said this in another post, but the wounds will heal when we are bruised, but the wounds that words inflict are more powerful and long-lasting. When we forget the way another person feels about a particular situation, and the tears causing another person to shed, they are much more intense and hurtful than almost anything else. Simple apologies can become meaningless, and they do not fix the pain felt. This pain can escalate into increased negative emotions and resentment.

Holding onto feelings of resentment is very unhealthy and can lead to an inability to stop thinking about a specific event or situation. The reoccurring thoughts may linger for days, weeks, months, or even years, and eventually may take over your life. For some people, resentment can begin with disappointment or remorse for something or someone that was lost. Those that battle with resentment may harbor anger and seek revenge, or they might feel that justice was not served for something terrible that occurred. Regardless of why someone feels resentment, it only leads to bitterness and additional anger. These are feelings that do not have a positive outcome and may lead to irrefutable harm.

I know I have fallen into these same patterns in life and get frustrated, and then will say things that I do not mean. Of course, I try to not do things like this, but we are only human, and we make mistakes. I never want to cause anyone any harm with harsh and unkind comments because it will only make matters worse. Words and carelessness cause too much pain and it can be almost impossible to overcome them. The only thing I know to do is avoid talking in the heat of the moment or when I am already past the point of frustration and anger. Sometimes, silence is the best course of action.

How do you handle anger? What is your first reaction when you get upset? Do you find it easier to yell in a fit of rage, or do you walk away from the situation, and ignore how you are feeling? I feel it is better and easier to ignore things and walk away from the situation. I know many will not understand, and some professionals would say this is wrong, but I find it to be the best way for me to survive this insane world. Yes, this does mean that I tend to bottle up my feelings and it does cause something like a volcano eruption at times, but it is not often. I do not like confrontation, but even with that said, I will stand up for myself, those who cannot defend themselves, and for what I believe.

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope that even if you do not agree with me, I hope you enjoy what I have shared. I am so thankful for the weekend, but after the past few weeks, I think a little more time to recuperate. If you have struggled with feelings of resentment, how did you overcome this? I am looking forward to reading your comments, and I will respond as quickly as possible! I hope you have a wonderful, and safe weekend! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

Motivational Monday

Hello Monday, y’all! I certainly wish it was still the weekend because like always, I am not 100% ready for the week to return! I had planned to work on a few posts and put the finishing touches on my article for the writing competition, but I did not because I had zero energy. I would prefer to be able to be at 100% anytime I write anything, especially for y’all to read, as I do not want to waste your time. I am not good at taking a break from everything and just relaxing without feeling a need to accomplish something. This also includes sleeping in or at least taking a nap, which I did manage to do on Saturday! Who would have thought that these things would help physically and mentally? I never enjoy the rain when I have to work, but it rained all day Saturday and was a little chilly. The nasty weather gave me an excuse to do nothing, and it was amazing!

Even though I would love one more weekend day, it is not an option, and we must start the need week. Many times in our lives because of doing the same old thing, just a different day, we may begin to feel stagnant in life! Some tend to feel like their knowledge is high enough and they do not need to try to increase their knowledge further, but this is not true. Learning can be an amazing thing and even exciting. Too many do just enough to survive and make it through each day, but if we think about it, there is always something else we can do. Maybe we can offer to help someone we know is struggling, which could make a tremendous difference in their life. It is NOT about doing something to help another person to get recognition but to do what is right. Humanity and kindness have taken the back burner with so much, but I think it is past time to bring these important things back to life!

On the weekends, do you ever take a break from reality and get lost in something else? Maybe you get lost in a movie you have always enjoyed or maybe watch reruns of your favorite shows. I think most Lifetime movies are relatively the same and just nonsense dramas. Almost everything Lifetime movie I have ever watched helped put me to sleep, which was great on Saturday! Most Sundays, I will watch reruns of Law & Order Special Victims Unit. I think I have seen every episode of this show at least three times, but I enjoy them because it is the only time we can see what “justice” is supposed to mean!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope you enjoyed what I have shared and the quote offered you a little motivation to begin the week. Of course, Mondays are not the most exciting day of the week, but we can hope to discover some new and amazing opportunities! I am looking forward to reading your comments and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa