Liebster Award Nomination

WOW, this was an amazing thing to see on a Sunday morning! Thank you so much Toni, from myMSrollercoasterride, for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I have really enjoyed being able to ride along with you through reading your posts and I am sincerely grateful that you have enjoyed my posts enough to nominate me for an award! Being a part of this blog and getting to know so many people all over the world has been a the absolute best experience for me! Thank you again Toni for nominating me for this award!

Liebster Award

“Originating in Germany in 2011, the Liebster Award 2017 is an online award that is given to bloggers by other bloggers. Liebster translates to sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. The Liebster Award recognizes new and upcoming bloggers that have the potential to grow and become successful influencer’s within the blogosphere.”

My Amazing and Wonderful Nominees:






Rules for nominees:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
– Upload the award to your blog. It can be done as a blog or on the sidebar.
– Answer the same questions I have above or share 10 facts about yourself.
– Nominate 5 blogs who you believe deserve to receive the award.
– Notify the nominated bloggers so that they can accept the award.

Nominees – Please feel free to answer the questions below or to reveal 10 facts about yourself, which is what I chosen. Please do not feel any pressure for this, I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading your blog and getting to know you! The instructions are below! 


Does blogging replace or enhance keeping a journal?

Do you think education, as it is today, does justice to life and learning?

When do you find time to blog?

What is the one post made by you that you like the most and why?

What is your favourite book or series?

Would you rather explore the deep ocean or outer space?

How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

T-Rex or dragon?

If you would be a character in someone’s book, who would you get to write it?

Have you ever visited a place just because you saw it in a book/series/animation/movie? What was that place?

How has writing/blogging affected your life?

Ten facts about myself!

Rules for nominees:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
– Upload the award to your blog. It can be done as a blog or on the sidebar.
– Answer the same questions I have above or share 10 facts about yourself.
– Nominate 5 blogs who you believe deserve to receive the award.
– Notify the nominated bloggers so that they can accept the award.

10 Facts about myself

My amazing husband proposed to me in the most amazing way I have ever heard. It was the day after my 30th birthday and we went to see one of our favorite bands, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. My husband ended up having great conversation with the singer of the band, Ronnie Winter, and it was arranged for my husband to be able to propose ON STAGE with the band before what ended up being our first day, “Your Guardian Angel”.

I have the two sweetest and loving cats. It is always so wonderful to be greeted by them after a long day at work. They know absolutely no hate and evil which is so comforting.

I love music. I must have music in my ears all day at work to make it through the day!

My husband and I go snowboarding in the winter and I established last year that I was a “semi pro” in my own division. My own division only includes me but I thought I was doing amazing!

My happy place involves the ocean, sand and sun! I would be so happy at any beach!

I love to write and one of my goals in life is to be able to write and publish a book! I even already have a start to an outline for my book!

Back in my younger days, I was Miss VT Teen! This was my very young days, I was only 13 years old and wanted nothing more than to be a model.

I find butterflies to be absolutely magical. I have always believed they can be a sign of what is right in life or a sign from a loved one that was lost.

My #1 hero from my life was and always will be my beloved Grandfather.

My favorite color is purple and if it was up to me I would paint rooms in my house purple!!

Thank you again Toni for nominating me for such a sweet award! I really do appreciate you and your writing as it is truly amazing! 

I hope y’all enjoyed reading this post about my nomination for an award for my hard work and emotion with writing! I always value all of your support and comments! I hope y’all had a great weekend! Stay strong and positive!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa