Hello March!

MarchGood morning y’all! We are now welcoming March with hopes for not only new opportunities,  but many happier days ahead of us. I am sure most of us are wondering when the weather worldwide will improve, considering it has been pretty all over the place. The numerous changes with weather has effected the safety and well-being of so many people. There has been treacherous rainfall in many areas and then horrible heat waves in other areas of the world. It almost seems like Mother Nature is very upset about something and is doing her best to get our attention.

Y’all might already know this, but March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Of course for many people myself included, this illness is much more than just one monthflat,550x550,075,f.u4 of awareness because it is our daily battle. I believe this is a struggle that tests our strengths and forces us to not give up on ourselves but continue to fight a good fight!

There is no denying the fact that being diagnosed with this very unpredictable illness is emotional and terrifying. Even though this illness has been acknowledged since it was discovered in the 1800’s in England, there is still SO much left unknown which is pretty frustrating! Much research has been done and yet there still isn’t a cure or even a known cause for this illness. With the amount of “so-called” intelligent doctors and scientists working on finding cures, it leaves me at a loss for words for why there still hasn’t been one found yet. I often question what they are really doing with the all money that has been raised and donated to places like the MS Foundation or these walks for a cure.

ms march awarenessWhen I started blogging way back in July of 2017, my goals were to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis but also spread as much positivity as I possibly could. During this time I have been fortunate enough to meet others around the world that understand what I live with and the challenges I face. I have been able to gain SO much additional knowledge to what I already knew about Multiple Sclerosis and this has all been very beneficial. I think it often takes strength in numbers to deal with any type of chronic illness and the blogging community definitely offers this and SO much more! I do appreciate all my ❤ blogging friends ❤ more than words could ever begin to say. 

Many of you already know a lot about Multiple Sclerosis, but during this month I want to continue to raise awareness of this illness that tried and failed to control my life. My wp-1456957606031plans are to share more of my personal experiences and lessons I have learned while living with this illness. I must say the most valuable lesson I have learned through my years is, stress is our worst enemy and must be avoided at all costs! I am still teaching myself how to stress less, but I do fail miserably with this too often! I will be sharing with you which symptoms I experience most frequently and how they try to affect my day-to-day life, but how I fight against this as well!

I am going to explore new things that could possibly cause Multiple Sclerosis symptoms to worsen and other things that can potentially help these symptoms stay inactive, which we all really want to happen! There are actually foods that can increase inflammation, which is terrible for those of us with Multiple Sclerosis.

a02951d061ebca2ba4855c39ee90d206--like-a-girl-autoimmune-diseaseI want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by my site today. I always appreciate the support you offer me every day. I do hope March will be a great month for you and you are feeling the best you can. I do look forward to reading what your thoughts are about this post and anything you know about MS, I will respond just as quickly as I can. Never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart


❤Always, Alyssa❤

41 thoughts on “Hello March!

  1. Hi Alyssa,
    Is this a worldwide event or US event? I have ms and follow your blog. I’m thinking I could do similar on my blog in April for ms awareness week in UK. I’ll look forward to following along with you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • As far as I know it is national and not just related to the US. You could definitely do something about ms awareness on your blog for the UK and I think it will be great!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with this!!


    • Thank you so much Kim! You are always far too kind and having such loving words to share. It is crazy, even though I know stress is our worst enemy and yet I still do stress more than I should. I hope you are doing well and you have a fabulous weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with you, Stress is the bad guy. Stress can cause so many physical and emotional symptoms and make what’s already going on in our bodies so much worse. I wish there was a cure for stress. How do we stop stressing? That is a million dollar question. Where do we find the answer? I think within our self. Does stressing over a situation make it better or change the outcome? No! Does stress cause more bad symptoms in our bodies? Yes! How do we find a happy medium between stressing and not stressing? Another tough question. I guess we have to ask ourselves, is stressing making my situation better, worse or no change? I think we need to put our energy towards positive change. Taking care of ourselves and doing what brings happiness to our lives. Hang in there, we can do it. All my Love & Support, Mom💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

    • Even though most of us know what an enemy stress is, it is so hard to avoid. I do my best to ignore things I know are going to be stressful and dive into something else that is relaxing. Life is challenging and we all must find something we can consider an escape. Thank you for your kind comment Mom, I do appreciate all the love and support I have from family!!


  3. It seems the media is promoting Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month so that is a good thing – more people need to be made aware of of what MS is about. I didn’t know orange was the designated color promoting MS Awareness Month. Thanks for enlightening us Alyssa.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I wonder where they got the idea to use orange Alyssa? Maybe it is the only color ribbon not used for other causes? That could be. Yes, you did enlighten us. It is good when they have spotlighted different health issues – they have heart healthy month, colo-rectal cancer awareness month – I am sure there are others as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I never know how they determine what color symbolize different illnesses, but I guess they know what they are doing. I think each month has one or even a few awareness things, but yet so many don’t take the time to learn about them.

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      • I think I did see a site one time too – there must be tons of causes to associate a color with. Whatever color they use, I hope that people take note of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month at any rate.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You read my mind. I too have wondered why we have not made a dent with this decease. You would have thought some sort of break through would have occurred by now. Especially with all the money that has been raised.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I couldn’t agree more! This illness has been around way too long and all they can come up with is more medications! I think they need to focus their brilliant minds on curing this illness we live with and stop making new meds! We are definitely on the same page. I do wonder where all that money goes because it isn’t doing us any good!

      Liked by 1 person

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