Behind the scenes of life with Multiple Sclerosis!

My-life-with-Multiple-SclerosisGood morning Y’all🌼! I hope you have an amazing day!! I wanted to take a moment to share what life is like living each day with Multiple Sclerosis. It obviously is not all sunshine🌟 and rainbows🌈, there is so much more to it!

I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for almost 18 very long years and this illness is still a mystery to me! I mean for some the cold makes them feel much better, whereas for others it makes them feel absolutely horrible. Some feel a little better with warmer temperatures and others it takes away all their energy and makes them feel terrible. ribbonThere is no right or wrong, it is all based on each individual person!

My doctor always told me that the heat is the worst thing for me and that might be true in a sense, but the heat does not bother me near as much as extreme humidity!!! Of multiple-sclerosis-quotes-3course the heat causes me a lot more fatigue, but it does not cause the increase pain that cold weather does. I actually swear by my friendly heating pad because it decreases my pain immensely! I might live in the city, but I am a beach girl at heart🏖! I love the beautiful and relaxing sounds of the ocean waves. I think it is the only time that I am not full of stress and anxiety.

The cold weather on the other hand causes me nothing but extreme pain because I get so tense from being cold. Of course with cold weather you can put enough layers of clothing on to stay warm, but the chill that lingers in the air can be miserable. I did find an thermacareamazing solution for dealing with the frigged temperatures. They sell a heating pad that is mobile and no batteries needed. This fabulous product is called Thermacare Heat Wrap.

Living with Multiple Sclerosis comes along with a lot of decisions that need to be made and sometimes they need to be made immediately, which I am not all that great at. There are tons of diseases modifying medications available now and finding the right one can be quite challenging. Of course when I was first diagnosed there was a limited amount of choices, so I put ALL of my trust into my doctor. We soon found out that I am not one that can give myself shots. The funny thing is I do not have any fears of needles; it was the only choice we havemedication I was injecting myself with that I could not handle. The medication would cause me to feel like I had the flu and burned like fire going in. I did try everything possible to stay on the injection based medications, but I failed and just stopped without telling my doctor at first! After a few months, I did finally confess to my doctor and we had to figure out what I would be comfortable with and could tolerate. After several failed attempts, I did finally find the medication that worked best for my body chemistry. My goodness my doctor was a very kind a patient man❤, it really is too bad he had to retire! I do not think I will EVER find another doctor I will connect to as much as I did him.

Of course there are always more decisions that need to made because MS is a constant changing illness. Even after deciding on the disease modifying medication there seems to always be more medications that doctors think should be taken. I do believe that living with MS you have to be willing and able to alter your life when necessary. To me it does seem that the conditions with MS can change at any moment and without any kind of warning.

positive over negativeOver my years with MS, I have experienced vision loss (which I did gain back), intense legs pains, muscle spasms throughout my entire body, fierce back pain, persistent headaches and some memory loss at random times, which is a little unsettling. But through it all, I have never truly given up. Of course I have had some massive frustration issues, but I will NOT let this illness to defeat the strong person I know I am. I am very determined to remain as strong as I possibly can, but I also want to help others hold onto their optimism. Y’all know that I am  a very strong believer in the fact that positive thoughts will bring positive results. I honestly believe that it takes a lot more energy to be negative than to just be as positive as you can!

Thank y’all for visiting my site today❤. I hope y’all enjoyed my thoughts on my life with MS so far and of course I will appreciate any comments you have. I do promise to respond to all comments just as soon as I possibly can. I hope y’all have a wonderful Wednesday! Thankfully we are half way through the week and the weekend is coming up soon. Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of ❤love and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤



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42 thoughts on “Behind the scenes of life with Multiple Sclerosis!

    • Thank you so much! I am not feeling all that great today, but your comment made me feel a little better!! Struggles come with life and I believe it is all about finding the best way to handle them. Thank you so much for your encouraging comment!!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Think positive of finding an even better doctor who is an expert with MS, it can happen. We made many sacrifices to allow me Lyme treatment. Insurance will only pay for RX’s. Most of my drugs were IV’s. We flew to DC every month for three year at the cost of 6K a visit. We took a second mortgage on our house so I could live. I didn’t like it and felt quilty. We decided if I would get well it was all in. Your health is number one to you, you will find a way no matter how many sacrifices made. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the sea also…so calming. :). What treatment were you on when you first started injecting?. I’m on plegridy, and still get flu symptoms, and it hurts going in!. But, its working so I’ve put up with it. :(. Hope you have a good rest of the week.:).

    Liked by 2 people

    • The sea is definitely the most relaxing and beautiful place ever♡! I tried Rebif and Copaxone in the beginning, but now I have an oral medicine, Gilenya. I am glad plegridy is working for you! I hope you have a great week as well ♡

      Liked by 2 people

      • :). I am pleased you have an oral medicine. So much easier, and hope the side effects are bearable. Sun has been shinning in the UK, so rest of the week should be nice. Still job hunting though, so a bit blurgh. Keep smiling lovely. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I love this! You truly are a warrior and an inspiration!! I can’t imagine all that you’ve been through, but you remain so upbeat and positive; it’s wonderful!

    I really enjoy reading your posts and learning more about you and MS and how you deal with/overcome it. Keep on keeping on! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you SO much Hillary!! You have no idea how much your comment means to me. I try my best to keep moving forward and remain positive, some days are a lot harder than others!

      I hope you are doing well and I am so glad to hear from you!!

      Liked by 2 people

      • I am so glad to hear you are doing well today! There are always the good days followed by the bad day, but I will always push through them! Strength and positive thinking are powerful things!! Much love sweetie!!


  4. This was a beautiful and encouraging post for those battling through their illnesses. I pray for your comfort this week. I will end with this…..YOU ARE TRULY A WARRIOR. What a story and a testimony to your strength. You are so resilient, always so positive, encouraging, thoughtful and kind. Sometimes the strength is best seen through a person’s heart. Hope you’re enjoying your week so far.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much! I really appreciate you telling me that I am a true warrior. I am trying so hard to keep fighting this battle. Honestly, some days are much harder than others. I do refuse to allow this illness to win our battle!! I hope your week is going well, thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!! I hope you have a nice evening and a great day tomorrow!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. The heat drains me something fierce. Luckily there is no humidity where I am. That makes it unbearable. The cold hurts. 😉 I love your blog! You’re real and compassionate. Hope your weekend is going well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh the heat definitely drains me as well, but nothing compared to the humidity!!! That is all there is right now where I live is heat and nasty humidity! I just need to accept it though because it isn’t going anywhere until probably November! I am so honored to hear you love my blog. I do try to always keep everything very real because I do not like to sugar coat things! I really appreciate you reading my post and taking the time to comment. It means so much to me!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Alyssa, thank you for sharing. We understand the struggle of having to deal with an autoimmune disease and recognize your strength. If you would like to learn more about autoimmune diseases and ways to improve your health through functional medicine (such as food therapy and movement therapy) check out our blog. We just posted a food spotlight (best and words foods) for Multiple Sclerosis you should check out: 🙂 #spooniestrong

    Liked by 1 person

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