Amazing Realizations!

baddayI think it has taken me a while to realize that it is okay to have a bad day. It is okay to not be positive all day every day. Sometimes life might just not seem fair and putting on a happy face just does not work at that moment. It is okay to admit you do not have all the answers to everyone’s issues in life. Admitting and talking about what is on your mind is so important! Smiling through the pain can help some days, but other days it is even more important and helpful to just say “I can’t do it today.”

One day might be absolutely amazing and the next day you just wish you could go back to bed and start over again. The truth is all good days will always be followed by a bad yinday. It might not be the following day or even the same week, but it is the yin and yang to life. Rain comes with sunshine, warmth comes with cold, happiness comes with sadness, strength comes with weakness and good comes with bad, and there really is not a way around it. The only thing we can do is keep pushing forward to the next day!

No two days are the exact same for me. One day I might feel relatively normal and the next day hurt so much it is a struggle to move. I guess that is just the life I was meant to live. I do believe strongly that our lives are a gift and we are just supposed to live it the best way we can without too many regrets. On those days where my pain is at its highest, I do know in my heart a good day is just around the corner. I used to think the bad painful days were some kind of punishment and for what I never knew, but now I think those bad days are just building me as a person and giving me more strength for the next day in life.

Y’all know that I felt as though I was being negative yesterday, but so many of you graciously told me I was actually a pretty positive person. Through the comments I received you showed me how true my first statement was, that it is okay to have a bad day! Letting go of the troubles live like you were die tomorrowfrom yesterday will make way for a better tomorrow! I guess it is important to learn something from our struggles so that we know how to handle them better in the future because difficult times will always reappear. 

I hope y’all had a fantastic day and you are feeling well! Each of you have a strength that benefits someone else in your life and you may not even realize it. Thank you for stopping by to read my thoughts for the day, which let me say are much more positive! Please feel free to leave a comment and I will respond as quickly as I am able to! I hope y’all have a wonderful and relaxing evening. Sending y’all much love and comfort!!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

63 thoughts on “Amazing Realizations!

  1. It’s definitely okay to not be positive all the time. It’s even therapeutic to allow ourselves a good cry and to face the reality of our situation.
    There’s rumour that stamping feet and being stubborn can help too. lol Glad it’s a bit of a better day for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a beautiful post. I may have told you this, but my 25-year old son has MS. I admire his positivity as he deals with it every day. I know he has his bad days as well. We all do but I know health issues are especially challenging.

    Liked by 1 person

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