You behind the illness- told in 4’s

About me

Thank you Kim, Keepitmindful, I am so sorry I am a bit behind with answering the questions! I really loved learning more about you! It is still crazy how alike we are! I feel that we have a great community through this blog and I really enjoy getting to know so many people! It is great being able to connect with others that truly understand what we deal with on a daily basis! I am so thankful that you asked me to be apart of this! I hope you are doing well and feeling great!!

Four places I’ve lived:

  1. Springfield, VT
  2. Dover, NH
  3. Charlotte, NC
  4. Greenville, SC (Well soon this will happen)

I  am a little boring because I have only lived in the United States

Four places I’ve worked:

  1. Tribute Properties (Apartment Manager)
  2. Carolinas HealthCare System (CNA)
  3. Carolinas HealthCare System (Human Resources)
  4. Movement Mortgage

Four favourite hobbies:

  1. Listening to music
  2. Reading my favorite books
  3. Reading blogs
  4. Writing

Four things I like to watch:

  1. Hawaii 5.0
  2. General Hospital
  3. Designated Survivor
  4. Law & Order Special Victims Unit

Four things I like to read:

  1. Blogs
  2. James Patterson’s book
  3. Nicholas Sparks book
  4. Educational/Self-help books (Getting control of stress!)

Four places I have been:

  1. Jamaica (My honeymoon)
  2. South Beach Miami
  3. Key West Florida
  4. Snowshoe, WV

Four things I love to eat:

  1. Pizza
  2. Lasagna
  3. Donuts (not too often)
  4. Italian food

Four favourite things to drink:

  1. Sprite
  2. Hi-C Fruit Punch
  3. Mimosas (extremely rarely)
  4. Wine (on holiday)

Four places I want to visit:

  1. England
  2. Hawaii
  3. St Lucia
  4. Austrialia

Four bloggers I’d like to tag:

  1. msgracefulnot
  2. Hillaryrobyn
  3. Colettechristianson
  4. Crankypants

We were only able to tag 4 people but if anyone reading this would like to take part, please do. I really look forward to learning more about y’all!! 

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

63 thoughts on “You behind the illness- told in 4’s

  1. I loved learning a little more about you Alyssa! I’m also a fan of Hawaii 5-0 and designated survivor. I always say I want him for my president.😊 He’s the last one anyone would have thought of for president and he’s killing it! Have a great evening!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Four places I’ve lived:

    Kitchener Waterloo Ontario (Born and raised)
    Brantford Ontario
    Penticton British Columbia (Loved it there. Wish I was still there)
    Grand Prairie Alberta (It’s where I live now and I hate it.)
    Wembley Alberta (Just outside Grande Prairie. Just want out of AB)

    Four places I’ve worked:

    As a hairstylist
    As a Care Aid
    My own salon business
    My own candle business. Hand made. (Now)

    Four favourite hobbies:

    Making candles
    Hiking when I’m able
    Working out when I can. (Used to 5 days a week)

    Four things I like to watch:

    Dragon’s Den
    Shark Tank
    Criminal Minds

    Four things I like to read:
    Research on medical stuff
    Real life stories
    And that’s about it.

    Four places I have been:

    All through the US

    Four things I love to eat:

    My Hubby’s Lasagna

    Four favourite things to drink:

    Wine (Dry white)
    My own version of ginger tea

    Four places I want to visit:

    I’d love to go back to BC. Other than that I don’t have any interest in traveling.

    Hey Alyssa, do you know how to link the names you tagged so people can click on their names and it takes them to their blogs? That way also they know they’ve been tagged.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I loved learning more about you. I unfortunately have no idea how to tag people so they can click on their names. There is an area on the side before you post that says “Tag” but I am not sure that is correct.
      You make candles? I LOVE candles but unfortunately can’t burn them anymore because my cat has asthma and I love him more than candles.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Awe thanks! I do make soy candles. I have them in a lot of stores up here. It’s been a fun adventure and a good learning curve. I’m glad you love your cat more then candles! What’s his/her name? We have a dog and a 7 foot snake.
        The tags on the side aren’t for tagging blogs.
        If you feel comfortable and only if you’re comfortable letting me in as an editor I can link them for you. I’d just need the blog url’s to do that.
        I could try to explain too but it might be difficult.
        If you’re comfortable letting me in, I can explain how to do that easier. I can always remove myself you can remove me after too.

        Liked by 1 person

      • We have 2 cats. The one with asthma is Sundance, we adopted him. WOW, you have a huge snake. I would be terrified!!!
        I would probably be fine letting you in but I really want to learn how to do these things so I will try to play with it in a few minutes. It has kind of been a long day, so I am a little exhausted!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Totally understand.
        If you go to new post. You’ll see what looks like a broken link/chain if you highlight one of the names you want to tag, then click on that link, it will give you a space to put their blog url. You just do that and bam you’ve linked them. Or tagged them.
        The tags you were talking about earlier are kind of like a hash tag. You put in there what your subjects and blog are about. People find that tag and it leads to your blog.
        As far as if you ever want to add an author you go to:
        Invite new
        Add their email where it tells you at the top
        Go to roll to drop down and choose author if that’s what you are inviting them for.
        Then there’s a space to leave them a message below if you want.
        Then send the invite.
        We do have a snake and she is suck a gentle giant. She’s actually calming for me when I hold here and actually much friendlier then our dog. lol
        I hope you can get some rest. ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you so much! Your snake is friendlier than your dog? What kind of dog? When we went to the zoo in Florida, they put a huge snake on me and it wasn’t too bad. I don’t know much about them but I am glad yours is sweet and calming♡♡

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome. She is. She’s very gentle, only eats once a month. Their first instinct isn’t to strike it’s to get away. She know our scent. They are amazing animals.
        Our dog is a vicious little bugger. He’s a dachshund. He was taken away from his mother too soon so he has some major behavioral issues. I wish we would have known when we got him 11 years ago that it was too soon. He’s been very stressful for me to deal with . I do my best but I get very exhausted and exasperated by him.

        Liked by 1 person

      • That is SO interesting! I might be a like snake, my first instinct is to get away from people not strike at them!!! Just teasing! Do the dog and snake get along? If the dog misbehaves the snake can smack him a little bit to make him act right. Poor little guy missed his Mama and is still have a temper tantrum about it. I am sorry it has been difficult for you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Aha! We keep the two apart. We’re not sure who would win if we put them together.
        Thanks re the dog. I wish it were better but he’s very stubborn and smart. He can be very vicious. I’m so glad I’m not afraid of him. He’s bitten us both on numerous occasions.
        Having said that, he also has autoimmune disease, has been viciously attacked by a rottie and huskey. He almost died twice with that attack. He had major infection and it took two surgeries to save him. He has also got into something that caused him major acid like burns an then got infection. He’s been through a lot. He’s one strong guy. That’s only part of what he’s been through.

        Liked by 1 person

      • This was the most interesting post! I am so sorry your dog has an autoimmune disease, I can relate to him! It is wild that sometimes the small dogs are the meanest! I am glad he is a strong and stubborn little guy!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ok so here’s the plan…. once WE find a cure for MS, we jump on our private planes and travel to London and eat all the italian food we can find while listening to music and drinking mimosas? I would suggest several stops on our trip, but we will be so busy so I tried to do the combo thing 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • I completely agree, there are great things about the North and the South! That is wild that you are not far from Greenville, SC. It is still a few months away, but we will be moving there. Finding jobs will make the move SO much easier!!!


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