Liebster Award Nomination 2018

Liebster Award

Thank you so much Kim, Kim91 for nominating me for this wonderful award. Kim’s blog always has amazing posts that are filled with so much emotion and tenderness. Like myself, Kim has a passion to raise awareness for MS and also help those that are battling this illness. I feel so honored and blessed to have come across Kim’s blog and been able to build a strong connection with her! I made the decision to create my blog for a few reasons; one is that I really want to be able to inspire others that have to live with an invisible and chronic illness. It is not easy to accept and move forward, but through a positive mindset it is definitely possible. I wanted to be able to share my story to really show that it is possible to continue to live a perfectly normal life with maybe a few adjustments, but live a happy life! Not only am I very passionate about helping others, but I truly love writing. I have found writing to be very therapeutic. The awards that I have received have given me hope that my writing is also helping others, which was my goal!

Rules For Accepting It:
• Write about it on your blog and thank the person who nominated you. Write about her blog too.
• Display the award on your blog.
• Nominate 5 or 10 blogs which you feel deserve it.
• Let the nominees know that you nominated them.
“Don’t forget to create 10 questions for them to answer. Notify your nominees and provide a link to your post so that they’ll know what to do. Once you’re done, come back here and comment with the link to your post so I can check out your answers.”

My answer’s for Kim’s 10 questions

  • Why do you blog?

I have a few reasons for blogging. My main reason is because I want to be able to help others. But another reason is my love of writing. Blogging allows for me to do 2 things I am incredibly passionate about helping others and writing!

  • Who or what is you motivation?

I find so many of my fellow bloggers very motivating because of their perseverance. We all have something we are dealing with and it amazes me to see how others handle their challenges.

  • Do you believe in Love at first sight?

I believe to really truly love someone, you have to be able to know that person.

  • What is your ultimate goal in life?

My ultimate goal in life is to someday write a book.

  • If you could recommend one thing, could be anything to someone what would it be?

Never let go of your dreams because you can make your dreams become reality!

  • What or where is your happy place?

My happy place is without a doubt the beach

  • What’s your favorite thing to watch on T.V (assuming you watch tv)

I love watching crime shows like Law & Order SVU. It sounds a little crazy but I like being able to see justice for the victims of the crimes

  • Would you rather watch a movie or read the book?

If it is a movie that was made into a book, I prefer to read the book because they are more descriptive.

  • What is your favorite colour?

My favorite color is purple!

  • If you could be any animal/mammal what would you be and why?

I would love to be a dolphin because they are able to swim freely, for the most part, in the beautiful ocean.

My answer’s for Kim’s 10 questions

  • Why do you blog?

I have a few reasons for blogging. My main reason is because I want to be able to help others. But another reason is my love of writing. Blogging allows for me to do 2 things I am incredibly passionate about helping others and writing!

  • Who or what is you motivation?

I find so many of my fellow bloggers very motivating because of their perseverance. We all have something we are dealing with and it amazes me to see how others handle their challenges.

  • Do you believe in Love at first sight?

I believe to really truly love someone, you have to be able to know that person.

  • What is your ultimate goal in life?

My ultimate goal in life is to someday write a book.

  • If you could recommend one thing, could be anything to someone what would it be?

Never let go of your dreams because you can make your dreams become reality!

  • What or where is your happy place?

My happy place is without a doubt the beach!

  • What’s your favorite thing to watch on T.V (assuming you watch tv)

I love watching crime shows like Law & Order SVU. It sounds a little crazy, but I like being able to see justice for the victims of the crimes considering I do not think justice is always served properly.

  • Would you rather watch a movie or read the book?

If it is a movie that was made into a book, I prefer to read the book because they are more descriptive.

  • What is your favorite colour?

My favorite color is purple!

  • If you could be any animal/mammal what would you be and why?

I would love to be a dolphin because they are able to swim freely, for the most part, in the beautiful ocean. I find the ocean very calmly and amazing!

My amazing Nominees are:

  • Mswithmsalex
  • Ipunablack
  • QueerlyTexan
  • Trippingthroughtreacle
  • A Creative Newmie
  • msgracefulnot
  • Waytoomuchtosay

10 Questions for my amazing nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  3. What inspires you in life?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. If you had a magic wand what are 3 things you would do?
  6. What did you want to be as a child?
  7. What is your favorite animal? It can be exotic or typical animal!
  8. What is your favorite part of blogging?
  9. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 10 year old self?
  10. Do you believe in karma and why?

I am so excited to read your answers to my questions. All of you deserve this recognition because y’all are absolutely amazing! I have enjoyed getting to know you and building such a great connection!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa


42 thoughts on “Liebster Award Nomination 2018

  1. Congrats! Pretty soon you’ll reach the cut off on # of followers that disallow you from the award. Us old times know that rule but most new bloggers don’t. Truth is you already passed the number if I’m not mistaken. Like all awards some choose to ignore the rules, you’ll have to roll with the flow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Writing a book is my goal and I hope I will be able to do it but who knows? I think writing it is one thing but then publishing it is a whole different story! I hope you are having a good weekend! Someday we will both have our books out and maybe do a book signing at the same time:)!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Now I understand why the font color is purple 😉 Have you seen 24 (Jack Bauer)? That’s a bit older.. I watch the whole series for a week. Haha. Almost didn’t sleep. And yes I’m sure you can write a book one day, font stop believing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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