Motivational Monday!

new-monday-new-week-motivational-gym-quotesHappy Monday y’all! I hope you had a lovely weekend and you are ready for a new week. Chances are where you live is still under a stay at home order and you might still be working from home. Now, if you are not under any specific orders, please still stay as safe as you possibly can. Never forget that your life and your health matter! Once again, I did not really leave my house this past weekend. The only time I went out was to pick up a prescription, never-apologize-for-leaving-a-situation-to-make-yourself-happier-41713607which was unfortunately at the grocery store that did not have a drive-up. I did wear a mask and gloves, which there was only 4 others doing the same, but at least I was safe and did not bring anything unsafe home to my family.

I know I have been blogging more over the past few weeks, but did not do anything over the weekend. For some reason, I was feeling very fatigued and experienced a lot of pain and did not have the energy. It was hard enough going out to pick up my prescription and I only want to put a post out when it is worth reading. I have already done posts about two awareness’s, but there are still two more I will be completing before the end of the month, one is Stress Awareness and the other is Alcohol Awareness, both are 8274afad9090d94261f9b919d5abb143--inner-strength-laoimportant topics to discuss!

I do want to share a quote with y’all that I found to be great and motivating, but I do hope you will find it to be a good motivator! I do hope you have a good start to the new week and you are feeling well. 

There is no telling how images (2)much longer this pandemic will be continue to be a challenge for us, but please always do your best to stay safe! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤8

6 thoughts on “Motivational Monday!

  1. Hello there I am happy to see you. I haven’t been blogging much since my new job. I’m also still working since I’m in the medical field now. I hope things are going well with you. Sending hugs to you. 💕🤗

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  2. Stay safe, Alyssa! Yesterday (Monday) was the launch of The Positivity Project which my blogging friends have been working on for a while. We’re prompting each day of the week with a new word, and yesterday was Mindfulness Monday. Hope you had a very mindful start to the week! Take care ❤

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