How to not feel trapped by life

pursuit of happinessWe are all in the pursuit of happiness for our life. We must try to discover what we truly want from the life we are living. We can easily begin to feel trapped by our aspirations, triumphs, failures, and responsibilities. We can inflict these on ourselves or they may be imposed on us by outside forces.

Our ultimate goal needs to be to not feelwindow-335607_960_720 trapped in life because there are so many pathways for a joyful, prosperous life that there isn’t a good reason to not aspire for something healthier.

It is crucial to create your own journey and not view something as better but focus on making things healthier. This can enable us to free our mind from feeling trapped in our life. Below are ways we might be able to get to that free point.

  1. Live below your means

There is so much marketing that encourages consumers to buy new products. They promote these new products as better and those they will make people happy, which isn’t true.

live belowThis creates the thoughts we need to make more money so we can buy bigger houses, newer cars, up to date brand name clothes, or the most current electronics, even though the one bought last year still works.

Living below our means gives us the freedom to not be a slave to a job that makes us miserable. The advertisements that are created to grab our interests need to be ignored because most of those products are not needed. Balancing our needs with wants is important to acknowledge.

  1. Accept responsibility for your choices and actions

We are the only one that can save ourselves from the decisions we have made. There arerespp too many people that spend their time complaining about how awful they think their life is, instead of putting the effort into making the changes we need. There are times bad things happen to a person that can’t be avoided.  When this does happen, we need to accept what occurred and move on the best we can.

The truth is, many only want to blame everyone and everything else for their hard times in life, but they fail to look in the mirror for the blame. It is important to look in the mirror because often times there is no one else that can fix our problems.

  1. Strive for a healthier lifestyle

Living an unhealthy lifestyle will negatively influence our quality of thoughts, emotions, bband life.

Easy choices like cutting back on unhealthy foods, trying to get a little more regular exercise, and the proper amount of sleep each night can drastically improve our mentality and perspectives. A healthier lifestyle can depend on the foundation of sleep. The deeper stages of sleep are when our brain produces the images (1)chemicals to maintain our mood and balance throughout the day. Both our moods and emotions will suffer if we don’t get enough sleep.

Food and drinks provide our minds with the nourishment we need and offer us our energy throughout the day. The simple changes we can make to drink less sugary and caffeinated beverages and more water can provide mental and physical health benefits.

  1. Embrace change when it is the only option

Growth and change are things that can’t be avoided if we are living a positive and meaningful life. We will make changes to our views; work on our mental and emotional health, which may show us we have outgrown some situations and or people.12-30-2018_Image_EmbraceChangeposter

Outgrowing certain situations may be challenging. Outgrowing some of our friends and even our family will be much more difficult. During this time we need to analyze the situations and people to determine which are meaningful to our life. If you view some people are toxic because of their actions, they will only continue dragging us down.

Some people actually prefer to stay stagnant in their life because it is comfortable and they do care to make changes for a healthier life. We need to try embracing changes and enjoy the amazing opportunities that will free us from feeling trapped.

  1. Learn to say “NO”

unknown-author-color-text-cream-paper-learn-say-no-explaining-8u3xAdapting to the ability to say “no” can be difficult, but it is an important skill to learn. There will never be a time when something isn’t going on or someone else doesn’t need something or even when another responsibility doesn’t come up. If we don’t learn to say “no” we will always be caught up with something and may even be taken advantage of by someone who doesn’t expect to hear us say no.

The ability to say no could keep us from feeling trapped by too many responsibilities.

  1. Do more things that make us happy

This might not be something we think about because of many different reasons that make sense to us.7df2c73195ef62c8298ee47459879666 As long as what makes us happy isn’t harming anyone else, there is nothing wrong with it. We all know that people enjoy judging others for how they live, but they really do not matter at the end of the day.

We all have the right to discover happiness and do what makes us happy. Dedicating time to what brings us happiness is necessary for self-care.

The normal day-to-day life can have a great deal of negativity and repetition. There are times when the repetition can lead us to believe we are bored with our life, which can make us feel trapped. This is the main reason for doing things that bring us joy is so important.

  1. Add spontaneity and creativity to your life

Human beings are not designed for an inflexible immutable schedule of things we mustcreativity do. Often the feelings of being trapped are more thought of being trapped due to the monotony of life.

Working a normal job, bills to pay, and other responsibilities can get too routine. We all need excitement, creativity, and spontaneity in our life. Whatever we do doesn’t need to be expensive, it can simply be a walk in the park or a short scenic drive. We can even do something creative that can be displayed around the house or given to a friend or family member.

  1. Seek help from a professional

crossroad signThere are many reasons a person may feel trapped and not all will be easy to figure out. The reasons could lead to depression or other mental health issues.

It might not be easy admitting the need to talk to a professional, but it might be worth it. Talking to a professional could help get past the feelings of being trapped.


Our life doesn’t need to feel like it is a chore because it has so much more to offer. If we can learn to replace our negative emotions with healthier thoughts and habits, we can allow ourselves a more fulfilling life.depositphotos_110108908-stock-illustration-healthy-body-helthy-mind-healthy

Thank you for stopping by my site today! I hope what I have shared will be beneficial to helping you do what you need, so you can have the happiest life possible. I do look forward to reading what you thought about this information and I will respond as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤

9 thoughts on “How to not feel trapped by life

  1. Totally agree with everything you posted! Just recently eliminated several people in my life and it was hard but my life is so much better without drama and chaos! Saying No is something we have to learn to do and sometimes this is hard for me so my husband does it for me! Thank God for such a wonderful husband! What is your email address? Mine is

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so glad to see you agreed with this post! It is good to eliminate people from our life at times because people can hold us down to where they are and it isn’t a good place to be. I enjoy staying far away from drama. The only drama I enjoy is my soap opera I have watched for years!! I am glad you have a good husband and who doesn’t mind saying no! My email address is

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My god, Alyssa, your posts are beautiful and you are so prolific. How on earth do you manage to come up with, and type out such pearls nearly every day … and deal with the full time job of having MS?! 😳.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I love to write and coming up with new things to research and share is something I enjoy, so if there is anything you want to read more about, let me know! I was writing and keeping up with my blog when I was working full-time, but things have changed and people showed their true colors at my previous job. Currently, with all that is going on in the world, I am looking for a work from home job. I have a weak immune system because of the MS medicine I take, so I am being forced to pretty much stay home. I am not good at sitting around doing nothing, but unfortunately it’s the way it is at the moment. I hope you are staying safe!


  3. Alyssa, this is such a beautiful post. With so much negativity in the world, we have to always try to see the positive. Our association and how we live our lives does play a huge factor in how we feel. Let us continue to strive to do what makes us happy and have peace in our lives. The bible also gives us advice on how to live our lives in a true happy way. My relationship with Jehovah God definitely gives me peace, purpose and hope in my life.

    Mathew 5:3-Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. Since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.

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