Stress is NOT your friend! It is the ENEMY!

beating stressHow many times throughout your life has someone told you that you stress and worry too much? I am not proud to admit this, but I can’t count how many times I have heard those words and normally from various people. I have always asked myself one question, is everyone else right and I am the one that is in the wrong? Truthfully, I tend to always answer this same way, half of the time they are dead wrong, but half the time I am the one in the wrong.brain stitch

I am about to be brutally honest with myself and y’all. One thing I find completely impossible is turning my brain off. It seems that my brain has only two speeds, fast and overdrive without the ability to sit on idle. I feel like my thoughts are always running in circles, kind of like that hamster at the pet store and their wheel. When I am faced with a difficult situation, I managed to think of a million complex ways to approach the circumstances and just as many potential outcomes. It is kind of like I am always in the middle of another war with myself.

No matter what anyone else says, there will always be a few situations that are going to cause me a colossal amount of stress. These stressors can range anywhere from mild, which could be viewed as positive stress, to massive resulting in negative stress.

stress cycleRecently, I gained some valuable knowledge that I wanted to share with y’all and I do hope you will find this information to be beneficial and helpful in your daily life.

I started this post off discussing stress, but I wanted to dig a little deeper into this topic that impacts all of our lives at some point. My entire life I have only viewed stress as a negative and unhealthy behavior. While stress does have many characteristics that can be viewed as negative, it can also have a positive side. Positive stress can be referred to as eustress which is short-term and even a little exciting. This type of stress is a motivator 1caqbkGtsDhv4qN4ujcBtmALthat can improve our performance. A few examples of eustress are starting a new job or receiving a promotion, getting married, buying a new home, moving, going on vacation, and many more things we look forward to. Overall, this occurs when situations are viewed as an opportunity that will pave the road to good results.

On the other hand, negative stress also known as distress has an entirely meaning and happens to be the type I am more familiar with. This is any negative emotions we feel such as anger, fear, anxiety, and or frustration. This type of stress is typically felt when we feel threatened and lose control of the situation.

Negative Stress CycleNegative stress is followed by so many other factors that can be masked and even dismissed, but it does not go away that easy. This stress can be a short-term or long-term challenge that can cause anxiety to overflow, like when you share a coke bottle. Negative stress can decrease creativity and impair problem-solving and decision-making abilities. By allowing pent-up energy from stress to build up, it will only continue to escalate causing even more damage to the brain-mind body.

This form of stress also has the potential to create a fight or flight response. Our bodies images (1)go through many awful changes when we experience this reaction including increased blood pressure, heart rate, and perspiration, slowing indigestion, and a great deal of tension in our muscles. Things can get worse when in distress leading to mental and physical problems.

I am going to share just a few examples of negative stress which include a death of a loved one, divorce, separation or relationship issues, unemployment, legal troubles, financial problems, and there are many more issues that can lead to difficult and painful warning signs of stresstimes.

For those of us that live with a chronic illness, stress does nothing but add extra difficulties to our already heavily burdened life. No one can avoid stress because it can and does impact everyone’s life at some point, so we need to try finding ways to heal ourselves and each other relax a lot more. Logically, we all understand that the pressures from stress can potentially create additional health risks and issues at any moment, so let us work together with ideas that may help us to relax and stay calm.

Y’all probably already have ways thimages (1)at help you stay calm, but I am going to share with y’all 6 ways that may help maintain a relaxed state of mind!

  1. Thank y’all for stopping by my site today. Not only do I hope you enjoyed this post, but I hope it provided you with some helpful information. There is no doubt about it life often Try to worry less by identify what you do and don’t have any control over. After you have determined what you have absolutely no control over it, focus your attention on anything that can distract you, even if it is only for a short time. Sometimes simple distraction can give you just the right amount of peace and comfort.artworkimage-medium-21902316-7336573
  2. Know what your limits are and set boundaries. Once you have established your limits and boundaries focus only on what you can do and be proud of this accomplishment. Small accomplishments can lead to HUGE success!
  3. Learn how to forgive yourself. Any regrets you have from the past needs to be left behind, that is what the past is for. Moving forward leads to where the future is and considering the past can’t be changed, worrying about it isn’t going to fix anything and it just isn’t worth it!stress-ball
  4. Remind yourself it is okay to say “NO”. if you are feeling unwell, exhausted, or both, pushing yourself will only result in negative consequences. Family and friends will understand if you need to back out of plans at the last minute and if they don’t, that is on them, NOT you!
  5. Daily exercise is good for the mind and soul. The exercise doesn’t need to be anything more than you can tolerate, just know and remember your limits. Exercise is not a competition, so try to enjoy!
  6. Stimulate your mind. We all tend to stress a lot more when we have nothing to500_F_83041762_zLXgfHNOy8FfY0aJ59mCCB0DJi2W4YRt focus our attention and energy on. This is a perfect opportunity to find a new hobby. The sky is the limit with this, so have fun and enjoy this!

adds additional stress to our lives, but we must find ways to handle it better and without causing us extra health issues. I have always heard that stress is a silent killer and I believe that now more than ever. Y’all already know that my week did not start off the best due to a nasty headache/migraine, but it ended even worse than itstress-my-silent-killer started. I am okay, but I am not ready to talk about it yet. I have not processed everything yet and it is still way to fresh, but I do promise as soon as I am ready to share, I will. I hope your weekend is going great and you are feeling well. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!


❤Always, Alyssa❤




40 thoughts on “Stress is NOT your friend! It is the ENEMY!

  1. Oh yes. This has been my biggest issue. Nearly every day I would stress and worry a lot. It has truly been a challenge for me, and stress have affected my health. And I am trying my best to work on those issues. Thank you for sharing this post. It has help a lot.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I am glad this post was helpful. I have stressed over everything for 38 years and have no idea how to stop. Stress does do horrible things to our health and knowing that should force us to stop, right? Funny how we know what to do and yet saying it and doing it are so different. I hope you will find more of what I share helpful. I hope you have a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Alyssa, the first thing I learned in a optimal health class when in college was about stress. It definitely can kill you or rather the resultant rise in blood pressure can. Wish it wasn’t “silent” however, because it would be helpful to know beforehand when our body, mind, and spirit can take no more of it. In reading your tips for avoiding stress, I especially like 4.

    No, is a complete sentence! We have to learn when, where, and how to use this sentence. Our highest and best depends on it. Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive overview on the ups and downs of stress. Although I don’t battle it, I still appreciate being reminded that it exists! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great post and well researched.

    I feel journaling , meditations, Good reading, and application of positivity
    help a lot with general stress.

    With health, then its journaling, meditation that shines light on the body, exercise, good fresh food home cooked, extra sleep and reading positive classes, believing healing is taking place and affirming it.

    Great post.

    And I am so glad you played such an active party in the party. And it is lovely to see so many here commenting.

    All the best bella


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