Motivational Monday!

monday 3Good morning y’all! I hope you had a lovely weekend and you were able to enjoy Mother’s Day! My weekend was very uneventful, which was nice and allowed for me to clean the house way more that I have been doing lately. My husband and I did not get to see our mothers on Sunday because my mother has not been feeling all that great and still healing. My mother-in-law was out of town and I hope she is getting some much needed fun times and relaxation!

It came to my attention last week, that there might be some people that do not enjoy or like posts about making Monday’s a little less dreaded and much more (7) Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I respect the feelings y’all have about everything. If I am being totally honest, I have never been a fan of Monday morning and it is only because I have to go back to waking up WAY too early! I try my best to add a little sunshine to Monday mornings, but please let me know if these are not enjoyable for you at all!

The quote I want to share with y’all today speaks volumes to me and I would love to know what you think of it! I am trying to always remind myself of this when times get a little difficult and or frustrating!past can't change

download (10)I am continuing to teach myself to not dwell on anything that happened in the past  because it just a waste of precious time. We are not able to hit a rewind button and go back to a time when something went wrong, so it is just best to learn a valuable lesson from any unfortunate events we go through!

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my site today!  I always appreciate your fabulous comments because y’all add so much to my life! I hope y’all have a fantastic start to the week and you are feeling well! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort, and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

24 thoughts on “Motivational Monday!

  1. I just have to say I love your Motivational Monday. It’s so true Mondays are difficult because we have to get back on a schedule, wake up early and do it all over again. Every little bit of your positive words help start a new week on the right foot. Keep doing what makes most of us happy because it makes starting a new week so much better. All my Love & Support, Mom!!

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  2. Adding rays of sunshine and good vibes brightens most people’s days. Re-hashing the past is a true waste of time and correct there is no reset button. It’s easier said than done (can relate). Mindset to enjoy one’s day and dwell on more positive stuff is much healthier. You wrote a nice post! 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Motivational Monday! — Fightmsdaily – Survivors Blog Here

  4. An uneventful weekend actually sounds pretty good to get some downtime and a chance at cleaning. I’m sorry your mum hasn’t been feeling too well.. I do hope she’s okay & feeling brighter soon🌷

    Aw I don’t know what feedback you’ve had on your Monday motivation posts but I love them!! Mondays are like most days for me… a slog, difficult, unappealing and any bit of brightness and inspiration is always appreciated. You make the start of the week that bit brighter!

    I really the quote for today, too – It gives us back a bit of control, reminds us to take charge of our present and future, it’s empowering 🙂

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly xxxx

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    • Yes, an uneventful weekend is what I aim for! It is nice not having anything that must be done by a certain time! I don’t even have to do my hair and or makeup on days like that! My mother has been struggling with a kidney stone. It is causing her so much pain. I hate this for her and wish there was something I could do for her.

      It was actually a follower that has their own site that kind of called out those doing Motivational Monday posts. It was half way directed at mine and that was a bit alarming to me. I know not all people like reading positive posts, but that is their problem, not mine! I am really glad you enjoy the positive posts for Monday!

      I hope you are doing well and you had a nice weekend! I really hope your Monday started your week off great and only gets better for you! Thank you again for reading and making such a kind comment!!! xxx

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      • Oh no, your poor mum. Are the hospital hoping the kidney stones will pass naturally? Must be very painful and uncomfortable having them, I hope things clear up asap for her..xxxx

        As for the other blogger, well, I guess you can’t suit everyone but taking digs at other bloggers isn’t really the best way to go about it. Stick with doing what you want to do, Motivational Monday included, because I think you do a fantastic job! xx

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      • Thank you! My mother actually found out more today and it doesn’t look like it is kidney stones. I forgot what she said, but it is something that is causing extreme pain in her back, which makes it hard for her to do much. She is being refereed to a spine specialist. It is scary because she might end up needing surgery. I will keep y’all posted on this though. She definitely needs lots of positive vibes sent her way. She has become more religious, so I guess prayers as well.

        I was pretty shocked at the post I read, but then again I wasn’t. People can be very mean and I just don’t understand it. I plan on continuing to just be me and doing what I feel is right. I appreciate your very kind words! Thank you SO much!!!! xxx

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