Sunday Hopes!

sunday-1.jpgGood afternoon y’all! I hope your weekend has been absolutely amazing and you are feeling well. I am so glad that I was able to finally able to do a couple posts this weekend because it really brings me SO much joy! I must say that I am still a little shocked that I received two award nominations a couple days apart from each other and feel so thankful to the amazing people that nominated me! Now that I have been given this kind of recognition it leads me to believe that it is possible that I am doing something good with my blog! I have always wanted to be able to inspire and encourage as many as I possibly can and maybe, just maybe, this means that I am doing what I had planned!

If I am being completely transparent, which I always am and find it very important to do so, I have had VERY LOW energy and MANY pain issues this weekend. Of course, pain pain and fatigueand fatigue are just part of my daily life and I am typically able to just ignore them completely and move forward. I tend to not really understand why such issues become more intense at various times, but I think I might have finally determined the reason behind this. It is very possible that I am just a fantastic weather woman! My body tells me when it is going to rain a day ahead of time and I find amusement when the actual weatherman is clueless! On Friday, I started to feel somewhat awful, but it was manageable. Yesterday while I was grocery shopping I started chatting with the cashier, images (10)which I know y’all will find that shocking, just kidding y’all already know I always initiated conversations wherever I go! Anyways, I mentioned to her that I thought it was going to start raining   very soon. She was an older woman and agreed with me. We both said that we feel the rain deep in our bones prior to the first drop falls. Her reason was that she has arthritis and always hurts more when it rains . WOW, this kind of makes me feel older than my years, but I guess such as life and it could be worst!

Even though I am rather tired, I finally have the time to write. Have y’all ever run into download (12)roadblocks when you start writing because you have far too many ideas running around in your mind? I am definitely at that point right now, so please bare with me as I try to sum up a few things that are on my mind!🌸

It has been a couple weeks since I shared my thought that I may be gluten-intolerant. I have done a decent job with cutting gluten of my diet, but definitely not perfect. I have bought many gluten-free foods for my house and can tell a slight difference in the taste. Last night the craziest thing happened to me Wheat-Gluten-Intoleranceand scared the hell out of me. When I was almost done eating dinner, I had a terrible pain in my stomach. This pain was so intense it not only made me very nauseous, but unable to finish my dinner and bent over in pain. Let’s just say without too many details, this was the worst pain my stomach has ever felt. My husband was ready to take me to the Emergency Room and knowing it would cost a small fortune without insurance made my stress increase the pain I was already dealing with drastically.  Thankfully, this all did pass after a little more than an hour and I am okay now, but I also refuse to (13)

❤❤Another thing I would like to add is two people I know are in need of some extra prayers. The first one is my mother who went to the hospital on Friday because of severe pain in her back. After a many tests, the ER doctor said it could be one of two things. She may end up needing to have her gallbladder removed because of gallstones or she needs to pass a kidney stone. Both of these can be terrifying and very painful. I am just hoping this issue is just a kidney stone that will pass soon ending her pain and not needing surgery. It might sound crazy, but surgeries scare me because  errors can happen.

❤❤The other person that is in need of prayers is a dear blogger friend Jessica. Jessica’s son has been in the hospital for I think about a week now. Her sweet little boy has had to endure being in the hospital with doctors poking and prodding him. This would scare the heck img_0737out of me and I am 37, so I cannot imagine how this little boy is feeling. Jessica is a VERY strong and amazing woman, but I do believe the more prayers of healing for her son would be very appreciated! If you have a moment, please check out her blog and maybe leave her some encouraging words as I know she will appreciate your thoughts-

Thank you so much for visiting my site today! Y’all know my posts are not normally this long, but I had a lot to share! I hope the rest of your Sunday is wonderful and peaceful! I do look forward to reading your brilliant thoughts on this post and I do promise to respond as quickly as I can! Never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

30 thoughts on “Sunday Hopes!

  1. Wow, I’m sorry you’re afraid to eat! That’s scary!! I don’t know… maybe you could drink some broth, or something? I sure hope you get health insurance soon!! 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Meg! The insurance thing has been a HUGE mess. If I do get insurance through my company it will end up costing $600 a month which is completely insane! We are looking into buying our own insurance because it is possible it will be less , even with myself and my husband. I hate that I wasn’t told when I first accepted the job how outrageously expensive the insurance would be. I appreciate your kind words!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, it really is a HUGE headache! I agree it shouldn’t be this difficult and health insurance should be a right, not a privilege. It also should not cost SO much money! You know how I feel about healthcare in the states, it is awful and the government and pharmaceutical companies should be ashamed of themselves. Thank you so much for your support. I always appreciate you Meg!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Good post, Alyssa. Prayers will go out! Rain brings me relief, it is the coming of the rain that causes me pain. I’m thankful you did not end up in the hospital with no insurance but remember for next time… it is not that big of a deal because you will get assistance from the hospital billing people after filling out some forms. All I’m saying is, your health is first, always, be safe. The bills will be handled.💜

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much! It is crazy how relaxing I find the sounds of rain to be, but then how much it causes me to hurt. I am so glad that rain brings you relief, but wish the onset of it didn’t cause issues for you. Even though it was some awful pain, I didn’t really think it required a visit to the hospital, especially with the massive amount of flu cases at the moment. I am glad the pain ended of passing and it wasn’t anything serious. I appreciate your advice and caring thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us! I usually get a really heavy head and headache when its going to rain! Our bodys are so connected to the Universe. I hope your friend and the little boy are better soon and you don’t get any more stomach pains!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are more than welcome! Thank you for reading and leaving this great comment! Rain causes me so many issues, but I actually like the sound of it. Sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? I do hope my friend’s little boy gets better soon!! I also appreciate your kind thoughts about my stomach issues. I hope your week has started off well and continues to be great!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much Alyssa asking your fellow bloggers to pray for me. I appreciate all the prayers and concern from you all. I am so proud of what you and your blog are doing for so many people. Another thing, I’m so happy you can touch other people’s life through your writing. Something that you enjoy and have always wanted to do. Keep up the amazing work and know you deserve the awards you’ve been nominated for. You never give yourself credit so just accept the awards and be proud of yourself. All my Love & Support, Mom!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are welcome and I am glad the additional prayers have been helpful! My blogging friends are pretty amazing! I know you are right and I hardly ever give myself any credit. This is all because I am way too hard on myself and my own biggest critic. Thank you for your kind words as always!


  5. You are so deserving of all the awards! Your blog is inspiring to so many, and I am so proud of you.
    I’m so sorry for all the discomfort you have been feeling, both of us would make great meteorologist. Heck, they’re wrong all the time anyway. All it takes is for me trying to get out of the bed in the morning, and I know what the weather conditions will be for the week ahead. LOL!
    I’m so terribly sorry to hear about your Mom. It is so hard to see our mothers aging and seeing them go through so much. My mom has suffered from back, knee, hip, and infection issues in her ankles for as long as I can remember.
    I hope and pray your mom feels better soon. For that matter, I hope that you start feeling better very soon. Lots of Love & ((((Hugs)))) coming your way!!! 💗

    Liked by 2 people

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