The Disability Award

disability awardI was at a complete loss for words when I learned that Melinda at, choose to nominated me for this award because there are so many others with amazing stories of their own. I never in a million years would have thought that I would have such an honor to be nominated for The Disability Award, in part because I hate admitting to having a disability. I will admit that when I read this, it did bring on many emotions and tears, but I then was delighted to be part of this award. Melinda has an amazing site of her own with fabulous knowledge she continues to share. She is dedicated to helping others with disabilities, chronic illnesses and all that comes along with those struggles. Melinda has also gone above and beyond with helping me reblog my posts when I am not able to. Thank you so much Melinda for this amazing opportunity and please anyone that hasn’t viewed her site, check her out and I know you will be happy you did so!cf036bb83ac63b40077ff3367aa06717

To my Nominees: Please answer the questions, choose your own nominees, and develop your own set of questions. Honestly, Melinda’s questions were so amazing that I wanted to use the same questions, but y’all are of course can choose your own questions if you want. Please display the award badge on your blog. I also do not want to add any pressure onto your already busy life, so if you choose to not participate in this award, I completely understand! I will of course LOVE reading your answers and seeing who you decide to nominate for this award!

My amazing nominees are:

My questions from Melinda are:

download (6)What was the first sign of your illness?

The first sign I encountered to this not so fun illness was I lost vision in my left eye. I had absolutely NO idea what was going on and went to my eye doctor. Not only was I in complete and total shock, but I was horrified when of all people an eye doctor told me he suspected MS.

What is your worst symptom and how do you cope with it?images (2)

It is a little difficult to say which of the various symptoms I live with being worst because none of them is at all easy. However, the constant pain can be quite trying and cause me to not do as much as before. I feel that due to pain I end up being forced to limit time on my feet and take breaks more than before.

What one thing about you has changed, as a result of your struggles?

I think the only thing about me that has changed since I was diagnosed with Multiple ms awareness marchSclerosis is I have learned to push past pain. I was always strong with this type of issue, but now that I have pain every minute of every day the strength has only grown.

What words of advice or encouragement would you give to someone else suffering?

The advice and words of encouragement I would offer is, let everyone know they are not allow and never will be. This is something I wish I was told all those years ago because being diagnosed with a chronic illness can be a very lonely feeling.

Name one good thing that has come out of having a chronic illness.never ending nightmare

It seems crazy to say something good that has come out of this chronic illness, but I would say it has taught me to never give up and to always know others struggle in life and need someone to understand. I have made some amazing friends through the blogging community that live with something similar and we are there for one another.

What one thing do you disagree with that is widely accepted as true about your condition?

download (8)There are a few things that I strongly disagree with regarding my condition, but I am only going to share two of them. One is that heat is bad for me and cold is better. The thing is a heating pad gives me a lot of relief. Cold weather causes me to tense up and hurt WAY more. I do think being in the heat too long is not good, but also being cold too long is not good either. I also think with it being 2019 there must be a cure, but the pharmaceutical companies do not want it released because they would not make as much money off ALL of our MANY prescriptions.

If you could change only one aspect of your illness, what would it be?strength

There are many things I wish I could change about this illness, but the main one is that I wish it did not happen to anyone! No one deserves to face the difficulties any chronic illness imposes on their life, well unless they want to mess with the  abilities of insurance we should have!

Name the one thing that works best for you for symptom relief.

The funny this is, even though all doctors tell me heat is horrible for me a heating pad on breathmy legs or back eases the pain for a short amount of time. Of course, pain medication does help the pain, but I refuse to allow myself to be another statistic and become addicted.

Based on your experience, what is one thing that you would tell someone newly diagnosed with chronic illness?

The one thing I would tell someone that was newly diagnosed is something I wish I haddo-your-own-research-ask-questions-discover-your-own-truth-11298906.png been told is, do your own research and learn as much as you can about whatever illness you were diagnosed with. The truth is we are the only one that knows our body better than anyone ever could because no amount of schooling could teach that!

Why did you start blogging?

Be-An-AdvocateThere were several reasons why I wanted to start blogging. One reason was to be an advocate to illnesses and spread the awareness that is needed. Another reason is because of the pure love I have for writing and I also want to be able to help as many people as I can to know they are not alone in this battle.

Thank y’all for stopping by my site today and thank you to my nominees for being thank-you-volunteersthe incredible people you are! Life isn’t easy and living with a chronic illness tries to make things even more difficult, but together we prove these illnesses wrong! I hope if y’all have some free time you will check out my nominees sites and definitely view Melinda’s! I know you will never be disappointment you did so and will feel a sense of encouragement by reading what these individuals share! Thank you once again Melinda for all you do for everyone and the added help you have offered me!

download (6)I hope your weekend has started off great and only continues to get better. I do always appreciate the support you offer by reading and commenting on my posts. Never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

37 thoughts on “The Disability Award

  1. Pingback: The Disability Award — Guest Blogger Fightmsdaily – Looking For The Light

  2. Wooohoooo, congrats on the well-deserved award! I loved reading your answers. To lose sight in one eye must have been terrifying, but I’m glad you had the eye doctor on the ‘eyeball’ (get it?!) for possible MS. You’re right, chronic illness can be very isolating and I always want people to know they’re not alone too, I’d give a huge group hug if I could! Ugh, the cold is rotten for me too. It’s supposed to be spring here in the UK but it’s still feeling like winter. I know I feel the cold more than others typically anyway as my body doesn’t regulate heat well, but it just ups the pain tenfold and I feel rotten. Interesting that it’s usually thought with MS that hot is bad and cold is good though, just goes to show things are different for everyone.
    Thank you also for your very kind nomination!!  ♥
    I hope your week is going as well as possible so far. Can’t believe we’re half way through already, yikes!
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Caz! It made me a little emotional when I saw it, but it is just because I am ultra sensitive. I am proud though that anyone would nominate me for this! Oh my goodness, it was extremely terrifying losing vision in one eye! I thought I was going blind and didn’t know how that would work! You are too cute with what you wrote, the eye doctor on the eyeball! I remember how alone I felt when I was diagnosed and I never want anyone to feel that lonely! It drives me crazy how doctors always tell me how bad heat is for me and cold is better. They couldn’t be more wrong! Of course I can’t be out in the heat for extended times, but it doesn’t make me tense like the cold does!
      You are more than welcome for the nomination! You deserve that and way more because you are so full of great advice and a loving heart! I feel blessed and honored to have you as a friend! I hope your week is going well and it is amazing how fast time is flying by! I hope the last part of your week is great and your weekend is filled with LOTS of happiness! xxx

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  3. Congratulations on winning your award! I was searching for blogs related to disability, disability issues, and chronic illnesses , and I was brought to this post and your blog. It caught my eye. I am an adult with cerebral palsy.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much!! I am so glad you found my blog! It isn’t easy living with a disability and all the issues that follow it, everywhere you go! I know it isn’t easy for you dealing with cerebral palsy, but you can make a difference! You are able to meet others that understand and that is an amazing feeling. I am looking forward to reading what you share and getting to know you!! Thank you so much for visiting my site and I hope you will continue to enjoy what I share!

      Liked by 1 person

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