Brain MRI Day

good afternoonGood afternoon y’all! I hope your weekend is starting off wonderfully! Last night I was able to have my much-needed and dreaded brain MRI. Even though over my 18 years with Multiple Sclerosis I have had SO many MRI’s, I was still extremely nervous! However, if I am being 100% honest I am WAY more nervous about getting the results next week! The waiting period will be brutal because my mind will go in a million different directions and most of those directions lead to the negative thoughts. I am trying to be logical, which is not always easy for me because I know there is no amount of stress or worrying that will change what these results are going to show and all that worrying will just add stress to my life leading to even more PAIN!  

With all the MRI’s I have had in my 18 years with Multiple Sclerosis, this one was just of the brain. It was not long at all and the two MRI techs were absolutely amazing. One of them was the same tech I have had several times before, so it was not scary at all. It was pretty funny because Radiologythe one I have seen many time previously said to me, “Alyssa, do you have any questions before we get started?” Before I was even able to speak he said, “You know I can not tell you anything because this needs to be read by the Radiologist and I just do not have that type of knowledge. Now you also already know you can go online in a few days and read the full report.” I do tend to always ask at the end of the test if they saw anything like lesions. I hate waiting to see the doctor and I know the techs can see the images and probably have a somewhat educated guess on what they are looking at. My goodness they are so stubborn about sharing any news with me which I kind of think that is just mean, just kidding! He did make one funny remark by saying he was happy to announce that I do still have a brain!

For some reason today I am in so much pain, but I am doing my best to just rest. I do tend to use my Saturday’s as a day of rest and anything I think needs to be done waits until Intraoperative-MRI_Joyce_690x380pxlSunday. More than likely the reason for my pain is due to stressing about the MRI and also the argument I had with my mother on the way to the MRI. Isn’t it funny how when you are stressed about something all it takes is one comment to make the calm barriers fall down hard? The smallest of disagreements can turn into a disaster! I am not proud of this, but I am very strong in my nature and can have a hot temper when provoked. Anything I am really passionate about causes me to protect and defend it to the fullest. I will say things I mean, but it will come out in a very hostile manner. I do also believe that anything that happened yesterday is in the past and can not be changed, so all you can do is move on with life and hopefully be less hostile, but we will see about that!

Thank you for visiting my site today and I hope y’all have a great and restful weekend! IHappy-Weekend.-Do-what-makes-you-smile-and-be-happy will do my best to stay calm and definitely not continue thinking about “what” the results are going to tell me on Thursday. I think the only thing I can do between now and Thursday is keep my mind busy by thinking about only the positives aspects of life! Even though those positives can be hard to find because of all the negative in life are still there! Please remember that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

94 thoughts on “Brain MRI Day

    • Thank you so much! Normally I am able to go online to view the results, but I just looked and they have it on hold until Thursday, which is the day of my appointment with the NP. I think they really want my imagination to go wild!! Thank you for the virtual hugs!

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  1. Wow. I do know how stressful this can be. I often tell myself that the results won’t really change anything (my illness will be the same…), but that it is always good to get information even if it is bad as it will inform my choices and maybe my treatment plan. Hugs, and hang in there!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much! I am “normally” able to go online to view what the Radiologist read, but I just tried that and they put them pending/hold until Thursday which is the day of my appointment. Now I am thinking it isn’t good and they do not want me to know yet. Logically I do know the results will not change my illness, I just want to know NOW what they found. Oh my goodness it is going to be a LONG 5 days!

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      • Oh, no. Talk about loading up the stress. I was almost in tears when I was unable to convince the technician that he should give me a print out of my last lung function test results. Like you, I want that data! It helps to know before the appointment what you are dealing with, doesn’t it. Hang tough. Hugs!!

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      • It is adding WAY too much stress to my mind! I mean seriously, why in the world would they block me from MY results? I do not think it is right! I can imagine how you were feeling. I guess in my mind, it is our body and our knowledge to know! So why do the choose to not share it with us?! HUGS!

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  2. I always find the waiting the worst part aswell, and even though it doesn’t make any difference, it is very hard to not worry (I always worry!). I hope you are able to have a relaxing weekend and to do lots of nice things to take your mind of it. 🙂 Me and Dizzy will be thinking of you, and we hope the results are ok. Please let us know when you get them. Sending donkey hugs and kisses. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Waiting really is the worst part of things and making the results blocked is even worse. I know there isn’t anything I can do to change the results, they are what they are and I will live with it as always. I am trying to keep my mind distracted. I thank you and Dizzy for your hugs and kisses! I hope y’all have a great weekend!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I hate getting MRIs. Haven’t needed or had on in a few years, and I am fine with that, but they are an evil thing. Well, maybe not the MRI, as much as every single MRI tech always wants you to lay perfectly still and not move, at all. I just can’t do that, MS restless leg syndrome is the biggest reason for that.

    *deep breath*

    Enough of my complaining, I hope all goes well for you, and it isn’t as much of an issue as mine have been at times. *BIG HUGS*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh no worries, I can relate to everything you said! I have had way too many MRI’s and the waiting doesn’t get any easier!! My mind is doing crazy things wondering why the results are LOCKED!! I guess at this point they are what they are and I just will live with it as always.

      I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend! You are still puppy sitting, right?


  4. “You still have a brain,”? That is hilarious! Comic gold. MRI Tech 101: Make sure the patient still has a brain in there.

    I hope the results will be insightful and therapeutic to uncover!! Many blessings!!

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  5. I hope all goes well with the MRI results. I was thinking of you all day on Friday. I thought your MRI was on Thursday, so my Friday. Then again I’ve had so many appointments and tests recently. When is your follow up appointment with the doctor?
    I’ll be thinking of you.
    Have an awesome weekend! And I hope you get the well rested rest you deserve.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am sorry for my delayed response, but that you so much for your kind thoughts! So my Thursday is your Friday? You are a day ahead of me!
      My follow-up is this Thursday. I am a little worried about the results because normally I am able to view them online, but they are blocked. My mind has wandered thinking worse case, but maybe it is just because the doctor needs to see them first.
      I hope you had a lovely weekend. So, is today Monday for you?


  6. I get hostile & defenseless too when I’m passionate about something! As for the MRI, I hope everything turns out okay! I’ve only had a few in my life & they scare me. I get claustrophobic every time but i’m not normally claustrophobic. Maybe it’s just anxiety. Idk.Lol.

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  7. I truly am sorry Alyssa for causing you more stress on such an important and scary day. Sometimes I forget you’re an adult and a smart one at that. I know your brain never turns off and you think over every situation including the “What if’s” and everything in between. I do believe in you and know you can handle your life just fine. I just get scared at times because even though you’re an adult you’ll always be my baby. That’s what a Mother does, “Worry”. That does not by any means say I don’t trust your decisions or choices. Just the opposite. I have all the faith in the world in you and know if anyone has thought of everything and more, It’s you! I’m proud of you and the person you’ve become. Always know I’m your biggest fan! All my Love & Support!💜💜

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    • Thank you Mom! It was just a bad day and I was already very stressed. It is okay to let things go of what happened in the past and just focus on the present. Oh and by the way, I have found out it isn’t mold in the house it is just mildew. Like I had already told you, we are getting things taken care of. The house will be fine whenever we do move into it. It is a well-built family home with tons of memories.


  8. MRI done and dusted, now the wait until Thursday. Don’t over think why the site is blocked. Maybe there are technical issues?. If there are new lesions, doesn’t always mean a progress in our MS does it?. My Neuro once told me I could have been walking around with lesions for years and not known. I know what you are going through though. The whole process is a crap stress build up. Try and give yourself a little mental break before Thursday. Thinking of you!.x

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  9. I don’t think I should reply when I’ve just woken up!, haha. Really didn’t mean to sound flipant. Just trying to make you feel re assured. You know me, so I hope you didn’t read my last message the wrong way. :)x

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