Motivational Monday!

Good morning y’all! I hope you had a lovely weekend and I hope you have an amazing start to the new week! I hope y’all find my Monday quote very motivating as I find it so very loving and encouraging!

Be the Rainbow

I hope y’all have a great day! I look forward to reading your thoughts about my Monday motivation! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all lots of ❤ love and comfort!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

18 thoughts on “Motivational Monday!

    • Thank you so much! Your sense of humor always makes me smile! I am at work right now and it really isn’t the most pleasant atmosphere, so reading that you try to be someones meatball on their spaghetti made my day a little better😊😊

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  1. Maya Angelou was a woman of such strength and wisdom, and I love this quote, it brings you outside of yourself a little to remind us how we can positively impact the lives of others. Happy Monday, Alyssa – I hope this week is kind to you! 🙂
    Caz xx

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    • Thank you SO much Caz!! I really could not agree with you more! I do believe we all need to step outside our bubbles every now and then and realize things we do can impact others! I really appreciate your comment!
      I hope you are having a great day Caz😊

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